TDI's GwenxDuncan Club
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posted by starburst-rock
It was only three days before the wedding. I was starting to get nervous. I visited the hall with Duncan and his parents – who thankfully still liked me – and it was perfect. Duncan started taking more responsibility, seeing as he worked on the music. He refused to tell me who he hired to sing at our wedding, but he told me everything else. That kind of pissed me off that he didn't tell me that one little thing.

I was walking home from Pixie's house after we met about the wedding. She was helping me out a lot since I had college work to do. I was going to Princeton – majoring in journalism – and I was home for the wedding. I was allowed two weeks off for the wedding, but I had to so thrice as much work when I got back. It was a small price to pay to be together forever with the one I loved. Duncan was waiting a year before college just so he could plan the wedding. So sweet of him.

Last time he saw me was on my birthday. I wanted to surprise him with coming home after he had a bitch fit when I told him I would be boarding. I told him that I would be home tomorrow. I walked to the door of our apartment and the smell of freshly popped popcorn slipped through the crack under the door. I smiled to myself as I pulled out my key. Everything was done silently. Opening the door, walking in (which was aided by the grey carpet), and closing the door. I didn't see him in the kitchen or living room, so I walked into the bedroom. I brought my bag with me. I heard the water running and assumed that he was taking a shower. I placed my bag on the bed before pulling off my jacket.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a silver bowl with white popcorn overflowing inside. I popped a piece in my mouth before taking a bottle of water from the fridge. I took a sip and gently placed it down on the counter. The water stopped and some music started playing faintly.

I padded silently towards the door and I recognized the song as Monster by Lady Gaga. I noticed Duncan mouthing the words as he pulled out a pair of black sweatpants from the closet. I had to cover my mouth to prevent myself from bursting out in laughter as he lip-synced and changed. I couldn't believe that he didn't see my bag on the bed. He closed his eyes as he walked towards the doorway. He clearly hadn't seen me, nor did he sense that there was someone else in his apartment. He passed right by me, his eyes still closed and still mouthing the words.

I quickly changed into a black nightgown and walked back into the kitchen. I stood behind him and folded my arms. He was ridiculous. He turned around and smiled at me. "Hey, Gwen!" he called over the music. I widened my eyes. I'm gone for two weeks and all I get is a 'Hey, Gwen' when I come home? He turned back to what he was doing. I raised an eyebrow before he whipped around again, his eyes wide. "Gwen!" he screamed happily as he picked me up and spun me around. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He stopped spinning me and pressed his lips onto mine. "How long have you been in the apartment?" he asked in between kisses.

"Five minutes, maybe." I said back. Duncan reached with his right hand for the remote for the stereo. He stopped the music and tossed the remote onto the couch before kissing me again.

"So do you want to do anything other than," he winked and clicked his tongue. I giggled and kissed him one last time before jumping onto the floor.

"Watch a movie or two?" I asked.

"As you whish, darling." He said before walking with me over to the couch, the popcorn bowl in his free hand. His other was around my waist. I sat on the couch as he placed the bowl on the coffee table. He walked back over to the kitchen and started working on something. I decided that I would choose the movie. I pulled out Halloween one and two. I put the first disk in and placed the second case next to the bowl. I grabbed the remote and sat back down on the couch as Duncan walked over with two glasses of wine from one of the bottles my mom bought for us. He handed me one and placed his on the coffee table. He grabbed something from the microwave and walked back over to me. He placed a small bowl of chocolate next to the popcorn bowl. He remembered that I liked to have a bit of chocolate on my popcorn. He sat down next to me as I started the movie. I laid back on his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Love you." He whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek. I smiled and looked up at him.

"Love you too." I whispered back before placing a small kiss on his lips.


The next morning, I woke up with Duncan's arms wrapped around my waist. I tried to pull away from him, but his grip just got tighter. Today was the mark of only two days before the wedding.

Wait. The wedding is in two days.

I sat up and slapped Duncan. He sat up and screamed. He then proceeded to glare at me. "Glare at me when the wedding isn't in two days." I said before I crushed my lips into his. His eyes widened for a second before he kissed back.

He pulled away from me and leaned his forehead on mine. "Two days, huh?" he asked. I nodded. "Huh." He said before kissing me again. "Listen, I have to meet with someone in an hour. I won't be home for a while."

