TDI's GwenxDuncan Club
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posted by NeonInfernoLord
The party was set now and crowds of kids and graduates were rampaging through the field. The music on the speakers around the field blasted music loudly through the field.

♫Burn, baby, burn!. Burn, baby, burn!♫

The gang had now arrived at the celebration. Cody was frantically searching around for danger as he stayed away from all the grills, sharp fences, and the cords around him. By now the oil spilled earlier had soaked into the soil and around the field already.

“Man, I can’t believe we’re finally leaving this hellhold.” Duncan says putting an arm around Gwen as they walked.

“Y-Yeah.” Gwen responded as that dark aura feeling spread across her entire body yet again. The wind sent a chill through her spine as she knew death was in the air.

A group of senior graduates ran through the field now as they were playing around the grills now. One of the graduates had there gown still on as it swung around onto the stove of one of the grill bars. The tip of it caught on fire as he took it off and stomped onto it to keep it from burning the entire gown.

“Nice going dude.” His friend told him sarcastically as he backed up into the grill causing one of the burners to become crooked and tilting onto its side. The gauge on the propane tank was shown becoming looser and looser as now more of the flammable gas began to leak out in a streak.

Outside the man in the truck had been drinking still. He wobbled around woozily as he fell onto the car keys breaking them as they were now jammed into the ignition making the truck permanently on. The man turned around to vomit as the 6 pack lying on the dashboard fell and landed on the gear shift pushing it to reverse. The can on the seta fell now as it landed on the accelerator pedal causing the truck to now start to go backwards down the hill.

“Cody…” Sierra called as the short brunette boy just looked around frantically for any sign of danger. Sierra grabbed the bottom of her hair and waved it in his face as he shook out of it. He spit out a purple lock of hair now as he pulled it from his mouth.

“Sierra! You know I hate it when you do that.” Cody argues as he pulls another strand out.

“Well you were scaring me. You seem so tense right now my own muscles hurt.” Sierra says rubbing her shoulder.

“Well I have every right to be. You heard Gwen, I’m next, and then you. You should be just as worried as I am because once I’m dead it’s going to come right after you.” Cody stammered a little as cold beads of sweat dripped form his forehead.

“Cody…” Sierra sighed. “You told me you would protect me, you promised. But before you can do that I have to protect you. So that’s what I’m going to do. It doesn’t matter what happens, I’ll be there.” She wrapped her arms around him lifting him up a little.

“Sierra don’t…” Cody couldn’t finish before her lips met his. It was a tight embracing kiss, one that sent a tsunami of warm fire throughout his body as he went numb from the feeling.

When it ended he was placed back on his feet reeling to collect his remaining thoughts. It seems like he just collected a whole new outlook on her. The moment might have continued if Gwen didn’t arrive.

“GUYS!” Gwen yelled to them on a ear ringer level.

Cody snapped out of his love induced trance as he stared at Gwen. “What is it?” He said gritting his teeth for cutting his first wanted kiss short.

Gwen detected the bitterness in his voice but shook it off. “Heather didn’t die.”

“What do you mean? We saw her die…I mean we saw the house explode entirely.’ Sierra said astonished.

“Yeah well apparently she lived, her and Alejandro both for some reason.” Gwen told them as now they looked worried.

“Well then…who’s really next?” Cody asked as suddenly the truck rolling down the hill had met the bottom. The back of the truck rammed into one of the tall lighting poles as it was knocked off its post. Sparks flew everywhere as they all looked up at it as it starting plummeting towards Cody.

“Codykins!!” Sierra screamed as she grabbed him furiously by his shirt pushing him out the way as the pole landed on her chest crushing it. Gwen stumbled backwards into the grill as the stove top burner fell onto the grass. The oil that was in the soil caused a fire to start spreading around the entire area in a circle formation.

Cody landed on his back as he looked up to see Sierra with her chest looking as if it imploded with the pole laying firmly onto her. Cody quickly crawled up to her as Sierra had blood pouring out her mouth and a few bones protruding from her chest.

