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Chapter 1: Meeting
Location: Lexistropolis high school
Date: Friday, November 28th, 4337
Time: 3:49 P.M.
“Tess? Tess!” A voice called out from a giant traffic-line of students

“Over here!” Another voice responded.

The first figure slowly scooted his way through the crowd, tripping here and there, until he had finally made it to… the other side of the hallway.

It was a young Chameleon boy, around the age of 16. He was dark green, and was wearing a light blue and white T shirt and blue jeans. The second figure was a young Pale yellow Chameleon girl. She was also at the age of 16 and had been wearing a yellow tang top and light-blue shorts.

“There you are”. The young Chameleon started out. Why are you standing there? They’re evacuating the school!”

“Because she won’t leave.” Tess responded. She pointed to someone about five feet behind her sitting down by the wall writing something. She was a sixteen-year-old Cat. She had nearly black fur, and was wearing a purple-neck-strapped top, and a purple skirt.

“O…kay… why is she just sitting there?” The young boy said in an annoyed tone.
“I dunno, but I can’t get her to leave.” The young Chameleon girl said.
“It can’t be that hard, can it?” The young chameleon asked. “We can just pick her up by her shoulders an-
“Zen!” Tess said surprised.
“Just kidding”. “Zen” replied in a defensive tone. “Let’s go talk to her. Maybe we can convince her that being trapped in school isn’t a good thing. Especially school.”
“Funny.” Tess sarcastically spoke out. “But I don’t think she wants to- where’d everybody go?”

The two Chameleons looked around and saw that the school was empty. There was no one in sight. Even the female cat was now gone.
“Shouldn’t there be security guards, or the FBI, or a hall monitor coming up to us and taking us out of the school or something?” Zen questioned.
“Well, weirdly enough,” Tess started. “I saw one of them darting out a window, or at least I thought I did, one dragging some of the other students out of the Library, and some others going out in the crowd.”
“So, in short, we were the only ones in the school who were noticeable in the crowd and we were left unnoticed?!” Zen steamed.
“I guess so.” Tess replied.
“Ugh!” Zen groaned, slapping his hand on his face. “Let’s just get the cat girl and find a way out.”
“Uh… I think I saw her go through the left hallway. It’s not that big of a deal.” Tess explained.
“They think that there’s a bomb in the school!” Zen stated. “And if they find us in here or her in here, they’ll think we did it. Seriously, I can’t believe we’re twins sometimes. There’s like no physic connection or anything.”

Tess rolled her eyes at her panicking brother then they started off to find the mysterious cat girl. They hadn’t gone far, when they saw one of the police officers, inspecting the lockers, blocking their path. They tried opening the Library door, their only other escape, but it was locked so they ducked behind a trash can, and waited for him to leave.
“Tess, he’s getting closer!” The Chameleon boy whispered, loudly, to his sister.
“I know, I know.” Tess replied. “Why can’t we turn invisible yet?! *Double-G could do it at our age?” *Double G meaning Double Grandfather or Great Grandfather*
“Hm… I’ve got an idea.” Zen said. He whispered to his sister about his plan, which she reacted with…
“Shhhh!” Zen nervously ordered as he covered his sister’s mouth. “Let’s just try it okay? I doubt you have any better ideas”

Four minutes had passed; the security guard had reached the corner, where the two had been hiding at. He then turned to the trash can. (Dun dun dunnnnn) He ran a material detector over the can, no reading (except for the outside. Y’know, metal trash can). He was about to walk away, when he saw a huge pile of trash, behind the can. He opened the lid, and saw the twins in the trash can; scrunched together in a very uncomfortable rectangle.
“What are you two doing her-OOF!“The officer didn’t get to finish his sentence. Someone had knocked him out. His face fell into the can, and on-top of Zen’s head.
“Ow!” The pain-headed chameleon exclaimed.
“Get your foot out of my face!” Tess yelled just before shoving her brother out of the trash can.

Once the chameleon began moving downward he seemed to have landed on someone. At first he thought it was the police man, then he looked forward and saw that it was the cat girl, who was looking slightly cross at him. She pushed him off her, then went over and helped Tess get out.
“Thank you!” Tess gasped. “Air never tasted so good!”
“Air has a… taste?” The feline asked in confusion.
“It does when you’ve been in that thing that long with your brother’s foot stuffed in front of your mouth.” Tess replied. “Oh yeah, that reminds me.”
Tess walked over to Zen and gave him fists on the side of his arm.
“Ouch!” Zen exclaimed.

The cat girl tried to hide a small giggle, but finally gave a large chuckle after seeing the large red bump, on the green chameleon boy’s head.
“You look like you’re ready for Christmas!” The girl teased.
“Funny. Very funny.” Zen said in sarcasm. “And who exactly are you?”
“Lizzy.” The cat girl said, going back into serious mode.
“Okay ‘Lizzy’, and why exactly did you stay in the school?” Zen asked
“I think I saw who made the bomb threat.” Lizzy started out. “And you guys want to catch him too, right?”
“I just wanna go home.” Zen replied.
“Is he always so… cowardly?” Lizzy asked.
“Not always, but we are at school. IT CHANGES YOUR MIND!” Tess said “Oh, and Zen and I would like to go find whoever did this.”
“Let’s go then”. Lizzy motioned, as the three of them started off.

The three acquaintances were walking down the east hallway, being as cautious as they could, making sure not to go to fast, and making sure to look for shadows or listen for footsteps, for all three of them new all too well, that if they were found, they could be expelled, or sent to Juvenile Hall, and if they weren’t quick enough they could even be killed.
“Remind me why we have to find this person again?” Zen inquired.
“If we saw the person, and the police didn’t,” Lizzy started out. “Then they are either, A., oblivious to the highest extent, or, B., it’s an inside job.”
“How do you know that?” Tess asked.
“I told one of the officers that I saw someone carrying something that looked like a bomb, to test a theory,” Lizzy stated. “Then he thanked me for the information, and sent me off to a hallway entrance. Obviously I looked over and saw him not only walk in the opposite direction, but also shove a small note up the wallpaper in a cut out spot. I waited, then got it out myself, read it, then put it back. ”
“WHAT DID IT SAY?!” Zen yelled anxiously.
“SHHHHHHHHHH!” Lizzy scolded. “It said-
“HEY! YOU!” A voice said behind them.

The three allies were so startled that they didn’t even bother to look back before running. They kept on running at their top speeds, but whoever was following them was gaining speed. While they were running, Lizzy took the opportunity to inform her new allies what the note had said.
“It said ‘A little girl found it. Meet me at eromhpez’s class at C.C. 7 o-clock’.” Lizzy explained just before ducking into the entrance of the girl’s restroom.

Tess followed suit, but Zen was relentless. He refused to go in, then darted into the men’s bathroom. The figure stopped at the restrooms, then placed a small coin like object on the wall opposite to the bathroom entrances.

After a good five minutes, Zen walked out of his hiding place, then out the restroom door. He was about to walk up to the girls’ door to tell Lizzy and Tess that the person was gone, then stopped. Being a chameleon, Zen and his sister could see any invisible objects or people. Or in this case, an invisible camera beam, coming from the other side of the hallway.
“Guys!” He called out. “Come out, but do it carefully.”
“Why?” Tess responded.
“I think there’s a camera watching us.” The chameleon boy said back.