"That's okay. I have to go meet Nora and Pixie for some last minute things. Plus Bridgette is coming up from Miami to be part of the bridal party." I said while getting out of bed and starting to change. I put on a rather familiar outfit – the one that I wore when I won Total Drama World Tour - a pair of baggy dark blue jeans, a studded bet, and a black and red plaid shirt with a black tank top underneath. Again, I kept the shirt unbuttoned as Duncan changed into his usual attire. I grabbed my wallet and phone along with my key before kissing Duncan and leaving.

I walked down the street to the local café and saw Nora with a coffee in her hand. I walked in and hugged her. "Hey! How's college?" she asked. She also went to college, but a different one.

"It's good. How about you?" I asked before ordering a coffee for myself.

"You know, work, life, drama, music, more work, more music, my asshole of a boyfriend," she said.

"Amen, sister." I said while paying for my coffee. I smirked as I remembered her constant ranting about her boyfriend. What I didn't understand was why didn't she just break up with the guy.

"So are you ready for the big day?" she asked while I got the caffeine that I so desperately needed. I nodded with a smile. "I can't stay for long. I have a thing with a guy." She said apologetically.

"That's cool. We just need to go over a few things once Pixie and Bridge get here." I told her before sitting down on one of the black couches. She sat next to me as the two of them walked in. They ordered and then walked down to us. Bridgette and I hugged as she said over and over again how much she missed me. "Okay. Now we need to talk." I said. We all sat down as Pixie took out a book from her bag and placed it on the table. I left the wedding notebook at her house last night. She opened it to the page with the bride's maids' dresses on it. There were names scribbled next to dresses as to who was wearing what. Pixie pointed to a black dress with a rich purple sash across the center.

"Okay. So that's everyone but Bridgette, right?" she asked. I nodded. Then she pointed to a purple one with a black sash. They were all strapless. "Maid of honor?" she asked. I nodded.

"They all came in last night." Nora said. I shipped them to her house because I thought that I wouldn't be there when they arrived. "Including yours, Gwen." She added while pointing to me. I smiled. Fingers crossed that everything goes well.


~ Duncan ~

I sat in the park while I texted Nora. She was singing at the wedding. Not only because she could sing, but she offered to do it for free. The answer was obvious. I made her swear not to tell Gwen. And she was rather good at keeping promises. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and saw that Nora had texted me.

From: Nora
Message: I'm here.

I closed my phone and looked up. She was walking over to me with her guitar case in her hand. We already made the arrangements for the rest of the band. A few of my good friends could play instruments so they were taking care of that for me. She smiled at me and sat next to me. "Okay. Double check on songs?" she asked. I nodded and pulled out a sheet.

"Okay. So the song that Gwen and I are dancing to is either If You're Wondering if I Want You To, Smile, or Thunder." I said while I scanned over the list of song names and artists.

"I know all three, so any one would work." She said while taking out her electric guitar. It was brown but darkens to black as it moves out to the edges.

"Plus you know a shitload of rock and alternative music for later."

"So which do you want?" she asked. I thought.

If You're Wondering if I Want You To was a sweet song but Gwen and I didn't really have any connections to it.

Thunder was sweet and it was the song that Gwen played for me when I broke up with Courtney on Total Drama Island. That's how we really first had a real heart-to-heart. And the first time that I really got to know her.

But Smile was what I sang for Gwen on her birthday last year. It was how I expressed my feelings to her when I wasn't man enough to say it in my own words. It mean a lot to both of us.

"Smile." I said with my own.

"Cool." She said while pulling out a sheet of paper and scribbling it on the top line. "So it'll go a little like this." She said before setting the paper down and pulling a pick from her pocket and starting to strum. I nodded my head.

"That sounds good."

"Cool. So then for the family dance we have Your Guardian Angel?" she asked before she started to play the beginning of that. I nodded.

"Yeah. So when the bridal party comes in we have Holiday, right?" she started playing a few notes of the song.

"That's what I have. And then I'll just figure everything else out." She said.

"Mind if I ask you for a favor?"

"Sure. What is it?" she asked as she put her guitar back in its case.

"Come with me to the hall? I want to get your guitar there and also so we can test the sound." I asked. She nodded and we got into my car. I started driving just as I got a call from Gwen. I pressed my phone to my ear and smiled. "Hey, babe."

"Hey. So tonight, do you want to go out for dinner? I don't have any plans."

"Sure. What time?"

"Around seven?"

"Sure. I'll be home in a few hours." I said to her before we said our goodbyes.


