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posted by patrisha727
Edward's POV

Location: Somewhere around Vancouver, Canada

Occupation: Moving to Forks, Washington *groans*


"Why do we have to move?" Emmett complained.
"For the millionth time, Emmett, we have to, for Carlisle's benifit, and we are going to try a charade as being humans." Esme said.
Emmett groaned.

We were in Emmett's jeep, and Carlisle was driving. I sat next to Alice.
"We are also impressed that Edward is getting better at his disipline. He didn't hunt a human for about 2 months!" Carlisle said.
I rolled my eyes. My eyes were amber, it wasn't gold yet. I looked out the window. and saw passing tress and cars. Alice tapped my shoulder.
We are proud of you, Edward. Going to a human high school will be your first test, and don't worry, I don't see any dangers so far. Alice assured in her mind.

"Thanks Alice." I whispered.
She made a small smile and turned back to talking to Jasper.
I blocked out everyone's thoughts, and just kept on looking outside, deep in thought.
Am I strong enough to endure all of the humans' scents? Will I be able to not expose our secret?
These questions haunted me and kept me quiet for the next couple of minutes.

Then the car slowed down. Ugh, traffic. Great. Just exactly what I needed right now in this exact moment.
Stupid traffic. I wish we could have ran all the way to Forks. It would have been much faster. I heard Emmett say in his thoughts.
For once, I agreed with him.
"Carlisle?" I asked.
"Yes, Edward?" he asked.
"Why can't we just run all the way to Forks? We would have been there by now." I stated.

He sighed and turned around to see all of us.
"I know. I would like to run all the way to Forks as much as all of you do, but we need to pretend that we are humans. If people saw us running at inhuman speed, people will start getting mysterious." he said.
All of us, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and epecially Emmett, and I groaned.

To past the time, Esme told us somethings about a human high school.... including lunch period.
I shook my head in disgust at eating human food.
"I will be puking it out." Rosalie muttered.
Human food! We have to eat disgusting, greasy human food! Ugh!!!! Rosalie screamed in her thoughts.
"Do you mind lowering your thoughts down?" I joked.
Rosalie gave me a dark look.

Then we finally passed the border of Canada and the United States and very soon, we passed by the sign, [i]Welcome to
added by patrisha727
Can't wait for the movie to come! ^_^
added by patrisha727