The Winx Club Club
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"There's a glow of a distant light,
Calling you to come outside,
To feel the wind on your face and your skin,
And it's here I begin my story." -Madonna


Snow. To everyone, it has a different meaning. To some, it signals the first sign of winter, and the time to pull out all those winter coats and mittens; to others, it means Christmas has come and it is the time to get together with family and celebrate; and to others, it is just a nuisance that signals an impending doom. Snow? Hmph. Why can't water just stay in its liquid state? So much less annoying and sticky and...witch bringing.

There she stood, the wind stinging her face and the snow blinding her eyes, as she tried desperately to keep her footing and keep a tight grip on her presents. Why did Bloom have to invite us on such a horrible night? 'Christmas spirit', eh? Is it really worth me freezing to death?! Her teeth chattered and her short, purple, pixie cut bangs fluttered furiously and sparraticaly in the wind; whacking her nose, eyes and forehead. She shivered, her body trembling as the blizzard picked up speed. But, she couldn't just stand here, still. She needed to move; she needed to conserve her body heat...she needed to make it to Bloom's house.

There was a shrill noise echoing throughout the storm, something that did not sound like wind at all. It was cold, fierce and piercingly deadly...nothing an ordinary storm could produce (No matter how ironic that might sound). It resonated through the chilly air, chilling the bones of anything that dare hear it. It was a horrible noise, that was evil to the core and colder than anything on this Earth.

Tecna tried shielding her eyes from the oncoming wave of snow, her eyes stinging and tears trailing down her face as they hit the sensitive part of her eyes. This is no ordinary all my years of researching this planet, never have I come across any records that state such terrible yet perfect conditions for such a powerful storm... Her legs wobbled as if they were made of jello. She had to move...

A sudden powerful gust of wind knocked her off of her feet, sending her crashing to the hard, icy pavement. Tecna let out a shout of anguish, as pain shot of her spine. She could feel her body beginning to shut down. "N-no..." She shattered out. "It can't end this way! I am T-Tecna, fairy of--" She shuttered as another shill ran down her spine. The shrill noise filled her ears again, but this time, she could make it out. It didn't sound like some omnipotent being, it sounded--female.

"You're certainly a fairy...Popsicle, that is." The voice said, a numbness traveling through Tecna's body as she realized who it was. She must be the cause of the storm...she's the cause of all my anguish, my hatred for this weather. And how do you get rid of a problem? You have to get rid of its source. She looked up and saw her hovering there, her eyes as cold as the air and hair as white as the snow billowing around them. "Well well, look who finally came to." She sneered, Tecna glaring up at the witch. "Icy..." Tecna hissed.

Icy smirked back down at her. "That's my name, honey, don't wear it out." Tecna growled, and tried standing up, only to have a fierce wind and chill bring her to her knees. "W-what are you doing here?" She snapped, Icy laughing. "It's so funny seeing you so vulnerable. Not so high and mighty now without your pixie friends to back you up, hmm? Not to mention, I am in my element here." Tecna shivered, but she could not look weak; looking subordinate in front of Icy was probably the last thing you should ever do. "You didn't answer my question."

Icy huffed, checking her long blue nails. "I'm having some fun. I know how these Earth people love snow so much, so I decided to just freeze em all. Then they'd be frozen in their own winter wonderland." Tecna snarled. "Why do you always have to torment these poor people? And for that matter, why can't you ever leave us a lone? We can never have a moment of peace!" Icy let out a harsh laugh. "Ever since I fist laid eyes on you Winx, I have always had the vision of destroying you. Of plucking off your wings--one by one--making you suffer in agony, like I did; when your precious little Bloom blew me off of Alfea, or when you sent me to that insufferable Light Haven. I have been pushed down, shoved to the side too many times by you pesky pixies. But no more." Icy raised her hands above her head, a strong wind blowing Tecna back several feet; ice and snow racing towards her at extremely high speeds.

