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posted by NailStrafer
I made an account a little while ago. Sorry to say I've lost track of time. It's been a busy few weeks between work and social commitments. But now I've finally got a bit of time to post one of my fan characters.

I have two major fan characters I use between roleplays and fanfiction. You could say they're like two sides of a coin, each reflecting a side of my personality. One of them is serious, and the other one is fun-loving. Giichi is the fun loving one.

If the backstory doesn't make much sense, it's because this version of Giichi is from Sonic Aftermath, an old Sonic roleplaying site I used to administrate. I'd be glad to explain more if you like.

Name: Giichi Twinkieland (possibly an alias)

Age: 24

Sex: M

Species: Sand cat

Faction: Thieves' Guild

Alignment: Hero


Giichi's fur is a sandy tan color, with darker brown stripes all across his body except for his chest. His eyes are completely greenish yellow, except for the black pupils. Despite being in his mid 20s, he still looks like a teenager. His clothes vary for whatever he needs to wear to blend in...although he is particularly fond of one outfit when traveling. He often likes to wear brown boots, a red tunic, and a brown cloak that can completely conceal his body except for the top half of his face. It also has a hood if he'd like to further conceal his identity or if it's cold. Giichi uses this to conceal the various tools and weapons he carries for doing thievery, in addition to valuables he has stolen. He often tosses it aside when engaging in a fight, so he keeps spares around.

Personality: Giichi likes to picture himself as something of a gentleman thief...all suave and debonair. However, he looks and in fact is much too young to do the "gentleman" part justice. Many people who meet him for the first time think he is still a high school student, despite the fact he's actually in his mid 20s. While he considers this annoying at times, he likes to use it as a way to get people to underestimate him as a stupid kid and nothing more.

However, he is starting to develop the gentleman thief's wits and cleverness. Giichi loves coming up with plots to steal whatever catches his fancy...analyzing holes in security; optimal places for entry; how he will make his sweet, sweet getaway, etc. Most of all, he loves to think of how to do it all without having to kill a single person. Giichi is a decent fighter but he prides himself more on getting what he wants with resorting to as little violence as possible. He may be a thief but he doesn't like blood very much.

And in spite of being a thief, he is also quite charitable and something of a Robin Hood figure. Giichi regularly donates to charities, and he also loves to go out with friends and share some of his spoils so everybody can have a good time.

Ever since he learned how to steal Giichi just started to view life as a fun game, and most people who meet him will definitely get this impression from him. He tries to see the best side of things and not get discouraged, and he rarely holds a grudge against anyone who's wronged him. Giichi feels life is just too short to be harboring hatred. This also applies to when he is on missions. Even when things don't go according to plan, he tries to stay calm and keep his head clear. Giichi figures it's his best defense from panicking, making mistakes, and getting caught.

However, this overly optimistic view does sometimes cause him to underestimate what he is getting himself into. There's been several times when it's landed him in jail...although with his Thieves' Guild connections he's usually not there for very long. People also may find him somewhat insensitive with how he seems to consistently be in a good mood, and there are times when his generosity does go too he regrets how much he gave up the next morning.

He loves classic sports cars, particularly those from the early 60s to the late 70s, and he's especially fond of convertibles. Sometimes he helps out in a restoration shop in Soleanna to earn a little extra money, and because he loves the work itself. Giichi's main hobby is also taking his Ferrari out to amateur racing events, in addition to tearing it up along the beach roads near his house.

Giichi is also an avid fan of tokusatsu TV shows, particularly Neko Sentai Kittehranger. The show stars Lionranger, Tigerranger, Leopardranger, Ocelotranger, and Sandranger (his favorite ranger, since he too is a sand cat).

Family: Both of Giichi's parents are still alive and employed by the same circus, although he doesn't really know or care what they're doing, considering he hasn't seen them in years. He doesn't even care what happened to them after the dimension merge.

Transport: Giichi owns a beautiful red 1969 Ferrari Dino 246, and he keeps it at his seaside cottage for pleasure driving and short errands. It's very fast on a winding road, should the situation call for it. However, most of the time he rents or steals whatever vehicles he needs...the better to stay incognito when doing his job.

