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John woke up when something flashed very brightly. “What the…?” He checked his cell phone, but it was too dark. John felt along the walls and floor to get to the light switch. He got to the general area of the switch. “Where is it?” John mumbled to himself as he fumbled for it. He found it, flipped it, and then closed his eyes since the light seemed too bright. Now that John’s eyes were adjusted, he put on his glasses and checked his cell phone. That was turned off. Then he checked his clock. It was 12:03. “Ok, now I’m officially creeped out.” John turned the light off, but the room was still illuminated! A light green color apparently. He looked around for the source of the light. “Scratch that, it just got worse.” The emerald thing he had found a couple of days ago was glowing. Not as dim as a glow-in-the-dark star, but not as bright as a flashlight. John slowly walked towards the desk where he placed it. He wasn’t sure of it was ok to touch it, but curiosity drove his hand closer and closer. When John’s finger touched it, he disappeared! As well as the emerald too!

Pressure. All he could fell was pressure. It was like the air around him was squeezing him. He couldn’t see and all he could hear was roar like the wind blowing really fast. One moment the feeling continued, and then the next moment it was gone. John was on his knees gasping for air. Then he laid down on the soft grass. Wait a second, grass?! John looked around and saw trees and a clear starry sky. John went to push up his glasses when he saw his arm. It had orange-yellowish fur on it! He had fur all over his body. Then he realized that he had tails, two of them. John went to a small pond and looked at his reflection. He saw what resembled a fox’s face wearing glasses, John almost yelled. All he had for clothing was a black jacket with green lines on it, socks and shoes, and white gloves. He searched the pockets and found the glowing emerald. John held it tightly in his hand and felt better, more relaxed. He went to the spot and laid down. A couple of minutes later, he fell asleep.

Dr. Eggman woke up in his bed eager to see if Sonic’s DNA was finished decoding. He walked down to the lab to check the computer. He tried turning it on, but the he realized that he turned off the mainframe. Eggman walked down the hall into a room filled with cables and switches. He walked to a huge lever that was on a wall in “off” position. He pushed it until it was up. The room was filled with noise as the computer booted. Then the klaxons went off. “What is going on?!” Eggman yelled. Trying to stop the alarm, Eggman went to a console that had these words on the screen: “ALERT! CHAOS EMERALD ENERGY TYPE Z DETECTED!” Dr. Eggman gasped. He shut off the alarm and checked when the event happened, just after midnight. “Type Z, that only happened twice and the results were disastrous the first time. But this is different. It’s chaos energy, but not like the one from chaos control or the master emerald. This is very intriguing; I must go and see what this is.” He walked down to the hanger and climbed into a walker.

John was fast asleep lying on his back. His mouth was open and he was snoring. boom. boom. boom. CRASH!!! John woke up with a stat. “What?! You annoying little pipsqueak! Give me that-wait. You’re not Tails, who are you?” John was dumbstruck. He never expected to see someone else, let alone a huge machine. “Well, I’m waiting. What is your name?” John barely spoke. “My n-n-n-name is John.” “Well John, it was a pleasure to meet you. My name is Dr. Eggman. But let’s get straight to business. Give me your Chaos Emerald or I’ll squash you like a bug.” John’s head was swirling as everything came together. From what Eggman was saying, John figured out where he was and what he should do. “If you want the emerald, then I’ll guess you’ll have to catch me!” John ran off into the forest. “Why you little!” Eggman started chasing him, knocking down trees as he went. “Let’s play tag! I’m it!” He launched missiles towards John. They all missed him, but John, not used to the sounds of battle, was left deaf with a ringing sound in his ears that faded away as he ran. “Take this you little pest!” He used the gun to fire at John. All of the shots missed him, but that stopped him in his tracks. John was crouched down with his hands on his ears. Dr. Eggman smiled, “Gotha!” A mechanical claw had John at his waist. “Let me go!” “Ha ha haa, oh just give me the chaos emerald and I’ll see what I can do.” John reluctantly brought up the emerald. Then a crazy idea popped up in his head. “So, a game of tag? Well then you are it.” John raised the chaos emerald higher. “CHAOS CONTROL!” There was a flash of green light, and John disappeared. He reappeared far away and ran off into the forest. “Grr, he got away. But I’ll get him.” Doctor Eggman noticed something in the air. “Ahh, there’s the little pest I know and hate!” The missile launcher changed into a laser while Eggman took aim. “Bye bye, my furry friend.”

