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posted by lovingflame
The sun illuminated the medical tent just enough for Anakin's tired eye's to see the cost of war. Ruffling winding sheets to numerous to count, lent one to believe that the dead were merely sleeping. Not corpses. Jedi along with trooper had paid the high price of victory. No one would remain unscathed, emotionally and or physically. Anakin considered himself lucky as he'd only lost his mech. arm and saber. A prize of a droid's tank blast, Ahsoka hadn't been so lucky. As he walked slowly towards the tent's front, nodding and kneeling to the injured giving a moment's worth of time. Sargent Finger's and his padawan had gone against orders, by going ahead of Captain Rex and the rest of Torrent Company.Those two, had indeed found what they'd been looking for. Costing them dearly. Sargent Finger's had been killed by shrapnel,while Ahsoka had been left unconscience and bleeding from a mangled leg wound.
Approaching the doctor he heard the man comment."Its amazing that she wasn't killed. From all evidence, she'd had to have been standing on top it." As the assistant asked the doctor."Should we try saving the leg?" The man shook his head."No.There's no hope of that. The only reason she's still alive is the turnackit. We'll take it from below the knee." Anakin sucked in a harsh breath.The doctor turned pale at the jedi."I'm sorry sir." Anakin nodded as he went passed them, kneeling down next to Ahsoka.Her eye's tearing up as she met his eyes."Its all my fault master.I went against Rex's orders and got his sargent killed."
She turned away from him and cried.
"If you would sir,the cut could be made with a light saber. It would cutting down the bleeding substantually."
Anakin nodded as he rose to find another Jedi to be of service.
Rex knelt down next to the near perfect body of his sargent pulling the tag from the man's neck to join the already fist full. Damn them and damn himself. He should of known Fingers would enlist her help in his crazy scheme. Instead Rex hadn't trusted himself to be around her. Knowing how she truly felt about him. He'd put the man in charge of keeping an eye on her. That one stupid move had cost him a good man and nearly the young woman who loved him. A firm hand on his shoulder disturbed his thoughts.
"He performed well under the presure's of battle. He will be honoured." Shakk-T said. His anger bellied up at her words. Standing up Rex turned on the Jedi ."Honoured? He should've been alive and Commander Tano shouldn't be in danger of losing hers.This was my fault and theirs." Shakk-T bowed her head. There was nothing she could say. Turning she came face to face with Anakin.
"Ahsoka needs to have her leg amputated. Will you do it?" She nodded her ascent as she passed him. Grabbing the man he most trusted to keep his padawan safe, Anakin said."What the stang happened out there,Rex? You've always been able to control her,even when I couldn't?" Rex narrowed his eyes at his general. In a growl he answered.
"Apparently I've lost my touch.So from now on don't count on me to keep her safe. She's a grown woman.You can't expect her to obey her babysitter any more."
Anakin dropped his captain."You're right. I can't ." With that Anakin returned to Ahsoka.
Turning once more to his trooper, Rex covered up yet another face that was his own. Stepping back he nodded to the service men who would take the body back for burial. He walked up towards the front knowing how his not so 'Little un' would be taking it.
"Skyguy I told you to leave him alone. It was all me,I'm the one at fault. I thought I could find them without costing any more lives. Instead I ended up taking one and nearly losing my own. Rex will tell you,the truth." Her blue eye's piercing his."I already know you disobeyed his orders. I just can't believe it." The doctor came up behind Anakin touching his shoulder."Sir,if you will hold her shoulder's down and keep her down until we've cleaned up the mess. We'd make short work of this." Anakin snorted."Doctor, I'm sort of at a loss with only one arm available."
A cough came from behind them. "Perhaps, I could lend a helping hand." Rex said already kneeling down at her head. Ahsoka turned away from him in guilt. "Up here Ahsoka." He said feeling her chest quiver in remorse.Tears trickled down the sides of her face as she obeyed.
As Rex pressed down hard on her bare sweat slicked shoulders, his own guilt ate at him. She smiled up at him nervously. "Hey,next time I'll really be able to kick some clanker's ass. Won't even have to worry about hurting my foot."
He shook his head. He knew she would try to ease the weight."Next time you even think about disobeying an order. I'll not only tie you up, I'll gagg you and leave you in your own tent until we get back."
Rex pushed down even harder as Shakk-T's light saber lite up. He felt her suddenly struggle as many a trooper did when they knew what was coming. He looked down into her wild eyes.
"Ahsoka look at me. Look here in my eye's, no
where else. Keep calm.Breath in and out slowly. There you go." He smiled as she concentrated
on obeying him. Anakin nodded to Shakk-T and in the next breath it was done. The doctor's made quick work packaging up the leg. That would be sent on ahead to develop a suitable replacement. Ahsoka's eye's had widened as the
as the saber had sliced away the damaged limb.