Twin Sais - Contrary to popular belief (and Raphael's weapons in Ninja Turtles) sais are not blades. The shaft of the weapon is actually rounded and blunt at the tip. But anyway, Giichi prefers this weapon because of its defensive capabilities. The weapon's distinctive prongs can be used to catch incoming attacks from knives, swords, etc. Once you catch the attacker's weapon with one sai, you can simply push it aside and then hit the attacker with the other sai...either with a punch (using the base of the grip for greater force), a thrust (using the weapon's tip) or a strike (using the side of the shaft).

Blowgun - To augment his close range sais, Giichi also carries around a blowgun for distance attacks. But keeping with the less-lethal nature of his weapons, he uses it to fire sleeping darts at opponents. And since it's almost totally silent, this makes it perfect for putting unaware enemies to sleep. Anyone hit by the dart can expect to fall asleep for a few minutes, and then wake up later unaware of what happened.

There are drawbacks though. Naturally he can only fire one dart a turn at most, since you have to put in a new dart after every shot. And when used on someone who's experiencing a combat high during a fight, it's nowhere near as effective. Yeah, it might slow them down a bit and make them feel somewhat woozy, but they won't fall asleep. Giichi carries thirty darts with him at a time.

Sticky Smoke Grenade - Because Giichi would prefer to avoid fights, he likes to use these to cover his escape when caught. You just pull the pin, throw, and it instantly releases a cloud of smoke. The smoke cloud will remain in place for several seconds before dissipating. The can can also attach to most surfaces, even other people. This can be very disorienting if he manages to stick one of these on you.

Toolkit - These are items that Giichi carries with him to do his breaking and entering. It consists of lockpicks, a small crowbar for prying things open (like windows), a small computer for electronic locks, gloves, a flashlight, chewing gum (for covering camera lenses), and assorted other goodies.

Giichi Twinkieland was born the son of two acrobats in a traveling circus show. His parents wanted him to follow in their footsteps, so they trained him from an early age in the arts of the flying trapeze and parkour. By the time he was about 10 years old, he was out there doing the show with them. By 15 he was practically as good as they were.

But honestly, Giichi didn't want to follow the path his parents had laid out for him. The idea of being a circus performer his entire life, like his parents, made him retch just thinking about it. They weren't paid well, their home was a tiny trailer, and always being within the atmosphere of the circus was dizzying and suffocating. At the age of 18, he let his parents know he was leaving them and the circus. They weren't surprised, but they were heartbroken all the same. It was rather obvious to them over the last couple of years that Giichi, quite frankly, didn't enjoy their work. They'd hoped it was just a phase, but they were mistaken. So, with great sadness, they allowed their son to leave and pursue his own future.

But after leaving, Giichi realized rather quickly it was hard to make good money with the talents and skills he had. There really wasn't a job market anywhere for a trapeze artist and parkour master except for...surprise...other circuses. He needed money quickly but he didn't want to return back to his old life...and going to college to get new skills would take too long and cost too much.

But one day, he had an inspiration while he walked down a street in Soleanna and looked up. A lot of the windows high up on the buildings were left wide open, since it was a hot summer day. To the average person, they'd be impossible to get to. But for Giichi? Cake. So that very night, he scaled the buildings up to dark windows that had been left open. With just one hour of work he'd already pocketed $500 worth of cash and small electronics.

Considering Giichi had been sleeping outside for a while by now, he quickly decided to use some of the money to rent a hotel room. After entering his room, he spread out his spoils on the bed and sat there...just gazing at them.

To Giichi, this felt so wrong. So far as he could recall, Giichi had never stolen anything before. But he'd also never earned anything close to this in such a short amount of time at the circus. It felt amazing to get so much for so little time and effort. In the end, Giichi decided he would only keep doing this until he got his feet under himself and found a stable job. In the meantime, he would share a little with his fellow homeless to make himself feel better.

