The Winx Club Club
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Apparently the episodes Nick had released were back to back, making for some form of a one hour special. The upside to this is that I won't have to wait to tear this episode apart, limb from limb. The downside...? Well, it's having to watch two of these in a row. But apparently everyone else get their Bloomix transformation in this one, so let's see how this goes.

Of course we start off at Limphea...again. Okay, I know that a few seasons have had episodes go off of each other (Like when Tecna fell into the Omega Portal) but I don't think they have spent over three episodes in the same location, still dealing with the same problem. Doing this over and over again does not make the pacing of the show any better. It makes me bored to know that a new episode we've waited over a month for, will still take place in the same location that the one before it did. If an older episode did this, I cut it some slack. Why? Because it came out on time. A concept Nick doesn't seem to understand.

Anyways, we see Stella grab Layla and pulls her away from the site of the two petrified boys [Roy and Nex], trying to get her to pull it together so they can defeat the monsters and make it out okay. I'm sorry, but now you're screwing up who Layla was too? In season two, she didn't care about boys at all. Frankly, she was the one who always stepped up to try and one-up the Specialist. Even in season three when she first met Nabu, she didn't like him. Now all of a sudden she's like, "omg boyz i cannot live without dem." Really guys.

As the "basilisks" continue to attack, the Winx wonder how they're going to get rid of the monsters without their powers. Uh hello, Flora just earned her freaking Bloomix over here. Why don't you make her do all the dirty-work? And I love Tecna's line here, "And we only have a piece of the dragon flame." Yeah cuz, this whole new transformation isn't sensationalizing that power one bit.

Flora tells a few of the Specialists to try and distract a few of the "basilisks" while they try and figure out a plan. We see one of the freshman witches try and take one of the guys down (And is it me, or do all the witches seem to shoot these generic, dark looking beams? Just because they're witches doesn't mean we can't have the same amount of power/move diversity that fairies have) but she obviously fails. One of the "basilisks" ends up chasing both Musa and Tecna, Musa then--using her magic...? Whoa, whoa, whoa--where did that come from? I thought they didn't have any powers until they achieved their Bloomix? And they certainly didn't get it. How can Musa suddenly use magic again? I know she has a part of the dragon fire in her, but it only seems to be activated when they gain this new form. If she can use magic, why didn't they allow Flora to use magic to save her sister? This show's become about as consistent as "Glee".

So they eventually realize that there are "basilisks" everywhere, Stella and Layla being the target of two which are headed straight for them. Not having any magic to do to defend themselves (Unlike Musa...*throws the canon logic Nick themselves established in a fire*) Layla reminds Stella of this triple back-flip thing she taught them how to do in training. The two perform the move just as these "basilisks" began shooting their petrifying beams at them; the two monsters turning themselves into stone and smashing into pieces as they hit the ground (Well I guess we now know what would happen if they turned a fairy into stone while she was still in flight...quick, one of you use Bloom as a human shield!). As they land, they congratulate each other on their 'accomplishment' and...earn their Bloomix?

Okay hold the fuck up. Lemme see here...aha! "A fairy needs to have at least a part of the Dragon's Flame's power to earn Bloomix." Alright, we got that part, now what do they need to do again? "To finish, she needs to do a special good deed." Hmm...yes, now please, explain to me how spinning and defeating two enemies is a "special good deed"? Like seriously now. All the new transformations that they're getting, are seriously just being handed to them. It really started in season four, with those stupid Gifts of Destiny. Like, "omg its cold? lovix!11" What was the point of those things? And with Harmonix, "omg we opened a book; luk new powerzz!" and even with Believix all they had to do was make Roxy's realize that she was a fairy. Now all they have to do to earn this 'special' transformation is defeat an enemy? Imagine if they just had to do that to earn Enchantix. "omg valtor sent a creature. kill it!11!! omg luk new powerzz lul." Talk about lazy.

