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Ifuen leaned over the table, keeping himself up by propping his arms on the table. He stared at the holoscreen, formulating a secret plan in his head. Now usually, he wasn’t this quiet; whenever he had some life-threatening, daring plan of action, he would usually require a little help to think it up, but now he couldn’t trust anyone. He wanted to trust his best friend Jace, who had been at his side since they were little. He wanted to trust Anya, who he had always loved from the bottom of his heart. But letting someone in on the plan would be dangerous; not to him, but to everyone else.

(Ifuen’s p.o.v.)

    Now, I know right now you’re probably wondering how the hell we got here? I’ll take you back, y’know, explain everything, fill you in up to this point in time.

    Alright, first off, you’re probably wondering who I am. My name is Ifuen Forge. I am an acting Sergeant in the Freelancer Enforcement Agency of Regulation, or FEAR. FEAR is a strict agency that handles all security matters and things of that nature. Where exactly are we? We’re on the planet Mandsidian, a couple galaxies away from the planet Earth. Who are we? We are a species (what you humans would call “aliens”) that comes from a place light years away from here, called Mobius. Mandsidian was once a peaceful place; the citizens didn’t bother the FEAR, and we didn’t bother them. But then, everything changed when the Dragon Code attacked. The Dragon Code is a vicious order that runs on killing, dictatorship, and black magic. They came from an unknown planet, very far from the boundaries of our universe, looking to expand their “dynasty” of plunderers and pirates and ruthless criminals.

    Me and Jace have known each other for a long time. Ever since I was in the fifth grade, me and his older brother Isis have been like brothers. We all used to laugh together, and we would play those kid games everyone enjoys… but this war… it changed people. After we graduated from high school, somehow Isis was able to convince me and Jace to enlist ourselves for FEAR. At first, it seemed like all fun and games, but I guess that was just another rude awakening.

    It was here we met Anya. I still remember the day…. Beautiful woman, she was. The picture of youth… boy, was she a handful. She worked at FEAR Command as a dispatcher. What does that mean? Well, basically, she ‘s the one who guides us on our missions, points the way, relays us important intel, all that good stuff. She always stayed in the Command tower, but she would be able to talk to us during the mission through TEAMCOM.

    ANYWAY, back to the story. So we enlisted, met Anya, formed Bravo Team, yada yada… and then, five years later, Dragon Code attacked. It was chaos on Mandsidian. All the freelancers were sent to fight, the battles took place everywhere, and so many people died, there were only three hundred civilians to evac. There used to be eighty million.

    Now, ten years later, there’s only one stronghold that remains on Mandsidian; Constance. We’re still holding the Dragon Code off, but they’re coming closer and closer every day, and hundreds of Freelancers are dying. There’s also this terrible disease spreading around right now, but that’s pretty much the least of our problems.

    And now, we’re here. I’m still trying to formulate this ridiculous plan in my head when Anya comes up to me. “Ifuen, the commander wants to see you,” she said. I continued to stare at the screen. Usually, whenever I’m thinking up one of my plans, I just tune everything else out. It help me focus. But apparently, she doesn’t know that. “Ifuen? Ifuen, are you feeling ok?” she asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. I snapped back to reality for a second. “Who, what? Oh, hi Anya…” I said, still focusing on the screens. She sighed. “Ifuen, you have to stop all this… strategizing! It’s not your job to come up with these things. You’re overworking yourself!” she said. I looked at her and sighed. She knew just how to make someone feel guilty. I stood straight up (or, at least, what straight is for me) and I sighed. “Anya, I’m going to be fine. There is completely nothing to worry about.” “But, what if you-” I held up a hand to stop her. “Anya, don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. Besides, I’m a Freelancer. What’s the worst that can happen?” I said, smiling a bit. She looked down and sighed. “Ifuen, I’ve been worried about you… I mean… we’ve been worried… but that’s not the point. The point is one day you’re probably going to end up thinking yourself to death, and then what’s going to happen when you lose all your sanity?” she asked. I sighed and stumped a little. Damn her innocence. “Anya, I seriously doubt, with all of my heart, that that will every happen. Ever,” I said. “Ifuen-” I put my hands on her shoulders. “Ever.” She looked up at me one last time, then at the ground. “Yeah, so… commander wants you…” she said, in a just barely audible whisper. I sighed. “Anya, I-” “Sergeant Forge! Just the man I wanted to see!” I felt something like a bear paw slap me on my shoulder, and when I looked up, sure enough, there was Commander Victor. “Commander, sir, Anya tells me you wanted to see me for something?” I asked. He chuckled his hearty laugh and started leading me to his office.

