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This is him. he's so cute in my opinion. I'm glad I came up with this side-series of fancharacters. What a grand accident ^//^
This is him. he's so cute in my opinion. I'm glad I came up with this side-series of fancharacters. What a grand accident ^//^
(This guy....was a slightly random character. He's cool though. or rather "cold" XXD (shameless plug). Did you know that the side-series of fan characters he's part of, the scattered resistance of Dr. Kotonic, was created totally by accident? It's true! I was working on a girl character to be the girlfriend to one of my OC's, when i realized that her personality wouldn't fit his. So I made her into a fan character, and created Dr. Kotonic as her enemy! After that, the series developped from there to Van Malo, and eventually I wound up with a scattered sort of resistance to this new, Robotnik Idolizing, threat! While this character bio doesn't show a detailed direct relation from him to Dr. Kotonic as an enemy, Dr.Kotonic's work and goals make them enemies no matter what. Anyways, here he is. hope you like him ^^)

Bailey's Character Bio:

Name: Bailey - subject 0143IC3

Age: Physically 19

Birthday: unknown

Species: chipmunk-ferret hybrid, altered by chemicals and spliced with DNA from an Arctic wolf.

Height: 3'4.2"

Weight: 115lbs

Powers/Abilities: Bailey has ice powers so strong they could freeze someone solid or freeze square miles of water solid enough to walk on. He's fast and stealthy and strong enough to break thinner blocks of his own ice to send shards flying at his opponent. He can freeze rain as well to make a deadly Ice Shard Rain attack on multiple opponents. Using the gems on his gloves and his own powers, he can mould dual ice swords from his hands by encasing them in ice and extending the ice in length to make it sharp and give it range.

Siblings: currently unknown.

Enemies: Dr. Kotonic and anyone who experiments with the artificial creation of life forms.

Important Personality Traits: Extremely shy and quiet with an underlying sense to help those being mistreated. It's nearly impossible to break through Bailey's shell, and no one has been able to accomplish this task so far, but if they had, they'd discover a soft, sensitive, loyal boy inside. He comes off as something of a lost child, and he's very curious despite his caution around unfamiliar things. In battle, he can sometimes seem senile or kill-happy, but he is mainly focused on his goal. However, part of this attitude is a lust for revenge for the fate he is doomed to follow thanks to those responsible for his creation.