After they transform (And what is up with Layla getting these shitty hairstyles, like seriously) Stella uses her new-found powers to get rid of the remaining basilisks and return the petrified fairies and Specialists back to normal. Well that was easy, why didn't you do something like that, Flora? A few of the freshman try picking a fight with the nature fairy, but they're easily swatted away.

We finally return back to the uh..."battle" that was going on between Bloom and Icy (Btw guys, comeback. Bloom says, "You better watch yourself Icy." Icy should have gone, "Yeah well you better check yourself before you wreck yourself." And then deflect one of her attacks, causing Bloom to hit herself and knock herself out. LOL you done fucked up son). Nothing really happens because Bloom brings Icy's attention to the retreating freshman, she (Along with her sisters...who just magically re-appear) heading back to Cloudtower; deciding that they were going to leave Limphea.

Back on the college grounds, everyone is celebrating from the victory and the Trix finally leaving. Various fairies say their thanks to the Winx girls (Even though Bloom didn't do jack shit) and Flora says goodbye to her little sister Miele, hoping to see her once again.

We're taken back to Alfea where the Winx, for some reason, are in class--even though we've clearly established in the past that they are guardian fairies and have freaking graduated from Alfea (That's why they were teachers in season four, guys). But, that head-canon aside, Daphne finally enters, explaining to the girls that she has been invited to the Golden Auditorium, the most prestigious music academy in all of the magical realms (By the way, she says that going to this place will help the 'students' "further understand our studies". So the Winx are still in school? I understand that you can come back to college to study some more courses and what-not, but when you join college, you should be around eighteen. I know this show was made in Italy and the age for going to higher levels of education are slightly different, but if you're going to be producing this show in America, and the target audience are American, I'm pretty sure you should be sticking to our education system. Which you clearly aren't).

We see Musa call Riven, she trying to explain to him where they've been invited and how important it is to her. But all he seems to be interested in is practicing and becoming a better fighter. Obviously this doesn't end well, Musa asking Tecna, "Why do I even try anymore?" It's a valid question. Riven is a douche, so why do you keep insisting on making this relationship work? Tecna doesn't pay attention (Good...no1curr) and Musa obviously gets upset, Tecna explaining that she has to work on some math homework. Musa just ignores this and starts practicing before Tecna tells her to stop; Musa getting all defensive and prissy. Musa, ya know, I've always been neutral towards your character, but right now, that attitude is really starting to piss me off. Just because you're having relationship issues, doesn't mean you should take your anger out on other people (Especially your best friend!). If you want to relax by music, why don't you be courteous and listen to it via ear-buds? Tecna is trying to work and study for an exam so, so sorry that she doesn't want you playing a fucking electric guitar. Jeez.

We finally see what this hoytey-toytey school looks like, Musa basically gushing the way in while saying the names of various old musicians (Greek names...smooth). Daphne soon introduces the Winx to the school's headmistress (Who looks to be around 20...despite knowing Daphne who's obviously been gone for more than 19 years). The woman asks if she can speak to Daphne privately, Daphne sending the Winx off to explore (And is it strange that they're the only ones there? Didn't Daphne say that the entire class was going to this school? Did she just forget or were the other kids not important enough?). The headmistress begins to speak to Daphne about the Trix, she thinking that they might have more to them than meets the eye.

We're finally taken to Cloudtower where Icy rants how unfair it is that the Winx just keep getting more and more transformations--which you gotta admit, is pretty true. She tells Selina to pick another monster, while she and her sisters go off to conquer another magical school. While Selina is flipping through the Legendarium, a man (Asharon? Idk) says that he is watching her, and tells her that she's getting stronger (Obvious plot point is, is it just me, or does he sound an awful lot like Tritannus?).

Back at the Auditorium, we see the Winx enter inside their music hall where several fairies are performing (Mainly on string instruments). A few of the girls venture of, playing a few of the instruments (Btw, "magia violin" my butt, that's a viola. It's wider and looks even bigger than the one the girl was playing. And how the hell does Layla know how to play it just as well, and know the exact same song as the students, when she's never practiced? I'd kill just to be able to do that).

