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Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater or it's characters. Now please, ENJOY! <3 XD

Alex sat on the train across from his two little sisters. The older one, Stacey, had silky, bright blonde hair, big, light green eyes, soft pale skin, light brown freckles across her face, sharp, jagged, white dog-like teeth and a large scar that ran from the top of her left temple to the bottom of her right jawbone. The younger more crazy one, Nicki sat next to her staring out the window. She had dyed her hair bright red, like the color of kool-aid. She had light hazel eyes, soft skin that had a little bit of a tan tint, darker brown freckles that decorated her face, pale white, razor-sharp, jagged, dog-like teeth and a large scar that stretched from her left cheek over the bridge of her nose to her right cheek.

"Hey Alex?" Nicki said looking over at her older brother. "Yeah sis?" Alex said looking over at her. "So, you gonna go kick you dads ass as soon as we get off the train?" She asked smirking. "It'd be cool if you did, and being cool is always good." Stacey added with a smile. "Yeah, yeah. I know. But, I don't know where my old man lives, so I can't really do that, now can I?" Alex asked smirking at his little sisters, although they weren't that little anymore, they were twelve years old now, going on thirteen in five and a half months. "Well then, isn't it good you have the worlds two greatest eavesdroppers ever for little sister's?" Nicki said with a devious smile. "Well, I would suppose so. So then, what dirt 'cha lil' demons got for me?" Alex asked smiling his signature jagged tooth shark grin at then. "Oh no, no more free-be's, remember Alex?" Stacey said shaking her head. "Oh fine. How much you want?" He asked with a sigh. "A bag each" Nicki said smirking. "Well little sisters, you drive a hard bargain, but, I think I can hook you up." Alex said digging through his blood red duffle bag. He pulled out two large bag with a picture of a cartoon dog on the front. "Is this what you guys wanted?" He asked shaking the plastic bags in front of their faces. "Yes! Now give it!" Nicki said ripping the bag out of his hand. He smiled at her, then at Stacey, they were just pure innocence in the bodies of two little girls. "Can I have mine now Alex?" Stacey asked smiling innocently at Alex. "Yeah, knock yourself out." He said handing it to her. Alex sat back down and smiled at the twins who were now both stuffing the contents of the bag into their mouths. Are you wondering whats in them? Well, since their dad is s magic dog, so are they. They can transform into Saint-Bernard puppies. But, since they're half human, when they're in human form they don't have tails or ears like their dad. So basically, in the bag, is dog treats.

Maka walked over to her three children and smiled. "Hey you guys, we're gonna be stopping in Death City in five minutes so get your stuff together." She said smiling warmly at her family. "Cool!" Nicki said grinning. "Yeah, I can't wait to go exploring!" Stacey said smiling with excitement. "Yeah, whatever..." Alex mumbled rolling his eyes. "Please don't be mad Alex, we had to move. The hit and runs and drive-by shootings where getting to frequent, and this place was very dear to me as a child." She said sighing at her rebellious teenager. "Hey mama!" Nicki squealed looking over at her mother. "We were wondering if the three of us would be able to go to the D.W.M.A like you and grandpa did!" Stacey said smiling. "Well sure, you girls are in seventh grade and Alex is in Eleventh so yeah, all three of you can attend there as weapons." Maka said nodding. "What, are you serious mom?" Alex asked looking at his mom in pure sock. "Of course, I know you and the girls have always wanted to so why not?" She said smiling. "And you kinds need to find miesters, no more of this free range, I'll do it myself stuff." She said mostly directed at Alex. "I don't need a miester, I've already gathered eighty-six kishin-egg souls without a miester." He mumbled in annoyance. "Oh whatever mister do it your self." Maka said smirking.

The train came to a rough stop and the conductor came on the speaker saying that they'd arrived in Death City. "Well then, this is us, let's go!" Maka said smiling. Ribber walked over to them smiling, "You guys coming?" "Hell ya dad! Lets go!" Nicki yelled running off the train dragging her three bags behind her. "N-Nicki! Wait up!" ribber yelled running after her holding his bags in his hands. "Hee hee. Sissy sure has a lot of energy." Stacey said giggling. "Well, let's just get this over with." Alex said walking off the train pulling his bag after him with Maka and Stacey on his heels.

