The Fanpop Anime Club
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posted by MissChicky97
Here is my basic character information:

Name: Valerie
Age: 14
Birthday: 12/27/97

Physical Appearance:

Tall- 5' 10"
Medium Build.
Blonde Hair- Wavy/Curly, a tiny bit longer than shoulder length. Longer when straightened. ( I don't do that much though.)
Blue eyes.

I mainly wear T-shirts with skinny jeans and high-top red converse.

I wear a lot of black eyeliner.

I normally put my hair up in a bun or pig-tails. Sometimes I'll do a ponytail, but not often.
If I wear it down, I'm feeling very lazy.

I always wear one bracelet on my left arm. (Don't tell DTK...)

I also despise nail polish and never wear it. EVER.


I really smart. I literally get A's on every paper I turn in. I also have really good deductive reasoning skills. My family members refer to me as 'Ms. Spock.' (Live long and prosper!)

I tend to worry about things excessively, no matter how minute they are. (Yes, I have OCD.)

I'm extremely clumsy. If anyone is going to run into a wall, it's me.

I have a tendency to blurt out whatever I'm thinking.

I listen to music and sing all day long.


(I'm working on it! I just lack inspiration... -__-)
posted by MissChicky97
*I’m thinking this is probably standard for all of us… sitting in school and doing the typical bored student things. Pencil tapping, drawing doodles on your class work, etc.*
*The teachers and students other than the main character can just be grey outlines, unless we want to draw them?*

NOTE: *I’m very quiet around my peers at school, I don’t speak unless spoken to*
The school day should involve me visiting a couple of classes and acting bored, tis what I do. If we’re feeling creative, we can add in the one part where I eat lunch by myself....
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posted by -Wednesday-
fucking do shit my god
this was only to wake y'all up
i just really want this whole anime thing to work! just think about how cool we could be we be like so cool like strider cool or some shit seriously guys lets do this
it has always been my dream to make an anime but i suck n shit so i think this might be my closest chance so far and im sure some of you share the same dream so why not make that dream happen
we will fucking do this
we have the skills and shit to do it so we will
i will motivate you all through swearing
we have alotta stuff so far
our first theme will be worlds end dance hall and...
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I just thought it needed more details..... the other one I deleted.

Name: Madeline
Username: -Wednesday-
Birthday: October 10, 1998
Possible theme song: The Game of Life or iNSaNiTY.

Hair color: Dirty blonde/ Light brunette with blonde highlights.
Hairstyle: Just above shoulder length. Flips out a bit at the ends in the back. Parted to the left. Quite messy. Always down. Drawn with a curl on the back of hair in part, like in Hetalia.
Eye color: Brown with a tint of red.
Height: 5"8
Build: Very slim and boney. Has no muscle or strength, but this is slightly wrong. (See powers section.)

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AWESOME, isn't it? Should be a good inspiration for the whole anime-from-life thing!
real life
real life anime
Personal information:
Name: {Still being hesitant about that}
Codename/Fanpop username: BeastBoyCahill
Age: 13 (when the anime begins)
Birthday: September 21, 1998.

Physical features and traits:
Race: Caucasian
Hair color: Bright orange/dark blond
Hairstyle: Very big, large-spiky hair (which is the absolute opposite of what it really is in real life).
See Len Kagamine's hair for reference.
Eye color: Green.
Height: ...
Build: Kinda regular, a bit on the skinny side... doesn't look like he has much muscle and wouldn't be so strong if it weren't for his 'power.' (See lower section.)

Bodywear: A cotton...
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added by Panda-Hero
Source: le me.
First, the episode starts off showing each of us at our daily lives. So we'll probably be at school at the beginning of the day. Here, we will introduce a few of our main characters one by one, introducing their attitude around school and their social status there.
As we know, we should kinda make our lives in the anime similar to how they really are but everything can be altered and exaggerated to an extent. So yeah.
After we've finished school (if that's where we were), we go home and soon log in on our accounts on the beautiful Fanpop. (Beatiful because that's before it was turned into Facepop......
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posted by Panda-Hero
I am going to be original and go with my OWN format. (~-3-)~

Name: Kyra (Insert middle and last name of which are to be decided here)

Age: 13

Height:......short. (5'0)



Dark brown hair, just to underneath her shoulder blades, which is usually worn straight down or in a clip.

She has very pale skin and gray eyes, which are framed with link

She usually wears a black-and-white striped tank top, Black skinny jeans, a studded belt, a mahogany jacket, and army boots.



She's quite emotionless if you don't know her, usually walking around with a blank bored...
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added by Panda-Hero
This sounds like....... us..? I think this should be our opening... not World's End Dancehall... Even if it's about games, not a website.
opening idea
added by -Wednesday-
Source: Me.