Shuffle! Club
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posted by AnimeFan66
Everyone remembers the story of Shuffle! and its characters. But incase you aren’t familiar with it; here is a brief flashback on what this series was about and what lead to the events of this fanfic series.

Several years ago, a man named Rin Tsuchimi was living in a very, very complex yet interesting lifestyle. What made this man’s life so complex was that he had several girls who would admit they loved him. These girls were Kaede Fuyou, Lisianthus or Sia for short, Nerine, Primula or Rimu, and Asa Shigure. Each of these girls would do the best they could to get his attention and his feelings but for a long time it has been hard on Rin. A long time after all of this, Rin finally chose the love of his life and it was Asa. Although this is true, the other girls still have strong feelings for him and continue to love him no matter if Asa is his true love. So this is exactly what happened in the actual series.

But you’re probably wondering if what happened did happen, then why would there be a sequel? You will shortly find out soon.

Getting onto our story: It was a crystal clear day. The streets across town were busy as people come to shop, play and have fun, or even take a bite to eat. But looking across the town, we see two girls coming out from a grocery store. These two girls were Kaede and Primula. They just got done with their shopping for the day. “I guess we can go home now.” Kaede said with a smile. Primula smiled back while nodding. It was a long walk back home, but it gives the two girls a chance to chat or admire the weather. “The sun sure is bright today,” Said Kaede while looking at the sun while covering her forehead with her left arm. “We may try to get some yard work done today as well.” Primula responded, “Are you sure?” Kaede at first didn’t understand why she asked that but she soon realized it was because Primula didn’t want her to overwork too hard. Kaede smiled while patting Primula on the head. “Rimu,” She responded. “You don’t have to worry about me. I am fine working and taking care of the house. It’s all I can do for Rin after all. Even though he isn’t with us anymore.” Primula was worried over her, but she knew there was nothing she could do. Kaede eventually got over it and said they needed to get home. With that done, the two continued walking home.

About an hour has past and Kaede and Primula were still making their way back home. When they turned into the next street however they soon discovered something walking on the right side of the sidewalk. It was a cat. “Kaede, that’s a cat.” Primula said while pointing at it. Kaede watched it and responded, “Yes I see.” Thinking that the cat was just strolling along, they continued walking. Shortly after they got closer to it however they soon realize that the cat wasn’t feeling well- it was starving and was about to be dehydrated. Kaede and Primula ran to the cat and picked it up. “Can we bring it home with us?” Primula asked Kaede. Kaede wanted to say no, but looking at Primula’s face made her chance her mind. Plus if the thing was starving and going through hard times, she wouldn’t want to be cruel and leave the cat alone. She smiled and turned to Primula and responded, “Yes, we will take it home with us.” Primula’s face soon formed into a little smile. Once that was settled, Kaede and Primula walked home with a cat as well.

Once when they made it home, Kaede went to the kitchen and put away the bag of groceries while Primula attended to the sick cat. Once when she was done putting the groceries away Kaede then drew her attention to the sick animal. “It looks like it’s starving,” Kaede said. “But I didn’t bought cat food or anything.” It was after that when a miracle happened- the cat spoken to her. “I-I-I-I don’t need to eat cat food.” It said. Kaede and Primula looked at the cat with shock. After that however, the cat never spoken again. It was still passed out. “I-I can’t believe this,” Kaede said while her face was in shock. “It can really talk.” Primula looked at Kaede. “It said it doesn’t need cat food. We should give it some of our dinner too.” Kaede wasn’t sure, but if it was the only thing to do she had to agree by it. “Okay, I will go ahead and make dinner right now. Keep an eye on it for me okay?” Primula nodded and Kaede ran to the kitchen quickly.

After a few hours, the cat managed to open its eyes really slowly. What the cat discovered was the it was inside someone’s home. Thinking that this must have been a dream, it quickly shook its head and opened its eyes slowly once more. But then, a soft voice was heard above. “Oh, looks like you’re feeling better.” The voice said. Turning its head upward, the cat could see the face of a girl. It was Kaede’s face just smiling away. The cat was very confused- why would a girl like her want a cat like this one? Not ready to question, the cat just continued staring at her face. Kaede gave a sweet giggle while showing the cat a spoon with some food on it. “Here you go. I made this so you can get well.” The cat was very speechless! It had no idea that this girl went through all this trouble just to help it get on its feet. The cat opened it mouth slowly while Kaede gently shoved the spoon into its mouth. The cat chewed it all and once it was gone, the cat’s reaction than formed into a cute kitty smile while saying “Meow!”. Kaede laughed as she knew it meant the cat liked it. “I’m very happy you like it,” Kaede said while giggling. “I made it for us too. We already ate ours.” The cat looked at her very confused. Who else would live in this house? That was when Primula showed up. The cat looked at Primula. “Oh! This is Primula, I like to call her Rimu though.” Kaede said. “And my name is Kaede. I hope you can get well acquainted with your new home. I’m going to wash the dishes now but feel free to eat as much as you like.” She got up and walked back to the kitchen. The cat watched as the girl made her way back to the kitchen- it couldn’t believe how kind she was. Primula decided she would attempt to feed the rest of the dinner to the cat. “Open wide now.” She said while holding the spoon. The cat looked at her and gently opened while she gently shoved the food into his mouth.

