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posted by chels125843

Chapter 8: The Hero Within

“What is it? You know you can tell me anything.” She smiled. Did it work; was he going to tell her? She felt her heart skip a beat as she anxiously waited for the next words to leave his lips.

“I want you to know that what I am about to tell you doesn’t change who I am or the way I feel about you. Nothing could change that.” He said softly with a loving smile.

“Clark,” she placed her hand on his. “I understand.” She paused, looking into his eyes. “Whatever it is, you can trust me.”

“I know Lois. I just don’t want anything to change between us.” He sighed, he was going to tell her and there’d be no turning back. Lois saw the worry in his gaze and held his hand tighter.

“I promise you nothing can change how I feel about you, us or our baby.” She smiled looking down at her stomach as she placed her free hand on it. “Common Smallville, how bad could it be? You’re not gonna tell me you’re some psycho killer are you?” she snickered trying to lighten to the mood. She caught a smile inch across his lips.

“You’re hysterical Lois.” He retorted sarcastically. He moved in closer and this time it was his hand holding hers. “I’m the Red Blue Blur.” He said softly, almost in a whisper. Lois just sat there completely still. Sure she saw him super speed away but there was always a part of her that doubted it thinking that maybe she’d just imagined it. But it was out, he just admitted it aloud. The Red Blue Blur? No way, she thought. Having super speed is one thing but could Clark Kent the farm boy, her farm boy really be the hero everyone looked up to? He was just a mild mannered copy boy!

He shifted in his seat; he wasn’t sure what to make of her silence. “Lois please say something, anything.” He pleaded. She stared back at him with a sense of disbelief as she let her eyes drift along his body. He was still the same Clark Kent to her. She kind of shocked herself with how she felt. Usually if someone were to find out the father of their child were some sort of super powered being they’d be a little uneasy. But there was something about Clark that everything felt right, normal, and she didn’t know why.

“Thank you.” She said. Of all the things she could say at that moment, she said thank you. Common Lois! The poor guy just told you a life changing secret and all you can say is thank you? She shook her head, ashamed. “I didn’t mean that. I mean yes of course thank you for telling me and trusting me with this but what I really wanted to say is…” Her voice trailed off as she was trying to put the million thoughts racing through her mind in order. “It’s okay, it’s more than okay. Clark Kent a hero!” She smiled. “It’s perfect. Nothing could ever change how I feel about you. If anything this could make me love you even more. Not because you’re some superhero, but you save so many people everyday and you don’t take credit for it. Not to mention how big of a responsibility it is that you’ve taken on. And you’ve seen all of those meteor infected we’ve dealt with! They take their abilities and consider themselves to be above others and use them selfishly while you…you save people. “She smiled brightly as she thought of her boyfriend being the hero that she and everyone admired.

“Lois, are you sure you’re okay with this? I mean, if you think it’s too weird being with me now or if you don’t want to have this baby I get it. It’s a lot to take in and I just want to say that I understand but I couldn’t go on spending my life with you while keeping this from you.” His gaze fell to the floor.

“Clark, look at me.” She waited until his head rose and his eyes were staring right back into hers. “Don’t you ever doubt how much I love you, you understand me? Of course I wanna have this baby with you. I love you; I don’t care if you have super abilities! You’re still the same Clark Kent. The dorky farm boy who wears a lot of flannel and cares so much about his loved ones that he will so everything he can to keep them safe even if it means putting his own life at risk.” She gave him a warm smile.

“Thank you, for understanding and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, it’s just that the other people who’ve known…it hasn’t been easy. I didn’t want to put that kind of danger in your life. I care too much about you.” He sighed, it felt good to get this off his chest, and he’s had all these thoughts and feelings bottles up inside him for too long.

“So I’m not the only one who knows?” She asked, confused, feeling kind of hurt he hadn’t told her sooner.

“No…Chloe, Lana and Oliver know too. To name a few.” He said nervously. He could see her trying to hide her disappointment. “But Lois you have to know I didn’t have a choice with any of them, they found out on their own.” She nodded slowly, and suddenly she felt her cheeks flush.

“And I’m the first person you’ve actually…told?” She asked, feeling honored she was the first. He smiled, she was so cute. “Yes Lois, you are. And let me tell you, there have been so many times when I’ve wanted to tell you-“

“But you were scared I wouldn’t understand.” She said, cutting him off.

“You have to believe me when I say that even when we barely got along I loved being around you and as much as I didn’t want to admit it I didn’t want that to change. But it’s not only that, some people who’ve known my secret have been put in danger by people who want to know more about me. I feel bad for putting such a burden on them, and I’d hate for anything bad to happen to them because of it.” He desperately hoped she’d understand.

“Those people who want to know more about you…what would they do?” She asked worriedly.

“They’d hunt me down, probably lock me up and analyze me to find out what makes me the way I am.”

“And so you have to be careful who you tell.” She gave him a reassuring smile.

“Yeah. Now, is there anything you want to ask me?” He said proudly.

“Well…what can you do exactly?” she questioned.

“For starters, I can leap tall buildings, shoot heat from my eyes, I can hear a dog barking from miles away. I’m also very strong and have x-ray vision!” he grinned. He saw her shift in her seat as her cheeks turned a bright red.

“Tell me about this x-ray vision…” Her cheeks were still burning red as she raised a questioning eyebrow.

“I can uh…see through things” He couldn’t help but chuckle as he watched her jokingly glare.

“So before we were together did you ever…” a part of her really wanted him to tell her he had taken a peek at her, she found it flattering.