Short Backstory: The first time he awoke was in a giant test tube, opening his eyes only to find several other pairs of eyes staring at him from outside the test tube. He had no previous memories, and was very confused. He was, in truth, a lifeform that although appeared older, had just been born. He was called Subject 0143IC3. In the beginning, he was treated well. He picked up on how to talk and walk and other normal things other Mobians did. It was after this that the experiments started. The scientists drove him to the extreme by forcing him to use his powers over and over at high powered bursts, exhausting him to the point where he didn't have the strength to do it anymore, but then they would electrocute him until he continued. This built up an immensely high endurance level for him, both with the limit of his powers and physical pain, but it only meant the torture lasted longer. Although he knew for a fact that there were other ways to live, he began to subject himself to what he was being put through, until the day came when he realized that he wasn't the only one being tortured. There were other test subjects, kept all in the same room, unlike him. He didn't know why this was, but he planned a way to get the other subjects free and destroy the accursed lab he had been kept in for four years. He set this into motion right away the next day when they had him demonstrate his powers. He built them up so high that it was too much for the containment room to handle. The entire room malfunctioned and froze over, allowing him to wreak havoc on his observers. Freezing them solid, he obtained two sapphire jewels and placed them in the slots of his gloves, allowing him to mould his hands into ice lances, which proved very useful when he killed the rest of the people at the lab. He succeeded in freeing the other subjects, and they escaped while he took out the rest of the staff at the building. He didn't stop until there was no sign of life in there. Killing them gave him an odd release that he couldn't help but take pleasure in. Once he was finished, he took off himself for other destinations. Where those destinations were, he didn't know. The outside world was unfamiliar to him, but he explored it with all curiosity. He was surprised to find he fit in with his appearance, but there was one thing he didn't fit with. His name. No one was named like he was, and if he confronted someone and introduced himself as Subject 0143IC3, someone might take him back to another test lab, so he had to think up another name for himself. He listened in to other people's names, but none seemed to appeal to him but one, Bailey. That would be the one, Bailey. Bailey tried to live a normal life, but he eventually found himself isolating himself in the forest. This was after someone got too on his nerves and he wound up brutally killing them. It was at that point he realized the lust to kill deep inside himself, and probably the other test subjects as well. He knew he had some degree of control, but it was little and not effective enough to stop himself from ending a battle with death. He didn't want the others put through that kind of mental distress. No one, even artificial, should experience that. So he began his queat to search for the other subjects of that experiment, and even any artificially created life form period. His clue was the eye color. Red or grey indicated a target for him. It was this clue that led him to his first target, one of the other subjects from the test lab. This one outwardly thanked Bailey and told him of someone called 'the ultimate life form'. Apparently the greatest, strongest life form ever created. Bailey went to do some research after he finished off the life form. Indeed, he found information on this ultimate life form, and a record that showed a reputation of heroism. This life form was apparently known as Shadow the hedgehog. Most of the records were classified, but what he did get was enough. A solid picture, he would know who to look for now. What conflicted him was how he was known as a hero. No doubt, Bailey believed Shadow was a good person at heart, but he knew the conflict that was part of the power he held, and he wanted to end the suffering he was so convinced Shadow was enduring. He found Shadow eventually and engaged him in battle, but he wasn't betting on Shadow having a partner with him. The girl that was there was some kind of human and fairy hybrid, but very much a natural being. She became infuriated when Bailey explained what he was doing, as was probably expected. But while Shadow seemed to freeze when he heard Bailey's explanation, this girl, Rachel was her name, jumped right in and lashed out at Bailey with a furious wrath. Her power was lightning, and the way it electrocuted him made him remember how he was treated the same in the testing lab. It struck some fear into him. That was part of the reason he fled when Rachel's hair, eye, outfit and lightning colors changed to black. The other was because he sensed the evil spirit that had now taken her over, and he had no intention of dealing with evil spirits. He had failed at the time, and now that Shadow was familiar with his attacks, it would be that much harder to defeat him. Of course Shadow fought Bailey, the other test subject had as well. It was a will to survive, but something bothered him about killing Shadow. He became less focused towards Shadow as a main target like he had been before, but should he run into Shadow, he'd fight him to achieve the purpose he originally aimed for. The thing that haunted Bailey the most about that battle was how that girl put herself out there just to protect Shadow. How someone could put themselves on the line like that, for anyone let alone an artificial life form, was so far beyond him. It haunted him as he hunted the other life forms. He wanted to understand it, but he struggled between focusing on his goal, which was the logical thing to do, or investigate something totally irrational, but yet was everywhere in this world. This world in which he continued to wander, looking for the scattered subjects of the demolished lab project.
Additional info for Bailey:

Special/Genetic Flaws: Bailey suffers from an eternal chill. He is always cold no matter how warm it is outside, or how much warm clothing he has on. However, if he is in a place with exrreme heat, he will get a severe case of heat stroke very quickly and will collapse. This can be a fatal effect if he is not removed from the heat in time. His ice swords mould over his hands, henceforth it inhibits his ability to use them while this ability is active. Bailey has surprisingly little control over his powers. While he can use them at will, he has little control over how powerful the blasts are, and they often run away with him, so he tends to stick to using his swords.

Special/Genetic Perks: Bailey's Eternal Chill has a plus side, allowing him access to areas with higher or lower temperatures than a normal person would normally be able to handle. This has a limit however. Bailey's artificially created organic body doesn't age, making him immune to aging decay and resulting weakness. He also cannot die of old age, but he can die of injury or illness. When given a black onyx necklace, Bailey can touch water without freezing it, giving him a chance to show off his exceptional swimming skills. The extreme torture he endured in the test lab gave him an immensely high endurance, both mystically and physically.