The girls slowly came out. Tess noticed the camera beam almost immediately. Through Tess’s eyes, the beam was widely spread, almost across the entire doorway of the bathroom entrance. The only area not covered, was four inches on the left and right edges of the doorways.
“Now what?” Tess groaned.
“That’s weird.” Zen said chuckling.
“What is?” Tess asked in confusion.
“I’m the one who usually says that.” Zen joked.
“Funny, Zen. Very funny.” Tess sarcastically spoke out. “Now what are we going to do about the camera?”
“If we hit it hard enough with something,” Zen stated. “We might be able t-
“I’m on it.” Lizzy interrupted just before pulling out a small knife from her boot.
“You have a knife?!” Zen gasped just before falling backwards into the boy’s bathroom.
The two girls couldn’t help but chuckle when they noticed another bump on Zen’s already bruised head.
“Okay. Here I go.” Lizzy said positioning her knife in the right angle.
“Wait!” Tess said. “You can’t throw it from there or the beam will see your hand, and the knife.”
“Okay. Do you have any other plan of how we’re getting out of here?” The slightly put out Lizzy inquired back.
“We could position your hand so that it wouldn’t go within the beams range.” Zen suggested.
And so Tess helped and Zen directed where to put the knife, then Lizzy placed her hand and “Dagger” in position, clenched her hands, then flicked the knife out of her hands; sending it flying. The knife flew upward, curved to the opposite side of the girl’s location, then hit the right side of the camera, causing it to bend to the right. The girls walked out, but the light was now shinning completely in Zen’s direction.
“Help.” Zen quietly whined.
“Oh please.” Lizzy said, just before removing the camera from the wall, causing it to deactivate.
“Okay so back to the note.” Tess said. “eromhpez? We don’t have a teacher here, called eromhpez.”
“Maybe it’s backwards.” Zen suggested. “How was it spelled Lizzy?”
“I… think it was… E-R-O…M-H-P-E-S or Z.” Lizzy described.
“eromp-“ Zen started. “Zephmore! Meet me at Zephmore’s class. We have a Zephmore. Miss. Zephmore. That’s in the fourth hall.”
“Okay, but what about C.C. 7 o-clock?” Tess asked.
“Counter clockwise maybe?” Lizzy added.
“So seven o-clock counter clock-wise is… five!” Tess announced. “Meet me at Zephmore’s class at five o-clock.”
“So we are waiting here why?” Lizzy said.
They quickly rushed to Ms. Zephmore’s class in fourth hall, still being cautious, and looking behind themselves more often.
When they arrived it was four-twenty-five.
“It’s locked!” Zen stated.
“Really?! We didn’t notice!” Lizzy teased just before stabbing the skinny handle part of her knife into the lock and opening the door.

Zen glared for a while but eventually got over the little tease and they had positioned themselves in a way that they could see the whole thing unnoticed, then Zen got an idea.
“Why don’t we use the camera thing, and record them?” He proposed. “I can hook it up to my Mp3’s wireless so it won’t send a message back to whoever was trying to record us. And we can watch and hear them from a different location without being seen.”
“Too many words.” Lizzy teased. “Just kidding. Good plan, but how far is the range on this thing?”
“I dunno.” Tess said. “Let’s test it.”
They hooked up the camera to Zen’s Mp3, then Lizzy and Zen walked in opposite directions, Lizzy holding the camera and Zen holding the Mp3. About 37 feet later, it started to get static on the screen.
“Okay, we have our plan.” Lizzy said happily.

The allies quickly placed the camera under the chalk-board, almost completely covered, but still being able to record. It was now 4:43 and they started to here footsteps. Lizzy and friends quickly ran into another class room, turned on the Mp3 and waited.

Lizzy, Zen, and Tess watched on the Mp3 screen as the tiny camera recorded the door handle of the class room slowly open. They could not, however, see the face of the first criminal, due to the fact that the camera was set low, and the person was standing high. They also could not see him/her from the window, for they would almost immediately be seen.

The figure walked inside, closed the door, then stepped towards the chalkboard. There was a tall book-case to the left of this chalkboard, containing books about history, and geography. He/she took out a dark red book, but did not lower it enough to show its complete context. All that was made out were the letters…
Lower left side – P-H-A-N-T- and on the bottom right side – P-R-O-P-H-

It had sounded like the person opened the book, then took something out of it. When He or she did, it made a small beeping sound. The figure then placed something on one of the desks, walked up to the chalkboard, then made a rubbing sound. It sounded like he/she was scratching the chalkboard. There was a loud screech for a few seconds, then finally silence.

Another figure came into the room, and walked over to the first.
“There hasn’t been any disturbance to the device.” The first figure stated. He kept his voice low, but it sounded deep and scratchy. “How could you be so careless? That kid could have found it, thinking it was the detonator, then crunched it. Then how would we continue our investigation?”
“I swear, that I wasn’t seen.” The second figure defended. His voice was higher pitched, but normal. All except what almost sounded like a Scottish accent. “I wasn’t anywhere near the restroom you stated at all today.”
“Then why would she have said otherwise?” The first asked.
“Uh-oh.” Lizzy whispered, as her and her two compadres listened in anxiety.
“Young girls are vain and wanting attention.” The second one replied. “She was probably just trying to get in the news, or something.”
“Excuse m-“Lizzy started to scoff, just before Zen and Tess covered her mouth.
“Enough!” Another voice spoke out. Neither Lizzy, nor Zen, nor Tess could make out who said that, but it seemed to be emitting from the class room. It sounded computerized, so they couldn’t recognize him/her. “You have five hours, until the police come back. Make it quick.”

After that, the screeching noise went up again, then there was silence. The two figures walked out of the class room, closed the door, then disappeared into the hallways.
“Okay. Let’s go.” Lizzy whispered.

Zen cautioned them not to go out yet, but they paid no attention. Eventually Zen followed Lizzy, and Tess into the class room then started looking for the book.
“Here it is!” Zen exclaimed quietly. He pulled out a dark red book with the words “The Phantis Prophecy” across the front. The letter “I” was underlined, as if important. He opened the book and looked through the words the pages for something relating to the letter “I”. At the same time, Lizzy was trying to find where the first figure placed his hand that caused the screeching. Tess guarded the door, in case another meeting was to be held.
“Hey guys!” Zen spoke out.

The two girls walked over and watched as Zen slowly turned the back side of the book’s cover revealing something interesting.
“Look.” Zen started. When I turn it, it reflects light off the back of the cover, but it also reveals a rectangle crack, right where it has the “I”. The bad news… it needs a fingerprint to open.
“One sec.” Tess said just before pulling out a piece of gum. She unwrapped the candy, chewed it for a while, then spat it back out.
“Uh…. What are you doing?” Lizzy asked cautiously.
“Lizzy, did you touch the chalkboard yet?” Tess asked.
“No, but what d-“
“I can use my gum to get a mark of the finger print from where the guy put his hand on the chalkboard, then put it on the case of the book.” Tess announced.
“But how do you know which one is his?” Zen asked.
“Simple.” Tess started. “I just place it on the freshest fingerprints.”

Tess, true to her word had eventually found an accurate fingerprint, and the small capsule was open. In it was a small flash-drive-like object, with a grid like back, and a screen like front. It had a hook at its bottom, and a wire at the top.
“I could download everything onto my Mp3,” Zen informed. “then we c-
“Do it already!” Lizzy anxiously demanded. “Those two bomb boys could be back any minute.”
Zen started to download, but the screen said “Not enough memory”.
“Well?” Tess asked.
“It will download,” Zen assured his allies. “But I’d have to delete all my memory, and songs, and, and-“
“Give me that!” Tess said as she swiped the mini-comp from her brother’s hand.
“There.” She said handing her brother his blank-p3 player.
After a minute of groaning, Zen finally downloaded the files, and started them up.
“Oh great.” He groaned. “The screen on my mp3 isn’t big enough to show the info. We’ll have to read it back home.”
“But I don’t even know where you guys live.” Lizzy stated.
“You can just visit for a while.” Tess invited.
“Thanks, but it’s a little more complicated than that.” Lizzy said as the three friends started to walk out of the class room.
“… WAIT A SECOND!” Lizzy exclaimed just before running back into the class room.