Cora (Go away we want Tune) asks Musa why the concert hall was built so far away from everything, Musa explaining the story of the pandemonium sprites (Love Tecna's line though. "Allegedly, just saying." It's the truth though, guys. Always question everything. Don't just believe something because you see or hear it. Always question whatever new information you're given in life). She says that underneath the school there is a system of caves, and that these creatures would come up from them to ruin the music coming from the halls.

Back at Cloudtower, Selina is flipping through the Legendarium when she just coincidentally comes across the exact same story; she releasing the monsters into the halls of the music school.

With the Winx, Musa once again begins to bitch and moan at Tecna. Seriously, what's your problem? She starts snapping at Tecna, saying that she isn't taking an interest in the instruments or the school itself (Btw, "Who says I'm not taking an interest in this place?"; "Uh me." Bitch much?).Really though, just because someone might not find something as fascinating as you do, doesn't mean you have to be a total Catch U Next Tuesday *ahem look at the first letters* towards people. If I acted the same way towards my friends because they didn't really like metal as much as I do, well then I doubt I'd have very many friends. Seriously Musa, you're the one who needs to 'relax'. But before Musa can complain anymore, the sprites suddenly appear, the Winx jumping into action; Bloom transforming into her Sirenix while the others (Minus Musa and Tecna) transform into their Bloomix (Btw what's with this intense like, effect going on behind Musa? The only other time I've seen this used is in an anime so...why).

Musa: "Senpai when will you notice meeee."
Musa: "Senpai when will you notice meeee."

The four of them [Bloom, Stella, Layla and Flora] try taking out the critters, but it becomes apparent rather quickly that these things are stronger than they look; they using sound waves to not only block the Winx's attack, but to knock the group out as well--leaving only Musa and Tecna behind. Musa decides that it would be best to lead them on with music, creating a clarinet out of magic (Again, wtf) and beginning to play it, soon leading the rats into the caves (And this is not a clarinet. Not only does it not sound like one, but I don't think any instrument in that category sounds anything like whatever she's playing. Not even an oboe, and that would be my second guess).

They start walking around the cave, noticing that the sprites have finally arrived; they using their voices to make stalactites fall from the ceiling, causing the formations to rain down upon Musa and Tecna. Musa soon comes up with the idea to use her voice to fight back, and...? *Sigh* Whoever sang did a really good job. Seriously, whoever sang that, props to you. Compared to the whiny obnoxiousness of the Sirenix and Bloomix theme, that was just candy to the ears. That immediately turned sour when they earned their Bloomix afterwards (And I gotta ask...what was their courageous act? Maybe standing up against the rats without any magic? But Tecna and Musa believing in each other is really what got the transformation started. This isn't Believix, dammit).

The two start using their new abilities, with Musa using her voice once again (Ah...pretty noise) while Tecna amplifies it; causing the sprites to basically explode ("agGH its too fab!!11! *explodes*). We see that everyone is alright, the headmistress thanking Tecna and Musa for not only the beautiful song, but finding a way to defeat the sprites (And Daphne though, "I can't believe you two came up with this in the midst of such pandemonium." Badum-tiss*).

We see that the Winx have returned to Alfea, Bloom walking about and getting upset when she assumes she hears Tecna and Musa fighting again. But, surprise, it's all good; Tecna creating an amplifier for Musa's guitar which she can listen to through her headphones (Boom. What did I say, what did I say?).

Back at Cloudtower, we see that the Trix have taken to conquering the fairy school on Eraklyon. While a few fairies are off cowering in the distance, we see an all too familiar face appear in front of them. *dun, DuN, DUN* It's Diaspro! Yes, she's back. She tells the Trix (Oh god her voice is annoying) that she wants to join them, saying that she'll make their powers stronger.

