TDI's GwenxDuncan Club
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"I can't believe you talked me into coming to his game." complained Trent as we walked towards the football stadium. It's night time. "Oh come on, Duncan said he'd get hurt a lot."
"Oh yeah, that's how you talked me into going!" Trent let out a laugh. I laughed too.
We hopped into our seats in the stadium, after getting some "health conscious" snacks. Trent wanted me to get them. "I don't want you to loose your figure." he had said mischievously. I had smacked him lightly on the arm. Sometimes I think Trent thinks since he's my boyfriend, he's kinda like my parent.
The football players jogged onto the field. I saw Duncan waving and pumping his fist as he ran onto the field. He caught sight of me and winked from under his mask. Trent let out a little growl when he saw that.
"My God-" I started. "Gosh." Trent corrected happily. "... Gosh..." I said irritably. "it's loud in here!"
"Heck yeah it is!" plugging his ears, Trent grinned at me. "But the snacks are awesome, aren't they?"
"Yeah..." I glanced down at my salad and water. Who in the heck wants salad at a football game!?
"WELCOME TO THIS CERTAIN FOOTBALL GAME, EVERYONE!!" The speakers boomed. Screams and cheers erupted from the stadium seats. "TONIGHT, WE WILL BE HAVING, THE TEAM FROM FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY..." That's Duncan's team. Everyone, including Trent and I, cheered. "...VERSES THE TEAM FROM VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY!!" The other side of the stadium cheered. When I booed, Trent grabbed my arm. "What, are you rooting for his team?!" I looked at him like he had asked me to kill him. "Uhhh, YEAH...? It's our school too, and we want our school to win, Trent."
"I'm rooting for neither side. Virginia State is our rival, but our school has Duncan on the team, so I hate this team." He plopped down on his seat. I rolled my eyes. Sometimes Trent just does NOT make sense to me.
The referee shouted something inaudible over all of the audience. Then he shouted to the teams. Then he pointed at Duncan and shouted something that I could hear. "NOTHING ILLEGAL THIS TIME, GOT IT, #50?!" Duncan nodded, but I could see him roll his eyes from under his helmet. Wow, this is gonna be good.
The front football guy hiked the ball back to Duncan, and he ran stealthily towards the right goal post. Our side cheered, including me. Trent gave me a look as he stayed sitting, silent.
Duncan was just about to make it when a Virginia State player tackled him off of the field. HARD. Trent and I were basically the only ones laughing hysterically. Whistles blew and the ball was given to a Virgina State player. He hiked the ball and the receiver quickly ran about 20 yards, but he was tackled by none other than the arrogant bitch himself.
This kept going on for quite some time, back and forth, back and forth. Duncan proved to me to be a very good player. Virginia hardly scored once thanks to him, and he scored most of Florida's goals.
After about half an hour, it was half time. I got up and pulled Trent into the hallways. "Gwen! OUCH!" He pulled away from my grasp. "What?!"
"OK, I know you don't like Duncan, but it wouldn't kill you to show some support for our team, you know." I snapped at him. "He's on our team. Because of him, I don't like our team."
"Trent, listen to me, do you want our team to be number one or not?"
"Well, of course I do!"
"Then you need to SHOW SOME SUPPORT!"
"But Duncan-"
"I don't CARE if Duncan is on that team. He may be an arrogant bitch, but he's on our team, and we need to root for our team, and you want our team to be number one, so you need to support and cheer for our team, and not care who in the hell is on our team!!"
"GWEN! Watch your language!" exasperated Trent. "Don't treat me like I'm your kid or something! Cut it out!" I exclaimed. People started to stare, and I really didn't care. No rhyme intended. "I'm not, I'm just making sure you don't end up ruining your life by having horrible language and becoming fat on unhealthy snacks!"
"LISTEN YOU-" I began, but my arm was grabbed by someone, and I was dragged off. "HEY!" I exclaimed, trying to pull away. My long hair was in my face.
I was finally released in an equipment room, full of footballs, giant bright orange cones, and wire fences, where there was concrete walls, floors, and ceiling. "Having a fight with your boyfriend?" I should have known. "He's treating me like a child. What's it to ya?"
"Just making conversation."
"Why'd you drag me down here anyways?"
He was silent for a while. "I dunno. I was bored." He shrugged. "Criminal instinct get to you again, bitch?"
"I guess you could say that, sunshine."
"Quit calling me that." I glared at him. He just raised part of his unibrow at me. "I know you like me." He said plainly. What? Why in the hell would I ever like him? "Just because you're captain of the football team doesn't mean I'm as dumb as that blond Lindsay chick to fall for you." I spat.
"Duncan? Where are ya, man?"
"Oh, shit." Duncan muttered. "Geoff is looking for me. Look, if you and Trent aren't gonna be together after this game, highly doubt you will be, wanna do something on Wednesday?"
"In your dreams." I glared at him, but Duncan pushed me out of the room, pulling on my hair as he pushed my back. "Ow!" But I was already out the door. "Laters, sweetheart." Duncan shut the door.

