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posted by TakTheFox
Welcome to “Sonic Fan Fighters” where I take characters with interesting powers, fighting styles, motivations, backstories, etc. and basically talk about em all. It’s not really a review, but more of an info-article so you can get to know more about the characters.
For now I’m just doing my own, but I’m hoping to get requests for other characters that I don’t own in the future.

Number 1

Rynk Hellborn

So what do you think of when someone has their last name be “Hellborn”? Just wondering. What do you pitcture?

Well what do you picture when you think of Rynk?
In Rynk’s first appearance (Mobius Academy chapter one) she’s mostly some random fun-clusmy-friendly girl who follows Grace around. She’s nice, she goes by the rules, and she usually avoids anything violent.

Two things change it
ONE: It’s all an act.
TWO: Manifestation

Starting in the early days of Rynk’s life, Rynk was a street urchin in a messed up city known as SEMRETCHES. Back then she only had two actual abilities.
1.     Metal bones
2.    Sticking to walls.

But eventually Rynk went through a power-puberty. Her Manifestation.
After getting older, a DNA-machine malfunction, and lots of Identity-serum injections, Rynk’s SIX DNA’s became unleashed.

1.    Lynx
Lynx is the least useful, and the only non-powerful form. All it does is make Rynk look like a lynx, and not something disgusting… or something… (SECRET X{D). It’s not that important, so moving on.
2.    Xorda
This is the DNA Rynk personally hates the most. Why? Because it’s an alien octopus. Melcro wanted to see how far Rynk could absorb DNA’s, so this happened.
Her Xorda DNA increases her brain power (no psychic powers), and gives her electrified tentacle arms and legs, but it’s grey and suction-cuppy, so she usually only uses parts of it, like on her arms. Thankfully the DNA does not look like a normal octopus, but more a mobian version (picture a female short Vilgax… only not ugly). She can extend the tentacles and have two for each arm and leg. (TO ALL YOU PERVS OUT THERE, THIS IS NOT HENTAI BASED! XORDA ARE REAL SONIC FRANCHISE ALIENS! I DID NOT MAKE THEM UP JUST FOR TENTACLE STUFF)
3.    Mobian Core
Mobian Core basically turns Rynk into an energy being. It allows her to be completely non-harmable, and can generate energy for attacks, but is very hard to do, and drains her a lot. She turns white and blue… moving on.
4.    Identity
The first Hellborn DNA on this list, Rynk’s Identity form is like the Mobian Core only reversed. Instead of being untouchable and make some energy attacks, she’s only a little harder to hurt, and creates a lot of energy attacks. It also allows her to morph, but only the energy she has, as she is not Nanite-composed, and therefore cannot morph her actual body. It drains her energy quickly though.
5.    Acid Monster
Hellborn species 2; Created by SierraDawnV2, and apparently (even though I’m still against using demons in franchises) from a demon infecting people, acid monsters are water-hating, dark and EPIC creatures, that can create acid they produce from their bloodstream. Rynk has TWO DNA’s that were her original, before Melcro. Guess what the father side was? FERAL Acid Monster. Feral acid-monsters in a nutshell go into an insane rage and get a power boost and hostility drive because of it. Rynk can only get to this though if she stays as an acid monster long enough, and does not plan to.
6.    Banshee Mobians
The third Hellborn species, and Rynk’s most potent; banshees. Rynk’s banshee DNA gave Rynk her…
~Accent changes
~Metal Bones
~Sound abilities
~second claws
~Lets her fly
~And (Mary-sueish or not) her good looks.
Banshees are attractive-looking, sound-creatures, that even though they are pure-white, are from DARK ENERGY. The strongest type being DARICHA banshees, where Rynk got her moon stripes. They are rage-based, like how there are Three-mood identities, and feral acid-monsters. (Rynk does not have three mood identity DNA though). Sadly though, because of the mixed DNA’s, sound can hurt Rynk, unlike normal banshees, and with her large ears, a normal scream can hurt.

Fighting style/fighting moves

Rynk has two types of fighting styles

The first is mainly countering. Rynk waits till someone tries to attack her, then will either dodge and attack, or allow herself to get hit but attack at the same time. She usually does this with her hands, as she has no nerves in her hands, hence the reason she likes using her feet so much, seeing how she can feel with those. Most of the time she uses this in simple fights, or fights that don’t involve big power attacks.