Story and characters © 2011-2012 link, link, link, and link. All rights reserved (not.)
I jumped up and gasped. I was in my bed. It was a dream. "Freaky dream," I said to myself. it was only 10:58 AM, and I was sleeping. I jumped out of my tree.
I wondered if that masked man with the honey badger face had been doing anything crazy or senseless. Of course, I couldn't assume that he actually had a honey badger face, because that was a dream. I flew over a cemetery, then stopped. I flew down.
In front of one of a tomb stone that said, "Chris the Mechahog 2011-2011", There was a big hole in the ground. I had not the slightest idea of wh0 he was. I then saw a rustle in a bush. I ran...
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WHERE WE LEFT OFF.... Nah, I'm not tellin.
A FEW HOURS LATER... "Help... Ummm... Halp... Screw this, I'm going to sleep." Chris said, after 3 hours of shouting for help. EVEN LATER... Chris had woken up. He yawned. "Where am I?" He asked, not expecting a response. "Ah, your up. Your at the Fan-Freedom Fighters base." Said a dog wearing a bandana. Chris got a confused look on his face. "Shock? How'd you get me?" Chris asked. "I noticed what was happening, and I was going everywhere to see if everyone was okay. I found you, and brought you here....
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posted by shadowknuxgirl
Once everyone was inside, they talked some more, and Silhouette spoke "Settle down, settle down! I was glad that you could all make it! Now as promised, come with me to the dining room to eat dinner." Silhouette guided the way to the dining room. To everyone's surprise, three people were already sitting in some of the seats. It was Kiseki, Dark Drum and Amethyst. Shion thought to himself "thats who I saw in the window......" At that moment a girl named Tokyo (a dancer) burst out of the kitchen. She spoke "Um....Silhouette... Me and Kimi need your help in the kitchen!" Silhouette said " I'll...
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Ok here it go

1) he is one my close friends on here, he has really SHOCKing guys and is the #100 fanboy of that black hedghog who I will not name, his very fun to rp that I have ever met and all started by his dog going good characters slaping my character in the face but r now so close as brothers that I want him and his friends in my story.

2) u were the first FEMALE WOLF my character have seen and u r so fun to rp but for some reson we lost our rp flame but I think your character cool so I want to her in my story.

3) now I don't know much about u but playing with u in the high school made...
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One day Emily came inside the house like crazy
Emily:Guys guys guy!!!
Slash:What do you want!!!
Emily:(looks at him for a littil then she slaps him)
Slash:What was that for you bìtćh!!!!( he's hand is on he's cheek)
Emily:I hate you that's why.
Slash:Emily is what happen!
Melody:What do you want Emily?
Emily:Where's Justin?
Justin:I'm right here.(Gets punch by Emily)
Emily:Ahhh!!!Justin don't scare me like that!(got that from family guy)
Melody:Justin are you ok!
Justin:Yeah. So what do want.
Emily:Sonic wants to speak to us!
Slash:Ok so were do we find him?
Emily:We go and find him in the frost.
So they all go and find Sonic and on there way they got attack by The Destroyer V.3!!! Well that's all folks!
"Chris the Mechahog was an attempt at creating the ultimate life form. G.U.N. did not approve of their new secret weapon, so Chris was taken to have a few tests ran on his brain. They found he had an IQ of 10, and the attention span of a blueberry. He was put back into a capsule and stored if all hope was lost for the next, hopefully more succesful, ultimate life form. Therefore, we reccomend leaving Chris INSIDE of the capsule at all times, or let all hell break loose. - Gerald Robotnik." Shadow read. "No way! You can't be smarter than me! I know the answer to the hardest math question ever!...
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posted by sierradawn9
AN: Ok, so this is WAY back in the day when Bellz-E was still living under the Three Kings (Well... The first two were killed by the last...) and her name was still Bella. She was still bold... and blasphemous. XD

I'm taking over, 
You plainly see,
I'll set all,
Of the innocents free.

