Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Heights

aquasirena posted on Nov 02, 2007 at 03:24AM
There is a rumor going around about a new spin-off series called Sweet Valley Heights featuring the Wakefield twins and all their friends, now in their late 20's and 30's, living in a gated community.

Anyone know anything about this?

Who would TOTALLY read this series?

Sweet Valley High 3 replies

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over a year ago cressida said…
I heard about that too. But I don't remember where I heard it. The question on who would read it though -- probably not me, unless I got stuck in a boring situation and that was there for me to read.
over a year ago aquasirena said…
are you kidding? it would be like desperate housewives but that much more lame.

I don't mean it would be lame like I wouldn't read it. I would. But I would enjoy it in a "so bad it's good" kind of way.

I wonder how one would get a job as a ghostwriter for the series.
over a year ago heavenly101 said…
Apparently the series is a go! and Francine Pascal (this is on the Random House site) says the characters lives went in directions we wouldn't think they would. Wahoo.

I agree as well. It'd be so bad, but good!