The Vampire Diaries Club
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Bonnie walked with her plate to a table and wanted to start eating when she felt a pair of eyes burning in her back. She looked up and saw Keith standing next to her shooting her a meaningful glance. Bonnie, not wanting to be rude, waved at the seat opposite of her. Keith walked around the table, put his plate down and sank on the chair.
“Keith Dason” Keith introduced himself. Bonnie accepted his hand. “Bonnie Bennett” she said. She started eating.
Keith, however, didn’t touch his food, but kept staring at Bonnie. Bonnie looked up, feeling uneasy. She swallowed.
“Why, eh, why are you here?” she asked to be polite.
“I saw something” Keith said. “My friend’s heart got ripped out”
Bonnie looked at her plate. “That must have been awful” she mumbled. Keith nodded.
“She was a really close friend. We met three years ago. She was going through a hard time. Her parents kicked her out of the house, because she was…different”
Bonnie took a deep breath. “Different” she said soft. “I’d know how that feels”
“You do?” Keith asked curious.
Bonnie’s face stiffened. “Yeah, but not anymore” she quickly recovered herself. “I’m just like everyone else now”
“There was a time you weren’t?” Keith continued guessing.
Bonnie got up and took her plate. “I have to go”
“Oh” Keith said, sounding disappointed. “Eh, talk to you later?” he asked hopeful.
“Yeah, sure” Bonnie said and she walked away.
The next morning when Gabe came in the kitchen he saw the TV was on, airing the news. They were talking about a car accident. Someone had hit a car and driven away. “The culprit has turned herself in last night” The newsreader told some more details, but Gabe and Rachel didn’t hear it anymore.
“Idiot!” Gabe cursed.
“Gabe!” Rachel reproached, nodding at Amber who looked up from her plate rotating her head from her mother to her father and back. “Amber, sweetie, why don’t you take your breakfast upstairs? You can watch some TV in your room”
“Nice offer, mom, but I think I’d...
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A cold wind teased Kelsey’s naked body and she shivered. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. There was nothing but leaves. Kelsey searched the ground with her hands and they touched something cold and solid. She slowly and fearful rotated her head. When she saw her sister’s body she gasped and covered her mouth. “Oh my God” she started crying as she crawled to Amber. “Amber, wake up. Please, honey, wake up” But Ambers eyes remained closed. “I’m so sorry, Amber. This is all my fault” she sobbed.
“Hey, you didn’t do all of it. I kicked some ass too”
Kelsey looked...
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Though there was no clock in the room and Tyler couldn’t check time he could feel the evening fell. Tonight was the night. They were going to set him free to go kill people. Maybe Klaus would try to turn him into a Hybrid as well. But that didn’t make any sense. If Klaus wanted to turn him he would’ve done it by now. A voice woke him from his thoughts. “Tyler? Tyler, what’s going on? Everything’s quiet here. Suspiciously quiet. Where have they gone?” Caroline hissed agitated.
“It’s a full moon tonight” Tyler said.
“So, what, they’re getting prepared?” Caroline said....
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An elephant was walking between Kelsey and Amber, while they headed to an unknown destination. “Where exactly are we going?” Amber asked. “We’ve been walking for hours. I’m hungry” she complained.
“There’s plenty of food around” Kelsey said, waving her arm. “You mean like a rabbit?” Amber asked disgusted. “Yes, Am, like a rabbit” Kelsey confirmed. “Come on, we have to get moving”
“Where are we going?” Amber repeated her most urgent question.
“To a safe place” Kelsey answered, with a whiff of fear in her voice. “I need to get you somewhere safe”
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Derek Janders. The name sounded familiar, but try as he might Damon could not figure out where he had heard it before.
“Let me buy you a drink” Derek said. It more sounded like an order than a friendly gesture. He conjured his wallet and paid two whiskeys, after compelling the bartender not to ask his ID.
“Who turned you?” Damon asked, not touching his drink.
“Does it matter?” Derek answered with a question. “Look, you wanted me to tell you what I wanted, so here it is. I want you to train me, educate me in the world of vampires”
Now Damon drank to wash away that information....
