the misadventures of chowder Club
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posted by codythemaster
chowder:hello trainee this is the chowder brodcast showing you it's ok to be an iddiot

mung daal:yes chowder espiacilly if there is snot and mucas coming out of your nose you lick it

truffles:ya trainee stupid's and ugley's I am a bad romodel I drink a can of beer each day!


chowder:I never heard that bad word before what does it mean


chowder:really women's actally do that to boy's


chowder:so trainee you may have learned to be stupid or not but to be or not to be hear is truffle's pooping right in the toilet

truffles:yeserii I am going to kill that ugley skanky kid! >:(
posted by metalfire101
chowder:hey these lego's are fun but for right now I am going to pee on shnitzel's couch

shnitzel:ro rada!

mung daal:I made you good food wonderful but mild truffles


mung daal:she is a sticken mad women! she will kill all tosams!

chowder:aww my pee is gone I am a big boy now and shnitzel's couch is legoic history

shnitzel:rada rou

chowder:shnitzel it it not very nice to say bad words too a nine year old kid

shnitzel:ri rou rive ra rada

mung daal:oh my god wife there is a huge lego connected to you back!

posted by metalfire101
chowder:tosams I know that lego anywhere it bring's you to insnaity!

mung daal:chowder what in hell is insanity

chowder:hang on truffles I will get that screwy lego out of you back!

*the whole world cries in humanity*

mung daal:oh crap! chowder you unlocked a bad begining a huge forfitting!

chowder:oh crap I blame myself!

shnitzel:RADA! RADA! RADA!

truffles:dumb lego's dumb humanity dumb shnitzel's couch

*shnitzel's holds and kisses his couch*

chowder:um shnitzel I kinda yellow peed that couch sorry tosam but any way were all eggy history


posted by metalmania123
chowder:you know what shnitzel I can give crap about your coutch and right now I am going to poop on it


mung daal:hey guys I have a confesion to make shnitzel the couch well its gone

shnitzel:RO RELK RO!

anoumus:hey guys my name is anoumus and I have granted you one wish what is it you crazy sico pathes!

mung daal:well are only wish is



shnitzel:A new couch!

chowder:gosh I never knew shnitzel could talk....

mung daal:me neither chowder but truth is I licked the couch with toilet sauce

chowder:I want to marry shnitzel and his couch I wan to burn up
