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posted by TakTheFox
Virus Profile
Based in Identity Wars storyline time


Name: Virus
Nickname: V
If character has one, REAL name: Anti-Nicole
Reason for Name: She is the anti-verse NICOLE

Birthdate: Moebius-Time: 3222
Age currently: 3-million-and-80
Age at beginning of story: 3-million-and-75
Age character appears to be:


Species: Elder-Identity-Lynx-form

Primary Color (Main fur/skin): red/brown
Secondary Color (Mouth, chest, ect.): black

Eye-color: red
Other Eye-details: her pupils are red

Does character have hair?: yes
(If so, the following)
Color of hair: black
Style of hair: long, spread out
Does character have this type of hair often?: yes
If not, what other types/colors are there?: anything creepy XD

Height: 6.2
Weight: 90

Scars/Markings (Tattoos, ect.): her stripes

Distinguishing marks: the fact that she glows

Body type (Fat, skinny, healthy, fair, ect.): Normal-skinny

Tail?: Yes
If so, how long?: 3 feet
If so, how many?: one

Accent: American-Irish-Russian (it changes XD)
Nationality: Moebian

Body part that character considers best part: Her hands
Why: They can do terrible things

Body part the character considers worst part: She doesn’t


Head: diamond
Neck: jeweled-collar
Top: long black and red dress
Waist: leather-belt
Bottom: none
Hands: black gloved
Feet: sandals
Does character have variations of outfits?: Yes
If so, what?: Anything
Is there anything special about the character’s clothing (boots, gloves, scarf, ect.)?: No
Is there a special backstory behind the Clothing?: Yes. It is very similar to what the being known as Virus-Prime wore*
*Virus-Prime was the original and first Virus to ever live. 3-million years before the identities were created.

Jewelry?: Yes
If so, where?: Her head, her neck
Does jewelry have special properties?: No
Is there a special backstory behind the jewelry?: No


Weapons?: Yes
If so, what types?: She likes to turn other people’s weapons on themselves, but usually transforms her arms or legs and such into whips, among other things.
Are weapons carrying special properties?: Aside from being part of her… no.
Is there a special backstory behind the weapons?: No
Does character use these often?: Yes and no. She uses them often in a fight, but she doesn’t need to fight as much as she used to.

Other items: None

Does character have a mode of transportation?: Yes
If so, what, and how many?: Everything she can get her hands on

Any pets?: No


Likes: Pain, torture, horror, fighting, trickery, shadows, talking, humor, walking, spinning, making people do things against their will.
Dislikes: Defeat, people that are too powerful (Gary-Stu/Mary-sue), failure, destruction of important items, having her time wasted, boredom

Querks: None
Tendencies: Smiling creepily, stroking people’s faces, attacking randomly

Does character have an addiction?: Yes
If so, to what?: Power

Is character friendly?: She is, but not in a good way
Is character Depressed?: Slightly

Is character violent?: Very

Does character enjoy reading a book, playing a physical game, playing a video game, or watching TV?: Playing a physical game

Was character’s personality different before the story began?: Yes
If so, how?: She was less evil


How would character react to a large-mass conflict (Giant robots, super-form evil people)?: She would relish in it, and try to make the battle last as long as possible
How would character react to a small-mass conflict (Quarrels, arguments)?: She would kill whoever was arguing

If character was offered a large amount of money to kill someone, would they do it?: She would kill them regardless

How does character first approach people?:
If she wants to be friendly (Be-friending, deceiving, probing): She would turn to her less scary form (Miss Ira) and casually greet with a sweet innocent smile.
If she wants to be hostile: She would keep her normal form, and still try to manipulate them even if she is attacking them. The only one that is better at this is Device.
How does character react to being approached?: She would greet kindly, as she would see this as a way to get yet another victim.

How would character react to someone complimenting in a flirtatious way?: She would reply in the same way
How would character react to being teased in a flirtatious way?: Same

If a complete stranger asked character out, how would they react?: She would probably sick her identities on the person
If a friend asked character out, how would they react?: She would say no, as to give them one chance to run away, and if they continued, she would bite their lips off, and… something else

What would character do if they found a large amount of money on the ground?: Ignore it
How would character react to someone trying to steal from them?: She would torture the people closest to that person until the person agreed to work for her, then torture them still

How would character react to the death of a friend/family member: Unless it was Holly or Device, she wouldn’t care very much, though there are other people (Lisa Stream, Kenfi, others) that she would actually regret killing for different reasons.

Emotional reactions

-Anger: Her anger almost always turns to insane humor and mindless/barbaric attacks

-Happiness: She would grin very pleased with whatever and enjoy herself by going to blow up some random town

-Love: If she was to feel love, which she had before, she would probably lock herself from everyone until the feeling went away

-Confusion: She would do her best to figure out whatever confused her, and if she couldn’t she’d either force whoever knew to tell her, or ignore it

-Loneliness: If lonely she would either kidnap one of Rin’s allies, usually a boy to taunt, or spend some time with Holly

-Aggression: When aggressive Virus will act like she is holding nothing back, but she really is just using a small part of her aggression. It causes her to not care how, but go through whatever means to get what she wants.

