TDI's GwenxDuncan Club
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posted by bubbleypeace117
This is my first fanfiction... so please no hate, but constructive criticism will be appreciated. And also sorry about the dates I tried to edit that, but it wouldn't really work.. :/

Hey Diary, Tuesday, October 11
It has been like 3 weeks since Duncan has moved here. Today, I showed him the forest behind my backyard. I always thought it was a creepy, but cool place to hang out. Until today, it was my secret hideout, a place for only myself, a place where I could hide and spend hour just standing there. When I explained it to Duncan, he at first thought I was joking and started laughing. Then when I gave him that “Why are you laughing?” face, he stopped. I always felt like I needed someone to trust ever since my parents started fighting and left me to take care of myself and brother. That person was Duncan. I mean, my mom has always been this crazy weird lady who promises to keep everyone secrets, but ends up spilling them all. Dad, on the other hand, was abusive and always hurt my mom. She finally stood up for herself and got a divorce and the custody of both me and my brother, but she isn’t a very stable person. But no matter how much I trust Duncan, I don’t think now would be the best time to tell him about my complicated family. Anyways, I have to go to my job. It’s the only way my mom, my brother, and myself can live here.

Hey Diary, Thursday, October, 13
Yesterday, Duncan asked out Courtney, and I support him as long as he is happy. This is how it went down. Since I work as a waitress, Duncan asked me to make a reservation for two. Well he brought Courtney with him and asked her out in the most unlike himself, and romantic way ever. He got down on one knee, like he was going to propose, except instead of a ring it was a rose. At that moment, most of the girls at the restaurant wished their boyfriend did something like that or that when a guy asks them out they will do it like Duncan did. I thought it was cute, but I couldn’t really care less. Like I said, as long as Duncan is happy I’m okay.Today, Duncan seemed happier than usual, probably now that he is dating Courtney and all.Me and Trent just sat and talked while I was waiting for Duncan to say goodbye to Courtney so we could walk home. 10 minutes later and Duncan was still not out, so Trent walked me to my house. I gotta go take care of my brother and make sure he’s not doing anything illegal.


Hey Diary, Friday, October 14
Trent and I have been getting closer ever since Courtney and Duncan have been going out. Actually, today Trent actually asked me out! I know he’s popular and everything and popular people are never good, but he was so nice and I couldn’t say no. So now the Goth is going out with a popular kid. Duncan warned me, but I mean I couldn’t take him serious since he was dating the C.I.T. I was a little annoyed because I didn’t insult Courtney and I am giving her a chance even though I don’t like her, but Duncan isn’t giving Trent and is making fun of Trent for playing the guitar and singing, which I think is very romantic, by calling him “Elvis” . Why can’t Duncan be happy for me like I was for him? Trent walked me home today again because Duncan has like stopped hanging out with me. He only talks to me on the phone and that’s when I call him. He is always busy with Courtney, but I don’t complain. UGHH! Duncan is being totally unfair.I need to come up with an evil scheme for a special someone, so we’ll chat later.


Hey Diary, Wednesday, October 26
I should have listen to Duncan. I know now he was just trying to protect me. Not trying insult my boyf- Trent, but give me helpful advice, which seems impossible if you know Duncan. Today I saw Trent cheating on me. He lead me to believe that he liked me, but really he was working for his real girlfriend Heather, who is my sworn enemy. Or that’s what I thought. As soon as a saw them kissing Trent saw me and tried to explain what happened, but I ran away. I ran all the way to Duncan’s house with tears in my eyes. I rang the doorbell repetitively, but no one answered. It started to rain, so I just sat and waited. About 10 minutes passed and I decided to give the doorbell another try. When I did Courtney came out wearing one of Duncan’s shirt and yelled at me for disrupting their “study” session . I apologized with more hot tears forming and walked away. I thought heard Duncan’s voice yelling my name, but when I turned around no one was there. It started to pour and I left my umbrella at home. I continued to cry all the way home. My brother saw me and asked what was wrong, but I pushed him away, fled to my bedroom and locked the door. I texted Duncan an hour later, but he didn’t reply, so now I guess I’m writing to you. I guess I should leave Duncan alone. I should call Leshawna and tell her.