Rex had seen fear, grief and disappointment shadowed in her face before passing out. He checked her pulse and then gently eased his hands away. Sighing he sat back on his knees.
"Nice work, captain. You kept her from going into shock. She must indeed have strong feelings for you." Shakk-T said patting his sagging shoulder. Rex merely nodded.

Morgan sat strapped into the seats harness. Master Windu's ship was taking them to Courasant. Morgan bowed her head to the two Master's."I want to apologize for earlier,Master Windu. I didn't know I would react that way." Master Yoda laught."Reaction normal it is when thinking one is in danger.The master is quite a true danger,but not to you.No he is not."
"I perhaps was a little too cautious in my manner. Truely I meant you no harm." Morgan felt only more guilty. Her stomach gave a lurch, Morgan prayed she could keep it under control.
Crafts like these she didn't figure carried puke bags. Morgan smiled at the thought. Only to gasp out in pain,as it lanced through her chest.
Both master's gripped their own, as the feeling spread out from Morgan. Tears of gold spilled down her face, taking away the pain as the transport lifted away from the ship.
Alexanderia,hidden in the darkened corner of the shuttle cried unheard and alone. Heavy footsteps echoed through out the Hall of Shadows. Sargent Fingers came to stand behind her. Laid an unsteady hand upon her shoulder without turning, Alex brushed his hand from her shoulder.
Grinding out in a harsh whisper. "I told you to look out for your shadow. I thought you could at least pay that much attention to your surroundings. For God's sakes its only been 7 days since you left. It should've been longer." The clone snorted."I've lived longer then 7 days.Hell 7 days is better then most shinnies get,but I do have a question." Alex rolled her golden eyes turning to him."What?" His lopesided grin mocked her as he put a finger into the hole in his armour."Oh,that." She waved her hand at it,as she continued. "Death has a way of repairing things,but not all.Your body won't show any damage." Fingers smiled down at the young face that confronted him. "What are you smiling about? I'm so totally annoyed with you."
The clone's smile only broadened. As he reached out and took to kissing the serious frown from her face. In moments Finger's only thought was,how sweet the afterlife had turned out to be.
As her body lay strapped and on its way to the hospital Ahsoka's mind screamed. The streets were quiet, but absent of life as the sky burned and ash rained down covering everything.
Approaching the temple,the way was decorated with bodies and blood. She looked up at the temple,just as the doors burst open. An army of troopers led by two sith lords marched down into the gore.It was then that she heard the voices.
" Jedi for the Order will be soon at hand." Obeying their words she turned and fled as fast as her legs would take her. Until at last she spun breathlessly into a quiet alley. As she gasped for breath, she heard a click of a gun. Lux was pointing it at her."Lux its me,Ahsoka.We have to get out of here."
Lux shook his head,"This is all your fault, yours and the Jedi." As he backed away to fire, Ahsoka force pushed him into the wall.
His body slumping to the ground as his head hit hard. She fell crying to her knees.Her grief blinding her to the clone that came to stand behind her. A bare hand touched her shoulder,
she froze."We'll get through this." Rex stood without helmet or gloves. Gently tilting up her chin, she saw the promise in his eyes. Ahsoka clasped him to her and for once felt safe within the nightmare. Waking with a start,she found herself slightly bouncing as the medical transport landed back on Courasant.
Rex watched the busy silence of the streets from his quarter's.He wondered. What was the meaning of all this? Was there meaning? He couldn't seem to find any.Their lives meant little or nothing to the naturals. Did they mourn the thousands of clones that had given their lives for their protection? No. They only seemed to care that their lives continued as it always had. What would happen if one day they had to fight? How many would die? How many would actually fight? Rex shook his head as it started to pound as it always did when he thought to much. Resigning himself to his unfortunate chosen duty, he pulled the 3rd case from under his bunk. Opening it he added the acquired tags from his pack, so many in so little time. What had they died for? Freedom. That was only a word for naturals, not for the likes of him and his brother's. Bitterness scowled his features. He rubbed the last tag between his fingers. Sargent Fingers 501st Torrent Company Scavenger and Mechanic. Damn the man.His shouldn't of been added to the count but it had. Tossing it in in disgust he poped down the latch and packed it away again. One day he would ensure that none of them would be forgotten.Taking a sleeping pill he streched out on the bunk, letting it take him away from his troubles. Morgan knocked at the door to his subconscience moments after he'd taken the pill. "Hello.Anyone home?" Morgan's voice vibrating throughout the grande hall, as the door eased open. She rubbed her arms for warmth as the building was cold and life defeating as she looked for the man who was supposed to exist inside the mind.
