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posted by gyrothehedgehog
Character Chart--Nitro
Character’s full name: Nitrogen
Reason or meaning of name: he asked Lucifer to name him, and that is what he chose since he is nice yet a bit sadistic
Character’s nickname: Nitro
Reason for nickname: he was nicknamed by Xavier(Lucifer’s brother) because it was easier for him to say and it stuck
Birth date: unknown
Gender: Male
Theme: I’m So Sick by: Flyleaf

Age: 12
How old does he/she appear: 12
Weight: unknown
Height: unknown
Body build: n/a
Shape of face: n/a
Eye color: one eye is green, one eye is red
Glasses or contacts: n/a
Skin tone(muzzle color?): green
Distinguishing marks: a red rectangle on his stomach with curved corners
Predominant features: his two tails, which are really snakes, are quite noticeable if they are snapping at your hand
Type of hair: long
Hairstyle: his hair is long and at the front of his head, they are spiked at the tips
Voice: childish yet scary
Overall attractiveness: he appears attractive in a ‘naughty’ kind of way, if you know what I mean
Physical disabilities: n/a
Usual fashion of dress: he prefers to wear no clothing besides an open leather vest with no sleeves
Jewelry or accessories: he has a gold chain on his left wrist with a black skull at the end

Good personality traits: hard-headed, nice at times
Bad personality traits: manipulative, back-stabber
Mood he is most often in: manipulative
Sense of humor: dark
Character’s greatest joy in life: seeing someone who has hurt him in pain
Character’s greatest fear: harsh sunlight
Why?: it makes him feel exposed
What single event would most throw this character’s life into a complete turmoil? death
Character is most at ease when:he is being protected
Most ill at ease when: he is trapped in tight, closed-in spaces
Enraged when: nobody really knows, he usually manages to create a sickening twist to nearly every situation that would make any normal person angry
Depressed or sad when: he is insulted harshly
Priorities: n/a
Life philosophy: ‘…’
If granted one wish, it would be: to have complete control over people’s bodies
Why?: he could make them act like morons without them knowing it
Character’s soft spot: he hates it when anyone he likes gets hurt
Is this soft spot obvious to others: sometimes
Greatest strength: his intimidating stalker-attitude
Greatest weakness/vulnerability: his claustrophobia
Biggest regret: being so sick-minded
Minor regret: stealing
Past failures that he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Scourge attacked him and won
Why? he thinks that he could have won
Character’s darkest secret: he actually is a mixture of two souls that was created for one purpose- to destroy all life
Does anyone else know: no

drives or motivations: n/a
Immediate goals: he doesn’t know yet
Long-term goals: to ‘settle the score’ between him and Scourge
How he plans to accomplish these goals: he has no specific plan besides hurling himself into him and seeing how it goes from there
How other characters will be affected: Scourge might either get his butt kicked or win the fight

Hometown: the Void
Type of childhood: he was raised by Gyro, and his childhood was far from normal. he had to learn how to fight at an early age, and how to steal, which is rarely considered as something to teach a kid.
Pets: none
First memory: being submerged in darkness, with outlined figures around him that seemed to be trying to say something to him
Most important childhood memory: see above
Why?: he found out that they were telling him that he was created from two souls in order to destroy all life
Childhood hero: none
Dream job: none
Education: Gyro taught him the ‘ropes’ of the Void and what to expect
Religion: none, him and Gyro did not even know what religion is

Current nation: Scalianiex
Currently living with: Lucifer and his family
Pets: Hex the Devil Chao
Religion: none
Occupation: none
Finances: he splits them with Lucifer, not that he minds, since he is rich

Mother: none
Relationship with her: none
Father: none
Relationship with him: none
Spouse: Gyro(they are dating)
Sibling(s): he lives with Lucifer and Xavier, who are like siblings to him
Relationship with him/her: they tolerate each other, to a degree
Children: none

