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Opportunity of a Lifetime Chapter 4 

While I was in my room I emailed my family and my best friend Luke. I told my family that tue first day was good but I was already getting homesick but agency wrote my best friend Luke I told him everything. 
As I was typing my emails out I didn't notice that Jake had walked up to my door. 
So are yoh giving me the silent treatment now? He asked. 
No. Sorry. I said. 
Don't be sorry. He said. 
I dint really have anything to say back to the so I didn't respond. 
May I come in? He asked 
Sure. I said bot looking up at the computer. 
What are you looking at? Jake asked. 
Just pictures of my family and my best friend. I said. 
Cool. Can I see? He asked. 
I turned the computer towards him and showed him some of the recent pictures of my family and I in the snow on Christmas and then I showed him one of Luke and I. 
Is that your boyfriend? He asked. 
No, just a good friend. I responded. 
The picture was of Luke and me at prom. I had asked Luke to go with me but just as friends. The picture was taken as we were walking to his car. 
He had offered to give me a piggy back ride to the car after prom because my feet were hurting from my shoes. I explained to Jake. 
Oh okay.  Look, I'm sorry for jumping down your throat. It was wrong of me to do so. He said.  
It's okay. I said. 
No it isn't. I just figure that all surfers knew the guidelines. He said. 
It's fine, really. I said. 
Okay. I am going to go play a game of billiards. What to join me? Jake asked. 
Billiards? I asked. 
Yeah the table in the rec room. He said. 
Oh you mean pool? I asked. 
Sure, whatever you call it. He said laughing. 
Yeah, I'll be down in a second. I said. 
So if call billiards pool than what do you call a swimming pool? Jake asked. 
A pool. I said. 
How do you tell the difference between the two? He asked.
It's how you say it. Does you want to PLAY pool or do you want to go hang out at the pool. I said. 
Oh okay. He said.
I set the prom picture of Luke and me as my desktop background but then I quickly changed it because every-time I looked at it I felt supper homesick. 
After I decided to leave my desktop background blank I ran downstairs and went to play "billiards". 
posted by surfergal
Hey Guys,
Thanks for reading my story. I'm sorry haven't posted anything in a while. I was fixing to publish the 5 chapter when I accidentally deleted the whole chapter! I had a lot writen and I'm pretty much mad at myself right now. So I'm sorry but there probably wont be another Samantha story till Sunday. Again I'm sorry for the delay!!









posted by surfergal
That night me and Nathen talked all night, and not once did it cross my mind again that Nathen from what I understood had imprinted on me. It did cross my mind that Nathen never told me where he lived in La Push. It was sorta weird at first but then I totally thought about how he was always coming here, never had to be anywhere, he didn't have anywhere to live.
Once I finally thought about it I had to ask him if I was right but I didn't know how to come about it. I didn't want to be all weird or acuse him of something he wasn't. So I went to Carlisle, or I had that planned. That morning I had...
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posted by surfergal
When I woke up, Nathen was still by my side except this time his head was lying back on the chair. Everyone was still in the same posistion as they were when I woke up the last time except Edward and Bella were there. I was thinking to myself, I wonder if Nathen has even left and Then I looked at Edward and he shook his head no. Poor thing he must be exuasted everyone must be. This is what I was saying before how everyone had to worry about me. I was sad that this happened to me but I was glad that no one else would have to go through it, I mean like I could take the pain but someone else might...
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posted by surfergal
When I woke up I was lying in a hospital. Alice and jasper were sitting on a loveseat holding hands and Emmet was sitting in a chair and Rose was sitting in his lap and Esme was standing by the window with Carlisle. Nathen was sitting in a chair right beside my bed holding my hand with his head down like he was asleep. Everyone looked supper worried and then all of the sudden everything hit at once all the flashbacks of what happen a coue if days ago. Carlisle came over to my bed and ask;
Hey Addi, everything is gonna be okay. He said.
It feels like a truck hit me in my side. I told him.
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posted by surfergal
That morning I woke up and Nathen had left me a note saying:

Dear Addi,
Jacob is making us do some patrols. I'll meet you at school.
I thought it was so sweet. I looked over at my clock and it said that it was 7 oclcok. I was running late again. I found some clothes and then pulled my hair into a ponytail, knowing that it would have to come done when I put on my helmet. I put on some mascarra and then headed downstairs to get something to drink. Edward had me a glass of sweet tea on the counter when I walked into the kitchen. Once I told everyone bye I walked into the garage and...
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rode for two more hours before stopping to get gas for my bike. I drove up into a gas station and pulled off my helmet, and shook out my hair. I found a credit card from Carlisle and Esme and a cell phone Alice had provided me with. I called Alice.
Hey, Alice. I said.
Hey Addi. Alice said.
I'm sorry, I couldn't take it any more and I didn't know what to do. I said.
I know, I saw it coming. There is a credit card in your your jacket with cellphone and your ipod. I figured you could use some music for the drive. She said.
Thanks so much and I'm sorry. I told her again.
Its ok, she said.
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posted by surfergal
Sam's story chapter 3 

Nick and I talked for a little bit on the beach and then he kissed me. 
I'm sorry Nick, but I don't know you really well. I told him. 
Oh, come on you know me enough to make out. He said. 
No, I don't. I said. 
He just pulled my face closer and started kissing me. 
Nick! Stop. I said. 
He continued trying to kiss me and then he push me back and I fell backwards, I was now lying on the sand with Nick kissig me more than ever. I tried pushing him off but he was too strong for me. I yelled stop again and that's when I heard Oakley's voice. 
Oakley pulled Nick off of me and...
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posted by surfergal
I layed on the deck for about ten minutes until I couldn't take it anymore, I had to see the beach. I got down by myself from the ladder. I went and put on a t-shirt and shorts and called Oakley to see if he would answer his phone. He did. I was lucky. 
Hey Oak. Can you come pick me up and take me to the beach? I ask him. 
Yeah sure. I'll be there soon. He said. 
Cool thanks. Bye. I said. 
I went and told mom and dad that Oakley was taking me to the beach. Dad told me not to get my cast wet and not to get any sand down in it. I said I wouldn't and I figured that would be hard to do but I didn't...
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posted by surfergal
It seemed forever sinse we had left the house and I was scared to death. It got cold really faast and it was beginning to thunder storm. We were walking now, well I wasn't Emmet was told apperently that I needed to be carried. I so didn't want to be carried, Emmet was kinda of cold to tell you the truth.
Emmet, can I walk. I ask.
No, you will leave your scent on where you are walking. Emmet had told me.
Oh, can I have jacket? I'm sorta freezing. I said.
Yeah,Emmet said while Rose handed him another sweartshirt for me.
Nathen came out of the woods from infront of us and ask:
Do you want me to...
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posted by surfergal
Rose and I talked for the longest and then Alice came in and Alice said that the guy I had met on the beach was going to be at school tomorrow. I got so nervous, I hardly knew this guy and I was liking him already. We picked my outfit out and then Rose told me how she was going to do my make-up and hair for tomorrow. I then had a thought about how it was goi g to look I de I took off my helmet. We thought the best ways to fix it and if it would mess up in anyway. If it did end up looking like help st hair call Rose and she would come down in a hurry to fix it. I was excited there were hardly...
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posted by surfergal
I surfed for 3 more hours and then I got out and went back to the hotel and took a shower.
Thanks Alice and Jasper that was great. I told them.
No problem, I'm glad you had fun. Jasper said.
Soon we were packing back up so we could head back to Forks. It was great going on spontanous trips. I sleep the whole way back, luckely I got to the couch before Alice or Jasper could but I think Alice saw that I wanted the couch. When I woke up we were landing, which ment I needed to look alive or at least look lik I hadn't sleept the whole 2 hours that it takes to gret back. I came back with an extra...
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posted by surfergal
The jet that they flew on to Cali.
I stayed at Max's house for a couple of weeks, I went home every so often. Max could pick stuff up now sinse his shoulders were heald now.. I was finally able to sleep in my own bed, instead of being on an air mattress. School was starting within three days and I had nothing to take. When I did get into the door of my house Alice came straight to me and ask:
Hey, Addi Do you want to go school shopping? Alice ask me.
Yeah totally. Let me go up stairs and take a shower though frist. I said
Okay, great. Alice said.
I loved going shopping Alice, she pick out...
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This story almost goes with my last one, Another Story but it is different. Addi and Nathen moved from Forks, Washington to Coconut grove Florida to keep Samantha and Oakley (their kids) safe from vampires.  

