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Noijam had never been abducted before, but he decided that it was different than how he would have done it.
His captors (apparently they had no name, or no-one planned to tell him it until they actually got to the dungeon or wherever he was going).
Noijam looked at their uniforms. They bared the mark of some state called Oxvelt. He guessed it was one of those experimental states that Nimea had to conquer after they got those silly ideas, such as liberty and independece from the Motherland. They were always like that.
In any case, even if it wasn't how he'd abduct someone, it was rather pleasant (as far as abductions go). He had been given a luxury seat in a limo, granted the windows were barred. There was a hot-tub, and a yFruz with good enough loud music (though he couldn't use it as a weapon. There wasn't nearly enough bass), and he'd found one or two chocolates in the fridge.
Eventually, the limo stopped. He obliged and was taken out peaceably (there was no point in struggling, they had more manpower, and obviously firepower), and as such, escaped being drugged. He knew how these things worked, and it was perfectly sensible to listen to your captor so long as it didn't involve burning villages, or preforming dirty jobs for your captor.
He was presently being loaded onto an airplane (appropriately barred and gaurded), when he noticed that the side of the plane (it was suprising there was a plane in the first place, but Noijam wasn't exactly 'on his game' at the moment) was written on in Olde Anglish script, Prevetor Airlinears, and the same Oxvelt seal that was on the uniforms of his captors.
He had heard of Oxvelt at some point when he had listened in on his father's court.
They were that place with the dictator...?
No, he'd have to be more specific. Technically, every tribe of Nimea had a dictator, and his father was one of them.
They were that evil dictatorship?
No, they seemed perfectly hospitable, and hadn't done anything completely malfectant to him as of yet. If anything, this was like his last three sleepovers, except he was the one being abducted.
Of course, his father gave word to all the counts and masters of his realm that, say, if their children had gone missing for a few days, they were at a sleepover, and if they weren't, well, the dogs of war would be released and no peasant would be left unturned.
So, what to do? The gaurds had told him the destination was about five hours away (they weren't nearly advanced enough to know that zepplins and Plumed Verandas were faster).
He took out his little prayer drum on-a-stick that his grandmother had given him for Christmas, and chanted a bit, thanking Providence that inasmuch as his situation allowed, he was rather happy (and nonetheless was not dead), with his captors and his treatment.
Noijam asked for some paper, and, having received it, wrote in cursive the Iachaen word for 'watchful gaurd', and gave it to the most amiable one whose nametag stated, 'Chet'. Chet took it and folded it into his pocket, but indicated with his head that, yes, his chair may be a better place to be because, yes, this was a kidnapping.
Noijam did his own name in Iachaen, then his friends/handservants Ia and Foyt, then his father's (which was especially hard because it was full of consonants and Iachaen was a phonetic language).
He tried some pictures using the cursive words, and was happy how they turned out, but then was told that they were approaching the destination. He was blindfolded (he only tensed up a bit), and led out the door by who he identified as Chet.
At some point he was inside, and unblindfolded. He could tell it was a posh room, but outfitted for security (no access panels, the vents were miniscule, and there were no windows), but he sat down anyway.
Noijam became aware of a tiny letter being slipped through a hatch that only opened one way.
Noijam did indeed have a few questions. But none of them was as pressing as to, why?
He wrote, Why?.
And in the infuriating way that all adults seemed to master, even if they weren't speaking, the second slip replied, WHY NOT?.
posted by mephiles97
Chapter 5: Small-scale training
Location: Waktini family resisdence, Northern District, Freedom City
Date: Saturday, January 3rd
Time: 12:15 P.M.

Kyle slowly awoke to the sound of the living room TV booming from downstairs. He slowly rolled over, releasing a small groan. His sister must be playing video games with the volume almost as loud as it could be. Kyle sighed quietly, turning his head to look at the small digital clock on his nearby dresser, seeing that it was 12:15 P.M. He slowly sat up painfully, pain stinging his sides as he got up. He gently put his hands on his sides, which had thick...
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I was born.
I loved Mommy.
Mommy didn't love me.
She let mean people take me away.
Bad Mommy.
I hate the mean people.
They tried to take my horns.
They tried to take my tail.
It hurt.
They made me mad.
I grabbed a sharp thingie.
Mean people fell asleep.
Red paint spilt all over.
I went back home.
I saw Mommy.
I was happy.
I hugged her.
Mommy screamed and pushed me.
Bad Mommy.
She waved an umbrella at me.
Mommy was being a bully.
Mommy needed to fall asleep too.
I found another sharp thingie.
I threw it.
Sharp thingie landed in Mommy's eye.
Mommy fell asleep.
Good bye Mommy.
Name: Ari ‘Tice (ar’ ee tice)
Known Name: Defect
Age: 22
Species: Echidna

Ari’ Tice was part of a Dark Legion chapter starting at age 15, and ending at age 19. Being part of this organization meant she was legionized, a cyborg almost; Fused with artificial life, and metallic/cybernetic life. And like all Legionnaires she had a computer chip in her brain that could explode at any second if she did not obey her superior’s orders.