Fighting move one: Tangle
Mostly used with fist fights, if someone tries to kick or punch Rynk, she will move to the side, wrap her leg around the arm or legs grab the end of the person’s leg or hand, and YANK HARD in the most unnatural direction she can. She usually does this till the limb is completely off.

Fighting move two: Slide
Basically she ducks under an attack while sliding, and digs her claws into the… torso of her enemy then throws them forward.

Fighting move three: Spider
Though this move actually was not inspired by arachnids, it looks a lot like a spider spinning a web around a victim. Rynk will dig her claws into the enemy then climb and spin around them, dragging her metal claws around with her. If she can’t drag her claws, she’ll just stick them with them while doing this instead, multiple times.

Fighting move four: Sparta Kick
Rynk kicks you in the crotch, full force. Doesn’t matter what gender, it hurts to have your bones stabbed. Not that affective, but fun.

The second fighting style is head on full rip-your-head-off. Rynk will go from digging her claws into someone’s head, and then pulling their head apart, to even draining them of blood with her sharp teeth. And to answer the question that sentence probably got you asking, YES, and NO, Rynk is and is not a vampire.

During Mobius Academy, Rynk got bit by a vampire once, but thankfully did not get a permanent form because of it. But she did get some things.
Before the bite, Rynk was not as… gory of a fighter, and when she bit people, she did it with regret, finding it disgusting. After the bite well… she bites people a lot more, and blood-thirsty. Not that she’d actually drink the blood, but she might hold it in her mouth before spitting it out.

Also, because of her Dark energy, Rynk can, via bite, extract thirty percent of someone’s DNA for a short time, depending on how much she consumes of the person. This gives her their powers, at a smaller scale, their personality, and some memories. This cancels out all other DNA’s though while in use, which makes it a very dangerous move seeing how normally, Rynk can be saved with her metal bones no matter what form she’s in, but when she does this vampire-bite she loses them, making her only as strong as the DNA that she gets.}

Back to the fighting style…
Her fighting moves depend on what DNA she’s using. I’ll use one for each.

Normal DNA Fighting move: Backflip
CLAW BASED FULLY. Rynk basically digs her claws into the chest of her opponent, then backflips upward, jerking the wound upward, and using her other claws while flying upward, then slamming her opponent into the ground.

Xorda DNA Fighting move: Lasso
Rynk extends the tentacles, grabs and electrifies her opponent(s), then (if one person) will repeatedly ram them into the ground in a circular motion, and (if two people or more) spin them into each other while still electrifying them.

Mobian Core DNA Fighting move: Just hurt
Rynk usually goes with quick attacks when she can, but when in mobian core mode, she doesn’t have to worry about taking damage, so she ignores all attacks, and basically uses all her strength to beat up her enemies in one specific vital part for as long as she can.

Identity Core DNA Fighting move: Spartan Laser
Using her tag-line “Sparta”, Rynk charges an energy cannon, but instead of just blasting with it, she will use it like a hammer (or foot) and hit you with it. It’s like getting hit by Hulk, only he’s a giant lightsaber.

Acid Monster DNA Fighting move: Flow
Rynk takes any opportunity that she can to stab you, and aims for your head, mouth, or stomach. Don’t let her. If you do, she fills you with acid, till you’re like a balloon, then splats you on the floor like a water balloon popping.

Banshee Mobian DNA Fighting move: Sound-quake
While Rynk does like creating Sound-energy blasts, she loves this move more, mainly because it uses her feet. Using her flight capabilities, she’ll fly as high as she can, then charge downward into the ground, blasting sound energy with her feet, which in turn blows everything away, then keeps blasting energy for a good ten seconds longer before finally letting up.

Rynk is not a defense person. Her only defense is in her counter moves, and her metal bones. She almost never blocks, and ignores the pain as best she can, focusing on making her enemy fall before she does. This is very dangerous, and can be fatal, but Rynk’s a risk taker with nothing to lose, until… she loses.


Rynk has two types of overdrives

If mad enough, Rynk can go Dark anything, due to her Banshee DNA being linked to the others. This gives her extreme energy, which she uses to either blast a giant energy cannon, which drains the energy from whatever it hits, or do an energy blast with it, with the same effect. Sadly though, this almost never happens, because she doesn’t get mad enough, but even when it does, it’s hard to control, and containing all the energy is very hard.
Fusing Identity, Acid-Monster, and Banshee powers, Rynk becomes engulfed in energy-armor from all three DNA’s, and uses this to destroy whoever she’s against, then when it’s all out, she uses the last of it to create three different energy blasts, one from each DNA.