I'll kill your guards,
Knock down a tree, 
I'll destroy your kingdom,
Filled with glee.

Your tirade ends, 
And you must know,
That I have sank,
To an all new low.

This shit I see,
Maybe it's true,
But I will not bow,
To the likes of YOU.

Do you feel sorrow?
Do you feel pain?
Do regret all of your choices,
Once it starts to rain.

You treat them like slaves,
All those townsfolk,
You must have thought,
It was just a cruel joke.

All this shit,
I know it's true,
So I will not bow,
To the likes of YOU.
{read it already? well read it again and love it forever like some old disney movie}

when we got to the garoa mountain and got too where the shooting star landed, there was just an unconsous cat there. misery, hyper and curious as usual, went up and touched the girl. "OW WAT THE HELL" misery screamed. she had burnt her hand some how and then it started to rain. tuesday, confused, said "wat the hell just a girl? u mean that this girl was the star that fell from the sky? arc r u sure this is where the star landed?"
arc replied "tues have i ever been...
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when we got to the garoa mountain and got too where the shooting star landed, there was just an unconsous cat there. misery, hyper and curious as usual, went up and touched the girl. "OW WAT THE HELL" misery screamed. she had burnt her hand some how and then it started to rain. tuesday, confused, said "wat the hell just a girl? u mean that this girl was the star that fell from the sky? arc r u sure this is where the star landed?"
arc replied "tues have i ever been wrong?" arc was more of our tracker of sorts. then misery burst of in screaming "U...
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~and so i have decided to move all the rainy days chapter to this fan club for all the awesome persons who havent read it so they can and they can b very happy for they have read the best fanfic ever(even tho it really sucks) so praise me persons~

"Its all i can remember, just this this memory. I cant remember my mother, my father, or anything else from my childhood, just this. they were fighting over me, calling me names, these odd adults i cant remember who they were just family...i think. "I dont want her"said one lady, mayb my grandmother,"she will probaly have a darkside""wat do u mean"said...
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brenden a lot of people ask how dose he have pk powers if hes not erteh bound releted well here it is

brenden i got them before i met lily thats when i found the lucas trophy

brenden of coruse i woke up lucas and and turned him back

brenden lucas siad thank u well he saw my moms zero brace so he thought i was one of queen zaannes men then he attack me well i fought him

brenden then i beat him and turned him back agian
well that dident go so well till i explianed then it was ok aperantly he lost ness and his bro clay so i helped him find them

brenden it took a while but he thought me a couple pk...
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This story is about a team who became the best of friends,learning to work together to help SONIC defeat the evil genuis,DR.EGGMAN,TEAM FURRY!

It all stared at the beach two munths ago.

Cece,clarece and molly were walking not by each other in different directions,because they didn't know each other.Molly,was texting,Clarece was lisoning to music,and Cece was playing on her ipad.*BAM!*They all knocked heads!

clarece~HEY WATCH IT!

molly~don't you mean exuse me?

cece-well i mean move it or lose it!

clarece~ur not gonna tell me what to do!

cece~im so scared!!!*giggle*

clarece was ready to hit cece in the...
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--------------------------------------------------At this point, Mef was gnawing on Sonic's right arm, Zim was pulling his left, and Brianna was shouting in his ears. They all stopped and looked up. "What are you looking at?" Sonic asked. A claw grabbed Sonic's head and trapped him in a dome and pulled him up. He struggled to get out, but to no avail. "Thank you Zim, but I need your help no more! Here's your reward! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Dr. Eggman shouted, and dropped a sandwich on Zim's head. "Traitor!" Zim shouted as Robotnik flew away with Sonic. Once Robotnik had reached...
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posted by MephilesTheDark
Alright guys. Mephisto N here.