Alex sighed as he sat on his mattress in his new room. He had met everyone earlier that day after they got off the train. He remembered his Uncle Black star, Aunt Patty, Uncle Crona, Uncle Kid, Aunt Tsubaki, Aunt Liz and Grandpa Spirit. He was happy to see them, but he was even happier that a certain older jack ass albino wasn't there. They moved into a big three-story house, including the attic of course. And that's where he was. The attic. He looked through the WHOLE house, and decided that the only room he felt comfy in, was the attic. They had only moved into the house today so not all their stuff was in yet. So his mattress was on the cold, old, creaky, dusty, hard, cracked wood floor. Their was a large window letting in the moon light across the room. It was a full moon tonight, he hated it. Full moon's always reminded him of his dad, mysterious, but whenever you though 'moon' you thought 'white', the color of his 'fathers' hair. Even though he looked almost exactly like Soul Eater Evans, he wished with all his might, he wouldn't end up like him. A sick bastard who just uses teenage girls then abandons them and leaves her with a baby. He made him wanna hurl, the thought of the man he was forced to have as an 'old man'. It was disgraceful.

With Soul:

Soul sat on his couch, his wife next to him and his fifteen year old daughter, Cleo, on the recliner. Cleo had bright blonde hair, light tan skin, one bright blue eye and one blood red eyes, and a smile full of jagged shark teeth. "Hey daddy, did you see those people at the D.W.M.A this afternoon?" Cleo asked looking at her father. "Huh? Who?" He asked in confusion. "I don't know their names but they seemed pretty important, all your friends were with them, so was Spirit, Professor Stein, Marie, Blaire and Lord Death. Spirit was even crying, I think Uncle Black star was too." Cleo said thinking. Soul's eyes widened, he knew who it was, it was Maka, Maka Albarn came back to Death City, and she was probably still pissed off. "Oh God.... SHE'S back...." Soul groaned. "Who's back?" Shianne asked looking at Soul. "My old miester...." Soul groaned. "What? You had a miester before mom?" Cleo asked in shock. "Yeah, she's the one that made me a Death scythe actually..." Soul said with a sigh. Cleo's eyes got bigger, "Then why did you split up!?" Her father shrugged, "I don't know really... Just, I didn't really want to be around her anymore I guess." "Oh no. I'm not settling for a shit answer. Tell me the truth." Cleo said sternly. "Look Cleo.... We were just growing apart for awhile but then I find out from Black star that she ran away to Germany and that for some reason I'm branded a sick jack ass by Stein, Black star and Spirit for only God knows what reason." Soul said shrugging. Cleo sighed, "What was her name?" Soul looked over at her in shock, "What?" "What is her full name, I'm looking her up" Cleo said standing up and grabbing her laptop off the coffee table. "Well?" She said looking over at him. "It's Maka. Maka Albarn." He said sighing. "W-what? A-Albarn!?" She asked clearly in shock. HE sighed again, "Yes, you heard that right." "S-she was Spirit's daughter!? You had a freakin' Death Scythes daughter and you let her run away!?" She asked in shock. He shrugged, "She left a note saying not to contact or come after her, I on;y did what she wanted. Besides, she would have bitch slapped me or something if I found her." "Ugh, I'm going to bed..." Cleo said walking into her room and shutting the door with a slight 'SLAM!!'.

With Alex:

Alex sat on his mattress with his laptop in his lap. He went to Google search and typed in the name: Soul Eater Evans. He hit the Enter key and looked at the results. Their was a big one with different colored letters, it was gossip about him, but Alex wanted to know as much as possible, so he clicked on it. The web page opened. It was old News reports and all sorts of that jack. The first article read: "Today, October seventeenth, it was finally released to the public that Maka Albarn and Soul Evans are no longer a weapon and miester duo. It appears that Soul's new girlfriend Shianne Sparkles, is now his new miester! Maka Albarn has apparently been missing for the past 84 hours, just where could Maka be, and does her disappearance have to do with Soul Eater Evans?"

Alex groaned. This was all bull shit, if anyone gave two shits thy would've actually gone after her and not just wrote retarded articles about it.... It really was true, almost nobody, really cared about his mother, besides him, his sisters and the group of people that actually showed up to see her and her new 'family'.

Hope you liked! Took me like, three or something hours to finish so tell me what you think! Thank you~!!! XDDDD