She scrapped across the entire chalkboard until she felt a small push, causing the chalkboard to shift downward, like a window blind, followed by a giant screen appearing. The screen had nothing but large red numbers counting down. It was currently at seventeen.
“Guys!” Lizzy yelled, just before running out towards her confused friends.

She grabbed them by the arms then started running towards down the hallway, with Zen and Tess scuttling behind her.

Halfway down the hallway, there was a loud boom, then another, then another. The three allies looked behind them, and saw the entire hallway collapsing. The bomb had been set off.
“Time to go guys!” Lizzy exclaimed, pulling harder on the two chameleons, who eventually started running.

The floor started cracking beneath them, causing Tess to fall. Her leg was trapped between two layers of rock, which were starting to squeeze back together.
“Tess!” Zen exclaimed, as he dove down to help pull up his sister.

While Zen tried to get Tess out of her predicament, Lizzy was trying to find an open door. Eventually another blast, caused the whole to get bigger, freeing Tess’s leg, allowing her to escape, and breaking open one of the doors to the quad.

The three hybrids didn’t waste any time; making every motion a quick one, as they ran through the door, and into the grass area, where the students played volleyball. But as they were passing, Zen noticed someone leaning against one of the giant garbage bins, next to the schools walls.
“Hey, there’s someone over there!” Zen called out.
He’ll have to wait!” Lizzy responded. “If we go back, the walls could crush us!”
“But… But…” Zen eventually gave up fighting about it, and chose to stay put.

Lizzy, Tess, and Zen were almost out of the school grounds, when one last blast, caused the backdoors, and their gates, to collapse, blocking the only escape. Lizzy tried climbing over, but the bent pointed metal, the shaking, and the steepness of the giant obstacle, caused her to fall backwards, landing on the ground.
“How are we going to get through that!?” Tess exclaimed.
“I have one idea, but you can’t tell anyo- WHERE’S YOUR BRO!?” Lizzy exclaimed, noticing that Zen had disappeared.
“He must have gone back to get whoever was back there!” Tess announced, as she started back after her brother.
“Wait!” Lizzy yelled at Tess. “I’ll get him!”
“But yo-“ Tess couldn’t finish. Lizzy had already left, and was out of sight.

Tess started to pull away parts of the wreckage, to make a way out, while Lizzy was getting closer to where Zen and the other person were.
“There you are!” Lizzy exclaimed just before grabbing Zen by his wrist, then attempting to pull him along with her.
“Wait!” Zen exclaimed. “We can save him too!” He pointed to a passed out police guard, who looked like he had been thrown out the window.
“Fine!” Lizzy said, and she and Zen started dragging the man through the minefield of wreckage.

They eventually ended up carrying him, Lizzy in front, and Zen in the back. They were making progress, when a giant piece of the building’s walls started to fall, right above where the three of them were. Lizzy quickly pushed the others out of the way, but the wall fell to quickly for her own escape.

Zen stood there blankly for almost thirty seconds, shocked at what he had just seen. The chameleon pulled and lifted and Pushed the giant piece of ceiling, but it wouldn’t budge. Eventually Tess found him.
“What are you doing!?” Tess said as she grabbed her brother’s arm, and rushed forward at top speed, causing Zen to fall on his legs, as he was being dragged through the destruction.

Zen tried to stop her, but was to warn out, and still hadn’t regained his balance. He held on to the officer as hard as he could, causing excruciating pain. Tess squeezed her, the officer, and her squirming brother through a small whole she dug out, and out to the parking lot, just as the shaking finally ended. Once out, there was a long period of yelling, then Zen finally told Tess what had happened to Lizzy, just as the police FINALLY arrived.
“She-she’s g-gon-ne?” Tess stammered

Zen nodded, then sat down. A police officer came up to them, and asked what had happened. They showed him the still unconscious hybrid officer. The chief police asked them some questions about what had happened, but they only told him about how they were locked in, how they escaped, and Lizzy’s supposed death. They knew that if they told them the whole story, that whoever was conning them, would find them, their parents, and Lizzy’s parents, so they kept the rest to themselves.

After a couple hours, it was 9:00 and their parents had come to pick them up. As they left, they stared at their destroyed high-school, and thought about how it would probably be weeks until they could come back.

As they drove off Zen noticed something. It was very small, but it looked like a shadow, going across the outdoor walls.
“Tess! Look!” He said, as he nudged his sister, on the opposite side of the car.
“What?” She responded in a hostile tone.
He pointed to the same spot, then Tess noticed it too. A silhouette in the shape of a cat.

Chapter 2: The Acquaintance of Mystery
Location: 17 Vinnie Grove, Lexistropolis
Date: Saturday November 29th 4337
Time: 5:34 A.M.

In a normal house in a normal neighborhood, a very abnormal happening is about to occur. A figure goes to the houses door, opens it, then darts inside. The figure than attempts to dart up the hallway stairs, but is caught.
“Elizabeth!” A tall figure scolded. The first figure stopped, and slowly turned around. It was in fact, Lizzy. “What are you doing here so late!?”
“Don’t you mean early?” Lizzy corrected.
“Do not contradict your mother young lady!” The parent exclaimed.
“Why not?” Lizzy asked in defiance.
“Because…” the figure stopped, gave a large sigh, then asked calmly, “Where were you?”
“Saving someone’s hide.” Lizzy answered.
“Lizzy, why don’t you turn on the TV.” The mom said.
“O-kay…?” Lizzy agreed confusedly, as she walked over to the living room. She pressed a button on a blank wall, and flat screen appeared, followed by a commercial.
“Now, flip through the channels.” The mother directed.
Lizzy looked through the different stations, until she had come completely around, then turned it off.
“Now, dear.” The mother said. “Did you see anyone familiar on one of the news reports?”
“Other than the people we always see on the news reports… no.” Lizzy answered.
“Now don’t you think that if you had been saving someone’s life, it would be on the news?” The mother enquired.
“You had me do all that just to prove a lie?” Lizzy scoffed.
“Tell me the truth young lady.” Her Mom demanded. Lizzy didn’t reply. She just stood there, with a cold expression on her face. “Well in that case, until you are ready to tell me what really happened, you can stay in your room.”
“So in other words, I’m doing what I was gonna do in the first place.” Lizzy mumbled to herself, as she started up the stairs once again.

In a different part of Lexistropolis, later that day…

“Have you finished downloading it yet?!” Tess yelled to her brother, as she entered a dark-lighted room.
“For the twenty-seventh time… NO!!!” Zen yelled back at his sister.
“Why is it that you can download the whole thing onto your little Mp3 player, but not onto your HUGE computer?” Tess inquired.
“My Mp3 is almost new.” Zen stated. “My computer is almost seven years old. Plus we still haven’t gotten a call from that repair-guy-boyfriend of yours.”
“Nick is not my boyfriend!” Tess exclaimed. “We are friends, and that is it.”
“Whatever.” Zen sighed. “It should only be about five more minutes, until its finished, okay?”

Zen and his sister leaned back; Zen on his computer chair, and Tess on a beanbag. Three minutes passed. Then there was a faint ring coming from downstairs.
“The doorbell’s ringing.” Zen said, turning to his sister.
“So? You answer it.” Tess suggested.
“And have you messing up everything thing on my comp(computer)? No thank you.” The chameleon boy said, shaking his head.
“Fine.” Tess said. “Rock paper scissors.”

Zen sighed, then turned to his sister. The first round, both of them chose to use scissors. The second round, they chose scissors again. However, on the third round, Zen tried to trick his sister by playing rock, but Tess came back at him with paper.
“I win!” Tess yelled in excitement.
“Best to out of three?” Zen pleaded.
“Sorry bro.” Tess denied. “The doorbell is still ringing.”