Hey Diary, Thursday, October 27
I didn’t get time to tell Leshawna about what happened yesterday, so I told her during first period. She got so mad I could see the steam coming through her ears. She asked if I was up for something sweet and I unknowingly accepted this challenge. Next period, I had with Duncan, who seemed pissed off. I don’t know why, so I just let him cool off before I said anything to him. At the end of class though he asked me why I didn’t tell him about what happened to me and Trent still pissed off, and that is what made me explode. I started raging at him about waiting there for like half an hour, ringing the doorbell like 20 times, Courtney, and walking by myself in the rain while even harder crying, and texting him. And with that I left him standing in the middle of the hallway while I went to third period. God, Duncan can be such a twat sometimes. Trent was in my third period class and he tried to get my attention in so many ways. At the end of class though I gave up and he explained to me that Heather attacked him and started making out with him and he wanted to take me back. I kindly denied it and told him maybe later. Then I quickly texted Leshawna about what just went down. Anyways, I’m at home right now and the only thing that could be better is if Duncan stopped acting so cocky. I just heard something fall and break -_-;; gotta go.

Hey Diary, Saturday, October 28
I felt bad for denying Trent’s request to go out with me, so I decided we could be friends. He was at my house when Duncan came over to my house today. When he rang the doorbell, I was thinking of doing what Courtney did to me to Duncan using Trent, but since I’ve been ignoring him for like the past week I’ve decided to give him a break. I let Trent leave through the backdoor as I opened the front door. We greeted each other and then Duncan started saying about how sorry he was about last Wednesday. He also brought me my favorite ice cream flavor with my favorite movies and we watched them until we finished the whole carton of ice cream. It was around 3 am and Duncan was thirsty, so he went and got what he thought was a bottle of water and drank some. When he came back, he had the whole bottle of vodka.

He then said all these that everyone would say if they were drunk like “I FREAKING LOVE THIS MOVIE!”, “WAIT WHAT’S THIS MOVIE CALLED?”, “WHEN YOU GET HERE?”. I just had to go get my video camera and start recording him. But those things were nothing compared to what he said to me next. “GWENNIE!”, he yelled,”I love you,” he then whispered.0.0 And if that wasn’t enough he kiss me O_O.


“WAIT WHAT’S DA MATTER?” he asked. Thinking he passed out, I drove him to his house and snuck him into his bedroom where apparently Courtney was waiting. She started screaming at me for being out with him. She was damn scary when she was mad. I tried to explain, but it was like 6 in the morning, so I just left. “STAY AWAY FROM ME! AND WHILE YOU ARE AT IT STAY AWAY FROM DUNCAN!” she bawled while hugging him. I pulled up my hood and silently walked away from Duncan’s house. I wonder if he would remember anything that he said. He most likely wouldn’t. Good luck Duncan with your scary as hell girlfriend!


Hey Diary,
I’m so thankful Duncan hasn’t said anything to me about that kiss. Then again, we haven’t really talked. I guess one would say that is Courtney’s fault. You and me are the only two people that know. I’m not planning to tell anyone anything about that night. Me and Trent are better now. He’s earning my trust back bit by bit. He told me last Saturday that whenever I was okay with the idea of him and me getting back together, we would. I feel like maybe now would be a good time to get back. I mean before Duncan remembers the kiss and everything. God, I wonder what crazy Courtney is doing to him. I'll call Trent and tell him my decision and try to forget about the kiss with Duncan and maybe Duncan himself. It’s not too hard though, with Courtney around and all.


Hey Diary,
So it’s official, me and Trent are going out. To celebrate, he took me out to a fancy restaurant. Duncan seemed to go against it though. He thought that Trent was going to do something else to hurt me. I bet he was just joking though. I mean Duncan was just drunk when he said that he loved me and all that... Right? Anyways the date was just WONDERFUL. I mean besides the fact that Courtney, with her watchful eye, and Duncan, with his cluelessness, were like 3 tables away. I waved to him, and all Trent asked was if me and Duncan were a thing. Since of course we were just friends, I was like HELL NO. At one point, when Trent and Duncan left to the guy’s bathroom, Courtney shouted at me for waving at Duncan. Besides that though the date was fantastic! We both had a blast, but I felt that Trent knew that Duncan kissed me or that something was happening between us. To reassure him though, I gave him a kiss. My first kiss that wasn’t from Drunk Duncan. Well I gotta go to my second job as a sales associate.


