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Have you ever felt like your whole life is stuck in a crossroad? Your teacher is an evil witch? Your bank account seems to be visited by a freaking reaper? You think your neighbor’s dog is possessed by something? Sometimes you swear that your boss sold his/her own soul? All of that would make a good TV show (yea, right! As if anyone would even bother to watch)?

Okay first, let me tell you:
Your life truly sucks.

And second:
You are in the right place. Now sit down and grab some salt.
Here are some examples to follow from the people who know how to deal with crappy situations the best. Just choose the profile that fits you the best.

You are a strong person, who doesn’t really like chick flick moments or to show your emotions, but that, in reality, is as cute as a teddy bear (that sometimes gets pissed off) can be?
Well then, lucky you! You are just like Dean and you have a kick-ass personality!

You are really in love with your car, and that’s kind of awesome, since driving a car is a great way of clearing your mind. So since you aren’t the biggest planes fan, you should drive and drive on your car. And don’t worry about the gasoline price or something like that [it’s not like there’s a oil war out there, and those things are overrated anyways], that’s why the fake credit cards exist.

You might get a bit tired of the driving, though (yep, that happens to the best ones, no need to be ashamed). So if that happens, just rent a motel room and make sure that it comes with a vibrating massage bed (you may need a lot of coins for this one). Yes, I know how bad that sounds, but there’s no need to be shy. Also, you will be alone in the room. Who do you think it can be there anyways, your brother? Yea, right. Like he doesn’t have a life of his own. *insert sarcasm note here*

BUT, if your bother is in the room with you for some creepy or supernatural reason, make sure you make as much fun as you can of him. That will make you happy as hell, I promise. Also, there’s nothing wrong in using his laptop and go visit some cool websites like You would be doing him a favor, if you ask me. He needs to learn something about real life (so yea, make sure to update his internet favorites). You can also get a myspace, I heard that women dig that (Note to yourself: learn what the hell a myspace is).

You don’t wanna be closed in a strange and cheap motel room forever, so get out and have some fun. Meet new people. And by people I mean women and by meeting I mean getting laid; but it’s all the same right? Just be reaaaally careful with the type of women you meet; some of them can be very sneaky and steal a hand of your pocket without you even noticing, literally (again, don’t feel bad if that happens, at least she was willing to have animal sex with you).
Just drink some purple nipple shots and you’ll be fine.

Of course all this epic journey should be taken with some old school rock cassettes and pie (LOTS of pie). I heard that mumbling Metallica it’s a really good way of calming down. And pie it’s just good for your health.

Most of all, don’t forget to have FUN! Go visit some cool places like Hollywood. Who knows, you can even bang Paris Hilton (or make sure you kill her, so she can’t ruin some random epic tv show – that would be kind of awesome).

Just make sure you be careful, you don’t wanna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot. So stay away from crossroads, okay?

Final advice: Helping friends is awesome, and you are an amazing friend. Just make sure you don’t help them too much, or you might end up in jail.
And remember, you are awesome. And adorable.

You are smart, open-minded, generous and you don’t like when people mess with your stuff? Nobody ever gets your intelligence? Aww well, aren’t you a cutie pie! You are just like Sam.

People don’t exactly understand/appreciate your smartness (yea, being smart hurts sometimes), so maybe that means it’s time to spread your horizons and meet new people. Just be cautious about who you meet, you don’t wanna ending up sleeping with someone *really* hairy who can bite (trust me when I tell you that those aren’t the type of bites you’re looking for) or someone who keeps offering you some weird red bloody thing to drink.

If you can’t find someone under those conditions, no worries. Usually even the cheapest motels have porn channels, so It’s all good.

You should go out more often, but you also need to collaborate. If you go to a Halloween party, make sure you go dressed up in some costume [SUIT UP!]. You can’t go dressed up as yourself – UNLESS you are really hot; in that case you should UNdressed up and use just a towel around your waist (but I highly doubt that’s your case).
And to be the spirit [lol, excuse my choice of words] of the party you just need to charm people with some of your talents, like fairy tales and a couple of magic tricks. That will totally blow them away; I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them become speechless after that.
You can also invite people for some Pictionary game, because your draws are always so awesome!

