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posted by smartone123
name:Kitty,The Kitten

age: 12

Nickname: strange child,bubble brain, angel

Stereotype:surfer girl
Race: American and french(alittle bit)

Hometown:river village in france

Birthday:April 13

Astrological Sign: Aries

Species: kitten

Gender: female


Allergies:fire(only abit)

Sexual preference:males

Occupation: nothing

Way of speaking:bright and soft

Theme Song(s):(get back to this)

Personal Quote:"life is short so live it up with no regrets of your actions"

Describe their voice: bit husky

Weapon of choice:her water


When you first meet them: closed off but talks
As you know them better(and they like you):nice,talkative and caring
As you know them better(and they hate you): same
Positive characteristics:kind and helpful
Negative characteristics: persistent
Favorite color: blue and black
Favorite food:sugar
Favorite animal:puppies
Favorite instrument:flute
Favorite element:water and ice
Favorite remembered moment in life:storm and Chuck going on a picnic and she got to eat cake for the first time
Least favorite color: brown
Least favorite food: dangos
Least favorite animal: bats
Least favorite instrument:tangerines
Most hated moment in life:death of parents
Hobbies:flute and ice sculpting
Usual mood:happy
How serious are they: not very
Soft spot/vulnerability:family and friends
Opinion on swearing:soemtimes
Daredevil or Cautious: daredevil
Favorite music type:all
Favorite movie type: comadey
Favorite book type: romances
Comfortable temperature:spring
Sleeping pattern: Lies on the right side
Cleanliness or sloppy: clean
How do they pass the time:music
Biggest secret: Not gonna be a secret if i told u :3
Hero/who do they look up to:Storm and Chuck and raspberry
Fears:lose people she close to
Comforts: music and water fun
Drunk type:too young
Special abilities:water talents
Abide the law?:nope :p
Which 7 deadly sins are they most like: gluttony
Dance style:free style

How do they act when they are...
Happy:over happy
Angry:,eyes blazing(rarely mad)
Afraid:eyes wide shakes
Love someone:grins and has sparkly eyes
Hate someone: annoys them more
Want something/someone: Tries her best to get it
Confused: Raises an eyebrow,frowns

How do they react to...
Danger: jumps in
Someone they hate has a crush on them: polite
Proposal to marry:suprise expression
Death of loved one: cries and tries to fix it
If something is very difficult: frowns determined
Injury: steels best she can
Something irresistibly cute: o3o


How do they act: stumbles
Gentleman/Ladylike or Klutzy:usual
Go slow or jump into relationships: jumps
True love or testing different people: testing first
Act like friends or lovers: Friends who are lovers ^^
What kind of presents would they buy:music
Type of kisser:shy
Do they want kids:no
Do they want to marry: ummmmm idk XD
Make good or bad decisions: both
Are they romantic: not very much
How are they in bed:ummmm no comment X3
Virgin?: Yes
Gets jealous easy: no
Wife/husband abuser: nope.
Marry for money or love: all :3
Favorite position:none yet
What would happen on their dream date: Just spend time with each other at a cafe or playing music.maybe art
Opinion on sex:none

there ya GO!
Name (full): Rynk “Hellborn”

Age: Erm… traditionally she’s 15, so… fifteen.

Gender: Male… FEMALE X{D

Species: Erm… oh boy
~Acid Monster 30 %
~Banshee Mobian 30 %
~Identity 10 %
~Mobian Core 10 %
~Xorda Mobian 10 %
~ Lynx 10 %

Abilities: … I’ll list abilities and weaknesses to avoid stu-ness
Acid Monster abilities
~Acid… yeah
~Water increases fur and hair, as over-exposure is damaging
~ Not too sure but I think Acid monsters might be a bit fragile

Banshee Mobian Abilities
~Metal Bones (the metal bone abilities transfers to all DNA’s)
~Flight (via a web-like substance...
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posted by mephiles97
Chapter 2: Early Morning Search
Location: Waktini family residence, Northern District, Freedom City
Date: Saturday, January 3rd
Time: 7:02 A.M.

Kyle's eyes slowly began to open slowly, clouded over due to just waking up. He turned over slightly, staring up at the ceiling as early morning sunlight shined in through his window blind, casting a warm glow all around the room. He slowly pulled his blankets off of himself, sitting up in his bed. He yawned loudly before standing up and shuffling out of the bedroom.

Kyle stood outside his bedroom door, listening for any sounds. He didn't hear anything,...
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Sorry about the delay on chapter two.... Well anyways, here is the link to chapter one if you missed it.
Where we left off....
"Hey, what are you doing?!" A prisoner shouted. More heads of prisoners turned to him. They ran to him, but it was too late. He placed the bottle in the middle of the pentagram and started murmuring strange sounds under his breath. The bottle started glowing and shaking. Finally, the deep scarlet turned into a deep green. He picked up the bottle and started drinking.
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THE EGGMAN MECH whatched as the train passed by; then he threw a sticky bomb on it and set the timer for 3:00. The bot flew off.