We see a preview of the next episode of Daphne's...coronation ceremony? WHAT THE HELL? Daphne is just a princess? How is that fair? Bloom is next in line for queen, but Daphne is just a princess? *Flips table* How is that fair? Can you imagine the conversation between her and Marion? "Daphne, I know you're our eldest daughter whom we haven't seen in years and was the next heiress to the throne,'s obvious that your father and I love one more than the other." But all is not well, and Diaspro appears at the celebration as well, the preview leaving us on...everyone trying to get Bloom's precious dragon flame. eUUUGH. I am just--you know what? No. I am done complaining. I am not going to give people the satisfaction of knowing that Bloom's attention pisses me off. Fuck the dragon fire. I hope it's the devil's fire and Bloom made a deal to get that power; a hell hound eventually coming to get her into hell for her dues.

*sighs* I'm the Winx-Critic, I remember it so you don't have to. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to listen to Kamelot's "The Great Pandemonium" to help calm my soul...
Roxy was playing with Artu. Then, she hears someone knocking. " I'm coming!" she says as she walks through the living room.
She opens the door. She freaks out. " Oh Stella!" she says. " I thought you were in your bedroom.." "Hi, I'm here to visit Stella." Stella says.
"Stop joking! I hate your jokes!" told Roxy. " Stella didn't tell you about me, didn't she?" asks Stella. "She didn't tell me she was gonna make a joke at 8:00am!" shouts Roxy.
"What do you mean? Really, I'm here to visit --" "Hey, Liliane!" says Stella as she appears in a different costume. " What in the world? You have a twin?" asks Roxy.
Bloom appears. " Another Stella?" Bloom asks. "You silly! That's Liliane, my twin sister!" Stella laughs and she hi-fives with Liliane. " Stella, y'a know what? Roxy thought you were messin' with her!" laughs Liliane.
-------- THE END ----------
Oh yes. This is an article-series focusing on the most "popular" of the deadly women on this show. So, if you don't like any of them - I suggest you leave now, before you get flamed by me (and any other fans) of these deadly women.
In these articles, I will explain my point of view on the deadly woman who have shown/appeared on this show - from the Trix, to Chimera. I hope you fans of these women enjoy this series.


The Trix

~ We start with of course: the Trix. The three main women that every Winx fan should be familiar...
continue reading...
AN: Sorry I'm so late on the updates readers. I've been fairly busy with school and family time, so I haven't really had much time to work on this story. Hope you all can forgive me and my excuses ^^' Other than that, it you're still going with this story; I hope you enjoy this chapter.


It was a peaceful day in Alfea, school for fairies. The sun was shining and there was a slight breeze cooling off anyone who may be outside. The lake near the school was shining brightly, and so did the pink tiles coating the school.

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Professor Wiz Giz asked me to stay and be an example for a class of Freshman. . .
Professor Wiz Giz asked me to stay and be an example for a class of Freshman. . .
Every Other Day

Flora picked up her green with pink flowers watering can and begann to water her flowers. She smiled glad it was a Friday, and glad she had a few minutes alone before the other Winx Girls came back and started talking about their day. And then ater anout an hour of talking Stella freaking out about thier group date. Then, right on cue, the Winx CLub came strolling in talking and giggling loudly.

Stella's day was not going good. First she failed a pop quiz by Professor Wiz Giz, then she was late to Garzelda's class, earning her and the rest of the class a lecture about pucuality....
continue reading...
posted by missdada15
Lol i was board xD

Fairy tales that i think the winx characters would fit in:

The Snow Queen:

Snow Queen -Icy

Snow White:

Snow white-Musa


Princ- Helia

Sleeping Beauty:


The frog princess:


The Little Mermaid:

Sea Witch:Ogron(I know hes a guy but it fits…lets say sea wizerd?)


The nice lady- Morgana
The students can become true warriors here, skilled in the use of magic and technology!