At first, that's how it was. But the longer Giichi stole things the more he realized he liked this life. He could basically travel anywhere he liked and do whatever he wanted. So over the next several years he started picking up more skills to help him in his line of work. Lockpicking, safecracking, breaking glass windows without making a sound, a knowledge of police procedure and codes, etc. He pretty much had his career down to an art by now. With his money, Giichi purchased a home...a remote cottage on the coastline near Soleanna. isolated that he had the beach to himself for a mile in either direction.

The dimensional shift transported his cottage with nearby Soleanna to its present location in this world. The shift was a shock and surprise to Giichi, but he more or less welcomed it considering it made his job easier. All of the old police and crime agencies that had been after him before were either gone now or in disarray. And now a whole Thieves' Guild had been established for like-minded people, so he had a ready supply of partners for capers.

If there's one thing that annoys him about the's that reliable charities are much harder to find. Despite being a thief for so long, Giichi never quit giving part of his spoils to the homeless and less fortunate. He likes to give as much as he thinks he would pay in income taxes, if his job was legit. Giichi thinks it would do a lot more good towards helping society than unwillingly giving it to wasteful bureaucratic governments.

Moves/Combat Style: When given the choice between fight or flight, Giichi tends to always choose flight. If that's not a choice, he prefers to use his superior speed and agility to confuse and disorient opponents, and then he moves in to make several rapid strikes with his sais and claws before backing off. Hit and run is his mantra. Each individual blow isn't that hard, but when they all hit together it can really shock an opponent.

Speed Jump - This move allows Giichi to cross a short span of space in just a split second, about up to 20 feet. Giichi can jump in any direction, as long as it's a straight line. He can do this two turns in a row, but any more than that and he starts to wear out his feet, which slows him down a lot. This is extremely bad for him since speed is central to his combat strategy. So if he pulls this move twice, he has to wait four turns before he can do another Speed Jump.

Handstand Kick - If an opponent comes at Giichi with a high attack, he evades by falling backwards and landing on his hands. And then from that position, he brings his legs up. And on the way up, they'll probably smack right into the guy who just tried to hit him. Then he transitions from the hand stand into landing back on his feet...standing a short distance from his opponent. This allows him to both evade and attack at about the same time. It'll definitely catch someone by surprise the first time he does it, although opponents can get wise to it if he abuses it. Not to mention it kind of depends on there only being one combatant facing him at a time.

Super Slide Trip - Giichi gets a running start, then lets himself go into a long slide on the floor, with one foot first. He will then slide about ten feet at a rapid speed, tripping up people in his way. After that he'll have to jump back up on his feet. This can also allow him to quickly slide under low say a descending door. It's very useful for attacking while making an escape.


Acrobatics/Climbing/Parkour - Giichi was trained from an early age to be light on his feet and pull off astounding feats of agility. Because of this, he can be a very difficult target to hit, considering he can backflip and cartwheel all over the place like a hyperactive Power Ranger. This also gives him the ability to jump quite high.

Between his claws and his small, light frame, Giichi can also easily and quickly scale surfaces made of materials soft enough to dig his claws into. It's the same way pretty much, if handholds are provided. Giichi is also very adept when it comes to taking the high road horizontally. He spends a lot of time practicing his parkour, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, vaulting railings and park benches, jumpkicking up between two walls, running along tree branches, and many things in between. So if he doesn't want to get caught and there's a lot of things to climb and jump between, you aren't going to catch him.

Infiltration - Giichi excels at breaking into places he's not meant to be. He's learned how to pick simple locks, break windows without making a sound, crack combination safes, defeat simple surveillance measures, and even knows a little bit of hacking for defeating electronic locks. If he wants to get into a secure area, he most likely will find a way in. He especially likes to use his small size to squeeze into air vents, too.

Advanced Driving Skills - As a hobby, Giichi frequently takes his Ferrari to autocross events and open track days, in addition to tearing up the deserted beach roads near his house. Because of this, he has experience handling cars at their limits. Giichi is well versed in choosing the right racing line, proper shifting technique, evasive and passing maneuvers, and not to mention a few other tricks like drifting and reverse 180s. Against a true professional racer he would lose, but he is considerably better at driving than the average motorist.

