The Powerpuff Girls Club
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Let's see where was I? Oh yeah.......

Butch: you really think my voice was awesome?
Bc: yup!
Butch: *blushes* thanks
Bc: hehe
Butch: hehe
Bc: (stares at butch)
Butch: (stares at bc) *whispers* wow.....
Bc: (about to kiss butch, but then....)
(bubbles walks in the room and sees bc about to kiss butch)
Bubbles: OMG!!!!
Bc: huh? Oh! Ummmm didn't see you there bubbles....
Bubbles: awwwwwwww
Bc: shut up!
Bubbles: it's the same old buttercup hehe
Butch: hehe
Bc: uhhhhh hehe?
Butch: anyways.... Bc?
Bc: yeah?
Butch: can I ask ya something?
Bc: wait a sec....... Hey bubbles?
Bubbles: yeah?
Bc: DO U MIND?!?!?!?
Bubbles: oops, sorry! (leaves)
Bc: continue....
Butch: well I wanted to see if you would like to.....
Bc: to what?
Butch: if you would like to go to dance class with me
Bc: but I can't dance
Butch: well me either, but we can both learn........together
Bc: are you sure?
Butch: yup I'm sure!
Bc: what time does dance class start?
Butch: in...........10 minuetes
Bc: wanna go earlier?
Butch: ok....
(bc and butch walks downstairs)
Blossom: Buttercup! Your alive! (hugs her)
Bc: yea yea
Professor: well where are you two going?
Butch: dance class
Professor: and did buttercup asked me permission?
Bc: please professor!
Professor: very well then, but you two back here at 8:00
Bc: 8:30?
Professor: (stares at bc) 8:30!
Butch: k then, let's go!
Bc: thanks pops
Professor: DON'T CALL ME THAT!

In dance class.....

Teacher: welcome students, to my very own dance class!
Teacher: now raise your hand if you have ever danced before?
(everyone raises their hand except bc)
Teacher: so miss buttercup, you have never danced before?
Bc: nope
Teacher: students today we will learn how to dance with no music playing
Everyone: ...............
Teacher: Bc can u come over here?
Bc: (flies next to the teacher)
Teacher: now batch?
Butch: the name is BUTCH!
Teacher: ok then, butch come over here
Butch: (flies next to bc)
Teacher: now, you two dance
Bc: but
Teacher: no buts! Now dance!
Butch: with no music?
Teacher: no
(bc tries to dance with butch, but she keeps tripping)
Teacher: now, imagine this is a slow song, dance it!
Bc: how the heck do I dance a slow song?!?!?
Teacher: ugh! Bc, put your arms around butch's neck
Bc: (puts her arms around butch's neck, and blushes)
Teacher: now, butch put your arms around her waist
Butch: (puts his arms around Bc's waists)
Teacher: now both of you start walking forwards and backwards slowly
(bc and butch starts Dancing!)
Teacher: see! You guys did it!
Bc: wow, I danced....
Teacher: oh no look at the time! Sorry students time to go!
(it's dark, and butch is walking Bc home)
Butch: hey bc?
Bc: yeah?
Butch: did you enjoy dancing?
Bc: yea.....I really did
Butch: me too
Butch: hey bc?
Bc: yeah?
Butch: can you help me in something?
Bc: sure!
Butch: can you show me how to dance like we did in dance class?
Bc: why?
Butch:..... because I forgot the steps of the slow dance....
Bc: *sarcastic* really?
Butch: well are you going to help me?
Bc: *blushes* yes I will
(Bc and butch starts dancing like in dance class under the full moon)
Bc: (puts her head in butch's right shoulder)
Butch: *blushes* hey bc?
Bc: yes butchie?
Butch: ya wanna go sit somewhere for a while?
Bc: sure!
(butch and Bc are laying down on a hill under the stars)
Bc: *yawn* I'm so tired (falls asleep in butch's arms)
Butch: hehe your so cute when you sleep bc......(falls asleep)

To be continued......
mojo jojo 4
powerpuff girls