Zen slowly went down the household stairs, then opened the door. He did not however expect this.
“I’ve been standing here for like two minutes!” A young cat exclaimed. “What were you two doing? Rock paper scissors?!”

Zen didn’t have time to reply. He did however manage to say the words “Paper..paper…paaaaa…” just before passing out.

Lizzy stared at Zen in annoyance, then rolled her eyes, followed by dragging him into the house. When she showed herself to Tess, the chameleon girl took a different approach.
“Lizzy!” She exclaimed just before jumping head first into a bookshelf. “Ghost! Zombie! Confusion!”
“Ghost? Zombie?” Lizzy said in a confused voice. “You’re like sixteen, and you still believe in that kind of stuff?”
“Humana humana humana…” Tess weakly groaned. She braced herself, then pushed herself up. “H-h-how???”
“I…I crawled out.” Lizzy nervously stated. “the piece that fell on me was arched, so I didn’t get crushed. Now could’ya help me with captain pass out over here?”
“He passed out?” Tess asked.
“Would he be like this if he hadn’t?” Lizzy scolded. “The question is, ‘how do we wake him up?”
“Like this.” Tess said just before walking over to Zen’s computer. “What does this say? Permission to reformat computer? Okay.”
“Don’t touch it!!!” Zen ordered waking up. He ran over and pushed Tess away from his “precious”.
“I was just joking Zen!” Tess defended. “I was trying to wake you up. Don’t turn around.”
Ignoring his sister’s advice, Zen looked behind himself… just before screaming “Ghost”.
“Okay, you I can understand about the whole ghost thing.” Lizzy teased. “I’m not a ghost! I survived!”
“How?” Zen asked in suspicion.
Lizzy explained how she “survived” the impact of the giant piece of concrete.
“I guess that makes sense…” Zen pondered. “or-”
“Zen.” Tess called.
“Or maybe you weren’t really crushed.” Zen accused.
“Zen!” Tess called again.
“Maybe someone saved you from the impact!” Zen continued, ignoring his sister.
“ZEN!!!” Tess exclaimed, starting to get mad.
“Maybe you’re working for the guys who blew up our school!!” Zen announced.
“ZEN!!!!!!!!” Tess screamed.
“WHAT!!???!” Zen yelled back.
“Your computer is done downloading!” Tess said, quite put out. “And where did you get the idea that Lizzy is working for them? She was with us the whole time. And you saw her get crushed, so how could anyone save her and you not see it?”
“Hmmmmm. You have a point Tess.” Zen said. “But I’m keeping my eye on you Lizzy.”
“Oh sure, Sherlock.” Lizzy sarcastically remarked, rolling her eyes at the suspicious male. “Now can we please see the info?”
They all turned to the computer, then Zen brought up the file.

Lizzy, Tess, and Zen all watched as a huge amount of foreign words flashed across Zen’s computer screen. There were pictures, locations, names, and one very strange file. It was the only thing typed in That they could understand. It was the same name that was on the book, where they found the flash drive. “Phantis Prophecy”.

Zen clicked on the file, and a sort of coded journal appeared. Then a recording appeared. A pale gold female cat, only at the age of maybe 16 or 17, with dark red hair, walked up and began to talk.

“What is going on?” The recording said aloud “Something is happening. Something very strange. I cannot even begin to think how, or why, but I know something is about to go wrong. And I fear… I fear it has something to do with the stones my grandmother spoke of. Special rocks, that could change our world’s elements. I know it sounds insane, but what if the ancient stories found in that strange book were true? Magical heroes, that came from incomprehensive worlds. What if that were true?”

The window left, and another came after it. It had the same person, but it seemed to continue the story.
“It happened again. This is the fifth time I have felt this way. Every time it’s the same day, at the same exact moment. It was almost like I was having a vision. Sam thinks I’m going nuts… she’s probably right. But for some reason it just doesn’t seem to be insanity. I know how unconvincing that is, but it just doesn’t. This last time, I could scarcely remember, but I think I saw something. Something I never thought about ever. I actually was reading from the book, and it told of… of… I wish I could remember.”
Again the window departed, and a third was about to appear, when Zen clicked on the exit icon, and the file was gone.
“Oh come on!” Tess yelled at Zen. “Why’d ya do that?!”
“Because this is deep stuff.” Zen stated. “We shouldn’t be looking at this stuff. If those guys find us, WITH THIS, we are DEAD!”
“They would kill us Zen?” Tess questioned. “That seems a little over the top don’t you think?”
“No.” Both Zen and Lizzy stated.
“If they could blow up an entire school,” Zen began, “I don’t think they would have any problem dealing with a few teenagers.”
“Please don’t remind me of the school!” Tess groaned. “That whole place was totaled.”
“And that’s a bad thing… how?” Lizzy teased.
“You wanna have to either A.” Tess spoke, “Wait about half a semester then, when you finally go back, have to do more than twice the amount of school you usually do, or B. Wait one-fourth of a semester, transfer to a different school, where you have no idea where anything is, and do Twice as much work to keep up?”
“… Good point” Lizzy agreed in defeat.
“Guys!!” Zen yelled out in annoyance.
“Sorry.” Tess replied.
“Speaking of where things are,” Lizzy said, “don’t you think that whoever blew the place up would be just a bit concerned about the flash… thing?... unless… uh oh.”
“What?” Zen groaned.
“They must have took the file out after we left, and are probably looking through it right now!” Lizzy panicked.
“…So?” Both chameleons said.
“So what do you think that they’re gonna do, when they find out, they’re info’s missing?!” Lizzy exclaimed.
“Get really mad and….?” Tess said, passing on to Lizzy.
“Use the finger prints that were ALL OVER THE FLASH TO FIND US!!!” Lizzy yelled.
“Please excuse me, while I wet myself.” Zen nervously teased.
“Get in line!” Lizzy countered.
“Lizzy, I wiped off the fingerprints,” Tess stated, “plus even if they got ours, I doubt they would waste their time with a bunch of teenagers.
“Please excuse me while I sigh in relief.” Zen retracted.
“Okay, I guess.” Lizzy said, as she calmed down.
“How did you find our house anyway?” Tess asked.
“I followed you obviously.” Lizzy said. Well, more like I followed the camera I put on you guys so that I could figure out where you were.”
“Chells would have a field day with you.” Zen said.
“Who’s she?” Lizzy asked.
“HE’s a fox guy we know from school.” Zen said. “He’s always wearing shades and a black hoodie though.”
“Zen was captain of his jealous club for the longest time.” Tess said allowed.
“I just liked his shades okay?!” Zen yelled at his sister.
“Do they light up or something?” Lizzy asked.
“Eh, not really.” Tess said. “It’s just, they’re like these really expensive prescription glasses, cause he’s blind, but he can actually see through dark shades, hence the pricey part.”
“And the reason that he would have a field day with me is…” Lizzy inquired.
“You’re adventurous, and daring, and witty, and insulting, and” Zen hesitated “… and…emo.”
I’M NOT EMO!!!!” Lizzy yelled.
“EEP!” Zen squealed, falling backward.
“What was the girl talking about anyway?” Lizzy asked.
“Well, apparently way back in the 2400’s” Tess began, “There was an echidna girl, who appeared out of nowhere, and was caring a book-like thing. They said it had like TONS of data and stuff, about a bunch of warriors, and stuff. But they also said that before anyone could read it all, the girl, and the book, like vanished.”
“Is that what this file is?” Zen asked.
“I doubt it.” Lizzy replied. “How could they fit all that info, into one little flash drive.”
“Good point.” Zen said. “But what does that make this?”
“Well, it said ‘Phantis prophecy’.” Tess pointed out. “Maybe the book was put in parts.”
“But we can’t read any of this.” Lizzy said.
“It can’t take that long to decipher.” Zen said. Lizzy turned to the file, and reopened it. hundreds of millions of pages worth of words, flashed across the screen. And all in the strange language, of which none of them could understand. “Okay! Okay!” Zen exclaimed. “So, how are we gonna read this?”
“I think,” Lizzy began, “that I might kno-“
“Tess! Zen! Come out and help unload the car!” A voice from downstairs yelled out.
“The parents do calleth.” Zen announced, as he and his sister began down the stairs. “Come on Lizzybith!”
“Lizzybith?” Lizzy asked in a ticked tone, as she started down with the two chameleons. “My full name is, Lizena. And who names their kid Lizzybith?”
“Oh…. Sorry.” Zen apologized.
“It’s okay.” Lizzy sighed. “*Even my mother gets it wrong. *see beginning of part two*