~ Gwen ~

Two days later, I'm sitting in my apartment, waiting for the bridal party to come. Duncan left early to go to a friend's house to get ready. I can only hope that he's not drinking. Then there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw all my best friends – sans the boys – standing in front of me with their dresses draped over their arms. They rushed inside and changed while I did the same. Pixie ran over to me and lectured me about how I shouldn't have done that myself as she zipped my up dress. Bridgette walked over to me with a rather large makeup box gripped in her hands.

"Sit." She said with a smile before she forced me down onto a chair at the counter. She turned the chair so that I was facing her. The makeup box was open as she pulled my hair back into a messy yet tight bun as she started to do my makeup. I shut my eyes as Marilyn started doing my hair. All I remember is a lot of poking and hairspray.

Then I just hear Nora exclaiming, "GUYLINER IS SEXY! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY!" to Nicole. Everyone started laughing after that.

"Why do I even bother?" Bridgette muttered while laughing as she finished my makeup.

"You look amazing." Pixie said to me when I was done. Then they went on to working on the rest of the bride's maids.

When we were all ready, a limo drove up in front of my apartment building. I smiled and hugged all my friends. We joked around the whole ride there, only for us to get shouted at by Marilyn ("YOU'RE GOING TO MESS UP YOUR HAIR! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!").

When we got there, I was rushed into a small room right before Bridgette pushed the rest of the bride's maids out of the room. My mom rushed in with Richard. I already made it perfectly clear that he was not walking me down the isle. I would let my uncle do it. He was cooler than Richard anyways. Geoff followed with an advanced Conon camera in his hands. He told me that it was his project for his photography course and the reason why he wasn't at that class. Then my uncle came in. He was by far my favorite relative. He had brown-red hair that was almost never neat – even on my wedding day – with hazel eyes. He wore a nice black tux and smirked at me as he walked in.

"Well look how pretty the bride looks." He teased.

"Suck it, Rob." I snapped back with my own smirk.

"Would you two please stop it for today?" my mom asked. Even though she knew it was all in good fun, she was trying to impress Richard. It's hard to believe that he hadn't proposed to her yet. After my mom stopped gushing over me, Geoff told them to stand around me so he could take a photo. At first Rob gave me bunny ears, but my mom slapped his arm. He groaned and smiled normally as Geoff took the photo.

I turned to Rob and glared at him. "Don't be such a tool." I said playfully as Geoff left the room. Rob waved my comment away with his hand before he pushed my mom and Richard out of the room.

"Up." He said while he held out a hand for me. I stood up and hooked my arm around his. I grabbed the bouquet of white and black flowers. I saw Bridgette's seven year-old cousin, Layla standing with her older sister as they were about to walk out. Layla was the flower girl. Since she was the cutest little child I had ever seen in my life. Bridgette looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back before Bridgette and Layla walked out.

Soon it was my turn. I hesitated, but was pulled through the doors by Rob. I started walking confidently on my own two feet when I saw Duncan smiling at me. My lips parted slightly as I smiled at him. Then Geoff snapped a picture. Today I wouldn't be bothered with it. Even if it bothered the shit out of me on Total Drama Island. Rob let go of my arm when we got to the alter and sat down with my mom. Duncan reached for my hands and I gladly let him hold him. I only remember looking into his teal eyes before he slid a ring onto my finger before he kissed me.

After the ceremony, everyone carpooled to the reception. Duncan and I were driven in the limo that brought the bride's maids and me here. Everyone else found a way. I remember Duncan kissing me multiple times before we got to the reception. I waited outside with my bridal party. Nicole could hardly stand still while Marilyn and Pixie stared at her. Nora told me that she was doing something else during that time for the reception. When I heard the music start, Nicole pulled me inside while she danced around like a drunken moron. And just to embarrass me, Pixie and Marilyn did the same. Then I saw Nora onstage with an old-fashion microphone (like the ones in My Chemical Romance's The Ghost Of You music video) in front of her and her hands gently holding her guitar as her right strummed gently. She smiled at me as she sang Holiday by Green Day.

After that, Duncan dragged me out onto the dance floor and wrapped one arm around my waist while he held my right in his other. The band started to play and Nora started to sing as Duncan started dancing.

Nora: You're better then the best,
I'm lucky just to linger in your life,
Cooler then the flip side of my pillow, that's right.
Completely unaware,
Nothing can compare to where you send me,
Lets me know that it's okay, yeah it's okay.
And the moments where my good times start to fade,

I looked at Duncan and smiled at him. He was such a hopeless romantic. He had chosen the song that he song for me on Total Drama last year. "You are pathetic." I whispered to him as we danced.