Tails was in the plane flying towards the smoke. “Eggman must have a pretty good reason why he is making a racket.” He said. A small alarm went off in the cockpit. “What?! Something is locking on to me!” A yellow beam of light struck the Tornado’s power supply. “I can’t transform!” Tails tried ejecting, but the mechanism had jammed. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!” BOOM!!! The plane crashed into the ground. Tails had blacked out from the crash.
posted by TakTheFox
Chapter Five

“Ah, victory is sweet.” Grace announced triumphantly from a game of air-hockey. She had just once again beaten Dave. Rynk was watching and refused to play due to fearing either losing too much, or getting too aggressive.

“Are you sure you don’t want to play, Rynk?” Dave pleaded. “My ego can’t take much more of this.”

Rynk shot a glance to Dave, then to Grace, then back to Dave again. “Okay” she sighed while shrugging, “but I don’t blame me if I end up making the puck hit the window or something. Who am I playing against?”


“Him!” Grace interrupted,...
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posted by RawrMonster123
"Oh, Asher? I know him," Dave said.

"Me, too," Echo added.

"Where do you think he is right now?" Casey asked.

"Probably his job. He works in a skyscraper over there," Dave replied while pointing at a group of skyscrapers that were in the city a couple of miles away from them.

Casey nodded and then started driving towards the city.

When they got there, Casey got out of the car and walked into the building.

As soon as she got in, she went up to the secretary. "Hello," the secretary greeted. "How may I help you?"

"Um.. Yes... I'm looking for Asher Burns?" Casey requested.

"Oh, you mean Asentzio. He's...
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posted by Lancelot8
Okay, the characters Henry, Snow, Vlad, and D'Ablo originally belong to Heather Brewer. I take no credit for them.

"I could use a little help here, Ultimate!" I yelled.
___"Kind of busy right now!!" he yelled back.
___If you're wondering, we're kind of in a fight for our lives.
___"Vladimir, Ultimate, give up now! There's no point in resisting!"
___And now I was pissed. I believe my friends were too.
___"You can't win! You'll never win!"
___The creature he sent to kill us was huge. It had about a million spikes on its head. The stench that came off it was almost unbearable. Its claws were about the...
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posted by FrizTHedgehog
Ahem, Hello people.
I am Darkness and what you've heard of me is all wrong,all a lie. So what is the lie you may ask, Well my good "friend" Friz says that I am a defective clone made in his image by........*sigh*..Dr.Eggman (sad excuse Friz, very very sad)

So, why don't I tell you the real story, the clone part is right though. A long long time ago in a Lab in a Mansion, Friz was trying to clone himself, so he could put his mind into a clone when he died, but something was wrong, the clone wouldn't come alive, he tried everything from Electricity to poking it with a stick, nothing worked. However,...
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"So you change and I'll do my hair," Casey said to Jenny after she ended the call with Kyle.

Jenny nodded in agreement, then walked into the closet as Casey ran out and got her toothbrush, toothpaste, and brush. She then ran to go into the bathroom across the college girl dorm's hall.

As soon as Casey got into the bathroom she went in front of the mirror and the sink. She put some toothpaste on her toothbrush without even wetting it. She started brushing her teeth after that.

After brushing her teeth she began to brush her hair to make it laid down rather than the bed-head look.

Jenny ran into...
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posted by Mapware3640
"The geno war was a pretty gruesome war for mobius,thousands of soldiers attempted to take over mobius,however the hero of legend put a stop to them and defeated the evil king...but this story does not focus on the hero...After the resulting end o the war thousands of scraps from geno's ship basically flew all over the place...including certain mechs,robots,and other machinery,Now usually most are either destroyed beyond believe or utterly damaged...but one survived."

-Location:Impact site outside the borders of clockwork city

A robot that landed in the border of clockwork...
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three more to go...but there will be many perils on the road ahead of you.Ⓧ

MTL walked deeper into the pit until he reached a sewer,progressing in MTL saw many corpse mutilated and being eaten by sewer rats(non-mobian),some of the corpses have strange symbols carved into there flesh,the symbols are circles with "X"s in them(Ⓧ),but suddenly,the slenderfox reappeared,it came flying at MTL,having little to no reaction time,MTL reached in his pocket for note...but the slenderfox grabbed MTL by the hear,he reverted to watch form and whited out...MTL then woke up shortly later,back in the same...
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"TERESA, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Oh hey, it's Natsumi! I always liked Natsumi, she was always happy, well except for right now. "Forgive my language, but what do you think you're doing?" "I'm motivating people!" She looked confused, then she just sighed. "Going into the middle of a street with a stop sign that says the word 'don't' on it isn't exactly the best way to motivate people." What? I didn't see the problem. It was my trusty sign. Just like a stop sign, except it said 'Don't stop!' on it. Hey, there goes another car! "HEY YOU! DON'T STOP!" I shouted. Natsumi pulled me aside, "Are...
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My RP rules and suggestions


So I’ve noticed some, not too much but some, things that people seem to not do in an rp that kinda make things hard. So Imma list em.

The suggestions,
These are just suggestions (no duh X{D) as if to say you don’t HAVE to do this, but could you please?

I’ve noticed that in a lot of roleplays I’ve made, people just read the title. I recently made one that makes it VERY important that you read the description because it had two types of approaches depending on certain characters you had, but certain people just...
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Gary and Sue make too much Stew

Note: I will be naming both Mary-Sues and Gary-stues as Gay-stues for the purpose of saving time, unless I am specifically naming one or the other.

What is a Gary-Stu?
A character who
A.    has too much power or skill
B.    All the answers
C.    Always gets their way
D.    Never loses
E.    And usually bases on a Cannon-Character with added powers and looks.
F.    Is TOO attractive
G.    No weakness

Each of these has something...
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posted by RawrMonster123
Pick the theme of the RP

What not to do
Answer: Roleplay?
Details: [None]

What to do
Answer: High School RP
[/u]Details:[/u] Your FC is walking in school when they see.....

Why do this
It actually gives the RPer something to actually reply to. Speaking of that...

Do NOT do the following...
Answer:Your FC sees Mary and Sue playing hopscotch.

Why not do this
WHAT THE HULU IS THE RPER GOING TO DO?!? -.-" Instead, as they play hopscotch, make something dramatic happen.

Add some action/drama

What not to do
Answer: Mary Sue explode your FC. What do they do?

What to do
Perfect examples are the popular RPs.

Why do this...
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posted by Giz_4ever
Fly on the wings of love
Fly baby fly
Reaching the stars above
Touching the sky

In the summer night
When the moon shines bright
Feeling love forever
And the heat is on
When the daylight is gone
Still - happy together

There is just one more thing I would like to add
She is the greatest love I've ever had

Fly on the wings of love
Fly baby fly
Reaching the stars above
Touching the sky

And as time goes by
There is a lot to try
And I'm feeling lucky ooo yea
In the softest sand
Smiling hand in hand
Love is all around me

There's just one more thing I would like to add
She is the greatest love I've ever had

Fly on the wings of love
Fly baby fly
Reaching the stars above
Touching the sky.
posted by ShadowWolf337
Blood's Past
Chapter Five
West Returns home
A Week Later...
Miles and Zoey are asleep when there is a knock at the door. Erica walks to the door and opens it "West your home! "Where are the kids?"
"Asleep why"
"I need to tell you something about Miles"
Miles wakes up and went to get a cup of water then he heard the conversation so he started eavesdroping.
"One of the Doctors told me about Miles blood work, he has a trace of chaos power"
"As in chaos emerald power?"
"Yes... he has powers others can only dream of"
"Miles, our son, is a living chaos emerald"
"basically, yes i know this is a lot to take in so lets go get some sleep"
Miles hurried into his room and acted like he was sleeping. West walks to Miles room"I know your not sleeping Miles" Miles sits up in his bed "Is it true dad?"
"Yes, you do have special powers son but the question is what will you do with them?"
posted by TakTheFox
An Encounter with Slender
By Trisell Chronos

Not one, but two identities, one a male offspring-identity, and the other a female offspring –identity, sat together in what was meant to become a romantic evening, at 6:34 P.M. They were on Mobius-Zone-221, driving to the Mercian Lake.

