TDI's GwenxDuncan Club
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....Geez, I haven't udate this in awhile, but still I hope it was worth the wait!:)

Plus be warned...never make the host angry, because well...they do control the challenges and that's just asking for trouble,so enjoy~>:3

Gwen's POV

Oh, Bullhorn, why must you torment me? I rubbed my throbbing head before hopping down and looking for my clothes somewhere on the floor with all of the other's clothes and various beauty supplies. After most of the challenges we were really tired; thus, we didn't care what happened to our things at night. I was scanning the ground with my eyes a pair of gray espadrilles suddenly appeared at my feet. They contained the perfectly tanned feet of Courtney, who was smiling nicely at me while she had one outstretched hand out, and it had all of my clothes neatly folded up in it.

"Here, Gwen. I found these this morning when I woke up and thought you may benefit from me keeping them safe from the wrath of LeShawna's skunk perfume." She explained to me, all the while keeping that borderlining creepy smile plastered on her face.

"Hey!" LeShawna called out from her bunk underneath me. Courtney and I ignored her while I grabbed the folded pile of clothing from her. Heather was nearby, her slitted eyes staring flaming daggers at the C.I.T.


Courtney: I know that I seemed a little...creepy back there, but Gothie's my only hope at keeping a secure alliance right now! *pauses* And getting rid of Heather.

Heather: Courtney's up to something else, I can feel it. Well, she better back off. Gwen is MY friend. *stands up and points to self* MINE!

End Confessional

I dressed quickly and quietly, then put on my make-up before retreating to the not-so-great outdoors of camp. The remaining female competitors joined me soon enough, and we all went as a group to the clearing. The guys were all present, and Chris was there, too. He wasn't facing us, though, he was facing opposite us and was directing a few interns as they were sliding a big hunk of metal across the grass. It was twisted and possibly charred at the edges.

"Um, is that your helicopter?" Heather asked our host. He turned around to face us. Only then did I realize that he was wearing his signature aviator sunglasses.

"Shut it!" He screamed harshly at my friend. His voice was firm, but shaky. He had probably spent the night mourning the loss of his beloved helicopter. Everyone took a solid step back just so that we were all out of McLean's direct reach. As soon as the two interns and the debris had turned a corner, he turned around to face us. He let out one loud and nasty sniffle before talking to us. "O-Okay, so t-t-t-today we're doing three different one-on-one challenges" Chris explained.

"Why three?" I asked, clearly not expecting the response I got from the man in charge, he was in very close proximity to my face as he showed his pearly white, not to mention probably fake teeth to me as he growled in an animalistic manner. I stepped back, not caring that I stepped right on Sierra's foot, but luckily he backed off after that. After a few deep breaths, Chris appeared to be back to normal for the time being.

"Okay, now, like I was saying. We'll be doing a set of three different one-on-one challenges. Best two out of three for their team wins." He explained.

"How do we decided who goes?" Bridgette asked unsurely.

"I know exactly who's going for your team, Ma-li-bu." He said, pointing to the blonde surfer.

"Oh great, this'll be good." Noah said, his voice of course dripping with sarcasm. Chris glared at him while he called names out.

"Duncan, Alejandro, and Noah." He said, glaring at the last competitor. It was only when the trio stepped forward that they happened to be the three people responsible for the destruction of Chris' helicopter yesterday. I got that bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. "The Screaming Squids can pick their three."

We exchanged blank glances at one another in an attempt at wordless communication. We gave that up after we got nothing and hugged each other in a tight huddle.

"Alright, who's going?" Heather whispered.

"I nominate Sierra!" Cody said quickly. His eyes were wild with panicky fear of his stalker. Said stalker's grin couldn't be any wider as she happily stepped forward.

"EEEE! I'll do it, Chris!" She called, running over to her second favorite person on the island. We closed the huddle up again.

"I'll go!" Courtney volunteered.

"Fine." Heather said quickly. We closed our huddle once more. It was only Heather, Cody, LeShawna, and I left. LeShwana raised her hand.

"I'll go. LeShawna needs some action up in here!" She announced, walking over to complete the group of six competitors for today. Chris smiled smugly at the people.

"This is going to be fun." He said. Alright, he's gone insane. "The first challenge is a simple relay race starring Courtney and Alejandro." Chris began.