"So what if I am? You know you love me." He whispered back.

"I know I do. Why do you think I have this ring on my finger?"

"Touché." He paused for a moment. Then he kissed my lightly. I smiled and blushed. I was completely aware that Geoff was taking picture after picture. But I didn't care.

You make me smile like the sun,
Fall out of bed, sing like bird,
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record,
Crazy on a Sunday night.
You make me dance like a fool,
Forget how to breathe,
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee.
Just the thought of you can drive me wild,
Oh, you make me smile.

"I love you." He whispered. I blushed again. "You know, every word she is singing is what I think about you."

"Aw, really?" I asked silently. He nodded.

"And whenever I wake up, you're the first thing on my mind. Not that I have bills to pay, not that I have to worry about work, you."

"You are too cheesy." I whispered before he pressed his lips to my cheek.

Even when you're gone,
Somehow you come along,
Just like a flower poking the sidewalk crack and just like that,
You steal away the rain and just like that,

"Embrace the cheese, babe." He whispered. I giggled slightly. He swayed with me gently as everyone stared at us. But right then, I was only aware of Duncan. I thought we were the only two people in the room. No, in the world at that moment. I wasn't thinking about Richard, or college, or Geoff taking pictures, or anyone who may be ruining it. Nora's voice was just the soundtrack to that moment.

You make me smile like the sun,
Fall out of bed, sing like bird,
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record,
Crazy on a Sunday night.
You make me dance like a fool,
Forget how to breathe,
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee.
Just the thought of you can drive me wild,
Oh, you make me smile.

Duncan started to lightly sing the words to me under his breath. I smiled as his lips gently moved against my cheek as he sang. His warm, soft lips that smelled like Spearmint gum and his berry chap stick. I lightly kissed his cheek and blushed. As he kissed mine as well.

Don't know how I lived without you,
'Cause every time that I get around you,
I see the best of me inside your eyes.
You make me smile.
You make me dance like a fool,
Forget how to breathe,
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee.
Just the thought of you can drive me wild...

"Love you, babe." He whispered for the third time. I laughed a bit.

"Love you too, hun." I whispered back.

"More." He added. I smirked. So it was this game.

"More." I whispered back.

"That squared."


"Plus ten."

"Plus one." I just smirked and let him win this time. He pressed his lips onto mine lightly as we danced.

You make me smile like the sun,
Fall out of bed, sing like bird,
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record,
Crazy on a Sunday night.
You make me dance like a fool,
Forget how to breathe,
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee.
Just the thought of you can drive me wild,
Oh, you make me smile.

Until the end of the song, we danced without talking. It almost seemed as if Duncan was trying to pass messages to me through his brainwaves with the way he stared at me. His soft smile just added to it. When the song ended we walked back to our table as Nora started a different song – Please Don't Leave Me by P!nk. I just sat back and enjoyed the rest of the reception. Duncan was pulled onto the dance floor by Nicole while I took a video of it with my phone. He tried to get my phone with me, but it ended up with him looming over me while we both laughed. I accidentally took a picture as Geoff did. I only noticed that I did when I was looking for the video.

As the sun set, Duncan and I sat outside by the small pond that was there. Geoff took that as the last picture of the night. Then Duncan took one of us there with his own. He had to make me laugh first though. He just smirked and said, "Shark bait." I smiled as I remembered when we were in Jamaica as Cody dove into the water. We both laughed and he took the picture. The perfect day, in my mind. Nothing could top this.

Or so I thought.

(Yays fun! I've watched like 10 movies today :P I'm now tired, but I'm not. So... Please leave comments! Thanks 4 waiting for me to update! Cookies 4 all!!! *hands them out*)
posted by Black-Rose-DxG
Duncan's P.O.V.
Gwen is staying at my house for awhile because I didn't want her to go back to her house after what happened and what she saw I feel like there is something she's not telling me "Gwen what aren't you telling me what else happened in there" "nothing I've told you every thing..." I could hear the fear I her voice" Gwen I know you scared I can hear it in you voice please tell me" I begged I wanted her to tell me I hated seeing her so hurt and upset. She looked at me "I ........I found a note on my moms body it was from........." "from who?" ' was from my dad" then she handed...
continue reading...
posted by GWUNCAN4EVA
(Flashback) Going to the room
(Flashback) Going to the room