A black shroud fluttered over the new alcove. Sounds of stone chips hitting the floor could be heard beyond it. Morgan entered. Seeing Captain Rex's subconscience image covered in white dust as he added yet another brother to his collection.
"Hey buddy you wanna stop for a moment?" Morgan yelled over the noise of the chisel. Rex pulled off the goggles and looked at her. It was hard to tell if he actually paled or if it was just the result of the dust. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in. I'm busy please leave." Morgan stood looking up at him with folded arms."I don't think so. You're coming with me and warming this place up.A person could freeze in here." Morgan forcably took a hold of his arm and physically pulled him from the alcove. Rex gave in nearly immediately as she pushed him out. Morgan sat him in a chair and produced a square glass bottle.Before plopping herself down in a chair across from him. Morgan shook her head feeling the pent up grief, locked behind the man.
"I know all about it. I'm sorry you lost another trooper. Sargent Fingers was quiet the soldier ." Rex took a drink feeling the liquor hit his system,
harshly. He changed it to one less so.
"Its all your fault." He growled looking down into the glass. Morgan sat silently, Rex raised his head letting his anger lead."Yes, its all your fault. If you hadn't said a damn word about her feelings to me, they would both be safe and sound." Morgan shook her head.
"You don't know that for certain. I only told you because I thought you already knew. How was I to know you're as blind as the rest?"
Rex eyed his uninvited guest,she was telling the truth. She'd expected him to have known.
Snearing he said. "Sorry I guess my engineered genes didn't pick up on it."
Morgan waved it off,taking a swift drink before responding.
"No it has nothing to do with you being a clone. Don't feel bad most men are as dense as you. A woman has to tell him how she feels otherwise you'd never pick up on it." He grunted at that thought.So natural's weren't to different after all."Why are you here anyway again?" Morgan looked for a moment somewhat confused."Teach me how to shoot." Rex put a finger in each ear, as if to clean them out."What did you say?" Morgan rolled her dark green eyes.
"You heard me.Teach me how to shoot. Everyone says your the best and I'm pretty sure I'm going to make enemies rather quickly."
Rex was confused."Why do you need me to teach you?Can't you just shapeshift and kill them?" Morgan narrowed her eyes at the clone.
"God controls my little trick,not me. So I'm helpless without your help.Any way if I could,I'm not to sure I could fully control it. "
Rex understood her delima, she had quite the problem. He put down the drink and stood up.
"Alright. Come on we can start right now unless your not serious." Morgan nodded and smiled as Rex became serious about teaching her his skills.
"I'm not going I'll be fine." Ahsoka pounded her fist on Padame's kitchen counter.
Anakin folded arms and hunched shoulders said he was more then serious."That leg is a liability. Do you want to get more of the company killed because of your stubborn stupidity?" He hadn't wanted to get that dirty,but she gave him no choice.Ahsoka's face paled as her guilt drowned her, it had been less then a month. Padame, came out of the bedroom.Touching Anakin's shoulder,she eased herself into the conversation."He didn't mean to say that Ahsoka.He's as upset about this as you are,but in one way he is right. You need time to heal." Ahsoka looked up at the Senator."I could do that here on Courasaunt. Not at some theropy hospital for the injured."
Anakin rolled his eye's."Other then here.Which is out of the question. Where could I send you, Kamino?" Padame and Ahsoka smiled.Force help him, he liked the idea himself.
Rex flexed his bruised knuckles as he sat fidgeting in the chauffered speeder.General Skywalker had given him a week's worth of furlough for a favor.Ha!The joke was on him. He'd neglected to tell the clone captain it was some frumpy fundraiser.He'd rather face General Grievous without his DC's.As it was the woman had been a menace.Forcing him into a tailored suit, which now gingled like the city bells. Due to the numerous medals sewn on. Captain Fancy-Pants.
He scowled squeezing his hand into a fist. He thanked the Force for small favors as Cody and General Kenobi had been assingned to care of some clanker scum that was raiding one of the supply planets. Not that the men he'd taken care of wouldn't take pity on him. Cody by tonight would be laughing his kriffing ass off. Rex shook his head, he was never going to live this down. The speeder eased onto the Senator's platform.
Straightening up, Captain Rex opened the door for the General Skywalker's favor. "Thank-you Captain Rex. I'm sorry to have taken you away from your men." Padame said as Rex helped her into the speeder. "Just glad to be of service mame." He said climbing back into the vehicle. She eyed him closely as they set off again.
"Ahsoka's doing fine.Still a little too slow but she hopes to be back on the front lines before to long." Captain Rex sat silently tense before answering."Going to have to talk to the doc about letting that padawan bend his mind."
