Supernatural stories Supernatural Role Play...

monkey0502 posted on Jul 03, 2011 at 12:28AM
Ok... This is a place where you can make new characters, or use the one's from your stories, or you can do both. Here are some things you will need to include:




Supernatural Trait:

Weapon: (Optional)

Backstory: (Optional)



Current Supernaturals:

Andy: Has wings, can read minds (but choses not to), and see the future. (played by monkey0502 [me])

(Ryan) Blake MacLamore: (dead) Can charmspeake, teleport, and turnn invisible (played by OsnapitzJJ)

Sara: Has wings, can read minds, and teleport (Played by Rennerocks)

Alexa: Has wings, can read & control minds, can teleport, and presuade anyone, and has control over fire (played by percylover101)

Makenzie Grace: Teleport, make portals, and has full control of fire (played by Yellowcow)

(Hunter) Tom: Can shapeshift, and has control of water (Played by Titlewave)

Aron Fangorne: Phyisic, can levatate anything, can read and control minds, and can fix any mechanical problem (played by vlad_todd_fan)

Roslie James: Can control any thing in nature, and can heal (Played by Alex13126)

Alyssa Morgan: Wingless flight, healing, and controls the air (played by ArtemisDiana)

Jake Nemein: Can shapeshift into a jet black panther, Can control over wind and can bend it to his will, Can animate any object (played by sonoboreas)

Dillon Rose: Shapeshifts into a white tiger, and is also physic (played by Nikki-was-here)

Tristin Link: Controls sound waves (played by greenstergirl)

Baylee: Shapeshifting

Blaze: Controls fire, and see the future (played by OsnapitzJJ)

Leah: Controls lights and can see the future (played by

Andrea Recardez Hulio Montiou Jemipilez Dojaio Horajioz Derilios Cantani Georgio Danielez Xinichi Smith: Has the ability to change his matter (played by DemiTitan)

Jackie Ash: Half vampire, half werewolf, can control minds (played by Rennerocks)

Serena: Can control fire,read minds,morph (played by darkmoon47)

Abbigale "Abby" Karter: Can talk to the dead and bend the earth (played by PenelopeWolf1)

Jet Mason: Is a 'Time Twister'. (played by monkey0502)

Sam Hale: necromancer (played by Sellon)

Beck Culpepper: Werewolf (Played by TheGreekBadAss)

Kelly S. Roth: Werewolf (Played by monkey0502)

Cole St. Clair: werewolf (Played by TheGreekBadAss)
last edited on Aug 08, 2011 at 01:25PM

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