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Damon lifted Elena in his arms and walked out of the kitchen.
“I didn’t mean to” Katherine hastily said, but Damon ignored her. Just like he ignored the headache and the corrosive pain on his back. He carried Elena upstairs to his bedroom and lay her on the bed.
“Give her some of your blood” Katherine said, standing in the doorway. Damon shook his head. “I can’t do that” he said. “She will hate me”
Katherine rolled her eyes. “Yeah, and how many times has she tried to? Trust me, Damon, she will not hate you” she said as she walked towards the bed. She lay her hand on his...
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Stefan’s eyes glided from Elena’s top to her naked legs. “You really had nothing else to wear?” he asked doubtful. Elena frowned her eyebrows and pouted. “What’s wrong with this?” she asked, looking at her clothes.
“Nothing” Stefan waved his hand. “It’s fine. You look great, Elena”
“Are you angry with me?” Elena asked careful.
“No, I’m not angry” Stefan said annoyed.
“Yes, you are” Elena said upset. She crossed her arms and pressed the door bell, refusing to look at Stefan.
Stefan walked next to her. “Elena, come on, don’t… be like this, okay? Look,...
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After he had gotten breakfast and his guardian had left he crawled to the wall on the opposite side of the room. He had to be very quiet, because he knew she wasn’t the only one who could hear him. The other vampires had a very good hearing too. He lay his hands on the wall and whispered: “Caroline?” No response. “Caroline” a little harder, but still soft.
Caroline lifted her head and opened her ears. No way! That was not possible. When Amber said there were others Caroline assumed she was talking about vampires, not werewolves.
“Tyler? Is that you?” she asked.
“Yeah, but keep...
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Elena felt how someone caressed her cheek. She smiled and took the hand. She opened her eyes and her smile faded away when she looked in Stefan’s brown eyes. She blinked and scribbled back until she hit the edge of her bed.
“Oh” she let out. “It’s you” she said. Stefan laughed. “Well, of course it’s me. Who else did you expect?” he asked rhetorically. He took Elena’s hand and pulled her out of bed. He took her face in his hands. “I’m sorry for being such a jerk yesterday. I was… awful. I almost got you killed” he said soft.
“Oh, well, I’m still alive” Elena...
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Kelsey poked her sister to wake her up. Amber opened her eyes and looked around. They were still in the woods and seemed to have spend the night there. Kelsey pulled her sister up and dragged her with her.
“What’s the rush?” Amber asked surprised by Kelsey’s speed.
“We need to get you somewhere safe” Kelsey said agitated, not slowing down.
“Why? Okay, I know I have to be careful for the sheriff and vampire hunters, but I’m not going to get myself caught” Amber said.
“Trust me, the sheriff’s the least of your worries right now” Kelsey said. She ran even faster. “What...
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“Can I talk to you?” Bonnie said with a piercing glance at Damon. He looked angry at her and turned to Elena. “I’m sorry” he said soft. “I have to go. Goodnight, Elena” he said and he kissed her cheek. He got off the bed and covered her up. Elena took his hand. “Will you be back tomorrow?” Damon averted his head to Bonnie who’s face had a ‘no way in hell’ expression and thus Damon turned to Elena again. “’Course I will. Can hardly wait” he promised. He walked towards the door and followed Bonnie outside. As soon as the door closed Bonnie slapped Damon in the face....
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“I still can’t believe you killed him”
Amber and Kelsey were hiding in the woods.
“And I can’t believe you just drained him” Kelsey fired back. Amber shrugged. “You know what I am, what did you expect?”
“Who turned you?” Kelsey asked.
“Some guy named Stefan, why?” Amber said. Kelsey’s eyes widened. “Stefan Salvatore?” “Yeah” “You got involved with a Salvatore? Are you out of your mind?”
“I didn’t get involved with him! He got involved with me. He attacked me. And why are you so upset about him being a Salvatore?” Amber asked uncomprehending.