They made their way down the stairs, just in time. The Solomon family Dad was about to make a rather fatal fall, face down into the wooden floor, while carrying two crate-like boxes. They all pitched in, as they slowly pushed the family man back to normal standing form, while Lizzy sort of hid behind one of the side walls, as if not to seem like they had an intruder.
“So, did you get the movie?” Tess asked as she began searching through her parent’s groceries.
“I’m afraid we didn’t have the time.” Mrs. Solomon said, as they started carrying the bags, and boxes into the kitchen.
“Yet another reason to let me get a driver’s license!” Tess hopefully hinted. Her little plea was quickly stopped when her mother gave her one of the larger boxes, and said “Where’s the clutch?” Tess gave a large sigh in defeat, then started into the kitchen, to relief herself of her cardboard burden.
They were just about to enter when…“DOH! Wait!” Zen said, slapping his head. “This is our friend Lizzy.” Zen pulled Lizzy out from behind the shadow she was hiding behind, just before getting a rather unhappy look from Lizzy, which obviously meant “WHAT ARE YA DOING!?”
“H-hi.” Lizzy greeted, as she frantically tried to not feel awkward.

Now I’m sure in your house, it isn’t that weird if your kids had a friend over while you were gone, (and if you are those kids, HOW DARE YOU!! Don’t you know that they will steal your cookies?!) but when you take in consideration that the friend was supposedly killed in an accident, and that you don’t know her at all, things become confusing.

The reaction given by Mister Solomon was “Nice to me-“just before falling backward in surprise. Mrs. Solomon simply stared, with her jaw dropped. The only other reaction given was Tess putting her hand to her face, while mumbling “idiot idiot idiot...”
“Uhh, n-nice, to… meet you Lizzy…” Mrs. Solomon finally spoke out. “Zen, and T-Tess have t-t-told us s-so much about you.”
“How do I explain this?” Tess started, walking over next to Zen and Lizzy. “Lizzy didn’t die. We thought she did, but she didn’t.”
After a minute or two of awkward silence…
“Somebody say something please!” Tess exclaimed, breaking the silence.
“H-how did you meet Zen, and Tess, Lizzy?” Mrs. Solomon asked.
“At school.” Zen replied. “Just before it was destroyed.
“Right. The school.” Mr. Solomon sighed, in woe. “We’re going to have to transfer you two.”
“… Where?” Tess growled.
“Ravenpoint.” Mr. Solomon replied. “Don’t worry, it’s a nice school.”
“But we don’t know anyone there!” Tess exclaimed.
“Actually, the school board is transferring most of the students there anyway,” Mr. Solomon said, “so you’ll probably see some of your friends there.”
“Who’s going?” Lizzy asked.
“Well, you for starters Lizzy.” Mrs. Solomon answered. “Well, that is, before Zen told us you were dead. He was pretty teary when he told us.”
“Oh he was, was he?” Lizzy asked as she turned her head to Zen, who was blushing out of proportion.
“A-also, Nick Lemonheart, that blind fox boy, and Siera Struthers, are going to be transferring.” Mr. Solomon said.
“Lemonheart???” Lizzy sarcastically questioned in disbelief. “That’s his real name? REALLY???”
“And the waiting time is…” Zen nervously asked.
“You start next Tuesday.” Mrs. Solomon answered.
“And right when I had finally figured out where everything was in this school.” Lizzy loudly groaned.
“Finally?” Tess said in confusion. “How long have you been going to the last school?”
“About a month.” Lizzy said. “My parents wanted a bigger house, and a better school.”
“That was nice of them.” Mrs. Solomon complemented.
“Nice?” Lizzy said confused. “Well, I suppose it’s a good thing. That way I’m away from them longer.”
No one said anything for another two minutes until Lizzy broke the silence by saying… “Well, I’ve gotta go.”
“Wait!” Tess said stopping Lizzy. “Where do you live?”
“55095 Vinnie Grove.” Lizzy responded. “See ya.”

Lizzy exited through the main door, then the Solomon household began turning back to the kitchen unloading. They probably would have begun talking about their “acquaintance of mystery”, if not for the return of Lizzy, only twelve seconds later.

The sixteen year-old cat rushed through the door, and jumped behind one of the couches, while yelling “PAPERAZZI!!!!” It took Zen a few short seconds to open the door, get blinded by the cameras, fall backwards, jump at the door, slam it shut, and then finally lock it.
“WHY ARE THEY HERE?!” Tess exclaimed in obliviousness.
“Okay new question.” Tess started. “HOW DO WE GET PAST THEM!?”
“You two are chameleons, just invisible everyone.” Lizzy suggested.
“We can’t turn invisible!!” Tess said.
“Yet.” Zen contradicted.
“Zen! Tess!” Mrs. Solomon exclaimed. “Calm down. It’s just a bunch of reporters. They stay outside, and they don’t come in.”
“They’re going to destroy the yard!!” Zen yelled.
“Zen, just calm down.” Mrs. Solomon stated, opening a window. “Why are you getting so excited?” Mrs. Solomon turned to the large mob of reporters, and tried to ask, tell, and demand them to leave, but the crowd was too loud, and too determined.
“Fine! Wait here!” Lizzy said, walking out the door. She jumped into the crowd, disappearing from sight, then reappeared on the other side.
“WHAT IS SHE, A NINJA!” Zen yelled in confusion.
“GO LIZZY!!!” Tess cheered, as they watched the young cat girl redirect the army of cameras. They followed her until the Solomon’s could not see them, or Lizzy, anymore.
“They’ll kill her with that stampede!” Tess exclaimed, as she started to walk towards the door, as if to go find Lizzy.
“No they won’t, and don’t worry, I’ll go get her.” Mr. Solomon said. He pulled out his car keys, then left in the family car, after Lizzy.

About half of an hour later, he returned, without Lizzy. The explanation was that she just wasn’t found. At four-o-clock in the afternoon, there was a knock on the door. When they had opened the door, an out of breath Lizzy, let herself in, then collapsed on the floor, panting from the run.
“LIZZY OUR HERO!!! WOOT WOOT!!!” Tess yelled, in excitement, piercing everyone’s ears.

After some nice cold water, Lizzy explained a second time that she had to go home, then went off again, into the warm fall day.
“How was this productive again?” Zen asked.
“We… got to watch a video?” Tess weakly replied
The next day would be better than the next, for the “Paparazzi” would end, and the world would forget of this supposedly dead feline, whether they forgot the school’s unfortunate end or not.

Chapter three: Grandfather
Location: 61st Lenin St. Lexistropolis country side
Date: Sunday, November 30th, 4337
Time: 11:46 A.M.

In a mountain area, in front of a rather large cabin-house, two people stood. The first was Lizena Willow Eventide, a mere sixteen year-old female, black cat, with eyes that would change from dark purple, in usual terms, light blue, if in danger, and at rare occasions, pale green. The significance of this color, was that it only appeared when she had found a strange glowing shard of glass a long time ago, and when in the presence, of her grandfather.