- - - - - - - - - -

Trent and I argued all the way back to my house. When I finally got out Trent's car, I shouted at him, "I HAVE HAD IT UP TO HERE," I gestured above my head. "WITH YOU TREATING ME LIKE I'M YOUR KID. WE. ARE. THROUGH!" I slammed his door and stormed back into my house, most of my hair in my face. From behind me, Trent's tires screeched away.
I forcefully opened my front door and slammed it behind me. The cooking noises from the kitchen extinguished. "Honey? Is everything alright?" Mom shouted down to me. "NO." I stormed down to my room. I got on my pajamas angrily and flopped down onto my bed. I laid face down on it, and I let the tears come rolling out. I felt like such a child.
Mom knocked on my door. "Gwen?" She opened it. "Oh my, what happened at the game?" Mom sat on my bed quietly. I told her through my sobs what had happened at the football game, and in Trent's car. "H-H-He treated me l-like I-I was h-his kid! I g-got s-s-sick of it, Mom!" I cried face down into my pillow. "I b-b-broke up with T-Trent!"
My mom let out a gasp. "Oh, sweetie pie!" She sat me up and hugged me tight. "Honey, it's OK. If you weren't OK with being his girlfriend, you didn't need to stay with him." I hugged her back tightly. "Th-thanks M-Mom." I wiped my nose with the back of my hand and sniffled. "W-well, Duncan had asked me, i-if mine and Trent's relationship didn't hold out u-until the end of the game, if I w-would like to do something Wednesday."
"Gwen, honey, I think that would be wonderful." My mom gave me a smile. "B-but I hate him!" I exclaimed. "He's an arrogant little b-"
"No swearing, young lady!"
"Arrogant little beast, then."
"That's better. Now why don't you give it a shot?"
"He's a self centered jerk, and I just know he'd make fun of me the entire date!" I stopped myself. Date?! I thought. "Well..." My mom searched for an answer. "If he does, then you can just call me. OK?" She smiled. "S-sure." I smiled back.
But when Monday came, that was the worst day of my life. Trent sent me angry messages and notes all day. He made fun of my hair, and how it was blue and black. He had once complimented it on how it was unique. He said my posture was horrible. I had the best posture in class. Trent wrote I was too pale. He once said I didn't need to be tan.
He said I was a horrible person for being goth.
He had liked that I was goth.
Trent gave me angry glares and disgusted looks all through the history test on Tuesday. I ran into the bathroom and cried in 7th period on Wednesday, the day I told Duncan I'd meet him at Red Lobster.
[A/N: Who doesn't love that place? :D]
A few hours later after school got out on Wednesday, Duncan drove to my house and picked me up.
My hair was loose and it touched my back softly. It shimmered and was shiny and soft. I had on my navy blue dress that went down to my shins. Regular blue lipstick, regular black painted nails, regular black sandals. My brother said, "Wow, you must really like this Duncan guy!"
"No, no I hate him actually." I laughed. Oh the irony... I hardly ever got this dressed up for one of mine and Trent's dates.
I said goodbye to my mom and brother, and let Duncan take me out to his car. He was wearing a tuxedo. Weird.
"So, you and Trent broke up, I see." Duncan said, driving the car with one hand, the other outside his car. "Looks like my mystical future-telling powers worked. I guess Trent couldn't stand staying with an annoying bitch like you."
"Why you little-"
"Calm down, babe, I was only joking around."
"Don't call me 'babe', Duncan."
"Hmph. Well you're no fun." I glared at him. "I'm LOTS of fun!" Duncan only snorted. "As much fun as it is sticking a sword down my throat." I punched his arm. "I'm fun!"
"Umm, last time I checked, you get straight A's, you always follow the rules," [A/N: This is sounding like a DxC fan fic O.o] "and you won't even let me tease you! How are you fun?!"
"Fine, I'll let you tease me, I guess. Just no sex jokes or whatever, OK, juvie boy?"
"Whatever, little miss sunshine."
We didn't talk again until we got to Red Lobster.
Duncan and I sat at a small table. We were on opposite sides.
"So, you're getting lobster, eh?" Duncan laughed. "Well, it is called Red Lobster. Or can you read yet?" I snickered. "Well, that depends. What does me writing, 'You're really hot looking tonight' say to you?" I blushed. He thinks I look hot? "Well, it says to me that you're saying that I look really hot. Tonight."
Duncan let out a laugh. "See? Now you're fun!"
"Would I lie?"
"Don't answer that." I laughed. "Here you are." The waitress gave us our food. "Woo! Food!" Duncan shouted. "Shh!!" I shushed him. "It's kinda a public restaurant, not your mom's kitchen. You can't be as loud as you want. God, jocks can be so rude."
"Lighten up! Come on, I just said you were fun!" Duncan brushed a piece of my light blue hair from my face. I smacked his hand away and laughed. "Fine." and started to eat my lobster. Duncan pigged out on his king crab legs. "You eat like a wolf!" I laughed. "You eat like a stuck up queen." Duncan retorted. "Hang loose for once!"
"Dude, you think I'm as stuck up as Courtney?"
"Well, THAT'S a stretch. Hell no! Courtney is WAAYY more stuck up than you."
"I'm not stuck up at all!"
"Says the woman who tells me to be quiet!"
I rolled my eyes and chuckled. This is more fun then I thought it would be.

