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Welcome to the town of Mob suez, a place unique and different from the cannon fan character worlds.

Four days before Christmas. Dave Hyatt was a black-haired, average height, average health, blue-eyed, teenager, sixteen to be exact. He used to live in a town called “Mercin”, but had to move because of the community-money-problems. The only trouble he had with this was the packing and driving. He only had a few friends before this venture, or which none were female, and not extremely close, so the transition was fairly fine with him, though he did miss his role in his friend’s garage-rock-band. He did guitar, and sang here and there.

His parents would not arrive for a week, so his older sister drove him. Not that he minded. While Dave was completely capable of driving himself two-hundred-miles, his sister offered, and the lazier the more comfortable.

Dave’s sister, Jenna, was a tall twenty-year old, with white hair that faded to brown (don’t know why, you are not alone.), faded purple eyes, and a fetish for scarfs.

“Mob Suez?” Dave questioned as they passed the town’s “welcome-sign”. “Never heard of that before.”

“Probably because we never lived there before.” Jenna replied while keeping her eyes to the road, her serious tone constant.

Jenna was almost always a serious person, and a bit temperamental at times. She was not one to lash out, but gave off a hostile vibe to most people. She liked her privacy, and did not care to intrude on other’s.

The town was in a word “cement”, aside from the snow, which was randomly placed; it was as if someone made random clumps of snow that was large, and clumps that were small, in wherever he or she pleased. In three “Cement and Suburban.” In four it was “Cement, Suburban, and plain.” It had a small amount of nature, not counting the gardens and such in people’s yards, which were not very numerous either, and while there were no sky-scrappers or large buildings in view, it had a lot of structures that were mostly cement, and mostly small business.

There were two other distinguishing details about the town. The first was the many dives and climbs in its floors, and what Dave described as “ruins”. These areas looked like a cross between junk-yards and ghost-towns. A lot of “CLOSED” signs, and giant tubes, for reasons unknown.

A final detail, that would relate more to the atmosphere than the town, was the weather. Dave did not know, but he would eventually discover that the weather was always cloudy, or like the time of a sunset-afternoon. He would later call this magical and creepy, but that would be for later.

The house the two siblings arrived in was a one-story light brown, cement-walled, front-yard-lawn, medium back-yard, oval on left, then extra square on right-shaped, multiple windowed home. “Home”. Who knew how long it would take for Dave to call it that?

“Don’t suppose I could check out the inside first?” Dave asked as they hopped out of the moving van.

“You have five minutes. After that I’m taking your underwear and putting it on the lawn for people to see.”

Dave cringed. That was a pleasant image. Dashing into the house with the only reason for his excitement being car-boredom-phobia, Dave found it to be well furnished, with white carpet, a large TV-set, a kitchen behind the living room that he had just entered, a hallway to the right, which led to a bathroom, and three bedrooms, followed by the garage. He chose the one with a nice window view of the house behind, seeing how the others faced cement and dirt, and started to look through it for any form of secret entrances; maturity optional.

Bed, nothing.
Under-bed, dust.
Drawers, dead bugs and a top.
Closet, girl.

Dave started to run out of the room to help Jenna when he realized what he had just seen in the closet. Quickly throwing the doors open, thus startling the person inside, Dave found a young teenage girl, with a grey hood, no shoes, blue jeans, and long red hair that almost went over her rather large blue eyes.

The invader let out a large “EEP!” then pulled the doors shut again. “HEY!” Dave yelled. Obviously trying to pull it open would do no good aside from break the closet perhaps, so the ticked teen waited; tapping his foot impatiently.

“Any time now…” Dave called. No reply. “… What are you doing in ther- what are you doing in here?”

“What are you doing in here?!” The girl called back in an angry, but still young-feminine-voice.

“I just moved here!!” Dave yelled back.

A long pause came before “Oh…” then the door opened, and out came the girl.

“Sorry about that.” She said before dashing towards the window. Dave tripped her before the strange girl could make it.

“OW!” She squealed. “Hey!”

“Why were you in here? Do you just barge into other people’s houses for some reason?” Dave questioned, being ignorant to the injury.