♪Theme Song♪: "Counting Stars" by One Republic♪

♪Song to Lover/Would-be Lover♪; none

Favorite Food; Plain Pasta

Favorite Color; Lemon yellow

Favorite Music; Rap, rock and punk pop.

Allegiance 1(evil) - 10(hero): 5

Catch Phrases: (win big) "I-It's only a trifling game....*smile creeps up*", (win) "hm... probable results.", (challenge) "I-I'll make you c-cry for mercy for wasting my t-time!", (lose) "..! I n-never wanted this!"

Best Event; Speed Skating - any form, Swimming - 100m freestyle.

Important Relationships:
Shadow the hedgehog: While technically not enemies, these two fight every time they encounter one another for the reason that Bailey is trying to "save" Shadow from himself. What he doesn't realize is that Shadow isn't a slave to what he was built to do. Shadow sees Bailey as a simple threat that is for a very confounding reason trying to obliterate him. It would take nothing less than a miracle to make these two see eye to eye
posted by sonicx2
I got my time to sit down and do this today! Even though I said tomorrow. For Rachel.
Gender: male
Name:Cooper (His agent name is Jenkins)
Age 20 turning 21 soon
Height 3.3
Weight: I'm not very good with weight so a healthy weight good for acrobatics ( for 20 year olds)
Powers: Can slow time but not for long. He can use chaos and that let's him do it longer but he doesn't know that.
Weapons he carries a sniper on his back
Abilities. Really good acrobat and using his sniper.
Species: Wolf
Appearance: his eyes are green, his hair is messy but doesn't go down (not like sonic's) including wolf like ears and two
black stripes over his cheek. Brown fur. He wears no clothes. (Only hanging his sniper over is right shoulder) he is a left handed person
But he has a furry chest that's quit similar to his fur colour but a whiter. Wears shadow like shoes just re coloured (your choice)

If it's not enough I'll write a backstory and tell me what I missed out.
posted by Rachel_Savaya
Here's .....oh flag.... i lost count..... *shrugs* oh well. The next one.

Name: Scarmine Sycor

Age: 17 (at death)

Birthday : June 20th

Species: ferret

Height: 3'4"

Weight: 140lbs

Powers: no supernatural, wields a black nunchuck as a desperate attempt for independence.

Important Personality Traits: independent, tough, strong-willed.

Key Song: Hedley "Anything"

Song To Lover: (currently N/A)

Siblings: Ferron Sycor, older brother.

Enemies: (TBD)

Genetic Flaws: N/A

Genetic Perks: N/A

Short Backstory: Scarmine was Ferron's younger brother. After having his innocence destroyed when he suffered the...
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The Rasoul Saga: Chapter Eighteen

A half hour after Kyle and Mancer returned from the Rasoul Dimension, Ruby bursted through the doors with I2 walking behind. “We had a blast!” She cheered flailing about. “How was your training, Kyle?”

Kyle jumped slightly from where he was sitting on the couch, just slightly surprised by the two girls' sudden entrance. He quickly turned around, turning his head to look at Ruby and I2. "First of all, I'm glad you had a good time!" Kyle said happily, wearing a smile on his face. "Second of all, my training was... okay, I suppose. I didn't really have...
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Time travel. It's a great ability to use, if it were physically possible. People and scientists have classified time travel as solely science fiction. But what if I told you that it wasn't all that impossible? What if I told you that time travel is a reality?

Welcome to class. Lettuce begin!

Firstly, there may be someone who has already explained, or tried to, time travel. I, on the other hand, will explain time travel with a different method: using science.

This is the realm of Quantum Physics: where everything is possible, just not likely. How does Quantum Physics work? Allow me to splain.

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posted by NoctusLynx
I am writing this because my hour has nearly come. I don't know how much longer I have until my insanity drills itself into my head again. I don't know if it might even kill me. Will it? Can it? With the blood I have? Pitch black. I can't go on like this, can I? I can't keep my thoughts straight...

