TDI's GwenxDuncan Club
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posted by Gwentrend24
Gwen's P.O.V

Make-up... check. Cell phone... check. Purse... check.

I looked at myself for the millionth time in the mirror. I had my date with Duncan in just a matter of minutes and I was freaking nervous! Yeah, Duncan and I have gone on movie dates before, but this is a dinner date! It's much more important in terms of intensity. I was wearing a sweetheart cut black dress that hugged my body and stopped at my kness, with a white satin bow on it. I had on black fishnets, black high heeled shoes, dark eyeliner, clear lip gloss, my lucky heart locket necklace, fishnet fingerless gloves, and I straightened my hair to be mid-length down my back and died it all black. I smiled at myself in the mirror and ran downstairs to my living room. Rechecking that I had all of my i.d. in my purse, I noticed a bright, white light shining through the thin glass that presented itself towards the front of my home. I peeked behind the curtains to see a shiny, green, stylish convertible entering into my driveway. Duncan.





"O.k., Gwen. Be cool." I vented to myself, entering my closet to find my beige leather jacket.

The doorbell chimed out an all too familiar tune. I ran to the source of the tune, my hand reaching out for the golden doorknob. Taking a large wift of air, I slowly exhaled, calming my nerves.

I turned the doorknob, slowly, to be met by a pierced, silver face, a neon green mo-hawk, and a stunning smile.

I couldn't help but smile back when I saw his shining white teeth. Duncan smirked, as his eyes scanned my body. He wolf whistled, as his pupil's concluded its little adventure and reached back to my face. I'm pretty sure that by the goofy smile on his face, he could see the faint bush that was creeping up upon my cheeks.

I just went with my first instinct.

I softly punched him in the arm, feeling how tough it was. Dammit! Why does he have to be so buff?

I heard a deep, husky chuckle that snapped me out of my trance.

"Just kidding Pasty!" he laughed, "You look gorgeous." His voice softened and I found myself being mesmerized into his pools of teal.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself," I smiled, finally taking notice of his neat tuxedo, white dress shirt, black tie, black pants, and black leather shoes.

"Thanks Pasty,"

"Anyway, I got you these," he started, smiling at me and handing me the bouquet of red marigolds. I smiled as I accepted the flowers. "Being cliché, are we?" I giggled.

"I have my moments," the punk smirked, leaning against the doorframe.

"I'll be right back," I smiled, running up to my room and setting my flowers on my desk. I bit my bottom lip and quietly squealed. I don't know, it's just that… Duncan brings out the girly side of me. I ran back downstairs to see him just where I left him.

"Ready to go?" he grinned. I nodded and followed him out to his car. He opened my door for me, and hopped into the driver's seat. "You like music?" he asked as he started the car. I smiled in response and he turned his ipod to play Decode by Paramore. We smiled at each other. We always used to sing to Paramore songs in his car and get the occasional stare from some of the driver's in the cars passing by. But, that's what I love about Duncan. I'm not afraid to be who I am around him.

We sang along with the recording, giggling as we went along. Duncan clicked the music off once we parked. "Aww," I sighed.

"Come on Gwenny. Time to have dinner with the hottest guy in the world."

His smile really was mesmerizing. I felt so safe when I saw it. With Trent's I felt… nothing. But, he's still a sweet guy.

I rolled my eyes, and got out of the car. Duncan snaked an arm around my waist, while we walked to the restaurant. The night was actually really pretty. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky, and the sky illuminated perfectly on the shining city. We entered the rather dark restaurant and Duncan approached the young woman sitting at the counter. "Ahem," he interrupted her thoughts.

"Oh sorry I…"

"OMG! YOU GUYS ARE…" Before she could finish, Duncan clamped a hand over her mouth and nervously glanced around. "We know who we are, can we please have a table for two please?" he whispered. I giggled in the background. She swiftly nodded and led us to my usual booth. We took our seats earning the occasional glance and gasp, but I was used to it. Even some flash photography was going on, but I just pretended like I didn't notice.

We ordered our food and had a great dinner. Being with Duncan, just felt… so right.

"You know… it really could happen," he smirked, nudging me in the arm. I let out a snort, but then quickly covered my face with my hands. Ugh, I hate it when I snort.

"Sorry," I blushed.

"It's alright. It's actually kind of… cute." He smiled.

I smiled back.

"So, you wanna ditch now?" Duncan asked as the waitress that was trying too hard to keep her cool handed him the bill.

"Duncan… I can pay for my half of the food." I mumbled, searching my purse for my money.

"Oops, too late," Duncan chuckled, handing the bill back to the waitress who was about to have a heart attack. He winked at me.