“I like exploring! I didn’t know someone was moving here. Sorry!” Then she jumped up and went to the window a second time. Dave was not finished, and wanted to find out at least a name to avoid, but when he tried to block the strange hooded-girl, she jumped over him into a front flip, then out the window.

“WAIT!” Dave yelled at the girl now running away through the vacant lot behind the houses. “WHAT’S YOUR NAME!?”

“RIN!” She yelled back before going out of sight.

Dave waited a few seconds before slapping himself into the world again. “Random, house-loving, emo ninja-girl… this is going to be some stay.”

The confused boy walked outside to find that Jenna was not bluffing on her threat, and was two seconds from laying the first pair of underwear on the front lawn. His reflexes sprang into action, sending him hurdling into his sister and the clothing. Fortunately he had saved himself the disgrace of having his underwear shown to the world. Unfortunately his sister was very good at hurting people when given a reason.

Dave had recovered from the injury unmentioned (for reasons of censorship)in record time for curry-chicken, made by his sister. Dave wondered when she would be off again to her college dorm, and felt a slight egoistical burn from the fact that a girl, none the less his sister, was cooking and caring for him, when he, like most young teens, thought he could fend for himself. Jenna would not be staying in this house. As stated prior, she lived in a college dorm, but this was a trying time, with her brother changing schools, and parents not arriving yet, so she would help till they arrived.

It was a Friday, so the time they would have till school was two days. The signing up was done in advance before Dave had left for this new house, but he still felt unprepared. He had just left his home, and part of his identity. Whomever he was at his old town, he would have to start over again as in this one. It took him a whole school year to stop being the “Womanizing-dork, who wanted attention” which to tell the truth, only the dork part was accurate about. Hopefully this new school would not be the same. Or judging by the snowing outside the house, hopefully it would be a snow day all week long.

Jenna had a rather depressing high-school, mostly entailing being called an emo-kid, which to an extent she was. She kept her emotions to herself, closed off from people, especially boys, and kept to her studies. She became the only “Honor” student, and the only to be boo-ed when she was announced. This hurt her, but Jenna was not about to show it. College seemed better for her. She had a friend or two. One was rather bubbly, but Jenna swallowed her annoyance.

One of the benefits from having a sibling that was anti-social, but smart, was that Jenna could cook. Dave enjoyed the dinner, but felt guilty. This happened a lot with his sister. They weren’t extremely close, but they rarely fought, and Dave always felt a need to repay her. She was very protective of him, and rarely embarrassed him, though he still always despised how she was a bit humorless and impatient.

Sleeping in this brand new home was... entertaining and a bit pathetic. Dave spent the first two hours in bed, after eleven o-clock, starring at a spider on his roof. Dave never did mind bugs, or arachnids in this case, or in any case things that should frighten him. Granted he would scream with arms flailing if a dinosaur appeared, but while he wasn’t known for standing up against oppressors, or being a daredevil, he never seemed to give them the satisfaction of seeing him cower; a strong personality trait.

Saturday morning did not involve cartoons. Dave was not awake for them, nor young enough, and he was fortunately not pulled into a certain pony show fan-boy-creed. Twelve was his awakening number. On Saturdays at least.

“You could have woken up earlier.” Jenna scolded as she sipped a bit of coffee that she was almost finished with; sitting in front of the TV, but reading a nook. Her back was turned, but she could still always hear him, not that Dave was ever that quiet.

“Well I don’t have an alarm clock up yet, so maybe you could’ve woken me up if you wanted me up so badly.” Dave replied as he opened a cupboard door, hoping for some form of cereal not ending in “O”.

“I didn’t.” Jenna replied candidly, thus ending the conversation. Dave found a G-rrrrrrrrrrrreat cereal, (if you haven’t guessed the name already, they were frosted flakes), and munched loudly. He knew this would annoy Jenna, but it could not be helped, try as he might and did.

Jenna waited ten crunches, which amounted to a bite and one-fourth, till she weighed her options of what to say. She started with a sigh, which seemed to quiet the crunches slightly, but did not end them. Another sigh followed, but the crunches continued at a staying volume. Another sigh and she would sound depressed, so the next option arose.

“Could you maybe eat a little quieter?” She asked, in a tone she hoped sounded non-hostile.