Ahsoka sat on the examiner's table nervously waiting for the doc to come in with her newest attachment."This one should work out well for you young padawan. It has lifters if you should grow taller." The Kamino doctor stood back after he attached the mech, allowing the patient to bounce down off the table.Ahsoka took a cautious step and then flexed her new ankle. Smiling she thanked the doc and exited out into the hallway. Walking down the hall many of her fellow trooper's smiled as they passed her. "Hey wait up Wild." Sharpshot said as he breezed up beside her. Ahsoka looked up at her friend."So you're back and back large." The clone smiled down as he brushed back his unruly hair.
"Yah,going down to get a shave.Damn regulation." Ahsoka smiled.The man loved his mess."So what do you think of the newest addition?" Sharp looked at her new leg. He whistled."Damn that's shinny,planning on leaving for the front soon?" He smiled, refering to the 501st blue streak that went down the side of the mech. Ahsoka blushed a smudge."Thought I'd graduate with crew, if this all works out." She patted her leg,Sharp squeezed the future jedi shoulder."We'd be honoured to have you. As long as you don't slow us down." He snickered slyly. Ahsoka punched his shoulder laughing.
"Just wait I'll win back every last credit and then some." He stopped at the barber's door, sighing.
"What a shame." He fingered his wavy locks of hair for the last time. Ahsoka grinned as she saluted the man's sacrifice before heading down to the tech. library.
Rex exited the ball room quickly dashing around the corner. Hoping to lose the gaggle of women after him. No way was this worth a week's furlough. He breathed a shallow breath of cool night air. How in the hell did this happen?
At first everything was going fine, he talked to young men who wanted to know how it was on the front lines. Or who he favored out of the teams involved in the championships that were to start in a week. He'd actually enjoyed it. Up until a thin little reed of a woman danced with him on the ball room floor, he thanked the Force that it had been a simple dance. It wasn't til after, when he'd became a much sought item did he curse coming. It was only through his new friends had he been able to make his escape into the night. Rex touched his forehead wiping away the sweat. Sudden male laughter caught his attention. Three old men sat at a round table. The man with the eye patch beckoned him over.
" Come and sit my boy." Rex strode over. Eye patch sat on the left of him while, while a serious looking man sat to his right. Across from him a man with a patch over his left ear smiled at him knowingly. " Fear the fillies been running you ragged boy, but have no fear. They will not dare approach us." Eye patch said patting his arm. While, No ear poured him a drink from a particular odd looking bottle.
" Little something from home." He passed it over to Rex. Smelling it first, he caught the pleasant sweat scent of heavy grapes.
" What no comment from the peanut gallery about his own daughter and her wolf pack." The serious one smirked. The man snorted.
" I'm only her father. She's her mother's child, and if you think he's safe with us you don't know your niece at all."
" Ah gentlemen, I see you've met our most honorable Captain Rex." Said the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Rex stood up and saluted, to which the Chancellor waved him back down. His arm was taken up by Senator Amadala.
" I have looked over your handsome and generous contract and am in full agreement with the conditions. " The Chancellor looked at the serious man, who nodded and said. "Thank-you your eminence . They will be moved starting tomorrow with your permission." Palpatine bowed in agreement, before excusing himself from dignitaries and the senator.
" Please take my seat senator, as it is I must see to my confounded prodigy. " No Ear said as he got up. The other two smugly chuckling. "A spot of wine my lady?" Old Eye patch offered. "Thank-you. What contract were you discussing?"
The serious one eyed his companion. "Go ahead it's not like some big secret. Or if it is it won't be for long." Eye patch said. Serious sighed." We are liberating the old and too seriously wounded clones from their wasted lives. We have a great need of them on our home world. Of course once there, they will be given citizenship and various jobs." He said this looking at the captain. As he was about to continue, No Ear came storming up to the table." Devil take the woman, I should have left her at home. But no her mother insisted. Said an outing like this might be just the thing to bring her into acting more like a civilized creature." Eye patch laught coming over to hand the man a glass of wine. As No Ear sat gruffly on the balconies railing." What did you expect of your offspring?" A deep pleasent laugh came from the Serious. " Remind me again, who it was that kidnapped the bride on her wedding day." He smiled as he lifted his glass to the other two. "Yes and I've been paid back and then some for that folly." Eye Patch playfully popped him on the shoulder. " Folly you call it. Will that give back my eye and the 4 years it took us to track you down. Bully to the girl I say. She takes after her old man." Eye patch downed his glass in a quick gulp, with practiced ease. Serious looked at their guests.
" I do believe gentlemen we are rudely ignoring our guests." Eye Patch looked around suspiciously." What gentlemen? All I see is a pretty lassie, two mando's and us two pathetic asses." Serious flushed in embarrasment.
" Pardon my companion, he apparently has had too much to drink to talk civily. My name is Kort, the man who is drunk is called Oar and...."
