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School was out and Jerrick walked to the gate. He didn’t see his mother anywhere, but a strange woman came his way.
“Hi, Jerrick” Meg said charming when she reached the eight year old. Jerrick took a few steps back. “Don’t be afraid. I know you don’t know me, but do you remember being sick and a man made you feel better?”
Jerrick nodded heavily.
“I’m a very good friend of that man. He’s visiting your mom and I was so kind to come and pick you up” Meg explained.
Jerrick’s teacher walked towards them.
“Is there a problem?” she asked suspicious.
“No, I’m just picking...
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“You are amazing! You totally ditched them!” Meg said full admiration. She was driving the Impala. She didn’t have the keys, but she didn’t need them. Just because she was human, didn’t mean she was a saint. “So, where do you want to go?” she asked, looking at Cas.
Cas pulled a paper out of his jacket and opened it. “I need to find these people, in the exact order” Cas said serious.
Meg took the paper out of his hand and studied it, while trying to keep an eye on the road. “Who are they?” she asked curious.
“People who’ve wronged me” Cas explained bitter. “People...
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“Can you believe this?” Dean exclaimed furious. “That’s what? The third time he stole my baby? What is wrong with him?”
He and Sam were walking down the street and while Dean kept ranting on about how Cas was abusing his car, Sam remained rather quiet.
“What’s up with you?” Dean asked when he paused his venting for a moment.
“You didn’t go into that basement” Sam said dark.
“Why? What was there?” Dean demanded to know.
“Two men. Dead. One of them tortured and eaten by rats” Sam answered. “The other one stabbed to death”
Dean sighed and looked around to make...
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Dean opened the door of the mansion and he and Sam entered. Anna had told them where to find Cas.
Dean walked into the living room and saw the old man on the carpet, his eyes wide open. Sam pulled out his gun and so did Dean.
“Cas?” Dean called.
Meg’s eyes widened and Cas quickly covered her mouth. He pulled her behind the closet. “Hush” he whispered and he removed his hand.
Dean looked at Sam and signed he’d search upstairs and Sam would search downstairs. Dean sneaked upstairs and listened carefully.
Sam ran downstairs into the basement and became sick when he saw the two corpses....
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Cas and Meg left the basement and walked back into the living room.
“You should get yourself cleaned up. If Sam and Dean see the blood on your clothes, they’re going to ask questions” Meg said wise.
“Then I shall use his bathroom” Cas said. “Care to join me?” he winked as he reached out his hand. Meg smiled back mischievous and accepted his hand. Cas pulled her to him and kissed her passionately. She jumped in his arms and he carried her upstairs to the bathroom. Their clothes still on Cas walked into the shower cabin and put Meg down.
Meg touched for the tap and opened it, letting...
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“Cas?” Meg called from the living room in the mansion. She was standing next to the corpse of the owner of the mansion.
Cas stumbled upstairs and came into the living room. He fell backwards against the wall and sank down on the carpet.
Meg quickly ran towards him and bent through her knees. She took his hands and noticed the blood on his hands. “Are you hurt?”
Cas shook his head. “No” he said out of breath. “It’s not my blood. It’s Frederik’s and Marcus’s” He looked at Meg, terrified.
Meg swallowed. “Did you kill them?” she asked, though she already knew the answer....
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Dean slowed down in a street near the café. A few yards further a police van was parked. Yellow stripes marked a crime scene and people in white costumes were discussing with people in black costumes.
“You think it’s Cas?” Sam asked, looking at Dean from the corner of his eye.
“If it’s not, I’m fairly certain he’s got something to do with it” Dean replied dark, before getting out of the car. He walked steady to the crime scene as he pulled out one of his fake ID’s. “FBI, what do you got?”
“Man, 43, looks like he’s strangled to death” the coroner said. He took a...
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Cas’ phone rang as he walked slowly towards the other two men. Without looking he picked up. “Meg”
“Where are you?” Meg asked a little hysterical. She was standing by the table, holding Cas’ note in her hand.
“I believe I left you a piece of paper with my whereabouts” Cas replied.
“Yeah. Dear Meg, I have some unfinished business I have to deal with. I’ll be back tomorrow” Meg read from the note. “What unfinished business? Where are you?” she repeated a little angry.
Cas didn’t answer immediately. He had spotted his targets and caught up with them. “Do you remember...
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The motel.
Claire was still tied onto her chair. She rubbed her hands, trying to free them, but all she managed to do was tighten the quick-release straps and cause her wrists to bleed. She went with her tongue against the tape to make it loose.
In the room next door Sam and Dean were trying to figure out the best way to approach Jimmy. Amelia might have said she hadn’t seen her husband, it was more likely that she was hiding him from them. And even if she was speaking the truth, it would only be a matter of time before Jimmy would try and contact his family.
Claire managed to loosen the tape...
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“Claire, when you get this, please call me back. I’m not angry with you for taking the car without asking. I’m just really worried” Amelia said, trying to stay calm. Claire had pretended to be listening to her IPod, while those morons were questioning her about Jimmy’s whereabouts. Soon as they had left Amelia had heard the car and noticed Claire was gone.
She hung up and went to the kitchen to make some tea. When it was ready she took the tea upstairs and walked inside her bedroom.
Five minutes later the sound of breaking porcelain was heard on the floor. Amelia opened the door,...