Shortly after that, the cat was well enough to start walking again. Kaede and Primula watched as the cat was walking around the house happily. Although the two were happy, they would never forget what they experienced earlier with it speaking to them. It was time that they sat and tried having a serious conversation with the cat. Once the cat was done, Primula picked it up and walked to the kitchen table while sitting the cat on her lap. Wondering what was going on, the cat looked up at her but soon enough, she started stroking the cat’s back. This made it very happy as well as relaxed. But that moment would end when Kaede asked a question. “Could you tell us about yourself?” She asked. That question suddenly brought a stroke of fear. The cat jumped on top of the table and was about to jump to the ground when Kaede managed to stop its move. “We know you can talk,” She said. “So we want to know more about you. Please tell us. I’m so sorry.” The cat’s thought of jumping down was soon ended. The cat slowly turned to the girls, but with its face looking at the table. “You really want to know who I am?” The cat said with a serious tone. The two girls nodded. It was then that the cat slowly looked up to them and responded, “I am a human and my name is Kasey.” Kaede and Primula were both shocked. A dreaded silence suddenly filled the room.

“You’re an actual person?” Primula asked. The cat nodded slowly. “But how can you be a human? You’re a cat aren’t you?” It was then that Kasey decided it was time to tell them the truth as well as his whole background story. Once when everything was spilled out, Kaede and Primula was amazed but also hurt by his troubled past and stories. “I’m sorry for being such a pain.” Kaede said while looking really upset. Kasey said that it wasn’t her fault and that she and Primula had the right to know. “You guys saved my life,” He said. “I don’t think I would’ve been ever to thank you enough for it.” This brought a smile to both Kaede and Primula. It also made him happy too knowing that they were happy. While things seemed to be normal, things have just begun. Kaede and Primula are the first to know about Kasey and his powers but what will come of their other friends like Rin, Asa, Sia, and Nerine? Find out next time on episode 2.
added by blackpanther666
added by ghost1
added by ghost1
posted by AnimeFan66
Serious consequences are happening. Yesterday, on their big day exploring the town, Kasey, Kaede, and Primula each had bad moments to experience. Kasey was feeling guilty over not protecting Kaede good enough, Kaede was scared after being attacked by a mysterious thief, and Primula started having doubts about trusting Kasey and his expression of the truth. The bad moments have just begun when the following night Kasey escaped from the house and left during the night. As the next morning arrived, Primula woke up and walked down stairs hoping to find Kasey. To her shock, he wasn’t anywhere....
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added by blackpanther666
added by ghost1
posted by AnimeFan66
A battle is about to commence. Vicky, a half breed, is on the verge of killing Kasey for only one purpose. “YOU’RE BLOOD IS WHAT I WANT!” She screamed while charging at him full speed. Kaede and the others were on the other side watching with horror. “Get out of there!” Kaede shouted. Rin told her to remain quite as this was something he would have to deal with on his own. Although she believed that it was the wrong thing to do, she agreed with him and just stood quite. Vicky was close enough to slice him, but missed him in a mere second. It turned out that Kasey was using a special...
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added by blackpanther666
The bra shop! Wish it was in subbed... These dubs are terrible.
posted by AnimeFan66
It’s been quite a night. Kaede and Primula ended up sharing their home with a new visitor- the famous Anime heroine known as Kasey. But can they really take care of him? Chances are they have plenty of things to learn about him if they are ever to take great care of him and become a good friend to them both.

Once their big talk was over, their next move was trying to figure out where Kasey would sleep for the night. Despite his loyalty, Kaede doesn’t quite trust him enough to let him sleep in her bedroom or Primula’s room so it was a lot tougher coming up with a place as she thought it...
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added by ghost1
posted by AnimeFan66
It has been a few days sense Kasey thrived in the world of Shuffle! and it has been quite an experience. First, he gets to live with two girls who care about him a lot. Then, he meets three more girls and a young man who has so far got use to him. And, he also learns from both the king of gods and king of demons that his powers are more legendary and dangerous than he realized before. Although his new friends make him happy, he is still in a bundle of confusion, shock, and wonder. Sense his visit with the two kings, he has been feeling confused, frightened, and a little depressed. What could...
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added by ghost1
posted by ghost1
In present times, Gods and Demons coexist together with Humans after the door between each of these worlds had opened. Tsuchimi Rin is a normal young high school student attending Verbena Academy, spending his days living peacefully with his childhood friend Kaede. Unexpectedly, one day the King of Gods, the King of Demons and their families move into be Rin's next door neighbors. Apparently the daughter of the Gods, Sia, and the daughter of the demons, Nerine, are both deeply in love with Rin after having met him the past. Along with his playful friendship with upperclassmen Asa and his encounter...
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posted by ghost1
Related anime:
Shuffle! Memories (TV) (alternate retelling)

Alternative title:
シャッフル! (Japanese)
셔플! (Korean)

Genres: comedy, drama, psychological, romance, science fiction, supernatural

Themes: ecchi, harem

Age rating: Mature (May contain sex, drugs, and extreme graphic violence)

Plot Summary: When two doors are discovered in an ancient ruin, the gateways to shinkai, the realm of the shinzoku (Gods) and makai, the realm of the mazoku (Demons) are irreversably opened. The races of human, shinzoku, and mazoku come together in the mortal world and nothing will ever be the same. One...
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