No Ear came forward." I can answer for myself thank-you. Name's Jet, retired Death Watch commander." He held out his hand to the captain, who stilled dangerously.
" Jet, Death Watch isn't something to parade on about." Oar poked.Jet raised an eye brow, he knew that. But these days he didn't get enough exercise, and with this young sprout he wouldn't have to play nice . His smile broadened.
" How bout we settle this like gentlemen. A simple round between two mandolarians. Just fists, no guns or no knives. The winner, well we'll have to see about that won't we. Kort why don't you take the lovely Senator Amadala for a graceful turn on the floor. An hour, maybe less should be enough."
Kort pursed his lips and raised an eyebrow as he rose. " My dear lady please allow me to escourt you onto the dance floor, while this old man tries out your companion. I'm giving you an hour and a half, you're way passed your prime." The two opponents eyes never left each others. With a sigh and a shake of his head he lent the senator his arm. Padame looked uneasy at the two men and was about to say something when she looked over at Oar who shook his head. Taking Kort's arm, she was swiftly taken out of the ring of tension that surrounded the table.
" Why did Jet inform us that he's connected to Death Watch?" Kort frowned." My lady there is no connection.The man simply wanted some action. Apparently his wife and daughter's aren't enough. Of course with your man being a cloned Mandolorian. I fear the temptation for his such idiocy proved to much. " They walked into the glassed in ballroom as a dance ended."He's not my man." Padame informed Kort as he took her hand in a waltz. " Oh I know. The good captain carries her scent close to his heart. Fool's so scared to tell her its a shame really." Padame blushed as her thoughts went out to Ahsoka and Rex. She asked towards the end of the dance.
" Will they be alright?"
Kort smiled brightly." Oh don't worry a good punch or two never harmed anyone."
Rex stood up from the table, he'd been baited." Perhaps another time old man." He broke the connection. Only to see Oar scrunch up his face. He felt the air of the coming punch as he fainted to the left." Good move boy. Now what do you say to putting me through some of your fancy dancy paces that they teach you in that vat of vile liquid they grow you out of." Rex growled and said one word."Maze." With that he marched off down the steps. Oar punched his old friend in the arm. " What the hell was that? Have you totally run the cannon ball up your arse? If he don't kill you, Dracina will fry you slowly and devour your man hood first while your still feeling." Jet smirked,he hadn't felt the excitement of possibly dying in a long long time. Not since the time Oar and Kort had ambushed him, trying to rescue his once kidnapped victim. Turned wife and mother.The time he'd taken Oar's right eye,and showed the changeling he was no real threat to a mandolorian. " Make sure Mannah doesn't follow. Don't need my little girl showing up her father." With that the very old mandolorian flipped over the railing landing like a much younger man.
Rex walked waiting,having cleared out those who'd come looking for a piece of peace and quiet. He shook his head,he could have forgiven even laught off the thrown punch, but the harsh reminder that he would never be just a man had been too much. Jet peered out of the shadows watching his opponent. The clone was more apart of Fett then he realized, it would be a grand fight. He walked out into the blue cast of moon light. Jet barrowed a statue of a nymph holding a basin. Taking off his coat,wrist watch and ear patch. The damned thing was awefully groteque,but he may need any advantage against the young captain.
Rex had noticed the man enter. He was maybe in his mid to late 50's. An age he'd never live to see, yet it made him feel uncomfortable.
" I don't want to fight you,old man." Rex said coming to stand in the middle of the stone clearing. The man's voice was full of strength.
" You don't have a choice boy. Too many insults have been exchanged in front of those two. If we don't come back with at least black eye's they'll think I've gone soft in my old age. That's something I can't live with,and I'm not so frail that I can't whip some young whelp like you." He turned smiling, his deep breaths and stretches showing off a wealth of muscle. Rex shook his head stripping off his jacket. Turning his head met with a brick of a fist.Stumbling back he found himself held up by his now dressed nude." Rule #1 boy. Never turn your back on an opponent. I thought that would've been the first lesson at that facility." Rex stood up spitting blood and smiling.A very good reminder.Half an hour into the fight, he'd taken a blows to his kidney's that would surely show in the morning. Though he'd also given in return. The old man was sporting a swollen shut eye, a split lip,and one broken nose. The two Mandolorian's smiled neither one showed any sign of slowing. "You know my friends warned me about my big mouth getting me into trouble."
"You didn't take the hint I take it."
