Sonic Fan Characters Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy read if u think popular artist shouldnt be allowed to get away with shit

Storm-Wolf posted on Nov 18, 2011 at 06:36PM
yo' just a rant cuz a popular sonic artist tht everybody nos n kinda luvs is ripping me off again!!

so yh every1 calls my oc Wolfie a keira the wolf rippoff n such well..owell this is now annoying me cuz popular artist lk keira think tht can get away w/ shit

i just wanted 2 point out how keirawinstanley thinks she can go along bitchin n moanin about me n other artist "ripping" off her ripoff ocs
keira has ripped off ALOT of ppls ocs n thn sells thm l8r on in life n the poor ppl who end up buying thm have 2 put up w/ the shit tht another person caused

i mean keira bites every1s heads off if they have a oc tht looks lk keiras n shes gettin away w/ stealing ocs scot 3!

i may edit this forum time 2 time

lol every1 nos who Liam the Dingo is right. n everybody more or less nos who Storm the Wolf is
Liam the Dingo: link
Neo(Storm) the Wolf: link

Keiras Bitch move: link

now u lot try n tell me thts not a copy of storm
also u no tht character of mine called Vex the Dire Wolf? well keira also ripped tht character off aswell
Vex was "created" bk in 2010 right after i posted a pic of my n my bfs sonic oc. which we made bk in 2009
but tht dont matter anymore cuz vex is mine
this pic below proves keira ripped off my ocs twice!
im gonna post a pic of my new oc in this forum l8r
yh btw my new oc is a orange, yellow dingo w/ brown hair n purple eyes c:

note: if u suport keira n in this case if u do ur more or less suporting her whn she steals
but if u do suport keira gtfo. i dont wanna hear u fantards
yo' just a rant cuz  a popular sonic artist tht everybody nos n kinda luvs is ripping me off again!!

Sonic Fan Characters 79 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 79

over a year ago Storm-Wolf said…
i mean keira can change liam in2 storm
who lks my new oc Ben the Dingo

yh if any1 cant tell im fuckin mad. also if i c another pic of "liam" the wolf this liam ripoff will bcome 1 of my main ocs
i mean keira can change liam in2 storm
who lks my new oc Ben the Dingo

yh if any1 cant tell im fu
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
"Wow- someone's PISSED."
over a year ago Storm-Wolf said…
y yes. yes i am
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
"And this person is the real reason? Who is she exactly?"
over a year ago LunaAcores94 said…
Does this mean i have to hunt that person down!??!XD >8D
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
"Only if you haz a spear."
over a year ago Storm-Wolf said…
@Evolia-Wulf: shes the reason im pissed right now.
@LunaAcores94: shes hideing out @ Ozmember. Ozmember is a acc on dA & reason im pissed is cuz of "new" liam
over a year ago Zenzes said…
@LunaAcores94: ....have fun doing so. I bet that keirawinstanley will have alot of people behind her who'll have her back then.

....since my brain's dead today (...and, sorry but, I had a small problem reading all of that..) and I don't really get it, no idea who I shall support now, so I remain neutral for now :B
over a year ago Storm-Wolf said…
@Zenzes: u can suport keira if u lk idc but if u do thts the wrong choice
u no liam the dingo. well look @ my oc storm who was created bk in 2008 or 2009 n look @ new Liam
keira has done this cuz i wudnt give her storm
is soo fuckin easy 2 tell hes a ripoff of storm
@Zenzes:  u can suport keira if u lk idc but if u do thts the wrong choice
u no liam the dingo. well
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
Zenzes: "Probably the best way to go. I don't know the whole story myself- but if someone's ripping off art they really need to get their asses chewed out.

Storm Wolf: "Hmmm..."
over a year ago Zenzes said…
@Storm-Wolf: Ohh, now I get it. That's certainly.. 'sucky'. You got some solid proof, with dates'n'such? So you'd be able to post that on dA to show that to her fans too. ...if you didn't already do so.

@Evolia-Wulf: I'll just wait'n'see for a sec. But I absolutely agree with you there.. <__<'
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Storm-Wolf said…
@Evolia-Wulf: its not tht simple. KeiraWinstanley is a VRY popular artist and her stupid fantards will fend her till the death
all u lot dont have 2 b on my side if u dont want 2
read carefully. keira has stolen & edited characters.. -n-
this forum wudnt happen if keira didnt have 2 make a bitc more by stealing my oc

@Zenzes: i 1st posted a pic of Storm on my old dA acc but i cant find it. but i luckly uploaded a pic of storm b4 keira had the idea of ripping of my oc storm
i uploaded this pic of storm link
september 8th 2011
keira uploaded "new liam"s ref link november 17th 2011
gd enuff?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Thirddevision said…
just cause your popular cant be doing anything you want lol
but keira is probually going to end up like my other buds,they have good art but no views hurr
over a year ago Zenzes said…
Sad truth though, there're die-hard fans. Like Storm-Wolf said, "her stupid fantards will fend her till the death" ...which will most likely be very much true. LOGIC DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING %B
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
"And that's the truth too- People don't give a shit if their role model is 102% wrong- they'll stand there like idiots beside them until they all get the red stamp. Then that's when teh riots start..."
over a year ago Thirddevision said…
yep :/
over a year ago Zenzes said…
@Storm-Wolf: ...that IS enough. Sadly her die-hard fans would not accept truth.