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Damon was sitting on his knees, in his cell, his hands chained above his head. Bonnie sat behind him and stroke with her middle finger over his naked back. It was pitch dark, but somehow she managed to see everything she needed to.
There was a small jar of a colorless liquid next to her. She dipped her index finger in it and pulled it out again. She waited five unbearable seconds wherein she could hear Damon’s hectic breathing. She placed her finger on his shoulder blade and starting from there she formed letters. Though Damon only groaned, she saw him grasping the chains and pull his back,...
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Elena and Damon were walking back home. They had spent the rest of the day at The Grill and Elena had beaten Damon in a darts game. A small part of him wished she could stay this way. She was fun, she liked hanging out with him and she didn’t talk about Stefan that much. But he fell in love with the real Elena. The one that saved his life and that stayed with him while he was sick from Tyler’s attack. Elena clung on his arm and shoved with her feet. “My legs hurt” she moaned. She looked up at Damon, with a puppy stare in her eyes. “Don’t look at me like that” Damon said teasing....
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Rachel and Gabe were having dinner when someone knocked their door. They looked up at each other with a hopeful expression. Could it be? Gabe got up out his chair and walked down the hall to open the door. It was true. God had heard his prayers and answered them. He looked at the girl standing on his porch. “My dear God” he sobbed. “I knew you’d come back” He hugged her. “Can I come in?” Amber asked careful. Gabe let go of her and looked at her with a strange face. What kind of question was that? “Of course you can come in, sweetie” he said. He pulled her into the house and...
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He was sleeping. He was lying on the ground and he was sleeping. Until he felt a dull pain in his waist. He slowly opened his eyes.
“Get up”
He felt how someone threw something solid to his head. He lifted up his head and looked at it. Drumsticks. Cold drumsticks. But since they hadn’t been exactly generous with food he didn’t complain. He picked up one of the drumsticks and ripped a piece off with his teeth. The person who had awakened him left the room. He sat up and looked at the walls. Small, white lines ran from halfway the walls to the floor. The window frames were ripped off and...
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“You should go see a doctor”
Elena and Damon were sitting at the kitchen table with the first aid kit in the center. Elena had tried to bandage Damon’s finger, but the bandage didn’t want to cooperate.
“I can’t go to a doctor, I’m a vampire” Damon said. “And it’s broken, a first aid kit is not going to help”
“But doesn’t it hurt?” Elena asked compassionate.
“It’s okay” Damon said. Bonnie had made the pain lighter, just like she did with the whole jinx, but of course she couldn’t take it away completely. For that she had to die and since he couldn’t kill...
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It was ruined. It was completely and totally ruined. Katherine had realized that she blew all chances on a reunion with the Salvatore brother she really loved. What was she thinking, pretending to be Elena? Bonnie was annoying, but not stupid. Katherine was lucky to be still alive. And so was Bonnie. She had Damon to thank for that. Katherine hoped, with every fibre in her body, that he would take her down.
She had tried to pass Damon’s message to Elena, but it seemed to be a lost case.
“Elena, Damon needs to tell you something” she said looking Elena sharp in the eye. “He wanted to...
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The sun was almost down and Stefan and Amber were once again sitting with each other. Now that Klaus knew they were just friends he didn’t find it necessary to send someone spying on them. He wanted Stefan to be his most loyal servant and he wanted to trust him. His closeness to Amber was alarming, but on the other hand Stefan wouldn’t be so stupid to go against Klaus’ wishes, knowing what could possibly be the consequences. No one would stop him if he went after Damon, or worse Elena. No, Stefan wouldn’t take that chance.
He couldn’t be more wrong. He watched Stefan and Amber talking,...
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Elena was sitting in the kitchen, playing solitaire. She picked up a card and squeezed her eyes at the Joker image. “You’re mocking me, aren’t you?” She got tired of the game, because she was losing, and collected the cards. Then she took two card and placed them against each other, creating a triangle. She did the same with two other cards and placed them next to the first triangle. “Are you seriously building a card house now?” Jeremy asked. He was sitting in the couch, playing a computer game. Elena didn’t respond; she needed all her focus on the construction. “Let her be,...
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