Color: Black-it is the only color that is truly not a color but just..exists
Least favorite color: Yellow-it is the color of the sun
Plays an instrument: no
Plays a sport: no
How he/she would spend a rainy day: in a tree, waiting for the rain to stop
Spending habits: he usually just buys a random thing that he wants, plays with it for a bit, then moves on to something else
Smokes: no, he feels that people who do it are escaping the reality of the situation
Drinks: same as above
other drugs: same as above
What does he/she do to much of? plotting. he plots his revenge on Scourge almost every day
What does he/she do to little of? shopping. he believes it is a ‘girly waste of time’
Extremely skilled at: acting morbidly happy in even the most horrible situations
Extremely unskilled at: being patient
Nervous tics: when nervous he taps his foot and whistles
Usual body posture: he can barely stand still, so his normal body posture is an impatient ‘hurry-up-already’ tapping of his foot and the anxious moving of his snake-tails
Mannerisms: he is only nice to people if they are nice to him in return, if they aren’t, he stalks them until they nearly go crazy
Peculiarities: he licks himself like a cat when he is out of the bath

Optimist or pessimist? he often switches between the two
Introvert or extrovert? in-between
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? disorderly and messy. his room is such a mess his ‘bed’ is just a trampoline he found. his real bed is somewhere underneath the mess, but he isn’t going to clean it up any time soon.
Prefers working or relaxing? relaxing
Confident or unsure of his/herself? he keeps those feelings hidden so much that it seems he doesn’t have them
Animal lover? he tolerates animals, as long as they don’t attack him

how does he/she feel about his/herself? he feels that he is only alive to destroy, to kill, and that he should have no feelings, like a robot
One paragraph description character would use to describe self: I’m a killer. I need to kill. I am not meant to savor anything, to feel. All I need to feel is the blood of my enemy as he falls to the floor. So salty it will taste. The taste of his blood. Ah, yes, he will be mine. I am a born killer. I was made for destruction and I shall do what I do best- kill.
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: if i really must choose, my sadistic humor. it takes guts to find something repulsing and dark funny, or so I’m told.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: i don’t know.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: my tails. they can bite people and draw blood.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: my ears. they’re ten sizes to big for my head.
How does the character think others perceive him/her? as a sadistic freak. heck, i know i’m a sadist and a freak, so why not lump them into one?
What would the character like to change the most about his/herself? everything

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: He sees them as little game pieces on a board that he can put wherever he wants.
Does the character hide his/her true emotions from others?: rarely. only when he is sad or depressed.
Person character hates: Scourge
Best friend(s): Lucifer, Nazo, Xavier and Gyro
Love interest(s): Gyro
Person character goes to for advice: Gyro
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: none, he is the youngest of the group besides Gyro, who is his age, but does not feel responsible for her, it is the other way around
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Nazo, since he’s so powerful
Person character openly admires: no one
Person character secretly admires: Gyro
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: no one
Most important person in character’s life after story starts: Gyro

Assuming they are strong emotions, how does your character deal with or react to

Rage: He’d give the person the finger and not talk to them for the rest of the day

Sadness: He’d give the ‘puppy eyes’

Conflict/danger: He’d grin and Chaos Control into the fight, taking it head-on

Rejection: He’d huddle in a corner in the fetal position

Fear: He’d start humming and acting nervous

Change: He’d wonder what it was about, and why it happened, then shrug it off

Loss: He’d sob in private

Pain: He’d inflict it on a voodoo doll of Scourge

Love: He’s stalk the person even more than usual

Praise: He’d puff out his chest and mock-salute with a creepy grin

Being hated: He’d immediately start doing what he does when in pain, except while muttering curse words

Humiliation: He would go into their minds, driving them crazy until they say sorry
added by Danniwolf09
Source: Danniwolf09 and my sister
added by shadowlily
Source: Kaya-Snapdragon
This was made only because I needed to make a form for the date a villain thing, but I thought I’d post it up here for anyone who’d want to try it.

Welcome to the Sonic Fan Character Dating Site! Please fill out the following questions as honestly as possible. Under no circumstances are you to right answers such “I don’t care” or “Anything’s fine”. If you do so, your answer to those will be changed to something relating to Barney or a shirtless Michael Jackson. Also you are not allowed to use homosexual characters in this form.






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