“Sierra! Please don’t do this to me.” Cody pleaded as Sierra just spurted blood from her mouth unable to talk as her heart was already crushed. Cody tried vainly to move the enormous pole off her but to no avail. “COME ON MOVE!!!” The scrawny brunette screamed but it fell on deaf ears as Sierras eyes closed. Cody looked down at her lifeless face as his tears started to stain it. He spotted to necklace she wore on Total Drama and picked it off her neck as it was bloodstained.

Gwen rushed to find Duncan now as she knew he was next. She ran past people that were frantically trying to leave now as she tripped onto the rack of the balloon air tanks causing them to jut out of the rack hold and kicking the propane tank as it was now leaning on one of the tanks. She pushed herself off the rack as she went to find Duncan.

Duncan was watching the fire happen as he was going to head for the exit but not without Gwen. “GWEN!” He shouted frantically looking for her as the fire reached many of the grills causing explosions now with the propane tanks scattered about.

A large red Chevy soon pulled up outside of the celebration. A familiar Latino male soon got out of it with a revolver in his hand. He spun the inside of it before clicking it back inside and headed towards the burning celebration.

Soon Gwen ran into the delinquent as he fell back from the impact.

“Duncan!” Gwen yelled as she quickly held onto him. “We have to get you out of here now.” She had a manic state in her voice as she grabbed his sleeve trying to drag him to the exit.

“Woah wait what about the beauty and the geek?” Duncan asked as he was still able to make a joke out of such a desperate predicament.

“…Sierra’s…already dead and Cody will be fine trust me but we need to go immediately!” Gwen trudged on but was stopped dead in her tracks as a fire was heard being shot and a bullet spewed past her head and through her hair. A few locks of midnight blue hair fell, blending into the grass as Alejandro was seen past all the smoke of the blazing inferno around them.
“Ah, buenas noches Gwen.” Alejandro said tapping his face with the gun.

“Alejandro!? What are you doing?” Gwen asked now backing up from him.

“Oh you should know senorita.” Alejandro had a fake evil smile spread across his face as he pulled the gun from his cheek and held it down.

“Dude, what the hell are you doing!?” Duncan asked now wide-eyed as if he had no idea of the conflict taking place. “Even I’ve never shot at anyone before.”

Alejandro just shot a glare that would make Satan piss himself at Duncan as he held the gun up at them both. “You….knew Heather would die.” He shot once again as a bullet just sped passed them and scratched one of the propane tanks so narrowly missing it. “But you didn’t even try to save her!”

“Al…she isn’t…” Before Gwen could finish Al took another shot as a bullet whizzed past them.

“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” He screamed

“Alejandro she isn’t dead! She survived the explosion.” She spoke as her mascara began to run from her tears, creating a pitch dark streak down her cheeks.

“You never even liked her. That didn’t give you a right to just let her die, you could’ve done something, her, our baby died because of you!” Al had lost all sense of sanity as now he pointed the gun back at them. “Oh but I saw what happened, and you can’t die yet can you?”

The fire now had burned everything within the span of the field into pure ash. The smoke was making it difficult to breathe right about now as Gwen and Duncan began to cough upon the smoke entering their lungs.

“Your not next…so in return, I’ll take away someone you love too.” He switched the gun to Duncan as he walked closer towards them. He pulled the trigger but Duncan had ducked underneath as he ran towards Al, tackling him to the ground. The gun flew out his hand and rolled across the ground as it shot another bullet and it hit the gauge of the propane tank knocking it off.

Duncan and Alejandro pummeled each other on the grass rolling around like a looney tune fight. The gas spewing out the top of the tank had set on fire causing a huge explosion. One of the pressurized air tanks held on top of the ranks was hit by the explosion as the back of the tank came off causing it to fly forward. The tank flew straight for Duncan who was pulled down by Al as they didn’t even notice it. Alejandro now pinned Duncan to the ground pulling his fist back and blasting it into his face as blood streamed out his lip.

Gwen was the only one that actually saw the tank narrowly miss Duncan as she looked over at the rack. The fire had caused many of the air tanks to start blasting off the rack. One of them had flown straight into the air as another headed right for Gwen.