Red Fountain is the Magix college that trains the bravest boys in the Magical Dimension to become qualified Magix experts. They help the fairies and are always ready to lend a hand. The students live in the college. They learn how to use all kinds of weapons, from the most traditional to the most technological. They drive special vehicles that they can use on their missions. Each one has his own personal dragon that he trains with. Red Fountain was destroyed by the wicked Trix but rose again from the ashes. Now it’s even more imposing.
Another twinxy adventure!
Another twinxy adventure!
(The fight will begins)

Ms Faragonda:Lisa and Siobhan,these will be ur challenges.Trained earth powered fairies Kelly and Amy.
Lisa:Oh great!
Ms Faragonda:Terra and Angelica,ur challenges will also be trained elements powered fairies Zim-Zim and Charla.
Terra:I have a feeling that the confidence is leaving.
Ms Faragonda:Kristina and Rosena,u will fight against trained electricity powered fairies Sandra and Camille.
Kristy;Call the ambulance.
Rosena:We might need the mental hospital.
Ms Faragonda:Sabbra and Sunshime,u will fight against trained air powered fairies Karma and Lucy.
Sunshime:I am sweating!!!!My...
continue reading...
Trinx Club!!!!!!!
Trinx Club!!!!!!!
(Hey all,ready for my ff,then here it is)

Andrina:Wow,this place is cuuuuute!
Rosalind:Ummmmmmm,excuse em ya(MEXICAN FOR EXCUSE ME),can u tell me where miss faragonda's office is?
Adnrina:Sorry,I am new!
Musen:Coincidence,i am new too!Hey,i am musen.
Andrina:I am andrina!
Rosalind:Well,hi i am Rosalind,Rosa for short.
(Suddenly they see a wave outside)
Rosa:Is there any lake nearby?
Rosa:I don't know but i think we shud run!!!!!
Andrina:Why shud we....(Rosa holds her hand quick and runs)
Musen:That was close.
Nadia:Sorry all,just getting powerful.
Andrina:Its cool.
Nadia:U all must be new,i...
continue reading...
Group believix + cheesy power fight = Turning off the tv! :D
Group believix + cheesy power fight = Turning off the tv! :D
Before i start this ff, i'll like to say sorry not for finishing by other one, none seemed to read it so i guess there wasn't much point in doing it. Anyway please comment rate and enjoy! :)

"Look at what my sweetheart got me! He's ssoo sweet!" Sighed Stella, her soul neck-deep in happiness. "Congrations!" Smiled Flora.
"Wow, Riven would of never had brought me that!" Admired Musa, staring at Stella's beautiful pearl necklace, shining silver like drops of rain in a eternal twilight.
All the love n pet customers had stared at it as if it was Britney Spears in the shop! Stella preened Ginger (Her...
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: =fantazyme
"helia i know it sad but we can save her if the winx say the spell of life and u give the kiss of life u can save her" said professsa s
"thanx grandad" said helia
the winx had now return and was saying the spell
what now that has been good and lost
that is dead not alive
bring back to us more then just alive
helia had now started to give the kiss of life to flora saying these few words
come back to us flora

florafluttered her eyes open to reveal her eye colour had change it was not an enmarled green anymore it was a light pink...
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added by SummerThunder
posted by Princess-Flora
Flora’s p.o.v
I cannot believe that freak is back and she thinks just because she has the inextinguishable dragon fire that she’s oh so great. I catch up to my friends and have two on each side because I’m the IT girl on center stage now. Also I’m the queen bee now, not that red headed girl who ruled for too long. Knowing her she’ll try to get the group back together; however, I’ll tell her sweetie there is not enough time to undo what we’ve become which is our real selves. My best friend Diaspro who switched to this school when Bloom left asked what is she doing back here. I tell...
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added by WinxStellaStar
Source: Google
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: AlexaSpears1333
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: Dessindu43
added by silverstream101
added by silverstream101
added by nugget14