My name is Samantha, I'm 16 years old and I live in a small town called Coconut Grove, Florida. My family and I moved here from Forks, Washington when we were just little kids. Meaning my twin brother and I. My twin's name is Oakley, he has really dark skin like my dad and blonde hair like my mom. My dad tells me that I look just like my mom, blond hair and blue eyes. My hair is natural...
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posted by surfergal
When I got to the hospital Carlisle met the ambulance people people and me at the entrance andax went a different way than me. . Carlisle e-rayed my my shoulder. He ended up telling me that I had torn a ligament ing shoulder. Carlisle told me that he could call someone at home to come and pick me up but I told him no thanks that I was going to stick around and see if Max was okay. I ended up finding Max in his own room with an I.V hooked into him and oxygen mask on him. His shoulder was all wrapped up in a ace bandage and had an ice pack on it.
Oh Max, I'm so sorry. I said.
For what? He ask....
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posted by surfergal
When I woke up, I turned over and looked at my clock and it said it was 6 am. I couldn't believe i woke up at six! I decided to get out of bed, I went over to my computer and checked the surf as I usually did. I saw that the waves are going to be great so I put on my bathingsuit and sweat pants and then a sweat shirt on. I grabbed my wetsuit out of the colset and went downstairs and ate breakfast. Alice was in the kitchen when I walked down.
Hey Addi, Whatcha doing up this early? she ask.
Oh, just the usual surfing all day. I told her.
I ate and then left for the garage got my bike and board...
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posted by surfergal
Once I got up stairs and into my room I checked the surf report and it said it was flat. Great what am I gonna do now. I can't stop thinking about Cody he kent so much to me and he was always there for and always protected me from everything from other vamps or just tripping and falling. He was always there to catch me and now he wasn't and I didn't know what to do. I went back to my bed and just lyed there thinking of Cody. I couldn't help it, we had been together ever sinse we meet. I guess the pull the love I felt toward him was only me. I feel asleep crying again. I hated when that would...
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posted by surfergal
I woke up and got out of bed and I stretched, I learned that swimming will make you sore. I jumped into the shower and when I got out I didn't really feel like dressing up so I pulled on my oh so awesome sweat pants and a long sleeve t-shirt. I had to drive my motorcycle to school because once I got out of school I had to go to swim and do dryland. Dryland are where we workout on dry land for a little buit doing,push-ups and running. IT all helps with swimming and that was something I loved.

Weeks passed and Cody and I were close and I was doing great in swim until one night when I was in the...
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posted by surfergal
The next morning when I woke up I had a note on my pillow next to me. It read:

Dear Addi,
I didn't want to wake you, but I will meet you at school. love you.

I got up after reading the note and went to take a shower did the whole getting ready for school thing, a.k.a the usual teen girl morning routine. I got on my motorcycle and drove to school. The weather was finally getting warmer as in th 65 degree range. Once I got to school I saw Cody leaning againsted his car, his car. He looked so hot. He walked over to my bike and helped me off of it, which was so sweet of him.
"Thanks". I said....
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posted by surfergal
The following morning Alice woke me up for school. I was putting on perfume when cody knocked on my door.
"Come in". I said.
Hey, You Ready ? He ask
Yeah,hold on I have to brush my teeth I told him.
Ok. He said as he went towards my bed to sit down. Once I was done brushing my teeth, Cody grabbed my bag and put me on his back and toted me down the stairs. My cruches were downstairs because Carlisle didn't want me to go up and down them. Cody help me out to his car, my was totalled sadly. When we got to school cody walked me to class except he didnt leave my side when we got there. It was still...
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posted by surfergal
We didn't talk much on the way to school. When we drove up to school before we got out of the car I ask. Is there something wrong Michae?? No. he said. ok. I said. I could tell he was lying. Michael walked me to my first class like always and then I watched him walk to his class. Once he was out of site, I went and called Alice.
Hey, Alice I said.
Hey Addi, why are you not in class? She ask.
i had to ask you something. I said
Okay, well ask away. she said.
Is there something wrong or anything because me and Michael didnt talk mcuh at all this morning? i said.
No. thers nothing wrong. Alice...
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