Vehicle Mechanic - Giichi has some mechanical experience from working to restore classic sports cars. Given enough time, he could probably restore an old car that hasn't run in years back to life. He also has detailed knowledge about vehicle locking and security systems (both past and present), so in a pinch he could also steal a vehicle if needs be.

True to his feline species, Giichi is incredibly fast and agile, and can quickly climb up any surface soft enough to dig his claws into. This makes him a very difficult opponent to keep up with, let alone hit. If only footholds are available, he can easily climb those too. Giichi can also jump quite far too. His smaller size and slim figure also allow him to easily enter small openings. He is best suited for an infiltrator-type role.

Giichi is not much help in a straight-up fight, considering he has average strength and low stamina. With his speed he can strike quickly and then back off just as fast, but his blows are quite soft. It also only takes a few solid hits to knock him out of commission...and one or two can slow down his advantageous speed quite a bit. He prefers to avoid confrontation whenever possible because of all of these things.
posted by SaraTheDog
Last name:Light
Age: 15
Date of birth: February 4

Likes: Friends, family, light, cooking, winning, flowers, DONNY XD, butter flys, fairy tales, cake, her hover board & shopping

Dislikes:Her enemys, small creepy bugs, large books, gore, getting lost, starving, not getting what she wants, Donny refusing to go out with her & running away, and losing

Talent:Fighting & dancing
Power type?: Power
Powers:Light beam, lightning impact, and power kicking

Hair color:Pink
Eye color:Blue
Main outfit: Red and black dress, black vest,black scraf, red and...
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-A normal day in Green Hill-
Friz: *relaxing outside* This is nice not dealing with problems and just hanging out
Torch: Yeah
Kel: Yep
*20 minutes pass*
Friz: Alright, something's up
Torch: What do you mean?
Friz: Well, look at this way my dear friend, We basically live in a world of terror we are regularly attacked by: Robots, Demons, Gods, Evil Scientists, and other creatures
Torch: Dude, chill out. We don't get to relax very often so just enjoy it
Darkness: *appears from nowhere* Yeah Friz, just relax
Darkness: And Torch, you should also calm down or...
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posted by RawrMonster123
WARNING: This is from BORDOM!!!

1.) There's nothing really to respond to in it.

2.) The person always skips mine and acts like they forgot, so why allow them to do it in another one of their RP's?

3.) I flat out hate the person who made the RP.

4.) I don't feel like it.

5.) The person who made the RP is boring.

6.) I don't think it's appropiate.

7.) Your question involves ladies that act like sluts.

8.) I don't know the definition of a certain word and I don't feel like looking it up.

9.) I'm busy.

10.) The question includes rascism.
(NOTE: Told from Silhouette's POV. Features explicit language.(Well, just "the F-word") enjoy. c:)

It was my first time. I was in shock after having done it. I shoved a katana right through her chest, straight through her heart. I heard her ribs break, and her blood splattered on the surrounding ground. Some of it got on me. I wished he didn't see. I prayed to god he didn't see. But sure enough, I slowly turned around and he was there. The look of fright and terror in his eyes, it was unforgetable. I had made the biggest fucking mistake of my life. He ran away, crying. I felt my heart and soul...
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It seems you've stumbled across this article. How pleasant for both of us. This article here, should you choose to read it, shall take you through what I've found to be the most comment mental illnesses found in Sonic fancharacters and how you should portray them as to not come across as an uneducated retard.

