The Vampire Diaries Club
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Damon spun round and looked at me with a hint of fear in his eyes.
“Katherine looks like you Elena. All she has to do is knock on your door and ask to come in. Although Jenna will think it’s strange, she’ll do it.” I gasped. He was right. I could imagine Jenna’s confused look as she let the apparent “me” into the house. “But,” Damon reassured, “I don’t know if Katherine knows where you live. But she’s out there right now, probably lurking outside the house. If you go home she’ll follow you and try to learn everything about you.” He stared into the fire. “She’ll then try to be you.” I sat very still.
“How do you know?” I asked quietly.
“Because I know Katherine, Elena. Enough to know that you will have sparked her interest. And she’s not the only one who wants to know why you look like her…” He said the last sentence with curiosity strung in every word.
“Don’t you think that I want to know too? I mean we found out that I was adopted from Isobel, but that was it. We don’t know how she was linked to Katherine.” I sat back down again, shaking at the thought that the moment Katherine stepped into my house that that was it. She was in forever. I shuddered again and Damon perched himself on the arm of the chair next to me. He looked as though his was about to say something but his mouth just shut and his eyebrows lowered. I looked out of the window and saw my reflection staring back at me. Suddenly my reflected lips curled into a smile but my face hadn’t changed. I froze. My eyes widened. Katherine was staring at me through the glass. Damon saw me tense and followed my eye line. But when he looked at the window she was gone.
“What did you see, Elena?” He asked worriedly.
“Katherine,” I whispered. He immediately stood up and was at the window before I blinked. Stefan was up too and glancing hurriedly around.
“She can get in, can’t she?” I asked, frightened. “She can get in here because no human resides here!” Stefan nodded. His face was tight with worry and anticipation. Both of them looked ready to strike. The house was silent apart from the subtle noise of my breathing. We stood in hush for a few moments. Before I blinked, the space before me was empty. When I did blink the space was home to none other than Katherine herself. I gasped and huddled in the chair. Both Damon and Stefan darted in front of me and growled. Katherine crossed her arms and stood casually, smiling at them.
“What do you want,” Damon spat. His fists were clenched at his sides. Katherine smiled as she propped herself against the wall.
“Damon dear, calm down,” she said, her grin widening. “I just wanted to visit my old home town, is that too much to ask?” Stefan took a step. He looked nearly as angry as Damon.
“This town was never your home, Katherine. You used it to your advantage. Can’t you see that you’re not wanted here? Why not just leave?” he growled menacingly.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she said as anger washed over her face. I recoiled. So did Damon and Stefan a little. “I want to know why that girl,” she pointed a pale finger at me, “looks EXACTLY like me. I can’t work out why. It’s uncanny.” She glared at me with confusion in her dark eyes. I cleared my throat.
“Di-did you know someone called…Isobel?” I asked, my voice uneven and timid. Damon and Stefan spun around to face me, yet they kept looking warily back at Katherine. She cocked her head to one side.
“Isobel, did you say?” she replied. I nodded. She stared at me hard, and then her eyes widened. She gasped and backed away. “Oh my god!” She cried out. I was confused. So were Stefan and Damon.
“Katherine, what is it?” Damon urged, taking a step towards her. She was clutching her stomach, breathing heavily. “Katherine!” he called out and she glanced up at him, then across at me. She pointed at me with shaky hand.
added by klausyxcarebear
the vampire diaries
added by klausyxcarebear
the vampire diaries
the vampire diaries
added by damon_elena
the vampire diaries
the vampire diaries
the vampire diaries
added by alittlelamb
the vampire diaries
added by Any_SJ
added by Any_SJ
added by vanszerelem
added by EternityOfLove
It was the first time Damon and Bonnie saw each other since Bonnie had ‘cured” Damon.
“Caroline’s not home” Bonnie said, a little distant.
“I’m not here for Caroline” Damon replied. “I need to talk to you”
“Okay” Bonnie frowned. “Come in”
Damon entered the house and Bonnie guided him to the kitchen. Sheriff Forbes wasn’t home.
“What, eh,…what do you need to talk about?” Bonnie asked slightly nervous.
