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posted by DeniseAnne
Salazar quickly crossed the hall, headed to his room; Rowena ran after him, shouting: << Salazar! Wait! >>. At first he tried to ignore her, but then stopped and stood rigid, arms at his sides, fists clenched, continuing to give her away. Remained motionless for a time that seemed so endless, and when at last she turned to Salazar, Rowena could not help but wince. He realized, with great pain, that nothing was left of the boy he had loved, and still loved. Sure, he was always beautiful, but now his face was twisted into a cruel grin, very different from his usual mocking grimaces and smiles from his usual ironic. In that grin was pure rage mixed with disgust, as if he were in front of a sickening spectacle. But Rowena quickly composed herself and took her usual expression neutral and serious. << Where are you going? >> she asked him, without giving him to see what was really anxious.
<< Anywhere but here. I think we just established that this is not the place for me. >>
<< You established this. No one is tryin' to get rid of you.>>
At these words, Salazar stopped grinning and pursed his lips and eyes, clenched his fists and even more hissed: << I do not have much choice, and you know it. I wasn't born to be a weak or doing charity to the half-breed who put their dirty feet in this castle. I think that this task falls to you three, after all, you have a good time together, no? >>
Rowena could no longer control himself and blurted out: << Ah, yes! Nobody in the world is worthy of your attention, right? Nobody is worthy to be like you! And not just spitting venom over everything and everyone, now you're also immersed in the victim! You know very well that if someone tried to exclude yourself, you're the same, and no one else! Ah, but what a silly I am, I forget what I just said, no one is worthy to stand with you, right? Poor thing, you have been forced to exclude you, not to be disturbed by our presence! >>
<< How dare you!>> he shouted in reply, << I have never spoken ill of you! I never treated you badly! You've moved away from me! You always knew how I was, but you never really accepted me! This is the truth! Damn, Rowena, I loved you! And I thought you loved me for who I am! You know that I never said you were unworthy, never!>>
<< Oh no, certainly you never said it, Salazar. But even though you really loved me hours of support, the fact remains that I have demonstrated in many ways because you actually felt superior to me. Have you done with your humor, your criticisms, your coldness and your contempt for everything that I love. >>. He made a brief pause, then continued: << You know, maybe you're right to wanna go away. You shouldn't be here: you are too different from the students, the other by me. I'm just sorry that you think, when you will be away, you will get a better luck: we are famous for this school. Thou shalt have no other glories and going away, you'll erase the signs of your passage here. >>
<< Oh but trust me, no one in this castle will ever forget me! >> he replied, returning to grin, << I left my mark, an indelible impression. Since you believe that without your help I would not be able to create anything of mine, I wanted to contradict you. >>
Rowena turned pale, and said slowly: << Do you mean that the rumors are true? You have really built a hidden chamber in the castle here? >>
Salazar broke into laughter and said: << Of course I did! Did you really think that I would not leave anything alone mine? That room is the only thing of value in this school and I warn you, it is useless to seek it: only I know where it is and I used dark magics, spells that I never revealed to know. One day, after many centuries, my successor will come back here and be able to open it: and then it will peak at this school, eliminating all the half-breed who have the misfortune to be here! >>
First Rowena looked at him with an expression of shocked and scared, then leaned forward, looked very anxious and you touched the belly, as if to protect him by unseen forces. But Salazar was too engrossed in his confession to notice the gesture, just looked at her with a grin on his face. Rowena stood up suddenly looked at him and stared straight at me. It rose up in his full height and said simply: << Well. I wish you good luck. >>. Salazar kept his expression of scorn, but his eyes betrayed his disappointment at being to address those simple words and banal. The turned his back and walked away.
Rowena watched him go, that was the last time she saw him. At that time, however, she didnt' think of his departure, nor to what she felt and the only thing that she really cared to was the only one thing that was left of them and that now was growing inside her.