No! She thought, feeling the magic pump through her veins as adrenaline rushed through her body; her brain sending her messages that she was in danger and needed to do something. "Digital Net!" She shouted, a green, computer-web surrounding her from the attack. Icy growled in anger. "Damn you fairies and your sparkly magic! I'm going to freeze you in there. Then we'll see who's the fly in the web." She snarled, spinning around and causing a funnel made of ice and heavy snow to surround Tecna, encasing her inside. Tecna gasped, looking around her as the oxygen was slowly bled dry from the snow. She began coughing, the air rising around her and her mind reeling to try and find a way out of this.

Okay...okay...think. You're loosing oxygen fast, you need a way out of this. You need to melt the snow! Or, at least change the structure of the water molecules...wait, you can do that? She shook her head, the lack of breathable air starting to get the better of her. Okay focus! You don't have long... She swallowed, and raised her hand. She only had one shot at this...and she better had made it count. "Techno Punch!" She shouts, shooting a green ball at the snow--causing a gaping hole to form in the fortress; air filling it as well as snow. Tecna gasped, smirking at her success.

"Actually Icy, you're the one who's become trapped in their own web--Winx, Sirenix!" She shouts, transforming into her Sirenix and busting through her prison in a bright, green light. She glared at Icy, who was practically fuming at the moment (Well, as much as an ice witch could). "You little brats always get your way, don't you? Well that's about to change! Icicle Barrage!" She shouted, tiny shards of ice aiming towards Tecna's feet. "Techno Kick!" Tecna shouted, smashing the attack into snow flakes. "Ice Wave!" Icy hissed, a large arc of sharped ice heading straight for Tecna. "Neon Splice!" Tecna hissed, the ice smashing, or even rebounding on her shield, Icy being hit by a few of her attacks.

"You brat! I'll make sure that you don't get to your friends...I'll make sure you don't have a, merry Christmas." Icy said, the last line coming out sweet and false. "I've had just about enough of you, Icy." Tecna snarled. It's time to get rid of her once and for all... "Digital Net!" She shouted, trapping the angry witch inside of her own technological prison. Tecna flew over, her wings fluttering in the soft breeze, for you see, when she trapped Icy inside, the weather had instantly calmed; a simple and soft snowfall the only thing disturbing the atmosphere now.

Icy growled, blasting at the shield and kicking at it, but she earned no response from her cell. Tecna smirked at her. "Bye bye, Icy." She said, clapping her hands, causing the cage to disappear in a flash of bright green light. When all was said and done, Tecna let out a sigh of relief, her Sirenix form vanishing as she landed on the ground, slightly exhausted. "Well that was certainly exciting." She said, shaking off the final cold sweats that threatened her demeanor. She looked up at the sky and let a small smile cross her face. "Maybe snow isn't so bad...well, at least when it's like this." She said, immediately remembering the bags of presents she had had with her. "Oh no! My gifts!" She gasped, looking around, trying to find them. After several minutes, she eventually found the soaked clothes; torn books; rusted flute; withered rose and scattered shoes. She huffed. "These are ruined..." She said, mentally slapping herself afterwards. "Why am I complaining? I'm a fairy!" She said, snapping her fingers. In a second, all the gifts were as good as new. "Magic...what would I do without it?"

Finally...she had arrived at Bloom's house. She glanced at the window and noticed that everyone else had arrived. There was a fire going, presents being passed around and warm glow from the trees light just seemed to entice anyone that might pass by. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Oh I hope they're not mad at me being so late...I'm usually so punctual! What will I say to them? Will they ask where I've been? Will they--

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the door opened, Bloom standing there, wearing a tacky sweater and holding a cup of hot cocoa in her hands. "Tecna there you are! We were starting to get worried! I'm so happy that you could make it!" She said, smiling. Tecna gave her friend a smile back. "I'm happy that I could come as well." She said, walking inside. "Hey look who finally came!" Musa said, all the Winx waving hello to their friend. "Tecna finally! Where have you been, what took you so long?" Stella gasped. Tecna frowned. She debated on whether or not she should account to her friends what took place between her and Icy. was the holidays; it was Christmas. She shouldn't be lingering on the past, she should be celebrating what was going on now, with her friends; with those she loved. She let out a happy laugh. "Oh nothing much Stella. You know, just the Christmas rush..."