So, recently, a LOT of people have been asking me shit about mental conditions I have, my phobias, my aura-seeing, etc, etc...

So, yeah, as I'm too lazy to repond to each indivially, I'm writing an article about eeeeverything wrong/unusual about myself. Because people find it interesting. I dunno why.

Anyway, let's start off with the bad shit. What IS wrong with me, hmm?

-Refinded homicidal tendancies.
-Refined suicidal tendancies.

Now, we'll run through them all, one by one.

Sadism is finding humor in...
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posted by virusw
this is my first article so i hope you all like it. anywho here it is.
*AT ELISE'S HOUSE* *knock knock knock* elise: doors open! sonic: hey elise happy valentines day hehe. elise: oh ya todays valentines day i totally forgot. sonic: how chould you forget valentines day? elise: well i've been a little occupied lately because i herd there's going to be a total eclipse in a few days i was just researching if he was right. sonic: oh one whats a total eclpse? and two who told you that? elise: one a total eclipse is when the moon completly covers the sun. and two shadow did. sonic: hugh, well anyways...
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posted by thetacoman
Vulc stood in the court of the Old One, listening to his two halves argue.
Today was scheduled to be his trial for forcing the valcanoes to erupt on the mortals, but if he was lucky, the Old One would tire of debating with hisself and declare him innocent (wrongly, of course).
"I tire of this debate," said the Old One. "Begone from my prescence."
Vulc was rather lucky.

Upon returning to his castle, Vulc heard news from his sister.
"Are you sure Sister? Mother said it herself?"
It was rather odd. Vulc was one of the Four. For there to be a fifth?
Heresey. Pure heresey.
"Mother did say so...
Vulc, I fear...
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posted by thetacoman
Milendor was more than happy to leave his four children in the care of his beautiful bride.
The four of them always made a ruckus, and he longed for the time before them, when he and Selena themselves were children.
Milendor was equally unhappy that he, the King of the Few, should be tasked with the task of keeping down the Old One's own son.
'I may be wary of my children, but I never sealed them underground' thought Milendor.
It thought into Milendor's head, forcing itsself to be heard;
'What gives a father a right to nearly kill his son, or trap him in the ground? It is as you said, YOU would...
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posted by sierradawn9
"CarBuckle! Let's bail! I hear the cops!" the other gangster yelled to CarBuckle. The grey hedgehog's head jerked up in the direction of he siren. 
 "DAMNIT!" he yelled. They bolted away from the bloody corpse that lie in the alleyway. They took a right turn into another tunnel that wasn't a dead end. There stood a female hedgehog with a gun pointed at the two.
 "Stay right there!"she commanded. CarBuckle noticed the police badge on her shirt. He saw that her brown eyes were death-staring both him and the other gang member. 
 "Woah, hold on honey. Don't get your panties in a twist. Just......
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posted by thetacoman
This one's kinda, laugh at the chaos and death, y'know? NOT FOR THE EASILY SCARED *coughmomcough*
The happy friends roamed the streets painting the town red. Or crimsion, if you wanna be specific.
Estelle gave a child a plaything Seth had hidden a bomb in, and they ran off to avoid the loss of their kidneys.
Five minutes later, BAM! Little girl blood covered them.
They continued on their rampage, slowly losing their grip on reality.
"Hey," said Seth as they strolled across a flaming alley munching on squeedley-spooches. "Lets have a contest! Whoever can make the most funny kill, wins!"
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The following article is a story behind Estelle Potter and the brutal past that brought her to become a dark, unforgiving soul, along with an extreme sense of greed to take every sparkling jewel and evergreen dollar for herself.

There is also a twisted ending that you would never expect...

HINT: One of The Fifth Experiment characters is dead for the whole fanfiction and the official thing. And the 'Estelle being dead' statement that I told you in the fun facts was a lie. It is somebody else. I won't use that The Fifth Experiment Character, except in RPs.


Screams of terror came...
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