“Sorry. It’s hard. Loud cereal.” Dave replied, trying as hard as he could to be quiet. The stress from this made his eyes pop almost, as he was concentrating very hard to not seem obnoxious, a trait he dearly feared more than any other trait, or spider.

After some more crunches, a slurp, gulp, and a burp, Dave decided to explore the neighborhood. “I’m going out to explore if that’s alright.” He said, reaching for the door. Jenna did not reply, so he continued.

Dave walked out of the house, and out of the front lawn, only to be confronted by an attractive, yet annoyed-looking, teenage girl neighbor. She had light skin, long-pony-tailed blonde hair, with blue highlights, dark green eyes, and wore a tan double-strap top, with short tan shorts, followed by sneakers. Her expression, aside from the previously stated, was that of curiosity and hostility.

“Are you the new kid?” She asked with a stern stare.

Dave was intimidated until she asked that question. He gave her an annoyed eye-brow-raised sigh, and replied “I just walked out of the house. What do you think?”

“Or so you’re a smart-mouth, huh?” She replied.

“N-no! I just thought that was a little obvious!” Dave said, attempting to not anger the female further.

“… Okay I’ll give you that… What’s your name???”

“Why should I answer that? Why are you asking me all this? Are you profiling me or something?”

“I’m just asking. Wanna know if you’re gonna cause trouble here is all. We’ve already got a wench here to do that, and we don’t need another one.”

“Well I’m not that type of person.” Dave said, standing to his fuller height now, which was a foot taller than this girl, which caused her to slightly rest her hostility. “I’ll say my name if you say yours.”

“… You first.”

“How do I know you won’t just run off?”

“You think I’ll just run off after finding out your name?” The girl scoffed.

“Fine! I’m Dave; Dave Hyatt! You?”

The girl paused, then replied “Nah, I’ll run off now...” and waited to see what Dave would do. He did nothing, but he did seem surprised. “Kidding.” She replied with a grin. “I’m Casey. So Dave Hyatt, wazzup?”

“Uh… I woke up… ate cereal… walked outside… met you. That’s all?”

“Well where are you from? What was your school like? Did yo-“

“CASEY! GIRL WAACH YOU DOIN OVAH THERE!?” A slightly high-pitched, yet male, voice called from behind. Casey seemed tenser from this sound and said in a panic “Oh no… HIDE!” then quickly dove into Dave’s house’s side-yard, ignoring any “HEY! YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” responses.

A pale tan boy, teenager like the rest, walked up in Dave’s general direction. He wore a red cap, a red jacket, with a black T-shirt underneath, black pants, and sneakers. His hair was a sandy wavy-ish brown, and he had grey eyes.

“Sup, man? You the new guy here?” The guy asked in a more average tone than his prior opera-pitched mating-call.

Dave was rubbing his temples while replying “Yes… and… and you are…?”

“Asher.” The dude replied, reaching out for a handshake. Dave hesitated, but accepted after a second or two. “Are you Casey’s…”

“Man, how do you know her name already? You like… just met her.” Asher inquired, ignoring the hinted question.

“She asked mine, I answered, she told me her’s… whoop.” Dave gave a good finger spin to increase the large amount of whoop.

“Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. She’s not bad, man.”

“You… know her?”

“Eeeeyup.” Asher replied, leaning over a bit, as if he was about to give one of those “I think I can give ya some advice” things to his fellow man. “Some advice, gotta be smooth with that chick. She’s pretty, but also pretty thorny… like… fiery thorns, if ya know what I mean.”

“I do. I really do. Now leaning end please?” Dave answered and pleaded.

Asher complied, but continued “You gonna be in The Arison school? That’s where she and I go… most of the other people too. Nice school, if you stay out of trouble.”

“Well it is a school, so I think trouble will sneak in anyway.”

Asher laughed. “Too true, my man, too true. Well I’m gone. See ya around.”

The woman-chasing boy turned to leave, but Dave got an idea. “Wait a sec!” He called. “Do you know anything about a girl named Rin? Red hair? Hoodie?”

“Rin? Well yeah, but… I wouldn’t say I know her… don’t think anyone does, really. Why?”