Jet smiled brightly. As he clocked the young man back against a statue. Knocking him unconscious. Suddenly Rex felt as if he was under water, as a boot full of cold smelly water was poured over his face. The old man's face was laughing to close as Rex sat up spitting and sputtering. Jet's teeth clattered to the stones as he met the clones upper cut. That sent him flat on his back in a daze. Blinking he thought he saw a shadowed wingspan cross the moon light. Jet shook his head, in pain. She promised,not until they'd found the Pathbourne would she risk the change after the last time. A heavy thud and gust of wind proved him wrong. He could hear the stone's giving into cracking as his wive's weight pressed down.Rex stood over the old man with his fist sized single shot blaster at the ready. Jet only after picking up his patheticly chipped plate, accepted Rex's help to stand up. He then stayed his opponent's blaster arm.
"Come out Dracina." A puff of heated mist enveloped the grounds."Put that away or she'll fry us both. Literally." Rex hesitated and then complied. As he looked into the darkness a pair of golden eyes glowed threateningly. A distinctive growl thrummed his chest.
" Dracina, easy down. No harm done, just exercising our stupidity." The measuring eye's went from Rex to Jet. The man winked as he stepped passed him. He reached out and in that moment the beast roared springing an attack. Rex found himself pressed up close and personal with the pavement by a massive claw. Looking up, he wildly smiled. It was Morgan,but why had the man called her Dracina. He tried to correct the now yelling Jet,but was being totally ignored. Jet faced his wife's furiously angery form, as she barely restrained herself from crushing the clone between stone and claw."Dracina look at me. Look!" He frowned when she just sniffed. Bunching up his bruised and bleeding fist he punched her in the sensitive snout. Dracina let out a surprised and hurt roar scrapping backwards away from him and the clone.
Whimpering she put a paw to her wounded pride. Jet checked on the captain, he was dazed and muttering something about a wrong name. Patting the man's shoulder he went to comfort his scaled bride. Tear drops made bounced off the stones wetting him as he gave her as big a hug as he could." know you were only trying to protect me,but I'm not exactly toothless. Please go change and come out and meet the young pup, he's as good as I was." That made her snort and puff out a spot of haughty air, as she moved into the shadows.
Jet smiled as he shook his head. How could it be, that they could still act like this after so long.A sigh came up from behind him.He'd forgotten all about the boy. Easing Rex up he moved him to the nearby stone bench." Are you alright son? Fear my wife took it personal when she seen us fighting. Gets a little too protective."
"Your wife?" Morgan hadn't said she was married, but then again he hadn't really seen her in quite some time."Yes boy, my wife. She'll be out in a minute. Dracina dear come apologize."
" Why do keep calling her Dracina? Its Morgan." He commented.
A medium height woman came out into the moonlite in a deep blue dress the color of Kamino's stormy seas. Jet looked perplexed.
" Forgive my rash outburtst dear boy, age has made me more then a little tempermental." She curtsied deeply to him. Rex blinked and looked from Jet to Dracina. Where was Morgan? Hadn't she been the creature?
"May I introduce my wife, Queen Dracina of Fioria." Rex bowed as he'd been taught to in the presence of royalty." Oh please none of that, hate such pompas manners as it is and you know that. Just call me Dracina. " The queen smiled. She had Morgan's comforting friendly smile and attitude that he smiled in return.Jet on the other hand had lost his smile and butted it." Why are you here, I thought you were staying home. Is something wrong, did they find her yet?"
She rolled her eyes and confronted her husband. " I'm here because our daughter's given birth to a healthy little grandson.Other then that everythings fine, except for that last thing. No, no ones found her yet."
"Found who?" Rex tested the waters.Dracina narrowed her eyes at him. Jet brought her attention back to him."Why didn't you take the ship? You promised not to change, until we'd found her. Its too dangerous. What would've happened if she'd stolen your form while you were in flight?" The man had just given Rex all the information he'd ever need. Dracina snarled and started to give back,reminding him of how Ahsoka reacted when she'd had problems taking orders from him. Rex smiled as he backed off a slight ways, earning him a smug smile from the now endangered husband." Don't act so damned concerned about me when you were just beating your chest with that child. You know damned well if it happened it would have been meant to happen." Rex grimaced as he put back on his clothing. Turning he found the once arguing couple caught up in each others arms. Ducking into the mazes shadowy realms he found his way out. Oar caught him as he came out." Left the old buzzard buzzing did you. Good for you, boy. I see though he still has two very hefty hands.Come on I've got a couple of buckets of ice and some much more pleasent company awaiting us at the table.
" Rex grimaced as the man clapped him on the shoulders.
Anakin's image sat at the table keeping company with Padame or so she liked to believe it. Kort was amazing.His shifting abilities were not only near perfect, but she'd only needed to describe him for Kort to change.
" Oh here's your escourt,best to change back."
Padame gave Anakin's hand one last squeeze.
