The Black Donnellys TBD campaign

steffi320 posted on Jun 12, 2007 at 09:31PM
After the CBS show Jericho, Jericho fans sent tons of nuts to CBS execs and they got it renewed. This has given TBD fans hope. It kinda jump started our campaign. We will be sending thousands of crackers to HBO execs in hopes to get TBD attention. However we do need help. Please visit It's our new campaign site. Here, you will find updates and campaign info. I've already been in contact with an Irish cracker distributor who are huge fans of the show and of what we're doing. I got us a price break in the crackers so it'll be cheaper for all. I know this seems like a lot but we need to make some noise with this to get TBD attention. Thanks and please check it out and help us out!

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