“No Lois I didn’t!” he retorted. “I need to really focus. And besides I’ve seen you naked once before when we weren’t together, without the need of my x-ray vision.” He teased.

“Ha-ha, aren’t you funny. If I recall correctly, you didn’t exactly turn away.” She teased back. This time it was his cheeks that became a red. “And don’t you remember the first time we met amnesia boy? Stark naked in a cornfield ring any bells?” She laughed.

“Right.” He remembered. He joined her in her laughter and for the first time in his life he knew what it felt like to be himself with someone. And the person being his Lois made him happier than he ever thought he could be.

The next few hours unwound everything that he had bottled up from her all these years. He found himself saying about Jor-El, the fortress, Krypton, his attachment to humanity. He could feel the awe and fascination in her every touch as she reassured him to continue, every time he had hesitated. He recalled every single detail and memories, each word spilling from his lips that drove her to the edge of the bed in amusement.

He looked deeply into her eyes as a sense of euphoria passes through his senses.

Lois sat there, holding his gaze, seeing him like never before. This was her Clark. Clark with no boundaries and he had just opened up to her. He had let her in through his life, through his heart, through his everything. She knew she had to say something as she felt Clark's features hardening in worry.

"So? Alien.... Really?" she snickered teasingly rubbing his arms.
A wave of relief swept Clark off his feet and he marveled at how well Lois had handled the truth.

He grinned back, returning her favor as he brushed his fingers lingeringly across Lois' exposed neck. He whispered as his breath tingled her insides, "I prefer the term Inter-Galactic Traveler".

Their laughter merged and He wrapped his arms around her, holding her in his embrace. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against his chest.

They pulled away unwillingly when they heard the nurse, Melanie, entering the room.

“Good afternoon Ms. Lane, Mr. Kent.” She smiled as she came towards them. “I have some great news! We are going to keep you overnight for observation but as of tomorrow morning you’ll be free to go.”

“Really!?” Lois exclaimed. Finally I can get home and out of this hospital gown and flannel. She turned and gave Clark a teasing smirk in which he returned right back at her. She rubbed her hands against the material covering her arms. “Ah, I’m only teasing Smallville. I love you and your cute farm boy flannel.” She placed her hands on the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. Both of them had completely lost themselves in the kiss that the nurse had to clear her throat to remind them of her presence. Their lips quickly parted and Lois shifted her body to face the nurse. “Thank you so much for all your help.” She told her as she was turning to leave the room.

“It was my pleasure.” Melanie smiled as she disappeared into the crowded hallway.

“Clark, would you stay with me tonight?” she asked, as she turned back towards him. “I don’t want to be alone.”

“Of course Lo, Id love to.” He said lovingly as his hand caressed her cheek. He had never imagined how lonely the nights could get and he didn’t want her to feel that way. He stood up and reached for his coat.

“Where are you going?” Lois asked.

“I figured you must be due for your coffee fix, I was gonna run down to the shop and get some for you!” He leaned over her and kissed her forehead. “Would you like some?”

“You know me so well don’t you?” she grinned. “I’d love some. But the coffee shop closes in two minutes, will you make it?” She challenged him with a raised eyebrow.

“Watch me.” He smirked, and before she could even blink, he was gone.
Shortly after, he returned, coffee in hand and a proud smile on his face. He walked over to the bed and handed Lois her cup, his grin still plastered across his face.

“Well aren’t you proud?” she giggled.

“I told you I could do it.” He replied confidently.

“You better watch it Smallville you’re coming dangerously close to cocky.” She joked. “But in all seriousness, that was quite amazing! Oh, never again will I be without my coffee fix!” She said excitedly. She brought the coffee cup up to her lips and took a big sip. “Wow that’s burning hot! Did you use your heat vision on this!?” She laughed. She often laughed at her own jokes, which Clark thought was adorable. She set her cup down on the table beside her bed and lay down. “Clark, can I ask you something?” She asked sweetly.

“Sure Lo, what is it?” he answered with a warm tone.

“All you do is help people. You are so selfless and you go around saving people every day. You give up part of your life to be there for our city when they need you. What I’m trying to say is what do you need?” She looked up at him, waiting for an answer. He sat on the edge of her bed and tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

“I don’t want to sound cheesy but I don’t need anything. I have all I could ever want already.” He whispered into her ear. It sent chills through her body that made her heart beat speed up.

“I love you so much.” She bit her lip as she felt her insides melt. How could he be so perfect? And the better question is; how was she so lucky to end up with someone like that? She lifted her head up from her pillow and passionately grazed her lips against his. She leaned back against her pillow and she felt her eyes starting to close. She desperately tried to keep herself from falling asleep but soon found herself drifting to sleep. Clark gently pulled the covers and placed them on top of her. He quietly crawled in next to her, lying face to face. She looked so calm and peaceful, so beautiful. He leaned over, brushing his lips against her cheek and was rewarded with a smile that fluttered his heart.

“Love you.” She whispered.

“Love you too.” He whispered back as he closed his eyes, tightening his arms around her, knowing that he would never be alone again. Lois was his home, where he belonged. Now that he had her, he was determined never ever to let go.

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added by Crazy-Chica
In 1989, when Lex was 9 years old, Lionel took him to Smallville on a business trip at the insistence of his mother. Fatefully, they arrived on the day of the Meteor Shower. The meteorites seemingly cured Lex's asthma but caused him to go bald, in addition to apparently super-charging his immune system. Lex has not been sick since.

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