The Muppets how to watch The Muppets online?

mortin_jacob posted on Jun 04, 2011 at 12:59PM
hey everybody, found a cool way to watch live episodes on my computer


it's a software that connects me to 1,000s of online channels, in other words more TV shows that i care to even attempt to count, lots of movie channels, sports, entertainment, etc, and very user-friendly, imao

so if you're like me and haven't forked over $$$ for DVR yet,then this works well for me.

The Muppets 1 reply

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over a year ago hisup said…
Cool but I watch muppets on YouTube hilarious just the same
Tremore01 commented…
This show is one of the best hit TV show during the 70s. The Muppets are all so cute and adorable. I love Kermit the Frog of course. I grew up watching this show and this original Muppets is the best I’ve seen. The Muppet Show would be classified as one of the best created variety TV show for the whole family. Additionally, this show is perfect combination of dancing and singing! The guests in each episode have a good interaction with the whole Muppets cast, and they are unstoppable to give funny moments for the whole family. I fell in love with this show during my younger years. I love the humor that this show offers. This is the only show that I can proudly recommend to my grandchildren as well. In fact, I had purchase a complete DVD Collection for them last month at yourdvdcorner . com and they’re totally enjoying every episodes. They both love Kermit and Miss Piggy! glad to own the whole 5 seasons of this wacky show, not only for the kids,but for the entire family. over a year ago