“Do you know a guy named Keith?” Damon asked, as he sat down, following Bonnie’s example.
Bonnie nodded. She didn’t see why she would deny it. “Yeah,...
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The door of the Boarding House slammed open and Stefan entered the house, with Katherine still in his arms.
“Stefan, are you all right?” Rebekah asked worried as she quickly got up. She walked to him, but Stefan headed for the stairs.
“Where’s Damon?” Elena asked when she didn’t see Damon coming in.
“He…he stayed behind. There was something he had to do” Stefan said vague.
“Stefan” Elena protested unsatisfied.
“He’ll explain everything when he’s back” Stefan replied impatient. He turned to Rebekah. “Could you bring some blood bags?”
Rebekah reluctantly went to...
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Jeremy was walking outside. After his meeting with Veronica he didn’t want to go straight home. He told Alaric he’d go see Bonnie and since Ric would definitely check his alibi he was now on his way to Caroline’s.
When he was almost there he saw there was light burning upstairs. A window swung open and a guy, who Jeremy didn’t recognize, climbed over the edge and climbed downstairs using the pipes. He landed on his feet, but then lost his balance.
For a moment Jeremy considered helping the guy, but then decided to stay put. The guy scribbled up and walked away.
Jeremy pulled out his...
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Damon looked pissed at Veronica while he pulled the vervained arrow out of his shoulder. He scribbled up and looked around to see if he recognized anyone. He didn’t. Veronica aimed her crossbow at him and fired again. Damon screamed, but managed to stay on his feet.
“What’s going on?” a familiar voice said agitated. Derek pushed some people aside and looked at Damon, who looked back betrayed.
Veronica handed the crossbow to Derek and her eyes still pinched on Damon she said: “Go ahead. Finish the job, Derek”
“What?” Derek asked confused.
“Kill him” Veronica said. “He killed...
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Derek entered Ric’s loft. He had been eavesdropping Stefan and Katherine’s conversation and now he was looking for Rebekah.
“Rebekah!” he yelled.
He heard some mumbling coming from the basement. He raced toward it, opened the door and saw Rebekah sitting at the bottom of the stairs. She had been staked with a regular stake, but her hands were chained, so she couldn’t pull it out.
Derek ran off the stairs, kneeled and pulled the stake out. Then he unchained her hands and gave her the bag of blood he had been carrying with him. “I know you prefer the fresh stuff, but it’s the best...
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Damon looked up at Bonnie, agitated and feeling betrayed. “What are you doing? You’re supposed to help me. You just came back to finish what you started, didn’t you?” he said.
“No, Damon” Bonnie said calm. “I am helping you”
“By putting me back here? How is that going to do any good?” Damon asked.
“I didn’t put you back in here” Bonnie said cryptic. “You never left. Physically, sure. But deep down you’re still here and you want to know why?”
“Please, yes, the curiosity is killing me” Damon replied sarcastically.
“Deep down you think you deserve this” Bonnie...
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Elena walked into Damon’s room, where Damon was lying on the bed. He looked up. “You still angry with me?”
Elena shook her head. “No” she sighed. “I should’ve known better. You still angry with me?” Damon frowned. “I wasn’t angry. Why would I be angry?”
“Because I was so stupid to think you’d want to have a conversation with the one that betrayed you” Elena said sad.
“Oh, well, I’ll have to get over it sometime” Damon shrugged. He looked at Elena. “And you’re not stupid” He lifted up his head and kissed her. Elena stuck her hand behind his neck and pulled...
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Caroline was walking down the stairs with her phone held against her ear. “Look, Bonnie, I really don’t care what reasons you have for ignoring my calls, but call me back ASAP”
“Everything okay?” Liz asked, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs and couldn’t help but overhear.
Caroline nodded. “Yeah, sure”
“Was that Bonnie?” Liz pointed at the phone.
“Her voicemail” Caroline corrected.
“Hmm” Liz frowned. “You two have a fight?”
“No!” Caroline exclaimed.
“Then why is she ignoring your phone calls?” Liz continued, blocking Caroline to go to the kitchen....
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