If after all of that, you still don’t have some friends; damn those people seriously have issues. And who better to acknowledge their pain than you?
Yea, I thought so.
This means it’s time to start giving hugs. Show those people that you are there for them, in the end they are just brave little soldiers, too precious for this world.

Didn’t work?

Oh well, I’m not a freaking Angel, so don’t expect miracles.

And who needs friends anyways? Don’t you have a brother or something? That will do.

Also, here’s some good news: you don’t need anybody to get drunk.
Just make sure you don’t drink too much, otherwise, you will end up the night hugged to a toilet.

Final advice: Be careful while you sleep. Not everybody is nice like you, so be alert or you might wake up with some spoon in your mouth. Also, watch where you walk on, you don’t want to lose a shoe or something.

Make sure you take this serious! It’s a very serious matter, we don’t have time for blah blah blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, BLAH!

“Put your clothes on” Dean said.
“Why? What are we going to do?” Cas asked suspicious.
“You shouldn’t spend your last day of freedom in a hospital room” Dean explained. He conjured his keys and waved them. “Let’s go for a ride”
“Now we’re talking” Cas smiled and he put on his clothes.
Five minutes later they were outside, with the Impala. Cas walked to the passenger seat.
“Hey, Cas” Dean called and Cas looked up. “Catch” Dean said and he tossed the keys at Cas. Cas caught them with one hand and walked around the car. He got in and so did Dean, but before the latter...
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Sam knocked on Meg’s bedroom door and opened it slowly. Meg was sitting on the bed in Indian style, a blue bag of M&M’s in her lap.
“Can I come in?” Sam asked careful. Meg shrugged and Sam closed the door. “That was…pretty intense”
Meg swallowed a handful of colored candy in response.
“I wouldn’t take it personal” Sam continued as he sat on the bed. “I think he’s freaking out, because we found out he has his powers back. Dean’s with him now. If there’s anyone who can talk some sense into Cas, it’s my big brother”
“Thank you, that makes me feel a lot better”...
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“This is ridiculous” Cas said snarky.
“Really? Then why do you keep standing there?” Dean asked.
“Because there’s fire around me” Cas exclaimed frustrated.
“If you’re not an angel, you can just step out of the circle” Sam replied simple. “Just be a man, Cas, and step out of the circle”
Cas turned to Meg, who looked back fierce. “You’re going to be sorry for this” he hissed.
“Maybe you can add my name on that stupid list” Meg snapped back.
“And maybe you can crawl back into the hole you came from, you mentally challenged slut!” Cas yelled and his eyes glowed...
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Meg sat next to Cas while he was driving Isabel’s car, though she didn’t know that.
“How did you get in my room?” she asked slightly nervous.
“What do you mean?” Cas asked distracted.
“You appeared out of nowhere. I want to know how you did it” Meg insisted.
“Anna helped me” Cas shrugged, hoping that would explain it all to his partner in crime. However, it didn’t.
“Anna?” she frowned. “No. No, Anna wouldn’t have left you alone with me. She’s been tracking you down since you left Sam and Dean to go on a murder spree”
Cas cast her a furious glance and for a moment...
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The door to the bathroom opened and Cas walked outside. He carried the girl over his shoulder, like a pig he just shot. He dropped her on the bar, causing the plates with food and drinks to fall on the floor.
“Dinner’s up!” he shouted.
At first no one moved as they were too shocked by what just had happened. But then the silence was broken by a scream and people started running towards the exit.
Cas snapped his fingers and the doors locked themselves.
“I’m sure you all wonder what you’re doing here? Let me refresh your memory” he said. He snapped with his fingers again and darkness...
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Several cars parked in front of the local snack bar. It was closing day, but there was light shining through the blinds and thus they walked to the entrance. They had all received an email with an invitation for a party, hosted by Castiel Novak.
After some hesitation a man opened the door and entered.
“Aaah, you came” Cas smiled as he turned around to face the crowd. The people looked around. There were drinks, appetizers, food. It really looked like a party, though they had no idea who this Castiel dude was nor why they were invited.
“Please, make yourselves at home” Cas said casual...
