Synyster Gates Club
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posted by greendayfan101
Being backstage with the guys is like being at Disneyworld but with five guys that love to mess round before their big show. Always making jokes and making smart remarks. I can't even kiss Synyster without the others making wolf noises and whistling.

But no matter what, I love those guys. Before their big show in Albany, Synyster wanted to do an intro where Johnny is asleep like a baby and we have to wake him up. It was all his idea and i gotta say, I love him for it.

"Sup Albany? How's everybody doing?" I said as we did our bit.
"Synyster Gates and Samantha Lee here. Be very quiet we have a sleeping baby. C'mon C'mon" said Syn as we walked over quietly towards Johnny.
"He doesn't know where we're at. Doesn't know what time it is." I said as I knelt down over by the headboard of the little bed.
"Johnny. Johnny. Johnny Christ." said Syn as he shook the quilt softly.
"Hey man" said Johnny sleep like. "Where are we?" he asked as I got up and stood by Synyster.
"We're in Albany, man." said Syn.
"Albany New York?" asked Johnny
"Albany New York" I said as Syn and I jeered while we watched Johnny get up from the bed with his bass.

It was the best sketch ever. I wasn't even nervous at all.

I told Synyster that I would be watching from the side and cheering them on. The show went amazingly well. The crowd couldn't stop cheering and screaming.

As they were getting ready to do "A Little Piece of Heaven" for the final song, Shadows pulls Synyster over to the side and was talking in real hushed tones. What were they planning.

When the opening notes of the clarinet began, Synyster wanted to stop for a minute. He told everybody that he has a surprise for them.

Syn walks to over where I am and pulls me onstage. My face went red as a heart.
"Syn, what are you doing?" I asked.
"This." he said as he gave his guitar to Zacky and pulled out a little black box from his pocket. My eyes were starting to tear up. I watched him go down on one knee with a mic in one hand and the box in the other.
"Oh my god" I said as I smiled and giggled.
"Samantha Lee, I know we've been together for two years now, but it feels like a lifetime. And...I want us to be together until the end of time." he said as he takes out a ring from the box and holds my hand. "Samantha, will you marry me?" asked Synyster.
"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" I screamed as he put the ring on my finger and got up to kiss me.

I couldn't believe it. I'm finally engaged to Synyster Gates. This had to be a dream. My boyfriend, now fiancee, asked me to marry him in front of the entire state of New York.

I waited for them to finish the show backstage. I called my mom, my bandmates and my grandparents to tell them the good news. They were so happy for me. I was even happy for myself.
"Hello there future Mrs. Gates" said a soft voice as I turned round and was face to face with my fiancee while he had a big smile on his face.
"Well hello to you too future Mr. Gates" I giggled as he wrapped his arms round me and pulled me in for hug.
"Congratulations guys!!" cried the Rev as he entered the room. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing.
"Awwww. Thank you Rev" I said as I walked over and gave him a hug.
"Hey Sam, can I see your ring?" asked Shadows.
"Sure. Why not." I giggled as I walked over to Shadows and Zacky. I walked towards Zacky and held out my left hand. The diamond was so beautiful that it shined whenever it hit the light.
"Syn, how did you get this, anyway?" asked Zacky
"I got it from my grandmother. And I couldn't wait any longer to ask you, Sam." said Synyster as he walked over and put his arm round my waist.
"But in front of the entire state of New York?" asked Shadows. "Why couldn't it wait until after the show?"
"I don't know. Something inside of me just wanted to get it out." said Syn.
"Well, what you did was very sweet and very romantic, Synyster." I said as I turned to face him
"Aw thank you, baby." said Synyster as he kissed me softly on the lips.

The plane ride home was agonizingly painful. But, somehow the guys were able to survive. Shadows planned on having us go out for drinks to celebrate mine and Synyster's engagement. It went down hill from the moment we walked off the plane.

Syn and the Rev were drinking beer and shots like there was no tomorrow. Johnny and Zacky were drinking whiskey and tequila until they heaved all over the place. Me, i just stuck with some absinthe.

Of course my drunken fiancee walked over and wanted to know what my choice of poison was. I told him that it was an absinthe shot.
"Absinthe? Really?" asked Synyster in a drunken phase
"Yeah. But, it's pretty strong." I said as I knocked back another shot.
"I wanna try some. Hey Rev, you wanna try some absinthe?" asked Syn
"Hell yeah!" shouted the Rev. This may end badly.
"Synyster, honey, absinthe is really strong. I don't think you should do it." I said. I was really worried that the absinthe might not agree with his system and make him all sick.
"Relax, baby. We're having some fun. Drinking some beer. Doing some shots. We're celebrating our loving engagement. Why not live alittle, huh?" asked Synyster as he fell back on the floor.

Luckily, the guys weren't so drunk as to pass out in the middle of the bar. But, someone had to get their lazy butts home because we have to be back at the studio in the morning.

Shadows and Zacky threw up again outside the bar and Johnny was in la la land while the Rev helped Synyster and carried him on his shoulders.

I called us a cab and got everybody home safely. I'm such a good fiancee and friend. As the cab pulled up in front of my house, I opened the door and dragged Synyster's feet out first.

When I grabbed his hands and pulled him right side up, his face turned a sickly green color and threw up on the sidewalk. I knew he shouldn't have been drinking so much tonight.

As I walked him up the stairs, I struggled to open my bedroom door, but then I realized that I can just kick it open.

I walked over to my bed with a drunken fiancee relaxing on my shoulder.
"Alright. Here you, baby. You are gonna stay here tonight." I said as I knelt down and started taking off his shoes.
"But, I thought we were still celebrating your engagement?" said a drunken Synyster as he lay back on my bed.
"Our engagement. And we already celebrated it for today." I said as I fixed him to lay on the pillows.
"Oh right. Our engage-" said Syn as he passed out again. I looked at him with love in my eyes as I bent down and kissed him on the forehead softly.
"Sweet dreams, my love." I said as I walked out of the room and closed the bedroom door quietly.

The next morning, Synyster found me asleep on the couch downstairs. He walked over and shook the blanket alittle. No reply. He bent down and kissed my cheek and whispered:
"Hey you. Good morning." whispered Syn.
"Good morning, Syn." I sighed as I sat up on the couch and watched my blanket fall.
"Why were you sleeping down here?" he asked
"I didn't wanna wake you so I thought I could sleep down here until you woke up from your night of partying last night." I said as I yawned softly.
"I wouldn't mind it, Sam." said Syn as he sat next to me. "So, how does it feel to be engaged?"
"Like I have died and went to heaven." I smiled and kissed his lips. "I always knew that we would be together. But now.."
"Now," he said as he took my hands into his. "We'll spend the rest of our lives together. We're getting married, Samantha." he said sweetly.
"I can't believe it either. I'm finally getting married. I'm getting married to the man of my dreams." I said as I giggled softly and kissed him again.

For the rest of the day, Synyster and the guys have been working on their songs. Me, i'm just the loving fiancee to the greatest rockstar a girl could ever dream of being with.

I've always known that I would have a great life with him, and now I am. I'm loving every minute of it. I'm loving every minute of life and music. I would never want to change anything about. ever.
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