The man greeting her was an elderly man, who would appear to be the age of seventy-five, but was in fact three-hundred and twelve. He was also a feline, with grey fur, followed by flesh-colored stripes across his arms, and legs, a tail that faded from grey, to gold, and light green eyes. His name was Davilic Rachters Eventide.
“Hello Grandpa.” Lizzy said, as a minute smile began growing on the face of the younger cat.
“Lizzy?” The elder man said in surprise. “How are you? I have not seen you in quite some time. I would have thought you had changed your mind about learning the different arts I told you about.”
“Yeah, sorry, about that.” Lizzy apologized, as her grandfather walked her inside the large home he had. After so, he then walked off to bring something to drink, and as he prepared it, Lizzy continued. “They wanted to move… again… then the school blew up, just when I finally figured out how to make my way around the place. Now I’ve got to transfer to a new high-school, which is even more big-brained, so I’m probably won’t be able to come by much… again.”
“Cherry, Zodiac, or Bling-Bud?” The older one asked from the kitchen.
“No this one’s called Ravenclaw, or something.” Lizzy replied.
“Oh, I meant the soda.” Dave corrected.
“Oh. I guess I’ll have Zodiac.” Lizzy replied a second time.

Davilic, both in young, old and older years still, did not enjoy having to make different types of hot-chocolate, or tea, or those sorts of things, so he would constantly stock up on soda. And because of his age, he had seen many different varieties, most of which he kept stocking up on, till he couldn’t any more.
“Have you met anyone yet?” Mr. Eventide asked
“Yeah, I met two new ones. Chameleons.” Lizzy started. “Tess and Zen. They’re pretty cool. But they kinda seem like they stopped at age twelve. And my guess is that they’re gonna introduce me to some lemonade named dude, another girl, then some blind dude named Chells.”
“hmmmmm. Blind?” Dave asked.
“Well, kinda blind.” Lizzy said. “He has these special shades that let him see. Why?”
“Oooooooh, Just another long-shot thought.” Dave answered, handing his granddaughter her desired soda. “So, why did you come here?”
“Well me and the chameleons found a weirdo file that talked about something called ‘Phantis’,” Lizzy began, “and it apparently had a ton of cryptic writing on it.”
“Well I don’t know about Phantis.” The older cat said. “But I might be able to take a look at the writing.”
“Cool.” Lizzy said. “Soooooo, now can we do the whole mage train whatever stuff now? Y’know, before they find out where I’ve been.”
“How did you get here so quickly?” The grandfather asked, as they started off to a different area of the house.
“I walked.” Lizzy replied.
“Walked?!” The elder said in surprise. “Your last house was almost a-thousand miles from here, and I doubt you live that far from there.”
“Well, actually I do.” Lizzy stated. It only took about half-an hour to get here.”
“And here we are.” Lizzy’s grandfather announced, as they exited from the long hallway and into a large room.

The room was white, and looked a lot like a training room. It had a vast amount of weapons, shields, and outfits. It also had a few obstacle devices, such as a giant spring, a large wooden brick that seemed to be a bench, and about twenty or so metal poles, which went from the ceiling to the ground. They were very spread out, but at the same time grouped in only one area of the room.

It was in this room that Lizzy’s Grandfather had once attempted to teach the art of magic, or as he called it ‘Magery”. He had many students at one point, but was shut down, for using, teaching, and hiding magic. He had hoped that one day his son, Lizzy’s father, would learn and continue the magical arts, but he wanted no part.

So it was that whenever possible, he would attempt to train Lizzy. Though until now, they had not gotten much practice.

Lizzy’s grandfather took two large staffs from the side of a wall. He then handed one to Lizzy, and took one for himself. The staff he was now holding was a combination of wood and metal, which made a braiding twisting pattern, with a large green gem at the top. Lizzy’s was a petrified-wooden staff, with three large fork-like spikes at the end of each side.
“Now what exactly were we learning the last time you were here?” Dave asked.
“I think it had something to do with mass positioning.” Lizzy responded.
“Close.” Davilic responded. “We were talking about mass manipulation.”
“And the difference is…” Lizzy asked.
“Mass positioning involves moving a person, or thing,” The elder cat began, “while mass manipulation, changes the item or person’s form. There are three ways to conjure this type of magery, but whenever doing so, you have to picture what the object or person is, and what you are going to turn it into. The first way, is to use the vocal spell ‘Morfinas’. The second is to air-write the spell’s symbol, then launch the symbol at the item. The third way can only be done by one with a large enough imagination and/or energy to simply use it through thought, but that is for later.”
“O-kay…” Lizzy slowly spoke out in a confused tone.
“Should we start with the first attempt?” The elder asked the younger.
“Uh, sure.” Lizzy responded, as she positioned her staff on the ground.

Lizzy’s grandfather began the spell by stepping backward slightly, then while simultaneously placing his back foot forward he thrusted his staff in the direction of a large brick, on the floor and yelled out “Morfinas”. The two of them stepped back from the object, as it began to twist and turn, then finally, the brick had changed into a small pearl. Davilic then thrusted his hands forward a second time, and the small pearl began floating towards him, until landing in the center of his hand.
“Nice!” Lizzy exclaimed, as her interest began growing. The young black-fur feline placed her foot back as she prepared to try out the new magic.
“Wait.” Davilic said, moving his arm in Lizzy’s way, as if to keep her back. She looked over to where he was still holding the small pearl, and watched as he twiddled his fingers in different patterns. As Lizzy got closer she noticed that he was multiplying the pearl. Soon it was three, then eight, then twelve pearls. He tossed the small white objects into the air then made a sort of streak across where they would land, and a silvery thread began emerging, in between the pearls, drilling holes through them, until from brick to pearl to pearls, it had become a pearl necklace. He moved his hand towards Lizzy, and the pearls disappeared, then reappeared, on Lizzy’s neck.
Lizzy’s reaction was a combination of surprise, joy, and admiration, as she brought up the gleaming gem-necklace so that her eyes to see their beauty. “…Wow!” Lizzy said, in startled joy.
“This way you can store twelve different magical wonders inside the pearls,” Davilic began, “whether it be spells, items, or even something living.” Lizzy just stared in aw, then began stammering, as she debated in her mind if she should keep the necklace, or say it was too much of a gift.
“You really didn’t have to do this.” Lizzy said in refusal, just before biting her tongue, hoping that he would insist that she keep the necklace.
“Can’t I give my only grandchild a gift now and then?” Davilic kindly pointed out. “Especially to one I see very rarely.”
“Um… Thank you? Have no idea how to repay you?” Lizzy said out loud turning to her new gift, while in thought she was really saying, “YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!”
“Would you like to try the Morfinas spell now?” Davilic said, noticing that Lizzy needed to be snapped out of it.
“S-sure.” Lizzy nervously replied, in a tense but positive tone. Again she paced her foot back, then just as Davilic, conjured the spell. She chose to direct it at one of the poles that were facing. When she morphed the pole she had forgotten to think of something to turn it into, and this caused the pole to act extremely out of control.

After a few seconds, the pole calmed itself (IT’S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!), then split into two light-grey ribbons-like shapes. The shapes twirled around for a moment, then fastened themselves onto Lizzy’s arms.

The young cat squirmed backwards in surprise, then finally somehow, moved her hands out, through the sides of the shapes, as if she were a ghost, going through someone. This did little help, and the poles, once again, began fastening themselves onto her, over and over. Eventually they started to glow, which caused Lizzy to glow, and within a moment’s time Lizzy began drifting off into some kind of sleep. Her grandfather thrusted his staff into one of the poles, and they both turned into dust.