- - - - - - - - - -

There was a stage at this Red Lobster, and weirdly enough, a band came up onto the stage. A band with a cellist, a violinist, violist, a bass player, and a pianist.
"It's couples dance." the violinist announced. "Grab your partner, get up from your food, and dance with them."
"Ahhhg, I hate orchestra music." Duncan whispered to me. "Get over it." I grabbed his hand and we stood up. Seeing the sweat on Duncan's brow, I laughed, "Baby,"
"Whatevs." He grabbed my hand and waist, I held his hand and put my other hand on his shoulder, and we began to dance to the soft orchestra music.
"Have you danced before?" I asked surprised. Duncan was quite a good waltzer. "Well, Courtney forced me to take dance lessons for when prom comes around. Looks like they paid off, considering I'm dancing now with you instead of her, where she'd be always nagging me about 'Duncan, you keep stepping on my feet!' 'Duncan, you're a horrible dancer!' 'Duncan, you're holding my hand too tight!'" He mimicked Courtney in a high voice. I laughed quietly. "So, were you glad our team won?" Duncan grinned.
"Trent wouldn't cheer for us if life depended on it," I rolled my eyes. "But I cheered. Trent refused because you were on the team."
"Well, that's just plain stupid." Duncan pulled me a little closer. I got a little nervous. "Y'know, I know I'm arrogant. And I just LOVE making you yell at me. That's exactly the point why I AM arrogant towards you. That's how I get the ladies."
"Being arrogant?"
"I make them see me as a bitch, I ask 'em out, they fall for me. Woopdee doo." Duncan looked off to the side a little irritated. "Aww, does the self centered punk have feelings?"
"Nope. I'm just thinking about how you're always stepping on my feet!" Duncan mimicked Courtney again. I burst out laughing. Everyone glanced at me. "Enthusiastic, much?" chuckled Duncan.
"Oh, it's not like you were any quieter." I shot back. Duncan pulled me closer. I got even more nervous. "S-so, I, um..."
"You're nervous, aren't you?" I glanced at him. "Was it that obvious?"
"Now what do you think?"
I laughed a little nervously. "Don't be nervous. Mr. I'm-awesome is here." Duncan snickered, pulling me so close our foreheads were touching. He had both hands around my waist now. I put my hands around his neck. Our lips just centimeters away from each other.
"I..." The song ended. Duncan looked up at the violinist, who was apparently the head of the group. They were playing another song within seconds. What, he wanted to keep dancing? I certainly didn't, I was getting so nervous.
Duncan put his hand on my cheek, looking at me softly. He ran his fingers through my long, silky hair gently. Our lips were just one centimeter away now. "I..." I was about to run, but Duncan kept me from running. How?
He kissed me.
He. Kissed. Me.
My face was set in a look of confusion and surprise, but it soon melted away into a dreamy look. I slowly closed my eyes. I put my hands on his chest. He pulled me even closer.
The kiss lasted at least ten seconds. When we pulled away, Duncan looked at me. He just looked at me. No emotion in his eyes. He just looked at me. Our noses were touching, my hands were still on his chest, his hands were still around my waist. The song ended.
