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One of my favorite scenes in season I
henry viii
anne boleyn
added by RoseEmile
Clips of Rose Emile when she's older. Ignore the dark haired man (Joseph). Actress: Kasha Kropinski. From TV show Hell on Wheels, name of character: Ruth
posted by AnthonyK
Older Anthony
Older Anthony
Anthony Gabriel Knivert is the son of Emily (Kingsley) Knivert and Desmond Knivert and is the youngest of three siblings. His sisters are Mary Knivert and Catherine Elena Knivert and they are twins. Anthony is the heir to the title 'Lord of Southampton'. He is named after Desmond's father who died during the war with France.

Anthony looks like his father when he was little, as he grew older he looked a little like his grandfather. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes.

His interests are archery, swimming and poetry writing. His father used to enjoy poetry writing too when he was young.

Anthony always has a thirst for knowledge, he went to study at Oxford and wanted to know more about ancient civilisations. He likes to look after his sisters but they can get very cheeky and annoy him sometimes.
Baby Anthony
Baby Anthony
Little Anthony
Little Anthony
posted by AnthonyKnivert
Friends= Charles Brandon, Henry VIII and William Compton.

Possibly based on Sir Thomas Knyvett or Kryvett (brother in law of the Howards) who was First Master of the Horse & rode with Brandon as challengers against Henry's answerers in tournaments but was killed in battle.

Enemies= None, for his seriousness and neutrality towards others, even though he supports the King as always, he still has not managed to gain strong enemies like his friends have so far.

Position= Gentleman of the Royal Household

Traits= Quiet, stays out of trouble, lusty but can keep to himself, patient, loyal.
added by Anne-Bullen
posted by SirThomasMore
Lord Chancellor of England, Lawyer, Author, Statesman, Humanist Scholar and Catholic Saint (Canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1935)

Born February 7, 1478 - Executed July 6, 1535 (by Order of King Henry VIII)

Character's Backstory:

Born in London, Thomas More was the son of Sir John More, a successful lawyer and judge at the Court of King's Bench. Thomas studied Latin and Logic for two years at Oxford University under the patronage of John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury. At Oxford he met many prominent intellectuals. Among them was Erasmus, with whom he was to carry on a lifelong correspondence....
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posted by NanSaville
Nan Saville;

Position: Mistress of the Queen's Wardrobe

Personality type: She was praised for her "blood,
friendship, beauty, youth," in her funeral elegy

Nan; is good at sewing, danceing, and is well
learned, she is a good lady, and she kind and friendly forward people.

she is always there to help, if you ask her!

She is unmarried and has no children of her own.
but she is loveing and careing forward other children.

Although there is mention of an Anne Saville as lady-in waiting to Anne, not much is known about her, so this is a Fictional Character in the series possibly based on an amalgamation of several ladies-in-waiting.
posted by JosephBrandon
Joseph at 16
Joseph at 16
Joseph Charles Brandon is the son of Duke Henry Brandon of Suffolk and Lady Joanne (Muller) Brandon and is the youngest. His sister Cosette Brandon was born one year before him. His mother was upset because she had hoped to bear Henry a son to be his heir, but she still loved her daughter. When Joseph was bored she no longer felt the pressure on her shoulders.

Joseph is a serious person and never wanted to leave the house. His mother forced him one time to go play with Desmond Knivert's two girls' Catherine and Mary Knivert. He became their close friends. He never knew Anthony until later because Anthony had gone to study at Oxford.

He has dark brown hair almost black and brown bright eyes. He looks a lot like his mother and Cosette looks a lot like his brother. Although the two of them look very similar.
Joseph at 6
Joseph at 6
Baby Joseph
Baby Joseph
Joseph at 24
Joseph at 24
Christian and Emma at the age of 8 and 14
Christian and Emma at the age of 8 and 14
Christian and Emma Clifford are twins and are the two children of Robert and Sophia Clifford. Their parents were expecting a healthy baby but were surprised to find out that they were having two healthy babies.

Emma Clifford:
Emma was the second to be born and cried a lot when she was a baby. She is very close with her father and is her 'daddy's angel'. Whenever her mother disagrees she runs from her to him. She likes to play with others and make new friends and tries to encourage her brother to join her.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin.

Happy and excited, likes to follow her...
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Henry Howard now
Henry Howard now
The son of Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk, Henry was brought up with Henry VIII's illegitimate son Henry Fitzroy. He was given the title "Earl of Surrey" by courtesy in 1524 on the passing away of his grandfather, when his father Thomas Howard was created 3rd Duke of Norfolk. He accompanied his first cousin Anne Boleyn, the King, and Henry Fitzroy to France, staying there for over a year as a member of the entourage of Francis I. From 1530 until 1532 he lived at Windsor with his father’s ward, Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond. In 1532, after talk of marriage with the princess Mary Tudor,...
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added by WilliamPortly
posted by LukeSawyer
Luke Sawyer is a young boy from the north of England. He was born in a militar family so, he feels like he has to be a soldier just because for so many generations ago, the Sawyer males fought at war.

He is tall and skinny. His hair is dark brown.

When he was a child, his older brother taught him to use bow and arrows. Nowadays, he always has his bow near him.

Due to the rebellion, his father and some people from his family died during a battle near his village, when he was a baby.