“Well she kind of popped into my house yesterday.”

“Yep. That’s the one. Weird huh? Well again, see ya.”

Strange person number three. How many more?

Dave decided to get out his motor-scooter, and speed around the town, perhaps he’d find some more weird people, or a good video-game store. If he remembered correctly, there was an outdoor plaza about half a mile away, so the teen sped to that direction.

It was a medium-small plaza, with only about ten stores, with only one being large. The large one was a Macy’s. This did not surprise Dave at all.

In a row, Dave went around looking for any form of entertainment, while at the same time rating how much fun he would have in that particular store. The first was a restaurant, a Wendy’s. This rated at around five, but Dave did not need to eat at the moment. The second was the Macy’s, which Dave avoided, as he did not care for getting clothing, rating it at three. The third was radio-shack, rating four, but only supplied short-term entertainment with its electronics, and so it was passed by. The fourth was a general store, with some items Dave would not mind buying, so he went inside. (The rating was a six.) He quickly paid for a tic-tac container and a root-bear, then continued on.

Number five was a music store, rating at an eight. Dave quite enjoyed music, and wanted to check it out, but he wanted to find the video game store first, so he passed it. Number six, rating four, was an art/fabric store. Dave continued on.

Finally on number seven, was a gamestop, rating at nine. The reason it was not at ten was because he had not yet been inside. It was a medium-sized store, dark-walls, rock music playing; basically what Dave expected. He began searching for some form of entertainment. Dave found his first gaze falling on “The Walking Dead”, yet another zombie-killing game.

Dave was actually quite the zombie-killer in his gaming-years, but one can only pass out so many cares before they run out. Zombie games were not like Series games such as “Final Fantasy”, “Halo”, “Assassin’s Creed”, or many others. Granted there probably were some zombie games that had a series, but the concept seemed broken after a while. He’d rather battle an actual intelligent armored-being than something that walked towards you scratching and biting with no form of actual strategy.

And within a time-span of two seconds, everything written prior about zombies in Dave’s head zipped away as he found the latest addition to “Resident Evil”, a series that Dave actually loved to follow, and would still to this day laugh at when the line “Jill Sandwich” popped up. Resident Evil, in Dave’s mind, was the exception for Zombie games, mainly because the zombies could actually do more than just attack. There were zombies that could morph and even speak, and some that turned back to normal, to say nothing of the enemies that were not even zombies. He wanted to buy this game badly, and hoped he had enough money in his card to pay for it.

Dave was about to leave with his new game that drained him of thirty dollars, when he saw some familiar red hair bobbing up and down from across a shelf. The chances of this being the Rin girl were small, but she struck Dave as the gaming type in a way, so it was still possible.

Making sure to be cautious in case this was not the strange hooded-girl he met, Dave casually walked over to see the girl face to face. It was not Rin. The girl was taller for one, but only by half a foot. Her red hair was more styled, and spread out, and a bit curled in the back, while a long triangle of it hung over one of her very bright yellow eyes. She had average skin, and semi-long nails. She wore a long-sleeve grey shirt, with long black pants, which were almost two inches apart from her skinny waist, and yet still attached.

Utterly stunned by the girl’s eyes themselves, Dave was briefly frozen till her eyes met his, and he quickly turned around to leave. “You like zombie games?” She called out, obviously noticing the casing in Dave’s hand.

Spinning back to face her, Dave replied “This one is the exception. The series is pretty epic.”

“I believe it.” The girl replied. Dave just knew this was going to be another strange person, but said nothing, so the girl continued, “Don’t think I’ve seen you around town. You moved into the empty house down the south road, right? The one with the brown and cementy look?”

Yep, strange person. This time with ”psychic powers”. “Someone must’ve told you that.” Dave replied.

The girl laughed briefly. “I’ve been here all day. Who would tell me? Cas?” The girl gestured to what appeared to be a Slender-man fanboy. He had a White t-shirt, black jeans, a red tie, and a small black vest on, very pale skin, white frizzy hair, pale red eyes, and looked a bit underweight. The boy gave the chuckling girl a small glare from the insult.

“Nah I’m just perceptive.” The girl continued. “I hear a lot of gossip, and put the pieces together.”