Hey Diary,
Today, I think, was the worst day ever. So this is what happened. Duncan said that he been having a series of dreams since last Saturday. He said that he kissed me and it was an “awesome kiss for the like 10 seconds it lasted.” for dream one. He also said that he very vaguely remembered me carrying him to his house, where Courtney was waiting for dream two and three. I was tempted to tell him that it wasn’t a dream, but decided not to though. I felt like it was best he didn’t know. At least while I was dating Trent and he was dating Courtney. So I agreed with him and said that was a pretty wack dream. I also warned him to not tell Courtney because she probably wouldn’t be too thrilled about the idea. Trent then came up and pulled me away from Duncan by giving me another kiss. Courtney followed him and walked away with Duncan and now me and Duncan were going our separate ways as one would say. I’m so late for my job...

Hey Diary,
I think Trent is being a little bit possessive over me. Whenever I try to talk to Duncan, he always interrupts and then makes sure that there isn’t anything happening between us. I always reassure him, and trying to reassure him cause to try to reassure me. Every time he reminds me, Duncan seems more pissed. I don’t know what’s going on anymore. Since homecoming is coming up soon Trent asked me to go. At first I said yes, but now I don’t know anymore. I have to go to a conference for my job.


Hey Diary,
I got my homecoming dress yesterday. It’s a simple flowing black dress with one fishnet. I’m going to accessorize though. I snuck Duncan through my window and showed him my dress. He thought it was pretty hot and hoped Courtney would be wearing something that hot. Duncan didn’t want to go to homecoming, but since Courtney was part of the homecoming committee Duncan needed to ask her. I asked Trent if he wanted to see, but he said that it would be bad luck for us if he did. I think Trent is officially going overboard. I don’t know what to do with Trent and homecoming. Maybe I’ll just go with him, but then I will hang out with Leshawna and Bridgette. I want to tell Leshawna about this, but first let me write a sticky note.


Gwen P.O.V
Yesterday was like an emotional rollercoaster. I told Trent that I think we should take a break and he slapped me. Lucky, or more like unlucky, for me that Duncan was near and saw the red handprint on my face and came over.

Next thing you know most of the juniors are surrounding Duncan and Trent yelling “Fight!” repeatedly. Once things started to get physical I got in the middle and stopped them right before. Trent looked deep into my eyes and asked me if Duncan was dating me. This time I didn’t need to answer. Duncan turned from like dead serious to doubled on the ground laughing.

“HER?!?!? BAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA! YOU MUST BE KIDDING!!!!”, Duncan tried to say between laughs. By now the crowd of juniors were gone. Duncan then saw Trent’s serious face. Duncan then asked, ”Oh! You’re serious?!?! HELL NO!! I’m dating Courtney. Though she might not be perfect, I wouldn’t cheat on her! ESPECIALLY WITH GWEN!!! BAHAHHHAAHHAHAHAH!! Dude, I still can’t believe you thought that!” It hurt, but I tried my best not to show any emotion no matter how much Duncan’s words hurt.

