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posted by souleaterlovers
Well, the last chapter was a cliffhanger, so let's see what happens now. Oh, and there is a butt-load of swearing in this so, for mature eyes only!

Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater or it's characters or jack!

Cleo P.O.V:

"Did you know you have a son or did Maka never tell you?" I ask glaring at my dad. His eyes get huge. "W-what? What're you talking about?" He asks looking at me then at all my friends. "I talking about your s-" I was cut off by obnoxious yelling and laughing. "Oi! Get back here Alex!" Nicki yelled running out of the school after her brother. Alex was on a orange and black skateboard, he slid down the railing and around the stone ground. "Hello kiddies." He said sending a peace sign to us. "Hey Alex." Taylor said waving at him lazily. "Dammit Alex! Get your albino ass back inside!" Nicki said popping up next to him. "Nope. You're not the boss of me kiddie, so why don't YOU go back inside and be a good little demon puppy?" Alex said rolling around her in circles. "Shut the hell up whitey!" She growled. Stacey looked at her sister worriedly. "Um, sis, don't you think we should just go back inside and-" "What!? Hell no!" Nicki said glaring at her older twin sister. "Ahh! Okay!" She said flinching. "What the Hell are you dorks doing out here still?" Alex said turning his attention to me and my friends. "We are not dorks you jack ass!" I yell glaring at him. "Whatever you say kiddie." He says smirking. "Hey, shut your god damned albino mouth you little shit!" Falling Star yelled glaring at him. "Hmm? Aren't you a little small to be picking a fight with me?" Alex asked riding his skateboard over to him and riding in circles around him. "Hell no! I'm the son of the almighty Black star! I could beat you with the flick of my wrist!" He growled. "Oh? Well, I'm son of Maka Albarn. Death Scythe, and soon to be one myself, so I wouldn't be so damn cocky." He said kicking the skateboard to a stop in front of Falling Star. "Oh? Like I give a shit about that! I could kill you and your little brats over there in five minutes, then I bet I could go and beat your precious Death Scythe mother and grandfather!" Falling Star gloated. "You are really fucking annoying, huh? I mean, yeah, you're dad was annoying the first time I met him, but damn, you just never shut your bitchy little mouth do ya?" Alex said with annoyance dripping from his voice. "You little bitch! You dare disrespect me or my dad!? My dad's a fucking God, and whose yours, huh, some douche who never gave two shits about you or that tramp of a mother of yours!?" I could see the fuse snap in Alex's eyes when he said that. I knew, when this fight started, he was out for blood.... "The fuck, did you just say you little jack ass?" Alex growled grabbing Falling Star's collar and pulling him up off the ground so that his feet were almost 6 inches off the ground. "You heard me you little life-ruining mistake!" Falling Star spat out, venom dripping from his words. "I'll fucking kill you, you little shit!" Alex growled punching Falling Star and causing him to go flying. "Falling Star!" Shooting Star yelled running over to aid her little brother. "Oh no..." Stacey said quietly. "He's mad again..." Nicki said sighing. "Who the fuck are these kids?" My dad asked looking at them. "No one!" I quickly said. "Oi, Shooting Star, is he alive?" Taylor asked looking at the blue haired girl. "Yeah! He's gotta pulse! He's just knocked out!" She yelled back. "That's too bad." Alex said smirking. "Well, I'm leaving. See you three kiddies later." He said looking at me, Nicki and Stacey. I smirked, "Yeah, see ya later bro." "Yup. Later Kiddies, later dorks!" He said hopping on his skateboard and speeding down the road. "He just ditched school...." Stacey said sighing. "Umm. Who the hell was that boy and why did you call him 'bro' Cleo?" My dad asked looking at me. "No one! He was no one!" Nicki yelled waving her arms around trying to distract him. "Who the hell are you?" He said looking at her. "I'm Nicki Albarn! And that's my sister Stacey Albarn! We're going to be the youngest people to become a Death Scythes EVER!" She yelled grinning. "Yeah!" Stacey said smiling. My dad's eyes. got huge. "Did you say Albarn?" He asked staring at them. "Yep! We're the youngest Albarn kids, and that albino guy is out older brother, the oldest!" The red-head said smiling proudly. "Yep! We've already got 78 Kishin-egg souls and 1 witch soul, we did the hard one first so we wouldn't lose all our hard work if we messed up!" Stacey said smiling. "Umm. Okay?" I asked looking at her. "Well... Bye!" Nicki said grabbing her sisters hand and dragging her in tow back into the building. "Well.... That was... interesting...." My dad said looking confused.