Plot: XxLalasaysxX
Mottos: lovebaltor
Title: MissAngelPaws
Image: XxLalasaysxX
Writer: lovebaltor
"Come wind, come snow, come winterland..." -Kamelot
"Come wind, come snow, come winterland..." -Kamelot
added by vanessa_winx
added by vanessa_winx
added by vanessa_winx
added by vanessa_winx
added by vanessa_winx
added by CyD12
added by mada7b0mb0
Oay i thought of writing this when i saw princess-Flora's version. Here's mine, with different confessions. Originals are at the bottom.

1. I really agree with this one. Sky's hair looks ridiculous in season 5. Just as ridiculous as Helia's. (If not more.) I don't really care about the voice actors, i grew up watching the nick dub since they started dubbing in 2010. So... yea.

2. I honestly agree with this one alot. Not only cause of the young fans but more so because of the way she acted in season 4 would've been for nothing then. Turning against the winx, and what not. Roy is cool, but no.

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posted by WinxClub_Stella
Okay, before I start my rant I wanted to say I love the Winx and even though I do love it (as most people) there are things wrong with it now. I'm going to start off with Musa and her sudden personality change.

In the 4kids version and maybe the 1 hour special as well (i don't know I haven't seen it) Musa, when first saw her and up until season 3, always had this hip-hop speech and attitude towards life. She would sometimes say "just like my dad wrote in a song" but with a hip hoppy attitude. Now I get that everybody changes and she might not have stayed that way anyway, but from season 4 up...
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posted by florasedge31
The merman guards swam to the castle. They told the castle guards that they brought Flora to see if the king and queen thought she would be able to marry their son. Flora slowly started to wake up.
"W-where am i?" She asked. Then she looked around and at herself then gasped.
"What did you do to me?!"
"Just a few tweaks." One of the guards joked.
"Now shh and bow down before the king." Flora did as told.
"You may rise." The king boomed.
"Who is this?" The king questioned.
"This is Flora we think that she would be nice for your son." The guard answered.
"Hmmm... She is quiet a beauty. Let's see what...
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posted by tecna535
Gem Of Mind
Gem Of Mind

Gem of Mind is Tecna's special Believix power which she can use to make people believe in magic or overcome their weaknesses. She can use this to make people think correctly and put themselves on the first place. It is used twice in Season 4.

Times When Used

Season 4 Episode 10 - Used it to stop the fighting girls about a dress and put them in second place.

Season 4 Episode 11 - Used it to make some thieves realize that what they are doing, is wrong.


Bright Heart is Musa's Believix power that can make people believe in magic. She can also make a person believe that they can indeed change....
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posted by Mariolka

Chapter 5:

The women clapped her hands together, "Well, now that we've got that out of the way, I believe you all are tired from your journey. Come we'll give you supper, and then we'll get you rooms." Suddenly they all realized just how hungry, and tired they were.

"Thank-you um. . . ." Bloom said.

"Please call me Andromeda." The women said.

"Why are all our names Greek?" Artemis asked.

"Oh, and for the first few days try to ignore any of Artemis's sarcastic or unlikeable comments . . ." Andromeda said.

"They should, I'm the only one with good judgement around here." Artemis...
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posted by winkslover22
sky just broke up with bloom. what bloom did't know was its her twin sister. her sister is the goddess of magic.

hey bloom. what stella bloom said. guess what their a new fairy at alfea she looks exaclty like u. really bloom said. come look: stella. bloom:fine. roes: bye sky love you to. sky:love you roes have fun at alfea call me when your done unpacking. Roes:i will. roes:i better head to my dorm. Bloom: hey watch it. Roes: sorry i didt see u. can you help me find my dorm? bloom: sure let me see your paper. ok your in the same dorm as me. Roes:cool. thanks.Roes: whats your name im roes. Bloom...
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posted by nugget14
Nova is a fairy at Alfea from Solaria. Her first appearance is in episode 4 of season 3. She is from Solaria, the same realm as Stella. She helps fill in the news for Stella and tells her the latest gossip for Solaria. When the Winx went to Andros to slow Valtor's takeover of the realm Nova helped Stella cover up for them.