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While Cas put his clothes back on Meg wrapped the sheets around her and walked towards the door.
“Where you going?” Cas asked.
“Going to take a look in Heather’s wardrobe. I don’t like these clothes” Meg replied and she left the room. Cas took advantage of Meg’s absence to look around in the room. He lifted the mattress, opened the closets and threw all its content on the floor. He pulled the drawers open and threw them on the bed.
“Where is it, Heather? Where do you keep it?” Cas mumbled as he kept looking.
Meg opened the closet in Heather’s bedroom and checked her wardrobe....
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Cas opened the buttons on Frederik’s shirt. He placed the sword against the right side of his chest.
“Let’s play a game” he whispered. “I’ll call it the pot calling the kettle black” He pierced the point of the sword into Frederik’s flesh and started forming a letter. “You thought I did something. I was found innocent. The so-called victim clearly stated I did not do what you accuse me off. And yet you believed I was guilty and so you took matters in own hands. You punished me for my crime” He put the letter on the cabinet and started a new letter. “And now I’ll punish...
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Dean slowed down in a street near the café. A few yards further a police van was parked. Yellow stripes marked a crime scene and people in white costumes were discussing with people in black costumes.
“You think it’s Cas?” Sam asked, looking at Dean from the corner of his eye.
“If it’s not, I’m fairly certain he’s got something to do with it” Dean replied dark, before getting out of the car. He walked steady to the crime scene as he pulled out one of his fake ID’s. “FBI, what do you got?”
“Man, 43, looks like he’s strangled to death” the coroner said. He took a...
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“What do you mean, he left?” Sam asked, looking at Meg, requesting a reasonable explanation. Meg turned to Dean, whose expression told her he already understood what was going on. He read the note and said. “So he told you to start at a café?” Meg nodded. “Unfinished business. Cas, you idiot” Dean said in himself.
“Is someone going to explain me what’s going on?” Sam exclaimed. “What unfinished business? What is Cas up to?”
Dean and Meg glared at each other.
“Have a seat” Dean decided. Sam sat down on a chair, looking expectedly at his older brother. “You remember...
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Cas appeared inside a mansion, holding his two victims tightly. The owner of the house stood up from his seat and looked shocked at the intruder.
“What, in heaven’s name, do you think you’re doing?” the older man asked furious.
Cas pushed the men on the floor and walked steady to the man. Before the man could do so much as blink, Cas grabbed his neck and snapped it. Then he walked back to the others, grabbed their collars and dragged them to the basement.
He chained them up on their wrists and a few seconds later they were hanging on the ceiling. He searched their pockets and conjured...
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Cas’ phone rang as he walked slowly towards the other two men. Without looking he picked up. “Meg”
“Where are you?” Meg asked a little hysterical. She was standing by the table, holding Cas’ note in her hand.
“I believe I left you a piece of paper with my whereabouts” Cas replied.
“Yeah. Dear Meg, I have some unfinished business I have to deal with. I’ll be back tomorrow” Meg read from the note. “What unfinished business? Where are you?” she repeated a little angry.
Cas didn’t answer immediately. He had spotted his targets and caught up with them. “Do you remember...
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The door opened again and Sam and Claire walked in.
“Nice color” Sam mumbled, referring to Meg’s hair.
“Gee, thanks” Meg said monotone. She looked at Claire, who looked back provocative. With two Winchesters at her arm she felt a lot more confident. “When’s your dad coming?”
“Meg!” Dean reproached her. Meg pulled her shoulders. Dean conjured his phone and handed it to Claire. “You should call your mom, tell her you’re fine”
Claire dialed her home number. Her mother sounded very agitated when she answered the phone.
“Who is this?” she asked a little snappy as she...
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“Claire, when you get this, please call me back. I’m not angry with you for taking the car without asking. I’m just really worried” Amelia said, trying to stay calm. Claire had pretended to be listening to her IPod, while those morons were questioning her about Jimmy’s whereabouts. Soon as they had left Amelia had heard the car and noticed Claire was gone.
She hung up and went to the kitchen to make some tea. When it was ready she took the tea upstairs and walked inside her bedroom.
Five minutes later the sound of breaking porcelain was heard on the floor. Amelia opened the door,...
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Since there was no way any of them was going to get any sleep, they packed their bags and loaded the Impala. Dean placed himself behind the wheel, Sam sat next to him and Meg on the backseat.
“First stop: Pontiac, Illinois” Dean said, as he started the engines and drove ahead. As they drove Dean turned on the radio to break the silence.
Meg stared out of the window. She felt utterly powerless. Had she still been a demon she would’ve just zapped herself to him. But then maybe she wouldn’t have felt this way and she wouldn’t even bother to go find him.
Maybe this was a sign. Maybe she was supposed to let go and go back to her old life.
No!, she reproached herself. You’re not going back to killing for fun. You didn’t get this far to throw it all away. You’re going to find Cas and get him back.
“Everything okay, there?” Dean asked.
“Yeah, I’m good” Meg replied with a mischievous smile.
Dean drove full speed ahead, crossing a few red lights. Cas was lying on the backseat, unconscious.
“Dean, slow down, you’re getting us all killed” Sam said accenting his words. Dean chose to ignore him and parked the Impala in front of the hospital. He pulled the key out and stepped out. He opened the door to the backseat and dragged Cas out. With Sam’s help he carried him inside the hospital. Since Dean was too much in shock, Sam explained to the doctor what happened.
About an hour later, the doctor came to them and they could tell from his expression that he didn’t have good news....
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Cas was lying on the bed, his head on Meg’s lap. Anna was also in the room, after Sam had summoned her. There was only one thing left to do. Anna would have to read Cas to see if he was being possessed.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Anna asked soft. Usually she wasn’t so reluctant, but this wasn’t just anyone. This was Cas, her brother. She didn’t want to hurt him.
Cas nodded and Anna came closer to him. She placed her hand on his belly and looked at Meg. “Distract him” she said and she stuck her hand inside Cas’ stomach.
Cas gasped and images of Zoey tearing his insides out flashed before his eyes. Meg took his hand and he clenched her fingers. It hurt, but Meg didn’t pull away.
After a minute Anna withdrew her hand.
“He’s not being possessed” she said.
“What? But that’s impossible” Meg replied astonished.
“He’s not being possessed, Meg” Anna repeated, almost apologizing. And without another word she left the room.
Hi all, its been a while since I’ve written anything but I recently read this wonderful article which strongly prompted me to write an article in response. The link for the article is: link make sure you check it out, it definitely has some helpful insight on our boys. I was inspired by the article, which brought up some really good points that I had not at all anticipated, but there are a few points I want to expand on using my own perspective. MINOR SPOILER ALERT. ALL OPINIONS ARE MY OWN. NOT INTENDED TO BASH ANY CHARACTERS. ORIGINAL IDEA FROM ARTICLE LISTED ABOVE. Please feel free to add...
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The Impala was still parked on the same spot. Meg walked around the car and opened the trunk. She opened one of Cas’ bags and pulled out the first shirt she got her hands on. “Get in the car” she told Cas. “No, passenger seat” she added, when Cas wanted to step inside the driver’s seat. “You can’t drive like that”
She put herself behind the wheel. “I’m surprised you can drive at all” she mumbled.
“I can’t” Cas replied. He leaned backwards and closed his eyes.
“Keys?” Meg said to herself, looking at the connection. “Keys” she answered her own question as...
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Butterfield Park.
Night had replaced the day and the only light came from a Ferris wheel, standing in the middle of the park, next to the swimming pool. At the top of the Ferris wheel some of the chairs were removed, just enough to make room for a human body.
Meg was tied up on the rails, facing the starless sky. Kevin had grabbed her and taken her here, while Balthazar put something on the Ferris wheel. Something slippery. So, even if Cas came to her rescue, he’d hit the bottom of the wheel before he’d reach the top and then Meg would be stuck there, until she starved to death or died from...
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