Lizzy collapsed on the floor; the pain from the landing to rouse her. Davilic helped her up slowly, and suggested that she go home and rest, but Lizzy refused.
“But you need to recover Lizzy.” Her grandfather pleaded.
“N…no… please not there.” Lizzy pleaded in her exhausted state. “What… was that?”
“I’ll tell you later.” Davilic responded, as he slowly walked her to a couch in his living room. Lizzy fell asleep almost instantly, as she slowly slid downward; her face going into one of the pillows.

When her grandfather came back inside with some water, he noticed her awkward face downward position, and took it upon himself to push her sideways, as to not have her suffocate from lack of air inside the pillow. He sat the water down, then left, and then returned with a blanket, which he slowly, and carefully covered her with, then left back to the training room.

Whatever the two ribbons did to Lizzy it was not natural, for Lizzy was now in a strange vision-like dream. It didn’t show the past, or the future, or the present, but it did show something.

In the dream she was in what would seem to be a dark-blue foggy area. To the sides of her there seemed to be strange forms, forms of what would seem to be hybrids. They were all aligned, and extremely dark, except for three of them.

The first lightened one, was what she took to be a male fox. His eyes were closed, and he seemed to only be a silhouette, just slightly lighter than the ones who were darker. She waved her hand in front of the fox, but he did not respond, so she continued forward.

The other two were at the end of the others, as if they were the leaders. As Lizzy started to move towards them she noticed a few of the other forms. There was a rabbit, what she thought was a hedgehog, and an echidna.

When she had at last come to the end of the long line of statue-like-people, she noticed that the two at the end were very bright. She could now actually see the details, the color, the shape, the clothing, but before she had gotten a close enough look at the one on the left side, she felt someone grab her shoulders.

She was forced to face whoever was directing her, and to her surprise it was the fox, now glowing and in detail. Before she could get any details about him, aside that he was completely grey, he did something that seemed to push her backwards.

She continued going backwards as if she was falling. It was like a portal that she was passing through. But she could still barely see the fox. Just before everything went blank, he called out to her “Not yet!”
“Not yet”. These words rang in her ears as she felt herself waking up. She made a large jerk from the experience, causing her to sort of bounce off the couch, and onto the floor. She slowly got up; the pain in her back pulling her back as best it could. After a small amount of groaning, and reaching, she had pulled herself back onto the couch, with the words “Not yet” STILL ringing in her ears.

Her grandfather came in, after hearing the loud thump and tired “Ow”, holding a glass of Bling-bud soda in his hand. He rushed so quickly that the soda went onto the floor, and under his feet. Another thud quickly followed.

After he too had finally pulled himself onto the couch, he informed her that is was now Three-thirty-two in the afternoon. Lizzy did not like this. “They’re gonna find out, then they’re gonna want to move again, then they’re gonna-“
“Lizzy!” Davilic interrupted. “It’s okay. I’ll drive you back home… once by bones knit.”
“Thank you thank you thank you- let’s go!” Lizzy exclaimed, as she jumped off the couch and out the door. Her grandfather slowly followed.
As they were driving back to Vinnie Grove, Lizzy broke the silence by saying “I had a dream… after the… y’know.”
“What happened in your dream?” Her grandfather inquired, trying to sound interested.
“Well there were these people.” Lizzy began. “They were hybrids, but like some of them were like really dark, and some were kind of lighter. Then, just when I was about to see what some of them looked like, a fox one turned me around, then made me wake up. But as I started to wake up, he yelled out ‘not yet’, and that was it.”
“That certainly sounds strange.” Davilic said, seeming slightly more interested now. “What did they look like?”
“Well I think there was a rabbit, an echidna, maybe a hedgehog, I couldn’t tell, and of course the fox guy. He was like greyish, or something, and I think he was wearing something, but I couldn’t tell fast enough. This magic stuff must be some kind of unstable, or something. How did you learn it all anyway?”
“hmmmmm…” The older feline pondered. “Well I know that some of it was passed on to me by my father, who got it from his mother, and so on, but I ended up having to learn the remainder of it all myself. There was the elemental magic, there was dark magic, there was something I seem to recall was called Ixis, and then there was another thing I think was called… called…”
“You think it was called…” Lizzy pressed.
“I think it was called ‘We’re here.” Davilic finished… kind of. They were at Lizzy’s house. Tess and Zen were there, or they were. It seemed as if they had just given up, and started to leave.
“THANKS GRANDPA! GOTTA GO!!” Lizzy quickly said, as she hurried out of the car, and after the two chameleons.
“You’re welcome Lizzy.” Her grandfather responded, as he drove off.
“TESS!!!!!!! ZEN!!!!!” Lizzy yelled as she accidentally ran straight into Zen. The two fell on Tess, who braced herself, from cracking her head open, then scuffled out from under the two of them.
“WHAT WAS THAT?!!?” Zen yelled at Lizzy, his face turning red, as he and Lizzy quickly regained their posture.
“Sor-ry! Not like I meant to fall on ya.” Lizzy forcefully apologized… sort of. “What were you guys doing?”
“We WERE trying to find you.” Tess answered. “The police dude that you two saved is out of the hospital, but he said that he’s resigning cause of what happened. He’s cleaning out tonight, but if we hurry we might be able to catch him.”
“You do realize that that’s all the way downtown,” Lizzy began, “and that the only car willing to take us just left, right?”
“Uhhh… now we do?” Tess defended.
“Who you calling we?” Zen said. “I kept saying that we should have taken the car.”
“And let you get us killed?” Tess zapped back.
“I’M THE ONE WITH THE DRIVER’S LICENCE, NOT YOU!!!” Zen yelled out, his face turning even more red then before.
“ZEN!!!” Lizzy yelled. “Chill, PILL. Breath, meditate, control. Just call your parents, and have them pick us up.”
“Oh sure, I know just what they’ll say.” Zen disagreed. “Oh sure kids, you can go all the way downtown with the only car we own, and no money for gas, and/or repairs. Not to mention the fact that it will be dark soon.”
“FINE!” Lizzy ran over to her drive way, stuck her knife into the lock, and opened the large red truck. She then hotwired her parent’s car, and motioned for the two chameleons to get in.
“ARE YOU NUTS!?!?” Zen yelled, unsurprisingly.
“YAHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!” Tess yelled as she jumped in, also unsurprisingly, pulling Zen in with her.
“Fine, if we’re gonna get ourselves in trouble,” Zen started, “at least let the person who can drive… drive.” He shoved Lizzy over, and while she did not appreciate this action, she controlled her more angry self, and took shot gun. Tess sat in the back, with a large, energetic smile on her face.
“You know, you’re a really bad influence Lizzy.” Tess teased. “AND I AM LOVIN IT!!!!!!! YAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The three drove off, to the downtown police station hoping that they wouldn’t be too late.

They got into the downtown area at around five-o-three, but had no idea where the police station was. It took them another half hour to find the station, just in time to see the officer about to hop into his car, and leave.

Lizzy reached over, and gave a large push on the steering wheel, honking until he finally stopped, and came over to give them a piece of his mind.
“Officer!” Tess yelled.
“What are you kids doing?!” The cop asked impatiently.
“We just need to ask you something really quick!” Tess pleaded.
“I already told the press, my boss, my mom, and myself everything I know.” He started. “Some clown knocked me out, threw me out the window, then someone saved me-… aren’t you-“
“Yep.” Lizzy responded. “Now could you please help us out here.”
“Well, not now. I really gotta get going” The man scratched his head, trying to think of what to do. “Okay look, you got any paper of something?”
“I have a pen, and a hand.” Tess responded cheerfully.
“Good enough.” The cop said. “Write down two five two, three three three, eight one two five. You can call me that way, if you want to know anything… wait a second… Chief said you were killed.”

Lizzy froze, Tess stopped writing, and Zen quickly explained how Lizzy supposedly survived the school implosion. The cop was convinced, then they said goodbye, and started back to their previous location.