Makes me sick :'D
over a year ago Storm-Wolf said…
i use 2 b a dim witted keira diehard fantard BC so shameful
over a year ago seuris said…
Oooh~! I think I get this think here! ....And I need to agree whit you all~ ^^'
over a year ago Zenzes said…
@Storm-Wolf: <D'' Well atleast you're better now. People are bound to do stupid things from time to time!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Storm-Wolf said…
@Zenzes: Keiras just mad cuz its a known fact tht ppl lk me & my ocs better thn her c:
over a year ago Zenzes said…
@Storm-Wolf: A way to put it too <D XD Hope other people will notice that then~
over a year ago Storm-Wolf said…
Zenzes: X3
its a shame i own storm the Wolf & Vex the Dire Wolf tho
over a year ago Zenzes said…
@Storm-Wolf: How is it a shame? Because they were made by her or some other reason? o3o
over a year ago Storm-Wolf said…
@Zenzes: its a shame cuz she said she made thm but she stole the characters thn edited thm on in life. Vex the Wolf is my oc Justin cross Wolf from star fox
Storm the Wolf is Vash the Wolf: link
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
"Wow- thank god I never let people take my characters over for editing- not even my friends."
over a year ago Storm-Wolf said…
@Evolia-Wulf: lol
over a year ago darkkhorn19 said…
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
"I mean, just think about it. Most my friends online are people who like to Recolor or due the most unoriginal things, bless their hearts and paws. They might have them dating robots or flying on radioactive pigs." 0.o
over a year ago Zenzes said…
...I want a radioactive pig.
Anywaaay...XD' I'm glad tha-.... wait... Evolia? ...Your icon. ...FENRIS. <3333
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
"I KNOW RIIIIGHT?! Fenris is teh kitteh." ^w-

"Hehe, anyways,
"You play Dragon Age, Zenzes?!"
over a year ago Zenzes said…
OH HELL YES >:D When I found out 'bout it, watches some scenes of it, I was lik "WANNA HAVE" ...BÄM, bought. XD
But since my bro only borrowed the PS3 from a friend (Idon'tlike), I gotta wait 'til I can play it again.

over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…

-fangirl rave-

"I had the hardest time pickign between Fenris and Anders too...they both have different views on mages!"
over a year ago Zenzes said…

Harhar~ *joins in* Fen-Fen <3*brick'd*

Yes.. I had a hard time to make it good for both of them. 'spacially since I need Anders as the healer...>->'
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
"Life sucks when people hate and like teh mages. And I'm a mage...BECAUSE THE ROGUE CLASS I USUALLY PICKED SUCKS!"
over a year ago Zenzes said…
Haha, in my second (still in progress) playthrough, I'm a mage and Fenris lurves me~ XD
Rogue's suck? o3o My bro plays one and he's quite content with it...
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
"In the second DA- The Rogues suck. The second, they were awesome. DA 2 seems to favor Mages more, but then again I play the X-box version, soo." >.>
"I love the rouge class! To pick chests and stuff with ease makes me snicker."
over a year ago Zenzes said…
Ah, I see... Well, Mages are a big deal there, and Rogues kinda get forgotten there.. XD' Unfortunately. Rogue's are awesome.
Yep~ And you won't run into traps all too often XD
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
"Yeah! I hate steppin' in those gas traps or whatever- you know, the ones that knock you down AND set you on fire?" DX
over a year ago Zenzes said…
Ugh, oh hell, I hate those... ...Even if I DID kinda like to run 'round my companions and shout "Look, I burn! 8D ..ugh, I'm dead."
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
"The hell..?!"
"Doesn't that sorta tick you off though when you die? It's like this mockign scene comes up with blood, just like Resident Evil, and it puts, 'YOUR JOURNEY ENDS HERE', how insulting..."
over a year ago Zenzes said…
It's only getting on my nerves when I'm not in a good mood, it happens too often or if I die just at the wrong moment...
When there's such a Game-Over-text in games I always insult it... .__.'
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
"I just hate teh fact most games do that. Like RE4- that legendary YOU ARE DEAD sign- I mean, NO SHIT?!"
over a year ago Zenzes said…
Yep. Like you wouldn't expect to be dead if you're getting, for example, ripped apart. Everyone expects to be still alive then. ö__ö
But I have to admit, I like it more than just the simple GAME OVER XD
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
"Yeah, Game over makes you feel a little like 'So...that's it...?' XD
"I just hate the parts where you get mauled, like your head gets whicked off and teh game won't get to the point that your dead until the monster has it's fun ripping you apart." -_-'
over a year ago Storm-Wolf said…
@darkkhorn19: GTFO. STOP stalking me, creep
ur not welcome here cuz ur just a kill joy
also guys keep 2 the subject -_-;
over a year ago Zenzes said…
@Storm-Wolf: What did he do? He just said 'What' XD
And sorry CB'' Got carried away.
over a year ago Storm-Wolf said…
@Zenzes: ive seen him around n such. he seems lk sucha kill joy :L
i mean im only pissed @ him 4 commenting on my wolfie pic & shetanii pic, no shit hes gonna come rantin and ravein on this now. but yh
over a year ago Evolia-Wulf said…
"Eh- Dark Horn's not that bad. give him some slack, will ya? He's actually a good guy dispite his comments. Just ignore him if ya want." ^_^'
-bows- "Yush Sinsie Storm Wulf- sorreh ta displease ju." -_- -oi oi-
over a year ago Storm-Wolf said…
@Evolia-Wulf: lol. ill cut hi sum slack whn he learns not 2 b a kill joy. also this isnt about him its about popular artists trying 2 get away w/ shit