Mental illness and psychology is something I've been putting the past few years of my life into studying during my spare time, as I am quite passionate about finding out how people, mentally, work, about what makes us us, and what the differences are in someone considered 'mentally ill.'...
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posted by CosmoLuvsTails
Esme Cooper
Esme Cooper
Esme Cooper~~~Stealth
Esme was born in France to Sly Cooper and an unidentified mother. Her dad's family were all master thieves, so she thought it'd be only a family tradition to start stealing stuffs. After she'd been stealing for a while, she realized she really loved doing it. She told Sly about it and he told her about his gang, and recommended she got herself a team, in case things went wrong. She did a bit of spying on a few people, but couldn't find anyone she thought'd be any good. A couple of weeks later, she was caught for one of the first times in her life, and was knocked out by...
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"You're it, Gamma!!" A young yellow Echidna exclaims, flying into the sky. "No fair! You can fly!! Cheater!!" A small red hedgehog replies. These children are two of the three main heroes of this story: Cyber the Echidna and Gamma the Hedgehog. These two, along with another, will save the world. "Don't forget about me, guys!!" A little girl yells, jumping high into the air. She then manages to tag the flying Cyber. "You're it!" she yells. "Aw, darn it, Jessie! You got me!!" Cyber sighs. Jessie lands on the ground and sees a little red hedgehog crying. "What's wrong?" she asks. "N-Nothing's...
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posted by Giz_4ever
All I ever wanted was to see you smiling
I know that I love you
Oh baby why don?t you see
All I ever wanted was to see you smiling
All I ever wanted was to make you mine
I know that I love you
Oh baby why don?t you see
That all I ever wanted was you and me
All I ever wanted was to see you smiling
All I ever wanted was to make you mine
I know that I love you
Oh baby why don?t you see
That all I ever wanted was you and me (you and me)

I'm so alone
Here on my own
And I'm waiting for you to come
I want to be a part of you
Think of all the things we could do
And every day you?re in my head
I want to have you in my...
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1.) Draw a circle
2.) Draw upside down triangle under the circle
3.) Round the Triangle out
4.) Erase the Straight Triangle if it is still there
5/6.) Draw thin cylinders for arms/legs
7.) Erase the lines between the body and the arms/legs
8.) Add gloves, socks and shoes
9.) Next part is all you add the features of your FC and tada!
Expect more of these so anyways, have fun!

More stuff: About the Friz game its coming along well but the level limit is 9 so the final boss will actually be a whole other game
posted by Mapware3640
How to make a accurate fan character

Introduction:Hello,congratulations,you want to enter the world of sonic fan characters,GOOD SHOW!!!Now I know what your thinking,there is a bunghole of other fan character guide lines generated by other fans.but I refer to this one as the most updated version.(as of 7/4/12)

Now you want to generate a equal fan character,equal as in power-wise(If he/she/it has powers).If you make it to powerful without weaknesses and make it the "Oh,I'm so powerful,fear mah almighty immortality" character,then its considered a "Gary-stu" and you DON'T...
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posted by TakTheFox
Craiger is australian by birth, but did not grow up in an Australian area, aside from some people (including who he thought was his father), so he doesn't use a lot of Australian phrases or slang.

Rynk is persian by birth of her mother, while her father was scottish. Being part banshee, she was born with a natural persian accent, but is much more fluent in english pronunciation than a normal persian accent due to her scottish traits, and her banshee traits. She basically sounds like a mixture of a slightly high-pitched british-persian accent, with a little bit of scottish. Her R's are stretched slightly, and her voice sounds slightly american as it gets louder.
posted by night-vamphog
After five months of being at the base and training like he had done before he get sent on a plane to go the Egypt. The plane ride is very long. Takes almost a day to get there.
    By the time they get there and get to the base it is already three in the morning. ''Wow. Egypt. I haven't been back here in years. Changed a lot too.''
    ''Its because of the war smart one,'' Dally with right along with him. ''But don't think your going to be going off trying to find old friends.''
    ''I know better then that. Besides I didn't live in...
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posted by Evolia-Wulf
Order of Wulves
((Page taken from the Parulian Ruin Guide and translaited by Trance Techno Wolf))

The Order of Wulves- more formally known as Order of the Wolf or Array of the Fiends- has been a recent installment to the Parulian race. Known for their only member thus far they are meant to protect and serve all and any related to the alienated creatures known as the Paru.
The Order was categorized as members in a pack of basic wolves lived. There were Dominants, which were the high classed warriors, and the Recessives, the low classed warriors or servants. There were no in-between ranks....
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posted by TakTheFox

Species: Second-State-Offspring Identity Takris-Snow-Leopard.
Mening: His Grandmother was an Identity. His Grandfather was a Takris. His father was a Snow-Leopard. His mother was a Dracat-Offspring-Identity.