"I, uh..." I managed. That was like being in a dream. Trent NEVER kissed me like that. "I'm starving. Let's get back to eating."
"So, what, you're a pig now?" Duncan laughed. He hugged me tight and sat down in his seat. "So, do you still hate me now?"
I had no clue. Maybe? I just pretended I had too much food in my mouth and shook my head. He grunted and began eating his food again.
When we were done, Duncan paid for the food. "You steal that?" I managed. "No, I've got a stupid job at this place if you can believe it."
"What, are you a cook here?"
"Hmm, a dude who can cook, and who's a punk guy who's been to jail way to many times. Remind me never to eat at your house." I needed to break out of my awkward shell. How can he be so cool after we kissed for the first time? On the first date?!
He drove me home.
"See ya at school tomorrow, Gwen." That was all he said before I smiled at him and closed the car door. Duncan backed up the car and drove away.
I walked into my house and into my room, flopping down on my bed.
"Wow..." I whispered.
added by colecutegirl
yesh my name on utube is rileybabex add me hope u like:D
posted by neonwalflower
Gwen's P.O.V.

-sigh- I hate moving. I hate the idea of people moving my stuff. It's called MY stuff for a reason right? Well I obviously can't hate moving now though. Now that I'm moving in with him.
We're still together after the dreading 3 seasons of Total Drama and we finally get a break because Chriss decided to put some newbies through hell for awhile. Haha man I'm going to miss it.... NOPE!
I hated that damn show with all my might, but without it I would of never met Duncan. I know everyone thinks he's a rock-hard punk-metal juvinile, but dude's gotta keep his rep I guess. I don't care...
continue reading...
posted by starburst-rock
(I didn't write this story!!!!! This is by blush me love on! I thought it was hilarious so I wanted 2 share it wit y'all. Enjoy!!!)

There Duncan and I were. We were waiting for some concert tickets when I became so fucking thirsty I was literally staring at his damn soda with lust. Following my attention, Duncan saw that I was staring at his half-empty soda.

"Want it?" he asked, moving it to the side slightly to see if my eyes would follow it.

I nodded slowly, and was terrified he would drink it right in front of me. I mean, come on. This is Duncan we're talking about.

"You sure?"...
continue reading...
posted by starburst-rock
I need a plan to get out of here. Mom locked (<-- my iPod turned that word into licked 0.o) me in my tiny room in the attic. It basically had nothing in it so I don't think im gunna describe it.
Mom said she'd be at the bar for 2 hours. Dang how long dose it take to drink? Well that dosn't matter. I found a piece of paper and started to write out my plan.

(Duncan's P.O.V)

Shit. Shit! SHIT!
How could I have been so stupid?! Now if Gwen gets killed it would be my fault! We already called the police. They said they'd meet us there. God, she probably hates me!
I looked at Heather. She basically...
continue reading...
posted by poptrop300
XGothsxRuleX,IWASACIT, IDON'TLIKEHIM have logged on

Gwen:So you guys ready for the triple date.

Courtney:Wait what triple date?