“But how did you know how the house looked?”

“Well it’s not that hard. I ask people, I’ve seen the house, I heard about movers. Did you think I was psychic or something?”

“Or something.” Dave smirked. He had no witty reply really, but the line “or something” usually sounded smart, and adding a smirk always helped, and in this case it did. The girl smiled back, keeping her calm, and slightly mysterious anatomy controlled.

“So David, or Dave if you prefer, do you like anything aside from Zombies?”

Okay, so now there were two red-haired creepers in this town. How did this girl know his name? There was no way she just asked about it. So the stunned teen thought of an idea. “Uh my name isn’t David… or Dave.” He replied in his best poker-face/tone.

The girl looked surprised, as if someone had broken some spell she put over them. “Huh.” She sighed with a slight frown. “Thought I had that one.”

“What made you think to say ‘Dave’?” The boy who denied his name questioned.

“You look like one.” She answered with a shrug. “I’m usually able to read people really well. You seemed like a Dave. Sort of nervous, but fun and funny, trying to make people happy, and never wanting to feel like you hurt someone, but a bit sluggish. Still though, an all-around sweet guy, and quite attractive-looking.”

Dave knew that she had seen through his act now. “You got me.” He grinned. “I’d return the profile if I was any good at it. But the attractive part I can repeat. If that’s alright.”

She shrugged. “If I was going to get ticked at every boy that said I looked nice I wouldn’t be a wavy-haired twig.”

“I wouldn’t say ‘twig’.” Dave said subconsciously.

“Oh really?” The girl asked, peering at Dave a bit.

“S-sorry. That came out wrong. I meant that you don’t look um… too skinny.” Dave sighed with his head facing the floor. “You got the nervous part right.”

The girl chuckled a bit, then replied “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re a nice guy. A girl would find you eventually.”

“Well if…” When Dave looked up the girl was not there. He heard the door close, and quickly darted outside. His hopes of she and he becoming anything shattered as he saw her hop onto a motorcycle with a helmeted-male, obviously fit, and by the way she hugged him, they appeared to be an thing.

After a good stomp to the ground, Dave looked at his game and decided “Zombie-smashing it is.” As he sped back to his house on his motor-scooter, he could not help but feel inferior to the motorcycle. It reminded him of a guy from his old town named Logan. He always got the girls, had a motorcycle, had cash, charm, a poetic voice, and to top it all off he was Irish. Yep. A great deal of boys like that were the reasons that Dave had yet to get a girlfriend. If he did get one now, it would most likely be either Casey, the one he thought high-strung, or Rin, the bizarre random girl who seemed emo or gothic. And this new girl had someone, so there went that idea.

When Dave arrived, yet another female appeared at his door. She was tall, skinny, blonde-haired, blue-eyes, and of course very pretty. This girl seemed a bit older though, still young though, at the age of nineteen, and it was only when Dave got closer that he realized who it was. “Kenfi Kai Castle.” Nicknamed Kenny or Kai, this was one of Jenna’s college friends (the bubbly one, or so Jenna described), no doubt here for a social girl’s-night. From what Dave had heard and seen, Kenfi was very secretive and had a fetish for surprising people, but mainly because she liked being sneaky, and not to hold leverage against people. She seemed to be rather under-intelligent, but she went to Jenna’s college, and kept up her grades, so maybe she was not as dumb as people thought.

“Hi Kenfi.” Dave greeted as he walked inside. He did not dare call her “Ken, Kenny, or Kai” fearing that she would take offense.

“Hey, Dave.” She greeted with a small wave, also walking inside. “I dropped over to help organize.” It was true that the house had yet to be fully realized into a normal home-form, but Dave hoped and thought that it was to wait till his parents arrived. And while many things were unpacked, and put in their place, there were many still that still had the tape on the boxes.

They quickly went to work, with Dave taking small opportunities to sneak off, with long bathroom breaks, and pausing for minutes at a time in the work. It was not mainly procrastination-driven, but more-so by the thoughts of what he could have said or done with any of the new people he had met; mainly the girl with the yellow eyes and red hair, whom he never got the name from.