1.    Identity: He has very little amounts of Identity traits. He cannot control Chaos Energy naturally, he cannot control or consume Nanites, and he cannot morph. He can regenerate quicker than normal, which includes limbs, and can change his age.
2.    Takris: He can use magic, and has core-aura (the same thing that Dimension 4 has), which...
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posted by crazyasfred
[It's shadows birthday and Nikki has planned a surprise partys for him everyone is hiding and Shadow's about to come in]

Nikki:(whispering)Ok everyone find a hiding spot and be quiet.(hides behind a potted plant)
Knuckles:(loudly whispers)Uhhh..Nikki
Knuckles:uh.nevermind. It can wait
Nikki:good,oops (turns off the lights)better
Sonic:(looks out the window)Shadows coming(goes back to his spot)
[Shadow unlocks the door and comes in]
everyone:(comes out and yells surprise)
Shadow:wow thanks
Nikki:Happy birthday shads (kisses him on the cheek) Look what i've got you (reaches in her bag and takes out a blue chaos emarald)
Shadow:(looks at it in shock) Nikki how did you get it?
Nikki: let me tell you it was anything but easy...
posted by SonicWerehog_2
Here's the letter that started it all:

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Is your child out of hand? Going out at night to do whatever they want? Then your child needs to come to Summer Camp. Here your child will learn to behave and not go out when they're not suppose to. They'll also learn how to help their parents, and/or others, and manners.
David Creature


Mr.&Mrs. Vamphog
Transylvania, Romania
1800 Vampire Castle

Dear David Creature,
We would love to enroll our son, Dark. He, of course is a vamphog just like us. But he goes out at night...
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"....The heck am I?" murmured a brown raccoon in a closed up area with a small bed. He walked up
to the locked steel door with a little square shaped hole blocked off with iron bars as a window.
"Hello?" He said again, waiting for a response. He looked at his hands. His gloves were orange.
"That's odd," he said to himself, "This is probably just a dream. A really realistic dream."
He lied down in his bed and after about a half hour, started to sleep.
What felt like only seconds later but what was actually hours, he saw two bulls with badges standing in front of him.
"Hey. You. Wake up. Recreation...
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posted by night-vamphog
Three months pass quickly.
    ''Come on just a little bit more. Push.''
    ''I'm pushing as hard as I can! Ah!'' she pushes as hard as she can.
    ''Just a bit harder Night,'' Soon enough Aldinach is holding two little children. ''They're adorable,'' sits next to Night holding them. ''A boy and a girl. What do you want to name them?''
    Holds the boy and looks at him. He has white and blue fur and blue eyes. ''Ravage,'' looks at the girl. ''You name her.''
    Aldinach looks down at her, she...
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It is midnight and a young man comes home from a long party. He enters the house and calls out a woman’s name…he gets no reply. He cautiously enters the bedroom and sees no one there. He notices the bathroom lights are on, and goes to investigate.

When he enters the bathroom and stops short in front of the bathtub, staring at the woman whose name he had been calling, dead in the bath.

The story beings with our protagonist, Garinina, asleep. She is awoken by a phone call. She looks at her clock, which reads “3:37 a.m.”

Groggily, she wakes up to answer the call.

Garinina Blue: “What...
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posted by FaiyaDreamz
Name: Frost
Age: 15
Nickname: n/a
Stereotypes: n/a
Race: Norwegian and American
Hometown: Remote Antartica
Birthdate: December 1
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Religion: Uknown
Allergies: Volcanic ash
Sexual Preference: Females
Occupation: Fishing
Theme: Memories - Panic! at the Disco
Personal quote: n/a
Describe his voice: Soothing naturally abit high and raspy
Weapon of choice: Kama

When you first meet them: Indifferent smile and handshake
When you get to know them (and he likes you): polite and respectful.
When you get to know them (and he...
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