I'm sane again, but I don't know when it'll attack me again. Before it does, let me explain myself. I was born to kill. It's what I was made for. I kill not because I want to, but because I have to... it scratches at my heart when I don't. It feels like I can't go on living... like I have a short...
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posted by mephiles97
Now, this may be unrelated, and I'm sorry if it is, but I thought that it would be okay to post this since it DOES have something to do with my Sonic characters.

Now, today, I was looking through very old sketchbooks and notebooks of mine that were probably wrote and drew... years ago. From what I can tell, and from what things were dated, I assume that I was about eight or nine years old when I was making those, maybe a bit younger, or maybe a tad bit older. I'm not exactly sure. All I honestly know is that they are extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY old, and you could tell that they were definitely...
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Full Name: Alice Lilith Romero



Age: 17

Appearance: brown fur,Bright blue eyes,waist length dark red hair,long eyelashes,skinny(but not too skinny),plump red lips,always wearing a crop top and pants,small tail,and small black ears.




Birthplace:Angel Island



Weakness:Sweets(twinkes,swiss rolls,etc.)

Story: Growing up with a poor family and always got made fun of her whole childhood.Alice was a quiet child the kids always made fun of her because their were jealous picking on her every chance they...
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So why am I remaking it? Well the series was the first fanfiction series I made and when I did it wasn’t really well written, plotholes galore, so I wanted to remake it completely. But at the same time I didn’t want to redo it because of all the ideas I had.

So what I’m doing is rewriting the story, and keeping it as it was, but making some changes along the way. This way the original story will be there but it will be written better. I’ll add some other parts into it, but rest assured it’s not a reboot, just an edited version.
Alright, so this fanfic basically revolves around my canon relationships' kids, becoming the only hope of a dark future. It kind of flows in a way like Sonic CD, where you travel from different times and change the future by doing so. However, they don't use special signs like in CD. They can only travel when their village Elder, Diamond (Yeah, she's a robot, so she lasted this long.) opens a time rift to prevent a bad thing from happening. One downfall? The time rift separates the group, landing them in either different locations of the same time, or in different times altogether. An example...
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posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart Character's full name: Duji Chandler King Reason or meaning of name: None Character's nickname: Shock. Reason for nickname: It goes with his powers Birth date: September 12th 2000 Powers: Normal mode: Electricity. But when he's in extreme rage, or his personality becomes "darker", his powers will switch over to their corrupted mode: Fire Theme: Hero by Skillet Physical appearance Age: 13 How old does he/she appear: same age Weight: 50 pounds Height: 3ft Body build: Slim bot not TOO skinny Shape of face: n/a. Eye color: Green Glasses or contacts: None Skin tone: Tan (his hands,...
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posted by mephiles97

Name: Rain Conrad

Gender: Male
Birthday: December 12th
Age currently: 34
Age at beginning of story: 32
Age character appears to be: 27 (Rain is a Nighless, and Nighless stop aging after they reach a certain age. Rain aged until 27, and then his body stopped aging).


Species: Nighless- Rasoulin Seeker.

Primary Color (Main fur/skin): Dark Blue, Black.
Secondary Color (Mouth, chest, ect.): Pale.

Eye-color: Green
Other Eye-details: His pupils are a darker shade of green, and look glazed.

Does character have hair?: Yes.
(If so, the following)
Color of hair: It starts off dark...
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posted by unknown99
Attention every fanpopper! I know you have going to the Sonic Fan Character home page! A person has uploaded a bunch of inappropriate pictures, now, I have this person's profile page and you have to report this person immediately! If this keeps on going, it could be dangerous for other people!

Here is the guy:

First, you report abuse this guy.
Then, you type in anything you want in the additional information.
Then, click the offensive content button underneath.
May his account be terminated...
posted by NoctusLynx
Firstly, this is a rant. I just want to get that clear.

Now, onto the rant.

Don't you just hate it when you're having a fun time playing an RPG with someone, then *pop* they're gone?
If you do, then you know what I'm talking about.

Now, before anybody starts throwing me under any buses, I will admit that I have abandoned an RPG or two. HOWEVER, I did eventually get back to it.