Once on a mission of searching for the source of a strange energy signal, Ari and her team came too close to the energy’s emitter, and were thought to had...
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posted by ShadowWolf337
Listen this club is mean't for its members to have fun interacting with one another's fan characters. when i joined i wanted to escape the drama of life to feel happy in this corrupted wourld we all live in. when i left for a couple of months i left hoping that everything to stay the same, but when i got back everyone left and the everyday drama of life seeped into the club. I didn't think i would have to rant about drama in a Sonic Club but it seems that i have to and i think that the club's creator would not be happy about the drama to. So please stop the drama not later but NOW!
posted by gigitygoo
(Hopefully you have read the intro to my story if you havent you will get lost)

Location London UK
Time 06:15 AM

JT * wakening up due to the sound of his house phone going off JT picks it up and awnsers it * ugh...hello

Male voice JT we have our job we are leaving in the afternoon

JT oh right i almost forgot hey Dom where are we going

Dom Mexico City

JT whats the pay

Dom $250,000 if the misson is a success we will meet up with a contact who will give us the address of the deal

JT okay you get Ghost and we will meet at base in the airport in the afternoon

Dom okay *hangs up*

JT ugh im not a morning...
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posted by ShadowWolf337
i made blood a little weaker by removing some of his powers
the powers i left:
1.) Electricity
3.)mind control
4.) Berzerk form

Blood will remain a vampire that can be in the sunlight. and no he doesn't sparkle he just can't use his "vampire skills" in sunlight.
but i added more weaknesses to Blood.
1.) Blood has a weakspot in his chest which a well placed strike can smash his ribs
2.) since Blood is a Vampire, if his jaw is broken he can't feed and he will die
3.)when Blood uses Mind control he is left vulnerable.
4.)all though Blood can use electricity Blood is weak to electric attacks against him.
5.)When Blood's Berzerk form wears off he can't use ANY powers for a while so he is left open to any attack.
posted by TakTheFox
Welcome to “Sonic Fan Fighters” where I take characters with interesting powers, fighting styles, motivations, backstories, etc. and basically talk about em all. It’s not really a review, but more of an info-article so you can get to know more about the characters.
For now I’m just doing my own, but I’m hoping to get requests for other characters that I don’t own in the future.

Number 1

Rynk Hellborn

So what do you think of when someone has their last name be “Hellborn”? Just wondering. What do you pitcture?

Well what do you picture when you think of Rynk?
In Rynk’s first appearance...
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So seeing how Rynk is one of my popular characters, if not THE most popular, I thought I’d give a bit of insight into her past. Now if you’ve rped long enough with me, or read the Rynk mini-series, you probably know about her origin, but for those who don’t, here’s Rynk’s story from the beginning of her birth till the second year at Mobius Academy.

Part one: Birth
Rynk was a hybrid child of a male Feral Acid-monster, and a female Daricha Banshee, two VERY deadly types of Hellborn. This was around twenty or so years after the events of the Refine (A genocide against all Hellborn), and...
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posted by Mapware3640
Now I recently introduced my own character set known as "Exie",what is exie to be exact?Well allow me to answer those.

Q:Are they related to mobians?
A:Nope,they are there own independent race

Q:What do they look like?
A:Well I'm working on concept art,but they are being made of energy,The usually wear long robes(Female exie) or heavy armor(male exie) and they all wear masks.

Q:What is exie energy?
A:A Rare energy that can not be found anywhere on mobuis...Take the "hyper-go-on" energy from sonic colors for example,its a similar concept,if a non-exie being touches the energy,they become corrupted....
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I wrote the title thingy in Japanese because...I wanted to XD


I won't be on Fanpop for quite a while, sadly. I've been very busy lately and I don't have the time for it. Nor do I have the time for Shock's club...much. I've been busy helping my family with moving and soon, I'll be in a new home. And as of tomorrow, I won't have ANY time for this sight. I have to stay busy in order to get things moved to the new house. I'll try to be on sometimes but...don't expect me to have much time to talk or RP. I wont, sorry...

So tonight is the last u will hear from me for a while.

Later, dudes!
posted by lili11p
Name:Crescent Nickname:Cres, CC. Age:16 Date of Birth:December 17, 1912. Backstory:Crescent was the daughter of Rose and Micheal the Hedgehog. When she was 1 year old her parents disowned her. She is now the current daughter of Topaz and Ross the Fox. When Crescent was 15, she was told that her parents had given her up. Angry and upset, she ran out of the house. She was met up by Amy Rose who had comforted her. Crescent's only mission in life now is to find her parents. Personality:Upbeat, Bubbly, Always confident. Clothes: Old:Blue tank top, white skirt, white boots. New: Dark green tank top,...
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The Slender Halloween Special

So I have created a special Slender Rp for this Halloween season, and because it’s so special I had an idea. Why not make it a contest?