Heather:Yeah i thought it was a double date.

Courtney:Double triple what

Gwen:Me, Duncan, Heather, Alejandro, You and Trent are going on a triple date at red lobster.

Courtney:You and Duncan?

Gwen:I could say the same thing about you and Trent.


Heather:Well see you guys there.

G&C:See ya

XGothsxRuleX, IWASACIT and IDON'TLIKEHIM have logged off


Gwens P.O.V.

So today is the triple date. I just finished with my hair. Now to the clothes. Dress, Punk, Normal....
continue reading...
posted by tdacrazy6
Gwens P.O.V.
I hope Trent didnt see me and Duncan. I walked out of my cabin. He shouldnt mind, I mean it was a thank you kiss! I sat on a rock. How would he see? Was he hiding behind a bush? (yes) Did he have binoculars? (yes) Then I felt a hard slap on the back of my head. "OWWWW!" I turned around and saw Trent. "Tr- Trent?" I stammered. He grabbed my shirt collar. "EVER KISS DUNCAN AGAIN AND ILL HIT YOU HARDER!" I felt tears well up in my eyes. He dropped me on the floor. "Trent I need to break u-" He cut me off. "NO!ILL KILL YOU IF YOU BREAK UP WITH ME!"
Duncans P.O.V.
I heard crying. "Wha?"...
continue reading...
posted by poptrop300
Courtney: So he's late huh?

Gwen:Yeah but only with me.

JuViEsUcKs has logged on

Duncan:Is it safe

Courtney:Hey Duncan


Gwen:It's okay Duncan

IDON'TLIKEHIM has logged on

Heather: Is Al gone?

Duncan: Yeah he logged off like 20 minutes ago

Heather: Duncan could you log off for like 10 minutes

Duncan: Kay but in exactly ten minutes I'll be back on

JuViEsUcKs has logged off

Heather:Could I ask you guys something?

G&C: Sure

Heather: Do you guys think I should ask Al out?

Gwen:Go for it, just don't call him Al

Courtney:Yeah remember in the last ep of TDWT when Cody called him...
continue reading...
posted by starburst-rock
(Hi guys!! I know I should have posted this like um......yesterday '^^ but I...... Really don't have an excuse. Damn. Well I'm posting it now so enjoy!)

Gwen tried to be as quite as she could while walking threw the halls. Maybe Heather was asleep still? Probably it's 8:27 am on a Saterday! The I hear a creek. I look up only to see Heather sneaking out of Alejandro's room.
"Heather?" I questioned. Heather's eyes widened. "Gwen?" she walked over to me. "What are you doing out here so early?" she questioned.
"What are you doing out here so early." I said, not wanting to tell her why I was out here....
continue reading...
added by DxGLife
Source: Me
posted by starburst-rock
(Ok Sooooooo u fell in love with this song and I was like 'O my smosh! That would b so fuggin sweet if I guy did this 4 me so then an idea popped into my head! What if I wrote a DxG song fic?! The lyrics to the son are in all caps. So this is the story!!!)

"It's not you it's me.." she said, tears filling her beautiful midnight blue eyes. "N-no Gwen- oh God I can't loose you! You know I love you!" tears were now filling my eyes. Wait tears? No! Duncans don't cry! Not over stupid girls! But Gwen's not stupid she's perfect! Well she broke your heart so she is! That's not true! Wait am I in a mental...
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posted by poptrop300
Duncan:Anyone know what just happened.

Alejandro:Amigo, Courtney is single.

Trent:Hmm, I'll ask her if she logs on.

Her^_^Hotness has logged on

Lindsay: Is Tyler here

Trent:No Lindsay.

Her^_^Hotness has logged off

Alejandro:How easy does she forget him.

Duncan: Trent remember when she thought Eva was Tyler.

Trent:LOL that was hilarious

IWASACIT has logged on


JuViEsUcKs has logged off



Trent: Hey Courtney

Courtney: Hey Trent :)

Trent:Courtney I heard you were single so ...

Courtney: Okay I'll go out with you :D

Trent: :D

Courtney: On Saturday...
continue reading...
posted by poptrop300
(Just so you all know this isn't gonna be just a chat.)