I woke up with a headache so bad you couldn't label it! I did though have the energy to open my eyes and get a drink. When I opened them they were all blurry and distorted while my sight came back I thought what a great party it was last night ( even though I couldn't remember most of it!) I recalled some about having a drink of with Duncan and then going in to my room. My sight still hadn't recovered completely, so I thought I would get comfortable. I moved my hands slowly around but then felt another hand. My heart skipped a beat as I felt away from the hand up an ARM to a chest....
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posted by GWUNCAN4EVA
Getting out of bed ( Edited By Me)
Getting out of bed ( Edited By Me)

I lay on my bed, my hair sprawled across my head and pillow. I cant belive it. Trent just broke up with me because i like hanging out with Duncan! I mean, he thinks i am fine about him hanging out with everysingle girl in the uni, yet he gets a spaz attack when i get within 5 meters of Duncan! Pathetic.
Suddenly the door bell rings and i lift my head, and wipe eyes. I slowly get up and open my bedroom door to a quiet and empty hallway leading an even emptyer house. I look along walls and see pictures of me and....... duncan. My head turns around to the other pictures on other walls...
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posted by bubbleypeace117
Duncan P.O.V

It has been 21 days since Gwen broke-up with me and I can’t get over it. She saw me hooking up with some bitch named Courtney. It was the biggest mistake that I’ve ever made. Gwen and I were sharing an apartment at the time. Gwen and I had a huge argument in the morning and I thought we were done for. So that night when Gwen left to run some errands, I went to a bar and brought home a hot chick named Courtney. Gwen came into the apartment, heard us, and caught us. She then ran out of the room and started packing her things as fast as she could. I ran after her while Courtney...
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posted by thegothchick
Chris:and we're back.
Heather:you better make sure we win. Husband.
Duncan:don't call me that.… EVER!!!
Chris:for your wedding challenge-
Duncan:Chris can our wedding challenge be we kill the brides*glares at heather evily*.
Alejandro:that's an awful idea I won't let anyone lay a finger on the beautiful Gwendolyn.
Gwen:*blushes* that's…kind of you Alejandro.


Duncan:what the heck man. He better not try to steal my babe.
Alejandro:I will make sure that Gwen falls into my arms so I can get Duncan out of the plain. I mean come on Gwen is no way near a threat to me. Hmmm…this "relationship"...
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posted by thegothchick
I'm Gwendolyn
I'm Gwendolyn
(Gwen's pov)
My name is Gwendolyn Jones. But I prefer to be called Gwen. I'm not the… popular type you could say. I'm goth so I don't have many friends. Like I care. All I really have is my mom and brother. My dad left us when my brother Alex was an infant so he doesn't remember our father. Anyway… I'm transferring to some knew school filled with prep-wannabees. So I'm sure to have an exciting half-year :( .