Nova also helps Stella and the Winx Club to sneak into King Radius's wedding by suggesting they impersonate the flying biker troop.

First appearance: The Mirror of Truth
Age at first appearance: 16
Origin: Solaria
Affiliations: The Winx (friend), Alfea, Solaria
Power/powers: Stars
Relationship: Stella(princess and long time friend), unnamed mother

Info from winx club wiki
Nova's magic winx outfit
Nova's magic winx outfit
They hoped in the ship and went to Pizza Plaza. Once they had finished eating, the boys dropped the girls back to Alfea.
Once Musa and Tecna were back in there room Musa asked Tecna:

Musa: Did you see the way Riven kept looking at Galatea, the whole time.
Tecna: Well, sort of. Why?
Musa: ummm.....well. You don’t think that Riven likes Galatea do you?
Tecna: What! That’s completely illogical. Riven likes you.
Musa: Yeah, well now I’m kinda if he really does.
Tecna: ummm. Don’t get up me, by me saying this but I do sort of think that Riven was kinda lookin at Galatea, strangely.
Musa: I knew...
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The Winx!: In the First Movie!
The Winx!: In the First Movie!
Hello there! Well- I was undeniably very bored, so I decided to write this article! Some users say that their 'Winx Fanatics' but, will this article prove them wrong, and prove that you're actually the one who is the fanatic? Find out and enjoy! :)


Everyday Life

When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you want to do, is count or look over all the Winx stuff that you have. May it be dolls, books, games or clothes! You just want to re-check it once again. You go on with your day, possibly wearing clothing imprinted with Winx, or, with anything...
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And now the second part(pleease comment and go to see my ''a guide to edits made by 4Kids to Winx Club''and comment ther too..:-):-)Hope you like it!!!

More Than High School
(European title: "Welcome to Magix!")
We meet Stella and Bloom's roommates. Let's go over the edits (and non-edits):
Removal: A shot of a few students entering Alfea gets link
Not an edit: No one points out that Bloom's pet rabbit Kiko passes through the magic barrier perfectly fine in either version, but originally at least, they show Kiko reacting to passing through just fine.
Addition / Visual: The shot of Stella talking...
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Winx Club are back! Now they'll have to reach the Believix level, a new transformation that grant the ability to make someone believe in magic. In addition, Believix also gives 3 additional wings to make the form more powerful: Speedix (speed enhancement), Zoomix (teletransportation), and Tracix (travel through time). They will also meet the Wizards of the Black Circle, a group of villains who are after the last fairy on Earth, in order to gain full power. Winx Club will have to find her protect her from the the Wizards, but they have to go unnoticed. In order to live on Earth, they will open...
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posted by tslol99
the outfit Stella wears talking to Cassie the next morning
the outfit Stella wears talking to Cassie the next morning
Stella just insulted Cassie and Cassie ran out crying

Stella's mom: Stella I want u to go apologize to her
Stella: But mom I-
Stella's mom: A a a no buts
Stella: Fine
(gets up)
Stella's mom: No I want u to apologize tomorrow
Stella: Y tomorrow
Stella's mom: I want to give her some time to cool off
everyone but Stella looks at each other

the next morning
Stella knocks on Cassie's door not happy or sorry

Stella: Cassie can I talk to u
Cassie: What do u want Stella
Stella: I wanted to talk to u about last night
Cassie: O do u I bet mom told u to go am I right
Stella: Umm sure but really I want to say that I'm...
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posted by tslol99
Musa just found out that her dad lied to her

Tune: And lieng is not propper manners
Musa: Okayyy dad y would u do that
Musa's dad: That is not the only thing its u rarely call anymore and the last time I checked your grades they seemed lilke they were slipping
Musa: Thats not the piont u lied to me
Musa runs off with Tune behind her

Riven just got to Melody and is lost

Riven: Where in the world am I
a random person: U r in Melody of course but to b more spasific u r in Quarter Note
Riven: Okayyyyy um do u know were Rhythum...
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