-Protective: She doesn’t feel genuine protectiveness for many people. In general she will simply tell whoever is attacking the person she is aiding some huge and detailed lie to get them off the person’s back, but only if she needs them. She does feel protectiveness over Lisa Stream and Holly though. Lisa because Virus and Lisa actually knew each other when in the time of Virus-Prime, and Holly because Holly is Virus’s daughter.

-Sadness: The only time she would actually be nice genuinely; Virus would simply stop doing whatever, and just sit somewhere, or get angry and torture someone till she felt better.

-Conflict/Danger: She loves danger and conflict, seeing how she is very daredevil-ish. She will go head-on, and not care how much she loses, as long as she enjoys herself.

-Rejection: The only person that could actually hurt her with rejection is Holly. If that were to happen, she would probably kill herself, but sadly Holly isn’t smart enough to say that in time.

-Fear: One of the very few things she fears is Nicole-Prime, and being controlled. Even defeat doesn’t stop her, because she can just bounce-back. Control however causes her to lose free-will. She would make little tick-moves, and lash out at people. The one true fear however, that she does tremble at, is Sheela.

-Change: It would depend on the change. If positive, she would enjoy it obviously, and dislike but see as a challenge is bad.

-Loss: The loss of someone or something she held dear would impact her greatly, and possibly keep her quiet for a day or so, but it would not stop her.

-Flirting: If someone is flirting with her, she will feel special, but only if they actually flirt when she’s in her normal form, and even then she wouldn’t feel anything towards them.

-Pain: She would either get angry, or see it as a challenge, and relish in it.

-Stress: Stres leads to aggression.

-Peer pressure: If feeling pressured she would way her options, and probably seek council from Device, or just capture someone and ask them.

-Guilt: She always feels guilt, but she’s somehow made it into a good thing. To her it’s like she’s accomplished a goal every time she’s done something guilty.

-Being wrong: If minor then she moves on, if it happens over and over, she will just go for the destroy or do whatever approach out of anger.

-Being criticized: She would usually agree. The only thing that she would defend about herself is caring about Holly. She would not defend about Lisa though, seeing how she does not show that she wants Lisa’s well-being at all, which she actually does for very important reasons (survival being one)

-Praise: If praised she will relish it, and take in what she can, but move on soon after.

-Being hated: She will either not care, enjoy it, or if important she will feel bad slightly, then act sarcastic about it

-Humiliation: If humiliated she goes all happy-mad and does whatever she can to kill whoever humiliated her. If it is continued, she will go into one of her SIX moods (Virus is beyond three-mood), and destroy the person’s planet if she can.

Greatest source of strength in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not): Her leadership, brainpower, aggression
Greatest source of weakness in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not): Her lack of patience, somewhat lack of temper, and lack of mercy

Character's soft spot: Holly
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Yes

Biggest vulnerability: Either being controlled, having those she’s controlled being released of her control, or Holly’s or Lisa’s death

Which of the 7 deadly sins does character fight (or give into, willingly or not)?: Greed, Wrath, Envy, Pride
(lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride)

Which of the 7 virtues does your character have (or fight against)?: Diligence, Abstinence
(chastity, abstinence, leberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility)

Optimist or pessimist?: Mostly Pessimist
Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert
Drives and motivations?: The reward, the amount she may enjoy from it, the amount of challenge it represents

Extremely skilled at: persuasion, quick-thinking, quickness, physical-awareness, and resourcefulness
Extremely unskilled at: controlling herself (though she’s very good at knowing where a trap will be), caring about losses

Mannerisms: Sitting while looking down at people, standing upward with her hands at her side clenched into fists, glaring with a smile on her face

Peculiarities: Her Face for one, her glow, her voice, her signature when doing whatever

One word character would use to describe self: Mostly-evil

One paragraph description of how character would describe self: “I know I’m the bad-girl, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know right from stupid. I know Mercy isn’t a bad thing, and I know when something isn’t worth it, but do you think I care? I’ve got nothing but one thing to live for, so I will do whatever I please. I love the thrill of pain and challenge, and I will never turn to hero. The only chance I would have changed this died three-million years ago.”