1.    As experienced of a fighter as she may seem, Rynk is only aware of her surroundings when her large ears alert her, and when they do, she has to figure out what it is, and aside from that is rather oblivious to danger in general.
2.    Her metal bones are a good defense, but sometimes can turn against her. Picture this, your bone breaks, but instead of snapping, it bends. BENDS. As in, pointed the wrong direction. Painful when it happens, and worse when someone tries to fix it for two reasons. (1) If the person tries to bend it back, it is maddeningly painful, and (2) if they can’t… it breaks off, and they have to cut Rynk open, and pull out the broken piece, then wait for it to regrow. Not fun.
3.    Nerves. Rynk has very few nerves; at least in vital areas like her hands. She has no nerves in her hands (as stated prior), and few in her feet. Her ears have few, and the rest of her body has barely average. This makes her not notice if someone stabs her sometimes, and when she does, it can usually be too late.
4.    Again, Sound. Unless in her banshee form, Rynk is very harmed by sound. Blast it high enough and she is in deep pain.
5.    Stamina. Normally Rynk is very energetic, but can get drained of her stamina quickly when using, transforming, and damaging her six DNA’s. She’s very persistent, and will go running on near empty, but you fight her long enough, unless she goes Daricha (which almost NEVER happens), she’s out for the count until woken up, that is if her opponent doesn’t chop her head off first.


Originally Rynk’s fighting motivation was just to get better and keeping herself alive, seeing how she lived on the streets for so long, but after her Manifestation, she got much more punch-happy for the thrill, and after the bite, she got even more eager to beat people up. Thankfully though, she does not lash out at allies, and if she does its verbal. But controlling her around enemies can be hard at times.
So what’s her motivation?
“To make them feel the pain they deserve, and the rage I feel.” ~Rynk

Gary-stu/Mary-sue level
Six-DNA’s +6
Metal Bones + 1
Overdrive form + 1
Fusion attacks + 1
Five Weaknesses – 5

FINAL: 4 points
Rynk is 44 % Mary-sue making her a B-level fighting character

So that’s number one.
Hopes ya liked it.

Have a request for a character leave it in the comments.

Think you have a different opinion about the Mary-sue level, you can state it, just don’t be mean.

posted by TakTheFox
Guardian Angel

“So much has happened. Such… terrible things. First Commander St. John… betrayed the Freedom Fighters, and helped Ixis Naugus take control, AS KING! How could everyone be so gullible? Did they forget all the terrible things that Naugus had done before? I haven’t. I just came back from seeing Commander D’coolette. He’s… very hurt. I only got a glimpse, because the nurse said that she didn’t want any more people crashing their heads into his bed… which was kind of weird. The time-traveling hedgehog was here a little bit ago. Silver is what I think they called him....
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posted by gyrothehedgehog
Name: Nitro the Fox
Age:believed to be 12 *is immortal*
Gender: Male
Powers: Can go out of his physical body and into peoples' heads
Weakness: When out of his body, he basically goes into a coma and cannot move his physical body at all, he can only speak
Personality: A tad sadistic, yet he is loyal to his closest friends. He may become giddy in the most terrifying of situations and oddly unhappy when he can't do something disturbing.
Eye/fur color: Nitro is a dark brown fox with one red eye, one green eye and two snakes to serve as tails
Outfit: none, he prefers to just wear a gold chain around his...
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[Warning: Minor gore and blood.]

Mother was supposed to be bringing home a new dress for me.
She said it was supposed to be white and beautiful and I would look absolutely lovely.
That isn't how it happened though.
I still looked lovely, but in a different way.