In the roleplay there will be special moments that must be fulfilled, and a fun ending most-likely. To the first person to complete the roleplay one-hundred-percent (and by that I mean in the least amount of time added up so that people that weren’t able to get on don’t get belittled) I have THREE prizes

One is a picture of one of your characters drawn in slender-version
A free request

The second is getting to own a certain...
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posted by CyberEchidna
I was walking to the park one day
Then there was a faint figure I could see
I asked my friend if he saw it
But he said it must just be me.

I walked to the figure and said hello
But received silence as my reply
I asked if she could talk, she grabbed me by the
neck, forced me to the ground and said: Be silent or die.

I got somewhat scared, but then pushed her off
And brushed away the debris.
She looked me in the eye and
here's what she said to me.

"I am not a normal person,
I'm not supposed to be seen,
But you can see me, oddly enough
And there is one thing that can mean."

I asked her what that would be,
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posted by TakTheFox
Why I draw like that

So I know I don’t really get that much feedback about why my art looks kind of stiff, (really stiff) but I thought I should explain why it’s not really improving in some ways.

Now I’m not saying I don’t have flaws that are my fault. I do, and I am trying to get better, but the main problem is my drawing program.

Serif Draw PlusX4 is what I use, and if you have the same problems, you’ll understand.

1.    HANDS!
I can draw hands. Granted it drives me up and down the earth’s core, but I can over time. Sadly though if I want to draw REALLY good hands...
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posted by darksilver
Miss me?... didn't think so... Anyway, while I was gone, I've been writing books. New characters, new places, all that good stuff. I thought, it wouldn't hurt to tell you guys about Boom, cause his back story has never been told.

Boom was born from Rythe and Xion. Rythe is a Hedge-Bat, and Xion is an Ecidna. Boom was born 4 years before his younger brother, Slash. Boom quickly learned how to use a gun, and by the time he was 10, could snipe a 6 inch in radius target in the center from a mile away. When he was 12, he got his first set of pistols. He dual-wielded them like a real pro. To this...
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posted by Mapware3640
somewhere at sea...

-Bronko:...Ugh...*Fading in and out*...ugh...*Crab pinches him in the balls*AAAAAAH!!!*kicks crab*Where am I?

Bronko notices he is at sea,hes sitting on the wrecked bus,everybody appeared to be dead.including marty...

-Bronko:Whoa....thats not good....what do I do?I can't swim...
-Bronko:I have balls.
-Captain Fbomb:Sure you do you f***ing lassy.
-Bronko:WHOA!I can see why they call you captain Fbomb
-Captain Fbomb:You got that f***ing right.
-Bronko:Ok,ok.censor!We may have some younger viewers.(Yeah,he just broke the fourth wall)

So shortly captain Fbomb decided to allow bronko to board his vessel,Unaware of what dangers are going to follow

To be continued.
Ok,we know you want to skip the mumbo jumbo and get straight to the information,WE CAN DO THAT!!!

Gary-stu=unfairly powerful unbeatable cheater

A gary-stu is
1.Too powerful,almost/is godly
2.Always wins,unfair.
3.Never suffers hardships a true warrior would face
4.A basic DBZ rip-off right of the bat
5.Too attractive/Too sexy(As pointed out by takthefox)

The gist is to balance out your characters powers and skills,If you make him/her a powerhouse,Give him/her a obvious weak spot/poor defenses.If you make him/her a living shield,Weaken there powers.yin and for "Getting there way",Sometimes...
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posted by catgirl140
Posted on my new website, link, this survey asked the following 5 questions based your on the main sonic fc.

Total responses: 22
Blank area have no votes.

Is your character's name based of their powers? Eg: Frost, Blaze, Bolt etc.
No: 100%

Official characters have names based of their powers, personality or physical feature.

Does your character have a last name?
Yes: 100%

Sonic and co. don't have last names.

Does your character have a nickname/s?
Yes: 91%
No: 9%

Sonic has alot of nicknames and Swallow gives the nickname 'Shorty' to Tails.

How old is your character?
11-15: 50%
16-20: 45%...
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posted by Giz_4ever
The beautiful girl I have known since I was two,
made a speech and now there's nothing I can do.
Drove away by a simple word,
flew away like a stream-lined bird.
A tear blown away with every gush of wind,
the script was wrote and then it was binned.
Ever word counted as horror,
sitting under a tree clenching onto my sorrow.
Every type of contact opened up a mystery door,
now it is a shame because it won't happen anymore.
I wish for you if I wasn't cruel,
I'd hope you'd wish for me to.
There is no question relevant to why you left me,
there is only the answer which is obvious you see.
I covered my heart...
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posted by ILoveSonic21
It's is 7:00am on a Thursday

Norma:*yawns* wow I had a good nights sleep!

Norma gets up and walks over to the dining room and sees mercer

Norma:good morning mercer

Mercer:good morning Princess Norma

Norma:wow I'm not used to being a princess but I can't believe I'm a princess

Mercer: you will get used to it princess

Norma: ok well should I cook some breakfast?

Mercer: no its okay I ca-*hears smashing and crashes*

Mercer:what is going on!?!?

Mercer and Norma look down from the balcony and they see jagger and he is trying to penetrate the force field


Mercer:he's trying to break the force field...
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