The boy, Jep, was sixteen, and spending his birthday week with his girlfriend. This was always a special day for Identities, because on their sixteenth birthday they enter their evolutionary-state of which they can unlock all of their natural abilities such as morphing and chaos energy.

Jep was a normal teenager, aside...
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posted by BurningBlazie
ɪᴛ ᴡᴀs ʟᴀᴛᴇ. ᴠᴇʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇ. ʙeʀɴᴀᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴀᴡᴀᴋᴇ. ʜᴇʀ ᴇᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ ᴇʏᴇs ᴏɴ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛ. sʜᴇ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇʀ ғᴇᴇᴛ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ's ᴡʜᴇɴ sʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀʀᴅ ɪᴛ...

It swooped down and grabbed someone. A girl. A squirrel girl. This girl was hollering like mad! It seemed so hard to believe that such a small girl could make such a large noise in the night. It didn't care, though. It threw the poor little soul into its mouth, and she was gone. It looked at the tree...
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Tonight, the lamp lights fade away,
He thinks about how all of you could be a different way.
Old scars slash knife,
red blood in the moonlight glisten beautifully ...

He wanders deeper into the past,
running to escape the emptiness.
Journey deeper into the space of mourning,
opens the gates of darkness.

Dancing whit the death, he cries with great joy:
"Now at last be free from all this I can get!
I do not return to the suffering of the world would never again be,
I want to sleep in peace, I am not afraid of God! "

He believed, hoped and loved, so
deeply engraved the names of his soul to the walls.

The days...
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posted by TakTheFox
Part three

It had been a week since the lynx-girl known as “Rynk” met the strange hooded-female known as “Rin”. Nothing in particular had happened… until…

Rynk was strolling through the streets of Semretechs once again, in search of something to do, or more importantly, something to eat. Her last meal was ruined when she had decided to get some food from a homeless shelter, but a conflict interrupted.

It began with a man simply asking if she could hand her one of her biscuits. Without looking at him, she pointed at the food-stand, which still had plenty.

“Can’t you just hand me...
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posted by numnumyellow67
I Stood there panting with my Blaster Blade in my hand, barely standing up.
I stared at him with the look of pure revenge on my face covered with blood.
I looked around, at all my fallen friends, everyone who tried to help me destroy this monster. Zypher, Matt, Mugen everybody... No, no! I won't lose anybody else to this, there's got to be a way to bring them back, and with that as my motivation, I charged at him yelling at the top of my lungs.
"You monster, Jenso, I won't let you get away with this!" I cried as I ran at him.
I swung my Blaster Blade at him, a futile attempt to bring him down.
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posted by FaiyaDreamz
Character Chart
Character's full name: Faiya Melony Dreamz
Reason or meaning of name: None Really
Character's nickname: Faiy, Yoshi
Reason for nickname: People just sometimes dont want to say her full name.
Birth date: April 4, 1995
Gender: Female
Theme: Who Knew - P!nk

Physical appearance
Age: 27
How old does he/she appear: 17
Weight: 102
Height: 3'5
Body build: Small but strong,(Trust me, she's a Glomper.)
Shape of face: WDF?
Eye colour: Orange
Glasses or contacts: None
Skin tone: wdf?
Distinguishing marks: Midnight Black hair
Predominant features: She supposed to have a tore ear
Type of...
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posted by Ashuras-shadow
(Thoughts going through her head) "oh my god i couldnt breath....but no matter this was a life or death situation i couldnt stop running now i need to go a little faster pick up more speed to get my self in the air"

I ran faster slowly spreading my wings (wild dog barking forociously coming close on my tail) i look behind me to see men in black with stun guns and hand pistols.(thinking) "god just a little faster and im free!!" (i smiled at the thought) "free i like the sound of that"

While thinking of that i opened my wings all the way and pushed off the ground barely getting 10 ft off the...
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