He adores reading, because, as he says, "a good story can show you that once there was something different".
His majesty has asked me to invite you all to the late princess Margaret's burial ceremony which will be held on the 28th January between 4pm and 9pm (English time).
His majesty intends to see:
Sir Thomas More
Thomas Cromwell
Charles Brandon
George Boleyn
Ralph Northwood
Edwar Seymour
Markus Müller
Sir Francis Bryan
Her majesty
Lady Mary Tudor
Lady Anne Boleyn
Lady Jane Parker
Lady Nina Müller
Lady Anne Stanhope
Gemma Rochester
Catherine Willoughby
Lady Constance
Lady Northwood

He hopes you can attend.
Yours sincerly
-Anthony Knivert
posted by ValeriaMS
Her full name is Valerie Mary Somerset, but she dislikes it so, she wants to be called Valerie.

She comes from Bath.

She is 20 years old.

She's medium height and skinny.

She supports the Rebellion and wants to help them.

She serves Princess Mary.

She wants to leave court but she doesn't decide when she'll go.

She only cares about the moment she lives, not about past or present.

Valerie's mother was a lady-in-waiting for Catherine of Aragon and that's why she likes to be called "Valeria" instead of "Valerie".
Young Elizabeth
Young Elizabeth
Born: 7th September 1533 in Greenwich Palace
Died: 24th March 1603

Character's backstory: Only surviving child of Anne Boleyn & Henry VIII. Within a couple of months of her birth as befits a princess, she was set up with her own household a few miles from court. Her mother doted on her and took pleasure in sending pretty clothes and trimmings for the young baby. On one visit by the King and Queen, a courtier remarked that she was " a goodly child as hath been seen and her Grace is much in the King's favour, as a goodly child should be..." Soon the decision was made to dissolve her outraged...
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posted by TristanPortly
Tristan is the son of William and Christina Portly, and the grandson of Christina and Jack Portly. His brother is Cesare and his sister in-law is Eleanor. William taught Tristan how Jack taught William. He took him travelling to England a lot and taught him to speak with an English accent.

Tristan is similar to William in many ways. He came to court to be with his brother and sister in-law when their mother moved to Tuscany to live with her aunt.

He is a skilled sword fighter, swimmer and hunter. He has blonde hair and likes to flirt with women like his father. He is currently 17 years old (when he came to court). Tristan will visit Montrose often in the future, where his aunt Sophia lives.
posted by RaoulElwood
Raoul Elwood is a messenger from Hampton court, he works for the highest bidder.
Raoul is kind and well mannered, but he seems very mysterious at times.

Raoul came to court when King Henry 8. married Catherine Parr. He brought his little sister (Isabel) with him to serve the queen Catherine; who once were married to one of his fathers close allies (John Neville, lord latimer).

His father were a professor at oxford.
His mother were a Spanish lady called Alandria Macías.

He speaks English, Greek, Spanish, French and Latin.
posted by GeorginePercy
Georgine aged 13
Georgine aged 13
Georgine is the daughter of Henry Percy,Earl of Northumberland and his wife Elinor Percy (Northwood).
She and her twin brother Damien Percy, grew up away from court, because of their parents secret marriage. Her parents married in secret because of the fighting between their two families.

Georgine is often compared to her aunt Constance, because of their similar looks; Blonde hair, blue eyes, and both tall women.

Georgine and Damien is close friends, although they disagree over almost everything.
Georgine aged 14
Georgine aged 14
Georgine aged 14
Georgine aged 14
Georgine aged 14
Georgine aged 14
posted by BalianN
Balian Northwood was a poor ten year old boy living in the streets of London before Maria Northwood and Ralph Northwood found him and decided to adopt him. Maria and Ralph had been trying to have children for years but Maria couldn't. When they first saw Balian, they felt something for him no one else could understand.

Balian's mother died a year ago of TB, she was a servant in Sussex. Balian managed to climb onto a cart and hide among it's contents, the cart took him to London where he lived on the streets.

Balian is the bastard-son of Henry Earl of Sussex although he does not know it. But his looks are similar to the Earl's.

Balian has blonde hair and blue eyes. When his foster parents found him he was dirty and skinny. They washed him and fed him and he looked like a true courtier.
posted by LeahMeyer
*Eleanore Meyer is a 19-year-old lady who serves Lady Mary Tudor.

*She comes from Wales.

*She's tall and skinny. Her hair is dark brown and her eyes are blue.

*She's kind, helpful and gentle. She speaks Welsh, English and a bit of Spanish.

*She's the eldest of 3 children. When her mother died after giving birth, she and her father had to take care of the other children.

*She adores reading and writing, every week writes a letter to her family.

*Her grandparents came to England from Berlin, that's why she has a "germanish" surname.
posted by DamederBlumen
-Ursula is the daughter of Nina Knivert and Liam O'Donnell.

-She doesn't have her father's surname because they are not married and both decided to give her Nina's maiden surname.

-She's tall and thin. She's blonde and grey-eyed.

-She's cheerful and sarcastic. She's well-readed and sassy.

-She speaks fluently German and English, and she's learning French and Spanish.

-She admires her brother Desmond, and she's ready to do whatever to see him again.

-She was raped when she was 6 years old. That fact made her see life with another point of view, being perverse and nymphomaniac.