Courtney: Oh, this is going to be good. I can't wait to crush that alliance-ruining loser! *smiles evilly*

End Confessional

"You two might want to go change into your swimsuits." Chris advised the two Latin kids. They ran off and were back in record time, with Courtney clad in her bikini and Alejandro in his Speedo. We all walked to the lake, but two the deeper end of it where we had encountered the sharks a few short days ago. Set up in the deep water was a long and wide volleyball net.

"Volleyball?" Duncan asked. He apparently wasn't impressed. "What's with you and the wimpy sports?" Duncan asked. Chris ignored my boyfriend and looked the two who would be competing.

"Duncan is correct, at least about the volleyball part. You two will be playing a round of what I like to call 'Extremely Drippy Soaking Wet Volleyball!'" Chris announced, finally showing his signature off again.

"Senorita, I feel that I must inform you that I have been playing this marvelous sport all my life. You will certainly be no match for me." Al said smoothly with his eyes shut. Courtney made a sound that almost sounded a fake and mocking laugh.

"Well I've been captaining volleyball teams left and right since I was in the fifth grade!" Courtney shot back.

"Not so fast, losers. Alejandro almost forgot his gear." Chris announced.

"What gear?" Alejandro asked. Chris smiled and snapped a finger. Chef popped out of the bushes with T-Bones and twine in his hands. He knocked Al over so he was lying on the sand, then slapped a raw, juicy, and bloody T-Bone on either of his knees and tied it tight. When Chef was gone and the teen got up, he had two pieces of meat tied around his knees like kneepads.

"What are these for?" Alejandro asked, examining the meat on him.

"Oh, they're just a reminder about the hungry, hungry sharks in the water!" Chris exclaimed. Alejandro cringed while staring down at the blood dripping off the steaks. He gulped audibly before wading out to the water with Courtney. He took the side closest to the shore. "Interns!" Chris screamed up to the cliff. "Send the ball down!" He yelled. I was wondering why he didn't just hand them a volleyball when a gigantic round orb came plummeting down through the water. It caused a splash so big to erupt, you'd think Owen just hopped off the cliff. Luckily, none of us on shore got too soaked, but it was different for the two in the water. They were both coughing madly until Chris blew his whistle. Thye both frantically started diving for the nearby large ball, but a silver triangle started to emerge from the water. It didn't take long for us to realize what it was, considering it was following Alejandro.

He noticed soon enough and completely forgot about the game altogether as he swam frantically for the shore He was screaming loudly as he started swimming towards us, but no one went to help him, of course. What? We don't like the guy as a group! He reached the shore soon anyways. He hopped out of the water panting very quickly as he ripped the meat off his knees and tossed it back into the ocean. There were two plops right around Courtney's area, and a silver triangle emerged...

"Run, Courtney!" DJ called frantically. His animal fear isn't quite gone yet it seems.

Ten minutes later, The two were back on the shore, both still trying to catch their breath as they waited for Chris say something.

"Wow. That kind of sucked." Chris finally piped up. "But I guess since Alejandro over here caved first, the Screaming Squids win!" He announced. We had only a small victory moment. LeShawna hooted and hollered for Courtney, Heather and I exchanged high-fives, Sierra squeezed on poor old Cody's neck, and Court raised her hands and smiled victoriously.

The next Challenge Chris led us to was by the river.

"Here, our two suckers will be completeing a sort of relay race. on this side of the river are empty buckets." Chris said, holding up two empty buckets.

"No duh." Heather scoffed. Chris ignored her and went on.

"Each person wil have to make it to the other side of the river only using the logs, and then collect as many acorns as they can. Whoever comes back to me with the most acorns wins the challenge." He explained. The two smiled confidently, both thinking they would win. "Did I mention you only hae five minutes to do all of that?" Chris added. The two's expressions went blank, but Chris didn't care. He tossed their buckets at them and blew his whistle.

The two picked their buckets up and went over to the edge of the land. I watched as the two carefully stepped on each log so that they wouldn't lose their footing. I was nervous, especially since LeShawna isn't the most balanced of us all, and she's also heavy which also isn't in our favor. They both got to the other side of the river at exactly the same time.