The man started off into his car but then stopped, “Wait a minute… that block wasn’t- HEY KID WAIT!!!” But it was too late. They were out of reach, and ear shot.

When they had finally made it back home, it was almost seven, and very dark. Zen and Tess ran from Lizzy’s house back to their own, and Lizzy carefully placed the truck back in place, in the same way it was before.

She noticed when she went into the house that the parents weren’t home yet, and had probably left to go be “eccentric”… again. She grabbed something to eat, then collapsed on her grey, and light purple bed, upstairs; falling asleep almost instantly. And once again, the words that the fox had said to her still rang in her ears, but there seemed to be more this time. Instead of “Not yet”, it was now “It’s not time for you yet.”

posted by TakTheFox
I am not a young man but today I feel as though life has be exceptionally kind to me. I don’t really understand how this all happened. I’m not particularly learned when it comes to the history all these people share. All I ever really understood was the biology behind it all. However I could still understand some of it, and no one has to explain sorrow to me.

I was working on my prize machine, the D-N-AMAZER. ( If you find that name to be unoriginal than I don’t really care.) Some racist madman had stolen the designs and destroyed my original. I spent a month alone recovering my information...
continue reading...
posted by CrescentHedgie
Name: Crescent

Nickname(s): N/A

Age: 17

Eye color: Brown

Height: 5'0

Hair color: Blonde

Alignment: Good

Powers: N/A

Martial Status: Single

Likes: Reading, video games, music, traveling

Dislikes: Evil, being alone

Personality: Often very shy, once she gets to know someone, she's very open.

Love interest: Secret

Parents: Father: Jordan T.H. (deceased)

Mother: Isabelle T.H.

Occupation: Works a part-time (now full-time) job as a nurse

Backstory: Because of the murder of her dad, her mother could no longer afford to take care of her. She was promptly moved to an orphanage two weeks later. After a month of staying...
continue reading...
posted by shadowsis98
Sonya : Full Name : Olivia 'sonya' De' Maurina
Age : 16
Personality : Happy-go-lucky,strong headed,determine,and a bit spoil
Appearance : Short light silver blue hair,emerald eyes,pink lips,sakura white skin,pierced ears.(dress? you just imagine it)

Ummul : Ummul Aimin Saifullizan
Age : 16 (two months older than sonya)
Personality : mature,serious,mysterious,a bit hot tempered,determine and have a soft spot for her friend,sonya.
Appearance : Dark raven hair with orange mix red streak on a single bang,emotionless...
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posted by TakTheFox
I have so many questions while being led down these strange halls. The kitchen opening up into a hallway; how long was it there? Was there one in my house? The halls are black with silver lines in the middle of them, glowing where we are, we being me, and the arms.

They told me to follow and I did not want them to hurt me. I might die if they were to again, and I needed to be healed… they alwa- almost always healed me before, so maybe they were taking me to be healed. I don’t know why they were taking me with them while I was awake, but it had to be for a good reason…

It is hard to walk...
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Name: Rynk Hellborn

Age: (Currently) 17

Gender: Female

Species: Hybrid

Alignment: A sort of mix between Chaotic-Good and Lawful-Neutral

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Power(s)?: Rynk has a variety of abilities.

She has seven different forms to take advantage of. I know what you’re thinking, too overpowered. Don’t worry, this is something I’ve worked on for years.

~Banshee Mobian DNA (link)
When turning into this form Rynk is able to
>Use Sound abilities
>Ghost (become intangible)

~Acid Monster DNA (Nictrela) (This picture is old and not by me link)
>Shoot acid from various pores in...
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posted by LorMel
Ash Storm [Ash Hedewolf] is the son on Helix Storm [Helix the Wolf] & Frost Storm [Frost Hedgehog]
Picture link of Frost & Helix: link
Credit goes to the original designer. ^^
Ash is 17, well, not yet, but in RPS [if you are one of them] hes 17.
In the current RP, Ash (or Ashie, nickname by: Helix Storm!) Ash is only a few days old.
Picture link to baby Ashie/Ash: WARNING! CUTENESS ZONE! MAY CAUSE YOU TO GO "Awwww!"
Ash is, in the current RP, going to be big brother to Frost & Helixs child, [not born yet], Lily.
Name idea belongs to original thinker. ^^
posted by TakTheFox
They still aren’t here. I wonder if I even met them for real now. Maybe they were a dream also. It would make sense. Does that mean that the sky isn’t real? Or the outside of houses? I don’t know what I should think anymore.

My thumb was not healed… I hate those arms. I never thought I would hate something, I feel guilty for hating anything, but I’m hurting too much to care. The arms hurt me. What did I do that made them so angry?

There is a strange metal box… thing, in front of me. I open it up and a screen is on the first half, with buttons on the bottom half. There are a lot of...
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posted by soniczone1
Sammy Jr. Hedgehog
Sammy Jr. Hedgehog
Sammy was 15 year old Hedgehog as Sonic Fan Character. Sammy was very happy hedgehog all times and likes to play video games and get along with some friends. She was cute hedgehog as Cream the Rabbit and Sammy is trying to be friendly to anybody else. She was kind and respectful hedgehog. She had a good life so far and good experience. Her goal is be like the special hedgehog to everyone and save lives. Sammy was dreaming to be in one team to beat down Dr. Eggman in Planet Mobius. Sammy likes to go in adventures just like Sonic when he was in Lost Hex and everywhere.
Same as last time, copy and paste the link into your Chrome address bar to install the theme.

Ivory Lightning theme

Indigo Asteroid theme

Crimson Eagle theme

Grey Quake theme

Magenta Rhythm theme

Black Bomb theme

I hope they're not too disappointing...
posted by TakTheFox
(October 1st Wednesday)

After the events of Mr. Calto and his D-NA-mazer, students became extremely confused and annoyed by their new forms for multiple reasons. The first was that many people were unable to recognize their friends and family. The second was the fact that the D-NA-mazer had taken away the powers of many of the students who had used it. This made many of them extremely angry, and so a call was sent in to Mr. Calto, but he had yet to call back.

It was night, or nearly. Dante and Craiger were in their dorm, suffering from extreme boredom and laziness. While plopped on the couch,...
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added by cookiemaster
What the video says. X3
added by popthefox
Source: me and sumo paint,
added by derpy_chick
added by larisaluna10
Source: me and fansommer
added by GuardianKeys
Source: Myself and CyberEchidna
added by sydni2001
Source: me and blossom1111
added by StarAngle16
I loved someone once, and I still love that same person. So why am I alone? Did she die? Is she with someone else? Quite frankly I don’t know.

I can see through the future and the past with ease, but if I were to do that with her future, to see what became, I might break. Will I find out that she was killed? Will I find out that she loved another? Will it be something worse? I cannot bear it.

When I first met her I had already been in love with her, though quite frankly I was so arrogant and rash that I probably had no idea what the word meant at that point. But I soon learned that because...
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posted by NoctusLynx
Some people hate 'em, some people love 'em. Others simply don't give a damn. But what makes the cliche have such a mixed review? Why are there people who like it and love it? Let's find out.

First, we might want to find out what a cliche IS. A cliche is comparable to a stereotype to an extent. A cliche is something that is commonly repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over and... you get the idea. Here, I will address two cliches.

Character stereotypes are something we can't get around. Most stories are alegories, which are stories which the characters represent a part...
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So yeah this topic’s been a long one coming. I’ll say right now, for quite a while now I’ve been very happy to see that there are few Dark Characters, and those that are there are done WELL. So this rant is not based on recent events, it is just advice.

So let’s try to define a dark character. They are basically any and/or all of the following.
~A Daredevil
~Have a lot of secrets
~Hate everyone
~Act uncaring
~Or simply play the bad boy.

What’s wrong with this? Well since this is for Sonic Characters I’ll go with only Sonic-based parameters...
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