(Duncan's pov)
Sup,I'm Duncan Rodes. But u better call me Duncan or I'll find you and it won't be pretty trust me. Now back to my dump I call a life. I just got released out of Juvie…...
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posted by thegothchick
*duncans pov*
I was sitten in first class carving one of the chairs. When Chris started yammering about how we need to head to the elimination room. I jump out of my seat and joined the rest of the group.
Chris:guess wat everyone.
Duncan:your finally done with this show.
Chris:you wish. But no were bringing back a former contestant.
Cody:Gwen is it Gwen.
Duncan:that wouldn't suck
Courtney:yes it would.
Chris:here she is. She has 2 types of color in her hair and wears dark clothes. Welcome back GWEN!!!!
Gwen:why am I back here.
Gwen:well can you at least tell me...
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added by trentgwenfan1
video made bytotaldrama1022
posted by FANOGWEN
Gwen:I hate him how could he do this to me?!?
Duncan:Gwen wait let me explain.
Gwen:stay away from me you used me.
Duncan:no I didn't please Gwen wait up.
Gwen:no I'm not your doll to play with so leave me alone.
Duncan:but Gwen…
Gwen:but nothing heather showed me the pic of you and Courtney kissing.
Duncan:you know how heather is though.
Gwen:heather has changed Duncan unlike you.
Duncan:Gwen why wont you look at me?!?
Gwen:*turns around with her mascara running* happy *walks away*.
Duncan:what have I done.
Courtney:hi Dunkie.
Duncan:stay away from me you ruined mine and Gwen's relationship.
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posted by FANOGWEN
(1 week after TDI finale)
(no ones pov)
Duncan:I hate Elvis!
Duncan:cause he stole Gwen from me!
Geoff:WHAT!!! Dude wat about Court?
Duncan: I realized that all she does is nag,nag,NAG!!! Geoff:ok,ok,I get it.
Duncan:man Canada's cold.
Geoff:for real.
*starts snowing*
Duncan:so uncalled for.
Geoff:now about the TxG situation.
Duncan:DON'T SAY THAT!!!
Duncan:well,Gwen is super cool,nice,intelligent.Plus we have like everything in comin.
Duncan:We like horror movies,scarin little kids,breakin stuff,& being abnormal.
Geoff:wow,I guess your right.
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(after TDWT)*no ones pov*
Duncan:I'm so glad that TDWT is over. Gwen:I can see. Duncan:I'm just tiked about the cash. Gwen:at least now were together again. Duncan:you get that right babe. Gwen:I'm gonna go take a shower. Duncan:can I join? Gwen:NO. Duncan:dang,hey I gotta go. Gwen:k lov u. Duncan:lov u 2. Gwen:*walks into shower*. Duncan:*drives home*.
*with Duncan*
Duncan:*hears phone ring* Wat. Tyler: hey dude. Duncan:Tyler you haven't called me in ages. Tyler:yea so you wanna go to the Jacobson bar(couldn't think of a name) with the all the guys tonight? Duncan:sure,time? Tyler:like now. Duncan:um...
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(Duncan's pov)
Okay so there's this new girl Gwen at our school and every ones being really mean to her. People say she cuts herself. That may be true cause she wears long baggy clothes. I deal bad for her though cause its her first day and every ones picking on her except:me,Bridgette,Trent,izzy,Owen,lawshana,Harold,and Geoff. That's not much when you go to too a scho with 1,001 kids.
(Gwen's pov)
Man I hate this school every ones a jerk to me. I just stand out I just wish I was still at my old school. Ugh my life sucks ****. Hear comes that Duncan kid. Great another insult.
(no ones pov)
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posted by FANOGWEN
(Duncan's pov)
Oh god it's almost Christmas. That means the Christmas couple dance. And if I'm correct I aint no couple. I broke up with miss.naggy C.I.T. Courtney she just kep creasing me. And if I don't dance at the couple dance with a girl I have to go to summer school. This school has the dumbest rules.
(Gwen's pov)
God Christmas is supposed to be jolly and fun,well not for us we have to do stupid dances god I hate my school. I'm just gonna go ice skateing.
(no ones pov)
Gwen:*skating*. Duncan:*walking but ice rink* Holy crap who is that*looks at girl skating*. Gwen:*sees Duncan staring at...
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The Next Day

::At school::

Gwen P.O.V

I went to my locker and took my history books out.I'm so depressed,why did I have to end mine and Duncan's friendship? oh right,my so called boyfriend which I hate very much forced me.The bell rang which was my cue to get to class,but someone made me stop.A certain delinquent with a Mohawk to be exact.I just stood there staring at him,he smiled and waved.I searched for Trent to make sure he wasn't watching,he was too busy talking to Courtney.I looked back at Duncan,I smiled and waved in return before heading to History class with Trent.

After class

I put my...
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added by ARadomperson
added by tdisierraxcodyf
Source: me
posted by iDxG101
These are a few ideas I have,tell me what story you want me to write...

~Beautiful Mistake:Trent and Gwen are about to get married.Gwen finds out she's pregnant,but soon discovers it's not Trent's child.The father is her ex-boyfriend,Duncan.Gwen takes a plane to London,England to tell Duncan this,He promises not to leave her out of this situation.While Gwen stays with Duncan for the past 5 weeks,she remembers why she fell in love with this delinquent.

~Vampire:A mysterious new girl comes to the school,Duncan has a crush on this girl,but noticed how strange the girl was and tries to figure her...
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added by TheLoveMonkey5
posted by TheLoveMonkey5
Gwen's P.O.V
The next day all me and duncan did was smile and try to hide our feelings. :D (i know very little spanish but imma be sayin "Te Amo" alot) I love him. its like i could just burst out sayibng "TE AMO DUNCAN!!!" oh god here comes trent. "hey" "Hey?" "soo?" "uhmmm." "did u breakup with me for duncan? be honest" "he has a girlfriend, case closed." "oh, wanna just be friends then?" "no." Trent leaves then duncney comes in. "hey gwen" "h- h- hey duncan." "*Whispers* meet me in the woods." "shure" this is in tdwt but they go back to tdi camp.

im to lazy to write more. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.