"Oh yeah, and Noah! Be careful about the bees, they're pretty ticked!" Chris yelled.

"What bees?" Noah asked. The scrawny boys had no animals around him whatsoever. Suddenly, a very loud buzzing began, and then a scream rang out that sounded suspiciously like LeShawna's. I turned to our side and sure enough, LeShawna was surrounded by at least a thousand of those pesky creatures. She screamed in horror as she swatted madly at the bugs, but it appeared to only have aggravated them more, as the buzzing became louder.

"Oh great, they brought friends." Courtney said sarcastically as she fixed the ponytail her hair was always in when she was wearing her bathing suit.

Meanwhile, Geoff was coaching Noah through the entire process of acorn collecting.

"Check the grass, too, dude!" He screamed with cupped hands over the river.

"Don't disturb the birdies!" DJ warned him.

"I know!" Noah yelled back before scooping some shiny brown acorns up off the ground and dropping them into his silver bucket with loud clinging noises.

"Try the trees!" Geoff screamed. Noah checked a branch before pulling two full handfuls of acorns out of the tree and dropping them into his bucket.

"One minute!" Chris screamed. Everyone went wild.

"LeShawna! Let's go!" I cheered on my friend quickly as she ran back here, still being attacked by the bumblebees. The bees one by one slowly started to head back to their hive over the babbling river. Noah had made it back as well.

"Now, let's see who wins challenge two! LeShawna!" He yelled, asking for her bucket. She bit her bottom lip as she handed the bucket over. He lifted the bucket upside-down to reveal all two acorns LeShawna had in the bucket. "Sad." Chris said, wordlessly trading our bucket for Noah's. He flipped that one over, and a multitude of acorns poured out. They were probably enough to feed an entire squirrel army for a week straight. "The Cavemen take this one!" Chris said, pointing with both of his fingers to the other team. Cheers and high-fives were passed out amongst themselves until Chris led us just a few footsteps into a huge flat area of the forest.

Situated there were were two huge stacks of hay. No joke.

"Did you buy a horse or something, Chris?" Sierra asked. "'Cause that'd be amazing for my blog!" She squealed, her eyes crinkling happily.

"What kind of show do you think this is?" Chris asked the purple-haired girl.

"A really sucky one." I answered. Laughter was spread throughout us; even Noah was laughing! NOAH! Duncan fist bumped me momentarily, and then we all hushed to listen to Chris.

"The last challenge for our final two will be to find a needle in a haystack. Literally." He announced. Duncan and Sierra looked unsurely at the two piles of hay in front of them. They certainly were large, and it was probably dark in there, too.

"Uh, Chris? I'm not sure this is the proper way for me to use my blogging talents." Sierra announced with one index finger raised.

"Relax, yours isn't the one crawling with fire ants." Chris said. I jerked my head to look back at the piles of hay. I had noticed red dots all over one pile, but I didn't know they were moving! Ew! I looked hesitantly back at Duncan. He seemed chill about it, but I was still worried. "Whoever finds their needle first wins!" Chris declared. Go! I watched Duncan like a hwk as he dove right into the haystack closest to me. I helped him out by swatting the ones I could get to away or stomping on them. Everyone was craning their neck in different directions in an attempt to get a good look at their seeking teammate. Suddenly, I noticed some antics going on. Noah was tossing the acorns he had apparently put back in his bucket at our team, specifically. One bonked Cody right on the head, and he cried out in pain.

"Ouch!" He screamed. Suddenly, Sierra dove out of her golden haystack and ran so fast over to Cody that I honestly didn't actually see her run over there. She picked Cody right up, despite the fact he was in the fetal position and rocked him back and forth.

"Yes!" Heather hissed, then looked expectantly at Sierra. "Sierra, where's the needle?" She growled.

"Oh, it's somewhere in that haystack. Once I heard Codykins scream, I was so worried that I just dove right out!" She explained as she planted soft little pecks on the object of her affection's brown-haired head. Duncan's head and torso popped out from the top of the hay. In his outstreched arm: a needle.

I couldn't believe it! He had actually found a needle in a haystack. He hopped out effortlessly and shook the ants that he was covered in off. He still had bright red splotches all over him, though, which got me a bit worried. He smiled proudly as he handed Chris the needle. Chris squinted his black eyes to get a good look at it.