“You see Trent, 100% nothing, just friends. I wouldn’t cheat on you, but I think I just need a little break if you don’t mind,” I then calmly replied. Duncan nodded then told us that he leave us to go find Courtney. Trent still looked a little unconvinced, so I gave him a little peck on the cheek and said goodbye for now and walked away leaving Trent calling my name and telling me not to do this. I could hear him starting to tear up. I turned around and started to walk towards him, not having any clue what was the HELL I was doing. The next thing I see surprises me and scares me. Trent knocking me out with a glass bottle. When I woke up, I was tied to a pole with rope and duct tape covering my mouth, hardly wearing anything. Trent showed up and held me for who knows how long. It felt like forever, and I had NO IDEA where I was. I wonder if Duncan was at my house looking for me. Probably not, since homecoming was in a couple of days, he was helping Courtney with decorations. Duncan and me usually text often, maybe he will notice something is off when I don’t reply. Trent told me the only reason he held me here was because he still didn’t believe that me and Duncan weren’t dating. EVEN AFTER THE STUPID FREAKING SPEECH!!!! He also said that if I wasn’t his then I couldn’t be anyone’s. WHY THE HELL DID I WALK BACK TO HIM?? Once Trent left, I tried to get out a pocket knife that Duncan gave to me for my last birthday. It was his favorite one too. That’s when I remembered I didn’t have my FREAKING COMBAT BOOT in which I hid the pocket knife ;-;..... I’m so screwed. If anything happens to me I leave you with Duncan. At least I have my back up cell phone in my bra. CRAP! Trent’s footsteps are coming this way. Well I’ll just try to get the cell phone later. And that’s when I saw the person that I least expected and now my life depend on them.....

I saw Courtney. She had a smirk on her face which made me think that maybe she wasn’t gonna help me after all. ;-; aaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddd ONCE AGAIN I’M DOOMED!!!! Courtney then put a blindfold over my face, so I couldn’t see anything anymore. WHY!! WHY?? WHY MEE?!?! I started to cry. Courtney then said, “Cut the crap Gothie! Duncan’s not here to save you anymore. I have him at school helping me with decorations and crap for the homecoming that you will never see. You will be a slave for Trent. He is your ruler now, so you must serve him well. Have fun Gwennie ^-^ !!” And with that I could hear her footsteps in the distance. As I struggled to get my phone, I heard someone’s footsteps heading towards me. I have never been more thankful to have Duncan on speed dial than ever before. I quickly pressed the button and stuck it back into my bra with the back facing out and in-call volume off. Trent walked in the door. I could vaguely make out a weapon that he was holding. It looked like some sort of gun.

“Hey Gwennie <3,” Trent said in a sinister voice. He pressed the gun underneath my chin, ripped the duct tape off my lips, and started kissing me.

“Master Trent, where are we?,” I asked him choosing my words wisely, so they wouldn’t be the last words I would say.

“Master Trent has a nice ring to it. And Gwen we are in the basement of the school where the electrical wires and all that stuff is. Now continue to kiss me,” Trent demanded. I heard a little beep which meant that the phone call ended, but it seemed that Trent heard it too. He stopped kissing me, “WHAT WAS THAT??” he questioned.

“Probably some electrical wire, Master”, I said. Within another five minutes, I heard someone barge through the door and then I heard a gunshot and I saw Duncan bleeding while Trent ran out of there. I took off Duncan’s sweatshirt, quickly rolled it up and pressed it to his chest. I quickly pulled out my phone, called nine-one-one, and told them what happened. Once I heard the ambulance and police pull up, Trent came running in with the gun and I felt a sharp pain. When I put my hand against my head I saw blood all over my hand. The last thing I heard was Duncan weakly screaming my name and the last thing I saw was his face.

~Sticky Note~
If anything ever happens to me I want to let this diary to go to Duncan. I hope he enjoys reading it. Duncan, you will always be like the awesome boyfriend that I never had. I will love you forever. Please don’t go out with Courtney. She might seem nice, but she is truly evil. I love you Duncan <3 It doesn’t matter if you don’t like me, for I’ll always love you. - Your Best Buddy <3
added by xRainbowNinjax
Source: xRainbowNinjax
added by ARadomperson
added by izzyfan909
Source: I coloured it but I found the line art on google.
added by GwenFanxxxx
added by bakes2389
Source: Total Drama Creators, CN, Teletoon
added by poptrop300
Source: Me
added by SeeYouSmile
Source: Me
added by Gwendolynx3
Source: ME aka Gwendolynx3
added by TDIlover226
Source: Screensnaps
added by TDIlover226
Source: Screensnaps
posted by starburst-rock
(If u don't like fluffy-ness, Go Away!! Extra fluffy chapter rite here! Full credit goes to alternatactress on Fanfiction.)