This rant is about those whom do the opposite. They leave, and that's the last you're ever gonna hear from them.

If the RPG is bad, grow a pair, and go right on out and say it. I don't know about the other hosts on this...
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A black robed figure quickly darted in between Kyle and Mancer, moving very quickly for them to not be able to notice the figure out it had already dashed past. The figured skidded to a stop a few feet behind them, spreading his large black and silver bat wings. "So, we meet again," The figure said in a voice that sounded quite close to Devin of the Dark Horses.

"Devin?!" Kyle quickly turned to face Devin, though he was quite surprised that he moved that quickly; he didn't think the bat could move that fast.

"What's up, hedgehog?" Devin asked in a voice that sounded more flat instead of the...
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The Rasoul Saga: Chapter 14

Nothing really eventful had happened while Kyle, Kagen, and Avina played video games; it was simply just three teens spending time together and enjoying the time. In fact, they kept playing video games and watching TV until dinner time rolled around.

"Kids, it'll be time for dinner soon," Kushina called from the kitchen. She was currently in the process of cooking dinner.

"Wow, did it get that late already?" Kagen asked as he turned his head to look at the wall clock that was on the hanging nearby in the living room. "I'm going to have to go. My parents are expecting...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
Nat and Tiny were walking through the newly growing forest. Trees were growing back to full health, but many didn't make it through the fire. New trees started to grow from the old ones. The forest almost looked as good as new " I'm amazed it only took 3 weeks for the forest to go back to being normal. " Nat said," It grew faster than I thought it would." Tiny agreed," It's mainly from the help of Rose. She helped sprout new trees and grow bushes. And also the ashes. Plants seem to grow better in them. I just hope that the animals come back, the forest wouldn't live completely without them."...
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Hey-hey guys, It is I: Matthew Allen Phillips, but please call me Matt and I am introducing the official channel for this club:


Now you may be asking...

-Q: What is the point and/or goal of this channel?
-A: To give some fans a easier way to upload and to hopefully make the club a bit more popular.

-Q: Who is going to run the channel?
-A:I figure we could do a "Admin system", Some users on this club who can be trusted will be given the password to the account.

-Q: What will be uploaded?
-A: Videos revolving around sonic fan characters, of course.

-Q: Can this channel be used to comment on other videos?
-A: I feel it's professional to only comment on the videos that are uploaded to this channel.

-Q: Can it be used to subscribe?
-A: I already subscribe the channel to so folks who have affiliation with this club and sonic stuff all around.
posted by Dragonfruit44
Bard was happy that his plan worked better than expected," as you may know, you caused a big forest fire and managed to knock out Rose. Since that's done I'll tell you the plan, I was planning on destroying that forest show Rose would repair it, that way she would be really tired and would t be able to stop us. Thanks to Selena, the plan was pushed further into action then I thought." Selena was leaning against a wall, playing with a fireball. When she heard her name, she looked at Bard and gave him a angry glare. Bard smiled back at her," Now we can run this town like we want it!" Bard cheered....
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(A prequel to an article I wrote a while ago. You may not recognize some characters and they may require some back story but they’re some of my main cast now so yeah .Told from Silhouette’s POV. Enjoy.)

“Come on guys! We’re almost to the campsite!”

You could hear the excitement in Natsumi’s voice. She was more energetic than ever. We had been planning this camping trip for a few weeks now. It was me, Max, Natsumi, Astrid, and little Jake. The sun was pounding, but a nice forest breeze kept us cool. It was to be like a vacation for us, no worries and out in the nature. What could...
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This is an article version of the video I was gonna make because my allergies are too strong and I can't actually breathe and talk at the same time anymore! :D

So number one on this list is if you are uncomfortable with gore or homosexuals, please pull out (even though it is VERY unlikely your characters would be involved, I totally get it if you want to either pull out or not enter in the first place uwu; )

SECONDLY. What even is this game about? Well it's about a scientist who creates 9 essentially immortal beings who loathe their creator and...
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