"You're a jerk, you know that." I giggled.

"It's in my blood sweetheart… Anyway, shall we?" he questioned me, holding out an arm. I stood up with him and gladly accepted his arm, linking it with mine. We walked out of the restaurant and got back into his car.

"So, you wanna have a drive around town before I take you home?" he asked me.


Duncan started up the car and we were driving around the scenery at a slow pace.

"A trip down memory lane." He stated, "Hey, Gwen, remember this?" I saw that I was staring at the huge oak tree that I once visited a couple months ago. Duncan parked and we both hopped out to observe the tree. "A lot of 'good' memories here, huh?" he asked sarcastically. I examined the tree and still saw the faded sketch that read, T+G 4Ever. I just had to blush at that memory.

"So, how long is forever Gwen?" he taunted.

"Oh, shut up. I was head over heels for him." I laughed, punching him in the arm again.

He just smiled in response. "Ugh, remember this?" he groaned. I frowned as I stared into the dent in the tree.

"Yeah, some stupid drunk guys decided that they wanted to beat me up," I sighed.

"That was horrible," Duncan said.

"But, you were there to save me." I smiled.

"Well, maybe I just am Superman, don't cha think?"

I giggled. It was true. I was lucky that Duncan just happened to be walking by when I was getting attacked. Long story short, he beat the crap out of them.

"Hey, they mess with you, they mess with me." Duncan explained.

I moved in closer to him. "See, this is why I feel safe when I'm with you,"

I could've sworn I saw him blush a little, but I didn't want to really bother him about it.

"S-so um, remember there?" he fumbled with his words, as we crossed the street to the old abandoned mansion. I smiled.

"Yeah, it's where I had my first kiss." I smiled, having a flashback. (Duncan and I actually knew each other before Total Drama)

"Marissa Wong dared you to kiss me, and you did." Duncan smiled.


"O.k, Truth or Dare?" I asked my past friend, Collin.


"Is it true that you once snuck in drugs at school?" I asked him.

"True. What can I say?" Let's just say that I had some pretty weird friends.

"O.k, next…" I started.

"Well, well, well. Isn't it little miss gruesome with her sidekicks Juvie boys." She smirked at me, Collin, and Duncan. (We were 13).

"Just leave us alone Marissa, we're playing a game," Duncan stated.

"What game?" she asked again.

"Truth or Dare," I simply shrugged it off.

"Alright, well I want to play too, Gwen I dare you to go into the abandoned mansion and….. um…."

"Not getting any younger here," Duncan interjected. I let out a snicker.

"Fine, if you think it's so funny, I dare you to go into the abandoned mansion and kiss Duncan."

I widened my eyes and looked to Duncan who was as red as an apple.

"Well, you can't deny a dare, go." She pushed us both into the opening of the rickety old mansion.

Duncan and I just stared at each other for a while. Collin peeked in through the door. "Marissa sent me to see if you actually did it. You guys don't really have to, I can just say…" Colin explained.

"No, I have to prove to Marissa that I'm not afraid of her stupid little dare." I exclaimed, "I mean, it's just one little kiss, right Duncan?"

He was still beet red. I rolled my eyes and softly pressed my lips upon his, and closed my eyes. This lasted for about 10 seconds. At that age, I wasn't so sure how sparks felt, but I think I felt some.

A single word escaped Duncan's lips as I pulled away, "Wow,"

End of Flashback

"So, was I a good kisser?" Duncan nudged me.

"Eh, you were… o.k." I taunted.

"What do you mean by, o.k.?" he asked.

"Just, o.k." He frowned.

"Well, I bet you I was definitely better than Trent."

I giggled. "Oh, speaking of Trent…" I started as we got back into his car, "I actually ran into him today."

The atmosphere became silent and awkward.

"Duncan?" I asked him.

He looked like he was just poked by a thousand needles.

"Oh, um… that's great. What did he say?" he hesitated for a moment.

"Well, we just went out for coffee, talked a little, you know, had fun." I concluded.

"Um, o.k. So, are you two going to meet up… again?" he asked.


"Al-right." I felt his muscles tense.

"Duncan, are you o.k?" I questioned my punk friend.

He sighed. "I'm fine," he smiled as we approached my house.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow on the set." He said.

"Yeah, thanks for dinner, and everything." I smiled back.

"No problem babe. Bye." With a wave of the hand he was off.

That's odd. Duncan never called me, 'babe'. It was always Pasty or Sunshine or just Gwen. But, never babe.

I sighed, entering my house and threw on some PJ's. I decided to just get in a few questions tonight for my vlog. I had to go to sleep a little earlier tonight because I had to wake up at 5 in the morning tomorrow; just one of the few cons to being an actress.

I basically just scanned gave simple answers to the questions, until one of them caught my eye.

I played with the red marigolds in my hand that Duncan gave me and read the question,

Dear Gwen,

I think I'm in love with my best friend. He's really sweet, and kind, and funny and caring… but I'm not sure if he likes me back. Will telling him ruin our friendship? I really have a lot of feelings for him, but there's also this other guy. He's sweet and makes me feel great, but… I'm kind of confused. I don't know who I really like, but I just feel a spark whenever I'm with my best friend. What should I do?



I sighed and studied the petals on the marigolds, smiling thinking about Duncan.

"Well Jen, listen to your heart. I know that it's possible to have feelings for two guys at the same time, but maybe your heart is telling you one thing, and your mind is telling you the other. Whoever's in your heart, you should be with. And by the looks of that, it's your best friend. He probably likes you back, but is just too shy to say it. But, if you really feel like you guys were meant to be don't be afraid to tell him,"

I smiled, placed the Marigolds in my vase, and logged off of my vlog, ready for a good night's sleep. I glanced one last time around my room, before falling into a deep sleep.
posted by starburst-rock
(Well.......HERE is the next PART! and Idk y I'm using caps......)

"Chris knows." Duncan whispered to me while we sat on the Jumbo Jet the next day. "He fucking knows. There's no way that he's going to keep this all hush hush." He whispered again. I closed my eyes and placed a hand on my forehead. I felt warm. I opened my eyes and sat up straight while I pulled my hand off my forehead and stared at it.

"Hey Duncan?" I asked. He looked at me. "Do I feel hot to you?" I asked him. He smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Not like that." I said. "I mean like, do I have a fever?" I asked him. He pushed his...
continue reading...
posted by 0loneleepixie0
Gwen: Let's just... get back to the hotel before something serious happens... *smiles worried* Wait!! *cleans up his face covered with make up*

*after half hour*

Gwen: *sighs as she closes the door than sits on the bed* You don't have an idea how much I'm bored.. What's the time, anyway??

Duncan: About..*looks on his hand watch* five thirty pm. I'm going to take a shower..

Gwen: *stands up after him and touches his shoulders* You're as tide as stone...

Duncan: *smiles and kisses her* Just wait for tonight..

Gwen: *laughs* Okay..

Heather: Okay, Sierra! Truth or dare?

Sierra: Truth! *door knock*...
continue reading...
added by neonwalflower
Source: neonwalflower
added by TaintedArtist

"I was framed!" I heard someone shout. I groggily opened my eyes and turned my head to see Chris standing over Duncan. I closed my eyes again, wanting to go back to sleep. I tried to sit up, but then I realized I could hardly move. We must have hit each other with our tranq balls. Chris glared at us.

"Half an hour of your guys sleeping?" he shouted. "Oh yeah. That's gonna be great for ratings!" he said sarcastically. "I want a song. Pronto! No matter where the tranq balls hit you, or how groggy you may be. Now, sing!" he demanded.

Me: Well, it's a beautiful day on the perfect time to snag...
continue reading...
added by bakes2389
Source: TD Creators, CN, Teletoon
added by iDxG101
Source: me
added by bigpurplemuppet
Amazing vid by SimzMaster! btw....I love this song soooo much!
posted by Gwentrend24
I want to dedicate this fan fiction to xRainbowNinjax for her birfday. This is your gift that I've been owing you for how long now. I told you I'd get you one. ;) Well my peeps, enjoy!

Trent's P.O.V

This was killing me, the whole situation I was in, was just killing me. My name is Trent Smith and I am currently 18 years old. I play guitar, have deep kiwi eyes, was on a reality TV show, 2 seasons running, (so far)and met this great girl while at it. Her name is Gwen Pearsons and I miss her like hell. After Total Drama Action ended, Gwen and I made...
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added by TaintedArtist
Gwen lied her head on the couch watching the water droplets slide down her cold glass of water. The television was seen behind it, swiveled an distorted by the light bouncing of the water in the cup.

“And evidently there were no other survivors of this horrible accident. All we can say is that this proves that no matter where you go, death is all around us.” The anchorman says on the news station as Gwen then chucks the remote at the screen. The remote bounces off and lands firmly on the carpeted floor.

Cody then appeared walking inside as Gwen sat up from the couch. “Gwen…?” He called...
continue reading...
added by i_love_music
Source: TwistedXmo
added by bigpurplemuppet
added by bigpurplemuppet
added by bigpurplemuppet
added by neonwalflower
Source: neonwalflower
added by bigpurplemuppet