I sat in my play room, surrounded by my many dolls. My dress was a deep purple velvet. The was a ribbon to match in my hair. All my dolls were expensive dresses, like me. My older brother was in the room down the wall. He hasn't come out for days. The maids had to bring him his food, but he hasn't eaten it. I worry for him. The whole house...
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Take it from me, I'm just a Magilancer who almost destroyed the whole world. When monsters colide with the real world, you can't rest until everyone and everything is safe. Yes, I have to admit that I didn't exactly keep everyone and everything safe, but atleast I kept everything from blowing up.
Not exactly the normalest day for me, or any other wizard. It was gloomy and quiet, the way I liked it. A lot of buildings were broken and qracked. One just happened to have an unbroken mirror and some tape. I walked in through the corridor and broke the mirror. I use the tape and shard of glass to...
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posted by gyrothehedgehog
The blow was about to come. I knew that just by looking at his face, twisted in anger, that the hand was going to come down on me. It did, as predicted and left behind a black and blue mark on my cheek. “Don’t lie to me, Gyro. What were you doing with Rex?” I clung to my aching cheek, cradling it with one hand. “It was nothing. All I did was talk to him.” Pain shattered into my other cheek, leaving behind a red mark. “Didn’t I say not to lie to me? Now tell me what really happened.” His words were clipped and low, and his red eyes were darker then usual as extremely light blue...
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posted by Scorch-Werehog
    As we followed Earthquake, we noticed some things in the trees that we had never seen before. “I think these are called Chaos Spears,” said Alymere.
    “Well, how would we know that?” asked Blaster.
    Please just shut up! I thought. I walked faster trying to see what was ahead of us. Then, a Chaos Spear past my head, just missing my ear. “What the...”
    In the distance, we heard yelling.
    “What is going on over there?” I asked.
    “You’re about...
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posted by Scorch-Werehog
“Where did Silver go?” asked Blaster.
    “I’m right in front of you.”
    “No, you’re not.”
    Then we say his form come out of nowhere. “Now do you believe me?”
    “Well, yes, but I didn’t think you could turn invisible.”
    He laughed. “He can’t. But I can.” His form changed from a hedgehog to a chameleon. His tail was long, he had a single horn in the middle of his face, his scales were green, and his eyes were a sapphire blue.
    “And you...
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posted by Scorch-Werehog
    “What the hell?!” I whispered. By the looks on Earthquake and Blasters’ face, they were thinking the same this.
    “Hey, we at least know it isn’t us, right?” Blaster asked.
    “He’s right, you know.”
    “I know, I know. I just don’t like when he’s right, Earthquake.”
    Then, the one that Blight called Gun washed his fur off as well. It instantly became a vibrant purple, a scare over his right eye, and sharp teeth.
    “That looks really scary,”...
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posted by SaraTheDog

Song:Get On The Floor
Color:Hot pink


People who tell her what to do.
The smell of failure on herself

Fav sayings:
Treat others the way you DON'T want to be treated.

Picking locks.
Escapeing from jail without anyone knowing for months.

What to do for free time:
-.- Get drunk.
Insult books.
Insult people.
Hangout with friends...Or random people she dosn't know.

Other:She is just about always drunk.Also you can never really stop getting in trouble.
posted by Scorch-Werehog
It was a cool day in October when a hedgehog by the name of Scorch was born. He has the power of fire, and some strength. But once a echidna by the name of Lycantic found out about Scorch, he wanted to kill him. So, when Scorch was about a month old, Lycantic went to go and kill him. But his brother Frost wasn't too happy about what he was about to do. So when Lycantic went to go kill Scorch, Frost followed him. Frost knew that Lycantic would use a death spell on Scorch so he put a spell on Lycantic so he would do a completely different spell on him. The spell that he did instead made Scorch...
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posted by -Wednesday-
Character Chart
Character's full name: Hamano Suiyoubi Nevermore
Reason or meaning of name: none
Character's nickname: God or Nevermore.
Reason for nickname: She is a god and Nevermore is her adoptive mother’s last name.
Birth date: October 16th
Gender: Female
Theme: Don’t Stop - InnerPartySystem

Physical appearance
Age: Unknown
How old does he/she appear: 20
Weight: 28 lbs.
Height: 4”8
Body build: Slim, but large thighs and large breasts.
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye colour: Brown.
Glasses or contacts: Amber colored contacts.
Skin tone: Pale.
Distinguishing marks: Horns, arrow pointed cross tattoo, cat like...
continue reading...
Date this chart was completed: 4/6/2012

Profile for second Rin (After the Conflicts Arcane)

Character's Full Name: *deep breath* Iron-Nicole Rin Chaos Identity Virus Seven Server Spelunking
Reason or meaning of name: Rin was the name randomly given to her by Nick Falon. Iron-Nicole was who she was originally. Identity is the name of her self-appointed species. Virus is the name of what she was in her second form. Chaos as in Chaos Energy, which she is composed of. Seven Server because she a Zonac Soul. Spelunking because she felt like naming herself that for no reason at all.
Nickname: Rin, Freak...
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posted by ShadowChaos
"Great. This is just great. I'm stuck with two people that I'm not impressed with." I said. Silver and Twilight looked over at me as if I were a nuclear bomb. "You know, Shadow, that isn't nice to say about people." Silver explained to me. Do I care? I asked myself. "Why don't we find out who took my memories now?" Twilight asked me. "Twilight, it's not that simple. We have to go on a journey to learn about you first. Plus, the person who took your memories had a reason to take them." I told him. "But my friends told me someone took your memories once. So you kind of know how I feel..." Twilight...
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posted by Ellowyn
Classical piano music flew by Ellowyn's ears. She turned around, and saw another girl walking her way, singing some sort of tune to herself. Ellowyn tugged at her big daddy's hand and pointed at her.