They began at lunch and ended at five o-clock, thoroughly wasting Dave’s day, but the next day was free, so there was still hope for some Zombie-destroying.

*ding dong* Went the door-bell, with Dave diligently dove towards to drive the drilling knob dramatically from his dark-oak and dense counterpart counter-clockwise continuously… Dave opened the door.

A neighbor that Dave recalled seeing briefly as he sped by earlier that day was at his door. A teenage boy, with his father and mother and sister. He had slightly messy black hair, a white shirt, a black jacket, jeans, and red eyes. They were all smiling, and holding some boxes, which were easily classified as “Welcome to the neighborhood” gifts.

“Hello.” The boy said in a slightly timid tone. “I’m Kyle. These are my parents and my sister. We uh… came to bring some presents for you and your family moving in.”

Finally someone that did not seem strange. “Come on in.” Dave offered, and they did so; obliged. They sat the tins down, then began to converse with Jenna, Kenfi, and Dave.

At first the mother of the family felt a bit off with two girls and one boy, all close to the same age, instead of a normal family. “… Are your parents home?” She asked.

Dave did not have the wits or words to reply, so Jenna saved him. “They aren’t arriving yet. So I’m taking care of my brother. This is my … friend, Kenfi,” Jenna had to pause when using the friend-word, as she was still deciding if Kenfi was in fact that, “who came to help us unload. Our parents will arrive eventually.”

“Where are they… if you don’t mind me asking.” Kyle questioned.

“They had to finish some business papers, and some accounts. Paper-work and stuff like that.” Dave answered.


“… Is something wrong?” Dave asked.

“Huh? Oh. No. I was just thinking, how do you stay entertained? You’ve been here for… a day?”

“That’s about right.” Jenna answered.

“You tell me.” Dave added. “My only form of entertainment, or lack-there-of, was working and going to the store. Is there somewhere that people usually go to hang out for fun?”

Kyle shrugged. “Not that much. There’s some kids that hang out in the ruin-areas, but they scatter pretty easily. Most of the people here are kind of strange.”

“I’ve noticed…” Dave realized that what he had just said sounded as if it could be offensive to Kyle and his family so he quickly corrected himself, “N-not that I mean you guys of course. I’ve just run into some weird individuals. Like a girl named Rin, a-“

“Rin? How long did she stick around before running off?” Kyle interrupted, obviously surprised by this.

“Uh… she ran off as soon as I got her out of my closet?” Dave answered in a question form. “Is she hard to talk to?”

“Well she’s pretty anti-social. Most people aren’t very nice to her, so she stays away from a lot of them. I don’t know her very well, but she seems nice to me. She’s the cousin of the town bully too, so people really don’t like her.”

“Cousin? The family is that bad?”

“I haven’t met her parents, and I don’t meant to be rude, but Ira, her cousin, really is that bad. She and her sidekick. They’ve got a nice little sister though named Holly.”

This conversation turned the parents in a wrong way, so they chose to leave. The younger sister waved goodbye, and they were off. “Well at least I know a guy who I can actually talk to normally now.” Dave mumbled.

The rest of that night involved Kenfi and Jenna doing organizing and board-games, while Dave did a lot of Resident Evil.
added by silverstream101
Source: Paint and Me
added by KinkyFeathers
Source: me
added by Evolia-Wulf
Source: Me of course! Always meeeee...
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added by Manicrules4ever
The long awaited vid of my chara's theme song XD;
added by TakTheFox
Source: ME! THE AIR! PIE!
added by MattTheLynxX
Source: me
added by GuardianKeys
Source: Myself and Blossom1111
added by Fidus-Achates
Source: Character (c) TakTheFox
added by Thirddevision
Source: me
added by Skull-Rose
Source: read the freakin desc!!!
added by Talythehedgehog
added by ricardo98
Source: Ricardo the hedgehog
added by Emo-Bunny
Source: Emo-bunny
added by Emo-Bunny
Source: Emo-bunny
added by silvaria_fan23
Source: This Guy ROcks
added by PhoenixRoyale
Source: PhoenixRoyale
added by tailslover9
Source: Me
added by smartone123
Source: me(drawing) oc(blazecat)
added by CosmoLuvsTails
Source: CosmoLuvsTails