What four things would CHARACTER most like to change about self? (#1 most important, #2 second most important, etc.)
1.    Her choice as becoming Virus-Prime
2.    The fusion with Iron-Nicole
3.    Not killing Iron-Nicole when she could have
4.    Her fear of Sheela



A.    – Chaos Energy
1.    – Outward
2.    – Inward
3.    – Control and manipulation of various elements
B.    – Nanites
1.    – regeneration
2.    – Transforming
3.    – Inward Use
C.    – Elder-Identity
1.    – Control over other identities
2.    – Connection to other Identities
3.    – The ability to absorb other Identities (body and soul)

Elemental powers?: None. She can manipulate elements, seeing how she has Chaos Energy, but she cannot use them normally

Physical skils

Flexibility: 10
Strength: 15
Speed: 13
Endurance: 14

Mental Skills

Memory: 10
Text-book knowledge: 13
Street knowledge: 12
Computer knowledge: 14
Other Knowledge: 10

Most recognized Skills (Top most noticed, bottom least)
1. Her aggression
2. Her quick-thinking
3. Her persuasiveness
4. Her control
5. Her creepiness


Color: Red
Music: None
Art (Gory, nature, romantic, ect.): None
Food: None
Book: Unknown
Quote(s): Unknown
Actor: Unknown
Historical character: Dark Dareth
Present character: Unknown
Fictional character: None
Type of transportation: None
Physical game (Tag, Hide-and-seek, ect.): Keep-away
Video-Game: None
Television show: None
Movie: None


Hometown: Mobius-Prime-6
Did character always live there?: No
If not, where else?: Hybria, Mobocan, Iblicis, etc.

Basic summary of character’s life before story began: She was one half of a fusion of two different Nicoles that were going to die. They had to fuse to survive, and created Virus-Prime. Virus-Prime went on a vast amount of adventures, both good and bad, but eventually reverted. The two Nicoles split up, and soon after the Identities emerged. Anti-Nicole (Virus) was trapped on a close-off dimension till Device freed her, and ever since she has been trying to gain control of all the identities.


Does character have parents?: No
How was character created, and by whom?: Dr. Kintobor of Moebius in hopes of making an cure for Buns-Bunny


Does character have children?: Yes
If so, how many?: One or millions
Are children still alive?: Mostly

Do Children play a special part in character’s life?: Yes, Holly did
Is there a special child?: Yes, Holly


Job?: Taking over the identities
Does character enjoy job?: Yes
Has character had other jobs before this one?: Yes
If so, what?: too many to list

Current-home: Uknown location
Does character like current-home?: Somewhat
Has Character lived other places before current-home?: YEs
If so, where?: Too many to list

Is character wealthy?: Yes


Who are Character’s friends (If they have any)?: Device

What would character consider a friend to be?: She wouldn’t. She doesn’t have those. She has allies.

Which people have influenced character the most?: Holly, Rin, Device, Nicole, Kenfi

Who does character openly admire?: No one
Who does character secretly admire?: She doesn’t know yet

Who are character’s enemies?: Rin, The Iron-Identities, Yxari, Yxari’s allies, Nicole, Logan, and pretty much anyone else that isn’t on her side
Have they always been enemies?: All but Nicole, Rin, and Logan.

Is there a story behind the character and their enemies?: Yes
If so, what?: Nicole and Virus were allies from time to time on Mobius-Prime-6, Logan was one of the people Virus befriended on the planet she was trapped on, and Rin was the Iron-Nicole that Virus had to fuse to

Is character married?: No

Does character have a crush on someone?: No

Other Friendship information

Who would character consider to be their best friend: Device
Why: She’s the most loyal

When did character and best friend first meet: When Device freed her from the planet she was trapped on
Most treasured memory between character and best friend: Making Device her successor, or second-in-command, next to Holly

Have they always been best friends: I suppose

Were they at one point enemies: No

What is the relationship between character and best friend: They are allies, and the closest thing to friends. They both have the same ideals to a point, though Virus is more freaky, but Device admires that.


How others perceive character
Friend: Glorious
Enemy: Dangerous, Evil
Stranger: Scary
Parent: Disapointing, Saddened
Sibling: Lost
Offspring: … HAT! (Holly XD)

First impression character makes is: Depends

What do family/friends like most about character?: Her power
What do family/friends like least about character?: Her patience-level


Immediate goal(s): Control all Identities

Long range goal(s): Possibly defeat Sheela

How does character plan to accomplish goal(s)?: With pain and suffering

How will other people around character be affected?: They will either stay out of it, or be killed in the process

How does character face problems?: Head on, but she does think things through when needed
Kinds of problems character usually runs into: Rebellion, war


Past loves: Dark Dareth
Current loves: None

Was relationship complicated or simple?: Complicated
Why?: He felt slightly the same towards her, but she betrayed him and never really loved him that much

Reason for relationship: Boredom and flash-backs of Shadow XD

Has character cheated on love before?: HOOOO YES

Does character love?: Can but doesn’t usually

Does love know about character?: Yes


Where can character story be found (Title and URL)?:
Is character a main character, side, or background?:

Where can picture of character be found?:

Sonic- franchise-Information

Does character have contact/relationships with Cannon-characters?:

Can character achieve a super-form?:
If so, from what, and what type(s)?:

Does character live on Mobius?:

If so, is it on SEGA or ARCHIE Mobius?:

Is it in future, past, or present tense?:

Does character have blood-relations with cannon-characters?:
If so, who?:

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