"Look, Mister Bubbles! Look at her!"

Bouncer refused and nudged Ellowyn forward slightly towards a corpse on the ground.

"Not now, Mister B! Look!"

'Song of songs.. Love is calling, daughter wake up from your sleep..~' The other girl began singing.


Ellowyn jumped into the air, her eyes went wide as her underwater wonderland became what she dreaded most once again.

Old signs hung by a thread. Blood...
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posted by Ciara-the-Gecko
Chapter 2: Queen of my Heart


Lyssa woke up, her body ached all over and she felt cold. She pulled the blanket over her properly and looked around, the walls were a bland cream colour, the carpet…the carpet was an ugly grey and it looked terribly worn. There was a faint smell of burnt toast in the air, too.
"Where am I?" she asked to the silence
"You're in my house, Lyssa," Aria replied, leaning on the door "it's good to see you're awake, do you feel ok?" Lyssa nodded; surprised that Aria had been living in such conditions. She looked at Aria who had changed into...
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She giggled incoherently and swerved serpentine on the road in her black porsche. She really should have gotten a designated driver, but no one was available, so she drove. When she was drunk, she:
A.) thinks everything is a fun game.
B.) SEEKS OUT trouble.
and C.) Is easy prey.

 Right now, both A and B were applied. She intentionally went over the speed limit by 20 MPH. 
 When she heard the sirens, there were three things she could have thought.
1.) I can do this. SO LONG, SUCKAS.
2.) Mm... Trick #1.
or 3.) Trick #2.
 She thought the third one, and slowly and safely pulled over. There's a reason...
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SPIKE AWOKE. He then realized he was alone, and he heard the Tornado2 start up.
"WAIT FOR ME!" Spike yelled.
Spike threw the covers off of him and ran outside. He looked past the door to see that Tails was just testing the Tornado2. Windy could be seen, tapping her foot in impacience. Spike let out a sigh of releif.
Windy saw Spike looking out the doorway.
"YO SPIKE WAZZUP?" She yelled speaking over the racket the Tornado2 made.
Tails put on his gogles.
Spike and Windy shrugged as they walked up to the machine.
Windy climbed in. That's when spike noticed the...
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A RED ONE TAILED FOX made his way through the brush. He had a horn-like spike on his forehed, one in each ear, one on his chest pelt, one on each elbow, and one on the back of each hand. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, which wasn't very fast.
"Stupid legs! If I had more than a 9th grade education I would make you go faster!" he said.
"Spike get back here!" he heard his parents shout behind him.
Spike hid behind a tree. Above him, he heard rustling, then a hedgehog with green supersonic hair and black tips on her quills. It wore a purple dress and and appeared to be a female. She...
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posted by Evolia-Wulf
What Penku looks like....
What Penku looks like....
Oasis- CH1 Part 2/5
“Speraitin’ kids from deir guardians…dat’s somethin’ ya don’t mention ta me!”

((The next Chapter 1 piece to Oasis. For a previous update follow the link below.))

Flesh parted under the keen blade gliding with swift steadiness across an alarming red wound. A hiss rattled from the chest inches from her hand. The clink of a metal scalpel tapping a wooden bowl mixed in din of soft voices touching cool halls.
“Hrrgg…” The voice rose from its hiss, a growl now, choked with pain, “Vaccine…that…that hurts…!”
Soft pink eyes fell over the agonized...
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It's short but it should give some ideas:

After all of the fighting, struggles, sadness and misery; they're all but torn apart...They tried to make everything right and make everyone happy...But it ended so badly...They never thought it would end like this...The dream's all but a faint, non-existant memory...~

I hope it gives you a thought on how it'll be. I'm going to try my best to make it worth your time to read it. Oh and may I ask if the title sounded good? Once again; any questions, comments or concerns?