Trance let Windy go.
"Were are you guys going?" he asked Windy.
"Wherever the train takes us."
Trance laughed.
"Same as always eh? I'm glad to see that you brought along your boyfreind Spike."
Windy turned a little red in the face.
"He is NOT my boyfreind!"
"Is too"
"Is not!"
They argued for some time.
"NOT!!!!!" Windy yelled while covering her face trying not to giggle a bit.
Trance looked at Spike.
"Just joking around a little!"
Spike didn't answer. He thought...
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THEY STOOD WAITING for the train. They were at an opening far into the wood.
Spike bent over to dig out something golden. He found it was a power ring, but it felt different.
It had a different aura.
Spike slipped it into his pocket.
"We're just gonna JUMP on a moving train?!" yelled out Windy, unaware that she was trembeling like an aspen leaf.
Storm looked at her.
"Do you wanna take antoher chance of flying?"
Windy froze. Then she found herself inching twoard Spike almost in a gesture of protection.
In the distance a train whistle cried. This made Kitty a bit more alert.
The train sped by. They all...
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"This is were I found the blanket Emily." AJ said to Emily. "Ok thank you AJ."Emily said to AJ only to find out that she was gone."She left me! But why?" Emily was mad now, she then heard something."Foot steps, must be Jisseca!""EMILY HELP!" Jisseca said yelling out.""It is Jisseca! I need to save her!" Emily almost yelled out, but did it some thing was blocking her mouth."Shhh.... Don't make a sound." Some one said in a whisper voice. Then she was sleeping, but thinking:"Who was it? Was it AJ? No. Was it Sonic? No but it was some thing blue! Sonic, AJ who else? Star, no she's yellow. But who...
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First off...This is just an opinion. >:/ Don't bash me just because your character is a Gary-Stu or Mary-Sue. That is YOUR fault for designing your character that way.

Now, there are many Gary-Stus and Mary-Sues EVERYWHERE. If you don't know the whole issue, here's some questions I will answer;

What is a Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu?
A Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu is a character that has many abilities, has no flaws, AND everybody loves them. The real name for these types of characters are a godmodder. A Mary-Sue is a female godmodder, and a Gary-Stu is a male.

Why are they bad?
They are unoriginal, overdone, and...
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posted by sierradawn9
As the fox noisily sloshed through the muck and rain,he thought of where he was going.The Science Centre,which was almost abandoned,except for the mad scientist he worked for.It had been closed down not even a month ago,still in good shape,which is why Dr. Finch inhabits it.Dr. Finch was claimed to be the most insane man in the world, but the fox wouldn't believe it.Never.
He knew he was close.He could already see the very top of the centre,a dark,metallic dome.The young fox knew his mentor was working on a secret project,because even he wasn't allowed to see it.He had only caught glimpses...
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Character Chart
Character's full name: Ningizzida the Hedgehog.
Reason or meaning of name: Named after the Assirian god of snakes and serpents, unknown why.
Character's nickname: Giz.
Reason for nickname: One of his alleys started calling him that for awhile, but it never
really stuck. Ningizzida prefers his whole name.
Birth date: Unknown.

Physical appearance
Age: Ancient.
How old does he/she appear: 18-22.
Weight: Around 85 lbs.
Height: 3"8
Body build: Slender, sleek, and built for speed and agility over power. Has well develouped
calf muscles.
Shape of face: n/a
Eye color: Blood red, with...
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Shadow & Rouge; Night and Day Difference.
Shadow & Rouge; Night and Day Difference.
“… There might have been a time when you actually thought about others, but now it’s just become, ‘Get the villain out of the way and be proclaimed as a hero once more!’ I just don’t want you to become something that you don’t want to be.”Lil the Cat from “The Misadventures of a Wandering Soul.”

Do you remember the first time you ever drew your fan character? When you created him/her, you had thought everything out; who they dated, what they wore, and if they had any powers. Believe me when I say that fan characters are the best characters in the world. Their stories...
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added by Raven_Syrus
added by supersonic21
added by silveranime122
Source: me
added by Emo-Bunny
Source: Emo-bunny
added by HannahStickles8
added by seuris
Source: (c) Seuris
added by sonicnmlpfan122
Source: This exhaust me 😴 I'm bummed out already hope she likes it tomorrow when go to school
added by TakTheFox
Source: ME! THE AIR! PIE!
added by MattTheLynxX