XGothsxRuleX has logged on

Gwen:Trent is an hour late if he doesn't log on in the next ten minutes we are definetly gonna be through.

IDONOTLIKEHIM! has logged on
Heather:Hey Gwen whats up.

Gwen:Trent said he'd log on an hour ago but he still hasn't, whats up with you.

Heather:I visited Alejandro, he is out of the drama machine.


Heather:OH C**P gotta go Gwen bye

IDONOTLIKEHIM! has logged off

Alejandro:Whats wrong with her?


Alejandro:So Gwen uh hows life after TDWT

Gwen:Good but bad

JuViEsUcKs has logged...
continue reading...
posted by starburst-rock
(O me goshness!! I can't believe I have 9 fans. To tell you the truth I thought no one would like my stories. Shoot I didn't even like my storys! But I wanna thank those who commented on my stories and those who became a fan of me. TYVM!!!! (hands out pink frosted sprinkled donuts).)

For those who don't remember GWEN'S FLASH BACK

"GREAT GWEN! NOW I HAVE TO PAY ALL OF THIS FUCKING MONEY BECAUSE YOUR BROTHER DECIDED TO TRY AND BRING YOU FOOD!!!" Gwen's mom screamed at her. She already had tears gushing out of jer eyes because of the news of her brothers death.
"Well maybe if you would actually feed...
continue reading...
posted by trentgwenfan1
Duncan's flashback*
geoff: dued you have to tell Gwen how you feel
duncan: no no
goeff:ok after graduation shes gone and you wont see her tell the 10th reuniun and she'll be married and possibly pregnet
duncan:*walks away*
goeff: just tell her how you feel
(at graduation)
mrs. Tiner: and now for our valedectorian duncan coberman
(yeah i know duncan)
duncan: hello class of 2011 today we look forwad to getting out of here
duncan: and we look back of our 4 years here at bafalow high school but not with anger with no regret and comfess i amd a stuck up queer (talking about trent...
continue reading...
posted by poptrop300
Gwens P.O.V.
So I'm sitting here waiting for Trent to come then I see Duncan and Courtney walk in. I gave a puzzled look. He was telling her something. "Gwen" Finally Trents here."Yeah thanks for making me wait an hour, where were you anyway" "No where just getting ready"

Duncans P.O.V.
"Courtney I am so so sorry but" "Duncan were through" "What?" "You heard me WE ARE THROUGH, I know you like Gwen now and not me, but I'm okay with it cause I don't like you anymore, I like someone else" "Okay then see ya" "Bye Duncan, good luck" I smiled at her like thanks your a true friend. I saw Gwen and Trent...
continue reading...
added by colecutegirl
posted by neonwalflower
oh god its been like a freakin' month and i havnt posted man do i feel like a jackass -.-** well my finals r done and over with so baby lets get this on! xD enjoy part 5!

Gwen's P.O.V.

Uhh.. My head.. What. What happened? I wake and find myself in a bed. Shit.
Then I reconize this isn't my apartment. What the hell?
I hear breathing and I freeze. It's...It's not mine. I turn to my side and see the deliquent laying there, asleep. Oh god did I seriously sleep with this guy?
I lift up the covers and see I'm still in my dress so I guess that's a relief.
-sigh- I'll just clean up before I go. But shit...
continue reading...
Fantastic DxG vid by the amazing SimzMaster!
added by bakes2389
Sweet DxG vid by the incredible SimzMaster!
posted by starburst-rock
(Grrrr >:(! I wrote half of this and then my stupid IPod erased it all! Ok sorry Ima stop taking it out on you. Well y'all asked for part 2 so here it is :D)

(Duncan's P.O.V)

As I approached Gwen I heard a voice I didn't want to hear.
"OMG!! Dunky Poo is that you?"
Shit. No. No! NO!
I don't want Courtney! Before I new it Courtney was dragging me in the opposite derection of Gwen. No! Stupid Courtney. She dragged me to a table and sat me down.
"Look Courtney-"
"It's Lil' C!" she shouted.
Lil' C WTF? She started rammbleing on abot how amazing her life was ever sence we broke up. I couldn't stand...
continue reading...