"I'm pretty sure the needle I put in there was gold, but okay!" He said. "Killer Cavemen win, Screaming Squids go bye-bye." He said before walking away from us. I looked back over at Duncan, who I saw sneakily slide the "needle" back into his ear and put a backing on the back. The sneaky jerkface.


Duncan: So what? I may or may not have used one of my piercings as the needle, but hey, we won, right?

Gwen: *facepalms* He's lucky he's hot.

End Confessional

The Bonfire crackled and snapped as yellow and orange flames shot upwards. I looked at Heather seated next to me and smiled, for we had voted for Courtney again. Chris walked up to back of the fire.

"Alright, I've got a new helicopter to order, so let's get this done." He said, picking the tray of marshmallows up. "Cody, Gwen, Heather, Courtney." He said in one breath, tossing us each a bright white marshmallow. I chewed vigorously on mine while looking at the final two: LeShawna and Sierra. I was sad enough that we still have Courtney to deal with and her creepy nice-ness, but if LeShawna leaves, this show gets even worse! "And the final marshmallow goes to...LESHAWNA!" Chris called, giving her her marshmallow, Sierra stood up with tear-filled eyes.

"Why?" She sniveled, "WHY!" She screamed to the Heavens. By now, she was full on crying and clinging to an uncomfortable-looking Cody. Chris wasn't amused by the display and whistled loudly. Two interns emerged and grabbed either of Sierra's arms. We watched as she was carried over the dock and past the Cavemen without a single goodbye. Her crying could be heard as long as the boat could be seen on the water. After the boat was completely out of sight, the entire camp felt silent and peaceful.

"So, we, like, got rid of all the crazies." Geoff said in his amazed voice. Bridgette slapped his arm.

"Geoff!" She scolded her boyfriend.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"That wasn't nice." DJ cut in. We all stared at him. "Just sayin'." He finished.

"Will all just go already?" Chris whined. Since none of us were really up for more of his whining, we all began retreating back to the cabins. As I was walking, I noticed Duncan looking very concentrated on his arm. I finally caught up to him and got a better look at what he was doing.

He was attempting to put his own gauze bandage on his badly chewed-up left arm. He had wrapped the gauze alright, but he was trying to the cut the gauze off with his kinfe, which is just not how you cut a bandage.

"Here." I finally said, backing him up so he was leaning on a tree trunk. In the darkness I ripped the gauze off and tucked it in to the rolls of the material on his arm. "This is karma for cheating, you know." I advised him when I finally finished wrapping him up. He shrugged and laughed.

"If everything that I did to someone else came back to me, I'd be dead, and considering I'm not-" His babbling was annoying, so I shut him up the only way I know how to effectively shut someone up, thanks to him: a kiss. I pulled away from him and patted his chest before walking away.


Duncan: Hm, I should babble more often.

End Confessional

I entered our cabin which was surprisingly quiet. I guess it makes sense considering the loudest competitor is now bwing loud somewhere else. I was searching the clothing-ridden ground when I saw them neatly folded on my top bunk. I pulled them off and then noticed that Courtney was smiling sweetly and waving to me. I put on a half-hearted smile and put my clothes on. A million thoughts were running through my head when I was trying to sleep, and my mind was just not allowing my slumber. But then I heard the rustling outside my window, and then those soothing words...:

"'Night, Pasty."
added by bigpurplemuppet
added by i_love_music
Source: Me
added by gwuncanfan
Source: Me
added by nikki1965
added by gwuncanfan
Source: Characters: Creators of total drama Editing: ME!
added by bakes2389
Source: Total Drama Creators, Cartoon Network, Teletoon
added by bigpurplemuppet
added by bigpurplemuppet
added by Gwendolynx3
Source: Not me
added by nikki1965
added by bigpurplemuppet
added by SeeYouSmile
Source: Me
added by TwistedXmo
Source: Made by TwistedXmo
added by Gwendolynx3
Source: Wduncanxgwen
added by Gwendolynx3
Source: idk
added by iDxG101
Source: These pics are made by other people,not mine
added by gothemo1234
Source: me and cartoonnetwork
added by bigpurplemuppet
added by gwuncanfan
Source: Me