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Meg opened the door of her motel room and pushed Claire inside. They had introduced their selves to one another while shopping for hair products.
“Sit down” Claire ordered and Meg raised her eyebrows. “I can’t dye your hair while you’re standing”
“You know how to do it, then?” Meg asked careful. She wasn’t vain, but she didn’t want to look like an idiot either.
“Please, I’ve done it a thousand times” Claire insured Meg. “You can trust me”
Meg reluctantly sat down on a chair and Claire unpacked the hair dye shampoo. She prepared the shampoo and then went standing...
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Dean parked his car at the first motel they came across with. “Wait here” he said as he opened the door and stepped out. He closed the door and walked to the motel.
A few minutes later he returned to the Impala and Sam and Meg got out.
“We got two rooms” he said.
“Yeah, go guys go ahead” Meg mumbled. “I just need to take care of something” She eyed the car that was positioned a few yards away from them.
“Alright” Dean said a little suspicious. “Here are your keys” He threw them at Meg and she caught them with one hand. Deciding to let Meg handle whatever is what that...
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5 am
Dean entered the kitchen and saw Meg sitting at the table, with a cup of coffee.
“You’re up early” he mumbled. Meg looked up. “I get it” Dean added. “You never went to sleep”
Meg shook her head.
“Yeah, me neither” Dean replied soft. “So, eh, what are you going to do now?”
Meg shrugged and stirred her coffee.
“You know what I said when Cas told me he loved me? I told him to shut up. I never said it back” she said sober.
“I’m sure he knew that” Dean said careful.
“It doesn’t matter” Meg replied sharp. “He’s gone. There’s no need for me to be human...
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Anna opened the door of Cas’ room and let Meg in. She was wearing a hospital shirt and her eyes were red and swollen. Anna signed at Dean and he followed her outside.
“Has Meg told you about her condition?” she asked careful. Dean frowned and shook his head. “She was pregnant”
“Pregnant?” Dean repeated as if he’d never heard of the word.
“Was” Anna said. “She just had a miscarriage”
“Did I kill Cas’ unborn child?” Dean asked, shocked by the fact that Meg could get pregnant.
“Yeah, looks like it” Anna replied merciless. She gave Dean one last reproaching look,...
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Heather and Isabel were sitting at the kitchen table, having a cup of coffee. Heather had insisted on wanting to know why exactly Isabel had been fired from the police department.
Isabel was about to reproach her cousin for her way of making money when the bell rang.
“I’ll get it” Heather said fast, glad she wouldn’t have to comment. She walked to the door and was slightly surprised to see Cas in the doorway.
“Can I come in?” he asked.
“Yeah, sure” Heather said and she stepped aside. She walked him to the kitchen. “Do you want some coffee?”
“No” Cas replied, looking straight...
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Meg had stayed behind in the hospital after Jo had advised her to get a checkup. She wasn’t injured like Cas, but she had still been in ice cold water and she had been in contact with electricity. So, a checkup wouldn’t hurt.
The doctor draw some blood.
“How long have you been feeling sick?” he asked.
“Since now, really” Meg answered in full honesty. “One moment I’m feeling fine, the next I’m running off to the bathroom, puking my guts out”
“Do you get stressed easy?” the doctor asked.
“No” Meg responded. “I don’t know. I’m not really familiar with emotions”...
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Anna and Kevin were in the building Zoey had kept Cas hostage. It was sealed and trespassing would be penalized, but human laws didn’t exactly apply to the angel and the prophet.
“You have the tablets” Anna concluded.
“Not all of them” Kevin corrected her. “Just the most valuable once”
“I have to say you’re quite of an actor” Anna said, with some admiration in her voice.
“It wasn’t all acting” Kevin replied. “In the beginning I thought Crowley really meant the best for me. I believed him when he said he was looking out for my mother. But then I wanted to see her...
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The Impala was still parked on the same spot. Meg walked around the car and opened the trunk. She opened one of Cas’ bags and pulled out the first shirt she got her hands on. “Get in the car” she told Cas. “No, passenger seat” she added, when Cas wanted to step inside the driver’s seat. “You can’t drive like that”
She put herself behind the wheel. “I’m surprised you can drive at all” she mumbled.
“I can’t” Cas replied. He leaned backwards and closed his eyes.
“Keys?” Meg said to herself, looking at the connection. “Keys” she answered her own question as...
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The next room was filled with fragments of mirrors and the closest fragment had something written on it. Cas made a step forwards and squeezed his eyes to read the tiny letters. It said: ‘Use the reflections in the fragments to find the two tablets.
“Great. Piece of cake” Cas mumbled sarcastic.
The fragments were very close to each other and so Cas lifted his left arm to protects his face, while the fragments cut in his sides, his shoulders, his legs, his arms and his chest.
He stopped after a few yards and carefully put his arm down. He examined the fragments around him, trying not to...
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Isabel braced herself before she opened the door to the police station. She hadn’t been here since the slaughtering a few weeks ago. Her superior had sent her on a vacation.
“Isabel, what are you doing here?” a man asked, as he looked up from his desk.
“Hi, Victor” Isabel greeted the man and she smiled weak. “I’m just…picking up a few things I forgot. Personal stuff” she explained as she walked to her office.
“Why didn’t you give us a call. We would’ve sent someone” Victor commented.
“I wanted to save you the trouble” Isabel shrugged and she entered her office....
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