"Thank-you your majesty." He smiled returning the squeeze."I only wish he were here to make you happy, my dear." Then Kort was Kort again. Turning to Oar and Captain Rex he laught." About time, I thought I'd actually have to go in and look for a couple of dead bodies. So tell me young mando. How does the bastard look? Did he loose his choppers,I do hope so. Bastard broke mine during a 'bout', yesterday morning. Got these as we were going out the door tonight." Kort flashed his bright white teeth. Oar looked around searchingly." Where's the ice? You did order the ice right Kort?"
"Oh yes, but I told them not to bring it around til I signaled for it. That way there'd be more of it. Will two buckets be enough Captain or will he need more?"
" More then two I think.The boy's taught me a valuable lesson. Only fight those you know you can beat." Kort stood up as he took in Dracina's appearance. " Is anything wrong?"
" Why does anything have to be wrong? Can't I just show up when I feel like.At one of these political functions." Jet butted in.
" We have a grandson." The two companions clapped their friend on the back and kissed the queen's hand. Padame and Rex tendered congratulations after they had calmed down.
" Is this young man yours my dear." The queen asked sitting in Oar's seat." No my lady." At this Dracina's lips quirked up. She turned her sights on the captain who was applying the ice on his cut and bruised face. " Captain would you be interested in helping reform my youngest daughter?"
"Drace, he's already taken." The comment made Rex drop his ice pack. Kort just went right on talking, only a small smile hinting at the man's reaction. " Anyways that wild child of yours is too much for just any one man."
"Where is she by the way, Oar?" Jet confronted the man in question. The old pirate scratched at his eye patch lightly. " I stopped her from going into the maze. By sending her off on a tour of the city, with a fresh faced ." Dracina smiled and then laughed. " That should keep her busy until the police pick them up. I think I'll let her get a taste of a jail cell, just to see what happens."
Rex woke up dazed and naked to his waist. Ice packs and sweet smelling ointment were wrapped in the bindings. He wincing he moved to get a better look around the room. Where was he and how had he gotten here? His head felt like it had been put through a wine press, Morgan's two pills in his dream hadn't hardly done a thing to help. Except he didn't feel like losing his stomach, not as if there'd been much to lose anyways. Giving up trying to get up, he sighed and thought back to the party trying to figure out where he was. Closing his eyes he thought about the fight, he painfully smiled around his split lips. Dracina's arrival. Hmm...that had been unexpected. He only knew Morgan in that form, and from all that she'd said she had no family. Yet as he thought it over, it was no longer Dracina or Morgan that came out of the shadows.
Ahsoka dressed in a dress that begged for more material, came slyly up to him. Where was Jet? He looked around. There wasn't anyone around at all. She smiled, as she touched his cheek.
" Everyone else's gone. Its just us." Wrapping her arms around his neck, she took his mouth gently but desperately. Rex planned to pull her away, really he did. He found his hands gliding down her well defined spine instead.
A knock came as the sun came through the windows of the senator's extra room.
" Excuse me captain. I've come to redress your bandages." C3PO's voice called from the other side. Rex breathed shallowly around the bruised ribs. "I'm alright, tinny. No need." He answered as he worked on his boots. Thank God someone had thought to bring him his armor. Though that brought up a whole new set of questions. Standing up he looked at his image, in the mirror. Ooh, he didn't make a pretty picture. Black and blue. Those kidney punches had spread their bruises to take up his stomach. His face well it looked better then his stomach or his back.
Another knock came. " I'll be ready to go in a minute." The phrase made him pant and sweat. The door came open and shut before he could turn around. Opening his eyes, he found Oar shaking his head." Will yah now boy? Ow, that looks painful youngster." He set a jar and fresh bandages down on the dresser as he eyed up the full picture." Of course you should see Jet. The ole boy can barely sware around the hurt you caused him. Kort's gloatin you broke his chopper's so good, he's havin to do without." Oar said as he slathered the bruises and started to bind them up." Shame you don't know the Fett's, their a good honest people for the most part."
Rex halted him with a hand." Aren't they all like Jango was?"
"No. You should know better, one man's actions do not muddy up the whole family. " Oar shook his head sadly. " Jango was lost too long ago, but for all his mistakes he was a respectable chap. There now, shall we go and see about some breakfast."
" Who brought my armor?" Oar nodded. " Jet decided to take you out to your crowd after what happened last night. Least he could do, got some help from a Senator Oregano. No that's not it Organa. Yes, that was it."
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
posted by mhs1025
Nakoma sat nervously in the Jedi head quarters. She knew she was in DEEP trouble. Anakin was angry at her for doing such a thing. Obi-Wan couldn't believe she didn't listen. Padme tried her best get over the shock. What exactly DID Nakoma do, you might ask? Secretly go out with a Sith Lord!