“LOOK OUT!” Cody yells pushing her down as the tank fell harmlessly to the ground. “Are you alright?” He asked her with Sierra’s bloody necklace on.

“Uh, y-yeah. I think it just skipped me.” Gwen told him laying on the ground.

Alejandro was still busy beating the snot out of the Duncan as he soon got off him and headed for the gun. “Ok amigo, it’s time to end this.” He pulled the gun up at the injured Duncan as he pulled the trigger but nothing happened. “What the?” He looked down at it but it didn’t budge. “Tienes que estar bromeando!” Suddenly the tank that was thrown into the air had began to fall back down. Al looked up as the tank landed right on the frontal lobe of his head, knocking it clean off from the jaw up. Cody, Gwen, and Duncan watched in horror as the latin mongrel fell onto his side. The fire around the area had seemed to start subsiding on its own now as they started heading off the grounds.
Hi Trent...
Hi Trent...
Duncan and I were at the book store,talking.A girl came up to us and said,"Hello Dunky,who's this freak?"She asked pointing at me.I rolled my eyes and said,"And who's this spoiled little bitc-
"Ok!"Duncan cut me off.

He got up from his seat,"Courtney this is Gwen my best friend,Gwen this is Courtney-"His girlfriend!"Courtney cut off Duncan."Oh..."I said.
An akwardness filled the room.

Leshawna and Bridgette,my two friends,came in the room and grabed me out.When we got outside they were screaming like crazy."What is going on here?"I asked.

"There's a new comer!"Bridgette screamed."We thought since...
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posted by saphire1031
When I came to, I saw Duncan's face, one eye full of concern. Wait, one eye? I blinked, and his eye split. Back to two. "Gwen, you ok?" He asked. I treid to stand, but almost blacked out again. "Gwen, you have a cuncussion. You should not stand." I shook my head and managed to croak, "Trent?" Duncan got that angry flicker in his eyes. "Not here." He said quickly. I finally took in my surroundings and realized I was in a hospital. I also realized something else. I saw a flash of jet-black hair cross the doorway. Once. Twice. Three times. And then I finally realized who it was. "I don't beleive...
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posted by MafiaSquirrel
Could we be more? (chapter 3)
I’m so glad you guys like my story so far! I think this chapter is better than the last one. It doesn’t contain Bridgette’s POV, because I totally forgot to put it in, but I’ll try to have it in the next chapter. ENJOY!

Duncan was acting super weird at lunch. He kept glancing over at me and Trent. He even looked mad when I introduced him. I wanted to talk to him before English, but Bridgette and Izzy whisked me away before I got the chance. “Who’s the new guy?” Bridgette asked.

“He’s just a guy from my history class,” I...
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posted by xRainbowNinjax
(Note: Like my picture?)
Gwen POV
Confesional: The first time i become Friend-ish with Courtney i KISS her boyfriend!
Courtneys showing me things about whats wrong, or what needs to be fixed with Duncan.
"Maybe getting rid of those piercings, and mohawk-"
She went on and on, and ON with 47 things wrong with him! What does he see in her?
Alejandro POV
Tyler looked, weirder then normal, almost like , like he's hiding something...
"Hey Tyler, Anything on your mind?"
"Well, um there is one thing...-"
'Duncan wakes up'"Oh wow, that was a DEEP sleep.The sleep of the DEAD. Hah, you know what i mean Tyler?...
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posted by colecutegirl
gone girly
gone girly
duncans pov

ok so gwen hasnt been answering my calls at all i was lookingout my window wheni saw what looked like gwen but all pink and slut like!she was walking with...TRENT!!!! then gwen looked over and law me looking thrgh my window (in his room) smiled not a friendly smile but a harsh smile. then she reached over and kissed trent. what how could she ...ok so i kissed courtney but not on purpose!>:'(

gwens pov

o as much as i hate slutz and pink and trents i know duncan hated all tha stuff too and i had to et him mad except it was tret that got mad when i got to is house he invited me in...
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OK wow my day was totally hecktick today.
I was at school right?
Well every class for some reason I'm RIGHT NEXT TO JOHNNY!
And we both streched our legs at the SAME time for some weird coinsadince and our feet touched for like 7 seconds before I had to go to my teachers desk to see my grade on our English test.
THEN!At lunch time, we were playing kickball in the cort I was talking to Grace, of course talking about our grades on every test we did this week and of course Michael pushed me on accident and I got pushed onto Johnny (But we didn't fall down)
and we were stomach to stomach for like 10...
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added by bigpurplemuppet
posted by mandy-mush
i woke up in the morning and felt a morning breeze blow back my hair.I can't beleivethat you convinced me to sleep with you two nights ago!don't worry!
it's not like you are pregnant!i felt a little sick to my i was going to puke.i rushed to the bathroom and vomited into the toilet.i'm ok don't worry i'm fine.i went to the store with my freind bridgette.ok,bread,milk,eggs,nutella,jelly,cookies,and,hey what's this?a pregnancy tester.bridgette!
i thought we said we didn't need this!sorry sorry
fine we will test this when we are home.i was too lazy to try it.i sat down on the couch,turned...
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posted by NeonInfernoLord
The room was quiet, other than the ticking of the clock that seemed to taunt them with its noise. Cody, Sierra, and Gwen sat around a table in the middle of the kitchen silently. Noah’s body had already been taken to the morgue back at the library.

“So what do we do now?” Cody asks looking up from his arms and breaking the silence.

It took a while for Gwen to respond as she was almost in another trance. “I-I don’t know…I’m not sure if we can even stop this anymore.”

“Of course we can, you said it yourself, we just have to intervene, that’s all right?” Sierra says with a...
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posted by starburst-rock
(Soo guys..This is it :( I hope u enjoy! Full credit 2 Alternativeactress!)

The next morning, I woke up to a just rising sun. I smiled and pulled myself out of bed. I took a quick shower and blow dried my hair. I applied my makeup. I changed into a pair of baggy dark blue jeans, a studded bet, and a black and red plaid shirt with a black tank top underneath. I kept the plaid shirt unbuttoned and walked back over to my bed. I pulled on my black sneakers and walked out of my room to grab some breakfast. I made sure that my iPod and room key was in my pocket before leaving.

I walked into the elevator...
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Gwen's P.O.V

We are having our family meeting with Trent. I am so bored! I was practically dying of boredom. Suddenly my cell phone beeped. (I know they didn't have cell phones at that time of period, but this is the 2011 version of Romeo and Juliet) Apparently, it disrupted the whole conversation cause it caused my father to give me a nasty look. I swiftly flashed my eyes at the text. It read,

Gwen, we need to talk. Meet me on the balcony.
-Your prince charming, Duncan

Ugh, he's so tacky, but that's my Duncan.
"Um, I'll be right back." I excused myself from the conversation. I rushed up stairs...
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posted by i_love_music
Courtney:Good morning, Dunky!*hugs him*
Courtney:What's wrong with you, Dunky?
Duncan:Nothing!And don't call me Dunky, okay?*grabs her hand from him*
Courtney:Are you ok?
Duncan:YES I AM!
Courtney:Just tell me what happens!
Duncan:*ignores Courtney and walks away*

At the bathroom...
Duncan:*washes his face and talks to himself*I can't support Courtney!I'll say to her that I'm going with my friends!Or...I'll ignore her!

Duncan comes back in the room...
Courtney:Why are you ignoring me?
Duncan:I will go with my friends!I will be...back...later!
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posted by xRainbowNinjax
Note: sorry if there's alot of errors I'm writing this on my iPod....
Gwens pov
You know i don't even know what episode where on or how many week Duncan's been gone,*sigh*, but I know where going to newfound land.ugh Courtney shut up! She keepS saying' ima gonna winna the~a game~a' over and over again, help me.
Courtneys pov
In my dream I'm brittish or something and I'm winning the game !!!!
Chrisss pov
*takEs out bullhorn*
"Wake UPPPPPPPP where going to newfoundland so , um , get ready,"
GwEns pov
I got up and started to get ready. I walked down to where Chris was and he dropped us off with him close...
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Gwen's POV
I'm really starting to miss home. Mom making pancakes, Grandma Demeter yelling at her to make cereal instead,and even Dad mumbling to himself he can never read all of the paper before it bursts into flames. I even miss Cerburus. I know what your thinking, "Isin't Cerburus scary and like s to eat people?" But Cerburus his a puppy. Dad gave him to me on my first birthday. But I know there is no way of getting out of this prison called Camp Half-Blood. Oh God, a punk little boy is coming my way.

Duncan's POV
So I walk over to this beautiful girl and start talking to her.
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posted by FearlessSinger
(Gwen's POV)

So Heather and Lindsey waited in line behind me and Trent as I stared at Duncan and Courtney make out on the lockers. On the inside I was screaming. On the outside I was trying to act like I didn't care. I try to hold back the tears that were forming in my eyes. Why do I feel this way? What do I feel? I've never felt this way before. I really can't take it anymore. Every time I see Duncan with Courtney I feel like throwing up. I don't even know what's going on inside me. What is wrong with me? Am I sick? No, I can't be sick. Oh God help me.

"Gwen? Gwen? Hello?"
I lost my thoughts...
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added by iDxG101
Source: me
Gwen:Meet me outside when everyone's asleep
Duncan:Why? So we can make out?
Gwen:I'm serious Duncan,we need to talk*walks off*
Duncan:*worried look*


Duncan:We need to talk? What is she talking about? *pause* oh no,she doesn't mean....

Gwen:It's just not the same as before,sure he's being sweet and patient with me,but... *sigh* I just can't do this anymore.

.*.End of Confessional.*.


(Duncan and Gwen are alone,in the place where they were in TDA)

Duncan:What's going on?
Gwen:*sighs*Remember when we kissed back in World Tour?
Duncan:*wraps arms around Gwen*How...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
With Gwen and Duncan
Gwen: what is it Duncan
Duncan: i-i have millitary school i-i tried to expalin to my dad but he didn't care i'm so sorry Gwen: what...
Duncan: i tried to esplain to him it just wouldn't work i'm sorry *hugs Gwen and begins to cry*
Gwen: Duncan it's fine
Duncan: no it's not i got you pregnant i went into a 21 year older bar and got busted and now i have to go to millitary school i'm the worst dad in the world
Gwen: no you're not Duncan
Duncan: YES I AM!!! sorry i just snapped at you ut i'm really mad now i'm sorry
Gwen: it's fine
Duncan: do you hate me becuase i understand if you do
Gwen: i don't hate you Duncan i understand
Duncan: Gwen i don't know when i'll come back but when i do i'll help you as much as i can i promise
Gwen: thank you *kisses Duncan
Duncan:*kisses back* i love you
Gwen: i love you too

[b]i am soooo sorry i haven't updated in a while i have been really busy lately and sorry if a missspelled anything[b/]
posted by koalagirl9
Kayla:(Gwen's oldest Daughter)Wow mom you look so tense
Gwen:Duncan Senior just got out of Jail and Now Duncan Jr. is in Jail
Kayla:What did he do now?
Gwen:He robbed a bank
Kayla:what how does he rob a bank??? hes 10!!
Gwen:Heck if i know..
Duncan:the babes up
Gwen:What i put Jen down for a nap 5 minutes ago!!!!!!!!!!
Duncan:I said babe not baby
Gwen: Ugh can you be any less of a...
Kayla:MOM WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!!No wonder your son is in jail,
Gwen:Kayla go to your room
(Gwen and Duncan Make out)
posted by NeonInfernoLord
k so this idea came up to me after having a dream of being on Total Drama and then everyone died…don’t ask. Anyways I’ll be working on this along with the fantasy matches you guys request and I’ll see where it goes. I hope you enjoy it.

“Welcome contestants to another glorious season of Total Drama folks!” Chris McClean, the host, yells as he stands in front of the camera. A scene of the ocean and a large cruise ship is seen behind him. “This season, all of our contestants will be sent overseas to compete for yet another million dollar prize! This is Total…Drama…TITANIC!”...
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