I sobbed into my knees while I sat alone in the warehouse. How could Duncan cheat on me? And after he told me I was the only one. Huh. "Only one" my ass. I thought while I stood up and wiped my eyes. I looked down at my hands. Black makeup was now smudged all over them. And I don't even want to think about what my eyes look like. Bet you the million I looked like a raccoon. I was about to give up on my search for working artifacts, when I found a small blinking box. I picked...
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(Duncan's P.O.V.)
Well, Area 51 was quite the episode, wasn't it? I kissed Gwen twice in the same episode. Man, those "DxG" fans will be hysterical. Isn't that right?

neonwalflower, summerjoy11, xRainbowNinjax, gwuncanfan, TaintedArtist: HELL YEAH!!

I just broke the fourth wall, heh.
Well, I woke up to a snoring Owen, a pacing Alejandro, who was muttering in Spanish to himself, a camera in my face, and the loud, scratchy, warn-out hum of the plane's engine. I opened one eye, and snorted, "Thinking of a way to make out with Heather without the cameras seeing, Al?" He cringed when I called him "Al"....
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added by So425
added by iDxG101
Source: YAY!
added by gwuncanfan
Source: Me
posted by Gwentrend24
Duncan's P.O.V

REVENGE. That was the only thing on my mind at the moment. I can't believe he killed my best friend. Next to Gwen, he was the only one who cared about me. I'm going to go to Gwen's castle to figure out a plan. I was able to make my way up to her balcony. I did our secret knock to make her know that it was me. She was in her PJ's when she opened the glass door. I smiled at her despite how bad I felt at the moment. She embraced me into a hug. "Duncan, I'm so sorry about Geoff." she started. I closed my eyes, trying to hold back my tears. "It's alright. Can I come in?" I asked the...
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posted by starburst-rock
Chris brought everyone to a five star hotel. Including Duncan, Alejandro, and me. I was handed a gold key that told me I was in room 609. Sixth floor. I was riding up the elevator with the other final three. Alejandro was leaning against the wall, twirling his key around his finer. Duncan was leaning against the other wall, his arm around me. Alejandro got off on the third floor, and Duncan got off on the fifth. He gave me a quick kiss before he walked out. Then I got off on the sixth floor. I brushed a piece of hair behind my ear while I opened my room door. It was great. It had an amazing...
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posted by starburst-rock
(So close to the end. Makes me sad :'( )

The next day, Duncan and I were sitting in economy while Alejandro and Heather were plotting in first class. Duncan was still sleeping, and I was sketching, well, trying to with Chef's shitty flying. I was too preoccupied to notice Duncan pulling the top of my sketch pad down to look at what I was drawing. I quickly pulled it back and closed it. I may be good, but I don't like being complimented that much on my art. I shoved the pad back into my bag, then I looked back at Duncan. He was laying on his back on the bench. I walked over to him and laid down...
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posted by starburst-rock
(Only 8 more chapters left!!! Kinda makes me sad :( Full credit goes to Alternativeactress on Fanfiction!!)

Back in first class, Duncan and I were enjoying our "reception". Duncan had his iPod in the dock that Chris had given us as a reward - along with cake - and was playing his music. He was skimming through his music while the song The Catalyst by Linkin Park played. Suddenly, his face lit up when he saw a song. He played it.
"Me and my boys back home love this song." He said. It started with just some weird lyrics.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked.

"Shots by LMFAO (A/N: I'm not kidding. That's...
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(I find it hilarious that all the sappy chapters r popular xD well enjoy!)

I walked into first class with Duncan, Trent, and Alejandro, while my old team suffered in economy. I sat with Duncan while Trent sat with Alejandro. I sat on Duncan's lap while my legs hung over the arm of the seat. My head was back and Duncan was playing with my hair. I was enjoying my bliss until Chris walked in with that smile that I just wanted to slap off his face sometimes. I held my breath while he walked over to me and Duncan, then began to breath when he passed us and walked over to Trent and Alejandro. I looked...
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