Dontel seemed to be nice. He was on an undercover mission for the Sith when he met Nakoma. The more the two got to know each other, the more Dontel used her as bait for his evil plans! Dontel was just bad news all around. That's just sad because Nakoma liked him. Here's what else is sad, because he only used...
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added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
posted by mhs1025
Anakin and Nakoma were on a mission to recover something that was stolen by a terrorist. It wasn't long before they were in battle with guards, though. There were about 10 guards. Anakin battled 5 and Nakoma battled 5. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Anakin collapsed! "Anakin!" Nakoma yelled in terror. Then...Anakin awoke.

He was breathing heavily as he realized it was all a dream. "Ani, what's the matter?" Padme asked. "I had this dream...where..." Anakin stopped short as he continued catching his breath. "Where what?" Padme asked. Anakin thought. "Where...Nakoma could talk!" he answered after a...
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added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
posted by mhs1025
Nakoma was nervous. She was to meet Padme for the first time. She was so nervous, the whole thing got the best of her. Padme on the other hand was excited about meeting the new Padawan. Nakoma was in a dark room taking care of a sick Obi-Wan. At one point, she thought more about this meeting. And, she started to shake her leg.

"Can you please stop shaking your leg Nakoma?" Obi-Wan asked in a hoarse voice. Nakoma stopped shaking her leg feeling worse. She let her nerves get to her way too much. "It's alright." Obi-Wan reassured her. Nakoma gave a small smile. There was a knock at the door and...
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added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
posted by mhs1025
Nakoma was badly injured in a battle and was taken to Coruscant Hospital for immediate treatment. She was unconscious, but breathing. While unconscious, she went to another world. Another world like...the heavens. She looked around for a minute or two. "Nakoma." called a little voice. Nakoma turned to see who called her name. And she couldn't believe who it was. It was her little brother, Rafe!

Nakoma ran to Rafe and hugged him like there was no tomorrow. Rafe did the same. "Open your mouth." he said. Nakoma got confused. "Open your mouth, you'll see!" Rafe pleaded excitedly. Nakoma did what...
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THe RESOLUTE came out of hyperspace not far from S'alebac. Admiral Yularen frowned at the reading on the clone officers' consoles. Even though S'alebac was still aways off it could be seen that the planet was in trouble. It appeared to be wobbling on its axis. Dark clouds covered the surface and flashes of lightening shown through the maelstrom.
"S'alebac," Master Sinube said as he closed his eyes and opened himself up to the Force.
Anakin and Ahsoka watched him and did the same thing. What they felt through the Force was not unlike being hit by a blaster bolt.
Ahsoka began to sob and even though...
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added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
posted by mhs1025
Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Nakoma were on their way back to Coruscant after a grueling 2-day mission. All 3 of them were tired. After they boarded the ship, they instantly fell asleep. The mission they were on was to protect a small village from anymore invasions. Every hour, the 3-some fought off predators! "Thankfully, that's over!" Obi-Wan had remarked hours before they were to board the ship home. All he, Anakin, and Nakoma wanted to do after that was rest.

Nakoma was the first person to wake up from her slumber. She glanced over at Anakin and Obi-Wan who were still sleeping before walking to...
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posted by mhs1025
Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Nakoma were coming back from a mission. Nakoma liked going on missions with Obi-Wan. It just gave her an extra someone to pal around with. But after this mission though, there was something that seemed off to her. She could've sworn she saw a ghost coming to Obi-Wan's aid. Or was she just imagining things? She was about to find out.

"We have to tell her about Ivory." Anakin stated. "I'd like to keep this a secret." Obi-Wan replied. "Obi-Wan, it's not like she'll tell the council about her." Anakin said. "Trust me-some things are better kept secret." Obi-Wan stated. Anakin...
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One-Who-Sees shook his mate gently but she didn't move. The object in his clawed hands made a loud mewling sound and the others knew this was an infant S'alebacian. One-Who-Sees knelt down beside her still body crying silently. The infants were able to cry out at birth and then were silent for the rest of their lives.
Ahsoka saw what happened and went to help while Anakin was getting everyone else on board.
Another massive quake shook the shrinking landmass so hard it split in two with water rising to engulf both the TWILIGHT and everyone outside.
The firestorm changed directions and was heading...
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added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
"That was pretty impressive, Nakoma!" Anakin said trying to catch his breath. Nakoma nodded in thanks. The two had been sent to Geonosis to talk to a greedy senator. When they got done with the talk, they found themselves ambushed! It turns out- the senator caused the ambush, which led Anakin and Nakoma to arrest him. The two got on the ship with the imprisoned senator. "Wait until Padme hears about this." Anakin muttered.

When they got back to Coruscant, guards were informed about the senator and led him to his cell. Anakin and Nakoma were later met up by Obi-Wan. "How was your 1st mission...
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added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid