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Shadow The Hedgehog Answers

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 Showing Shadow The Hedgehog questions (1 - 29 of 29)
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Answer: me: -blink- huh? -sit up- -see shadow- Gah! shadow...
Answer: Umh... I dunno xD Put him in chocolate ice cream...
Answer: I would have just stood there and said, "really ma...
Answer: I'd beat the living shit out of him. :3 Then I'd pa...
Answer: In Sonic's Adventure 2 it is explained that Shadow ...
Answer: I wouldn't do anything, furthermore, I would NEVER ...
Answer: Maria :D
Answer: I hate justin biber... >:( Shadow is awesome
Answer: Grab his tounge, and rip it off XD
Answer: Me:WTF ARE U DOING HERE?!?! Shadow:getting ready t...
Answer: "Pour some syrup in that beer, praying it will bec...
Answer: Well, I'd be really really excited!!! I wouldn't ca...
Answer: You know what? Let me tell you, I would never say t...
Answer: 12am-1am- Feel the chest fur 1am-2am- Skate around...
Answer: I BARLEY read the FIRST SENTENCE of the FIRST PARAG...
Answer: DUDE! I hate Sonic SO MUCH that I might just go OVE...
Answer: I'd be happy. It's sick that someone could even thi...
Answer: Screw up a little bit of paper, chew it, spit it ou...
Answer: Please don't leave who gives a FUCK what those ASSH...
Answer: I would kill him! :DD I always wanted to do that to...
Answer: I have window insurance. I'll just sue him.
Answer: No one. Want me to explain? Shadow doesn't like ...
Answer: Eat Shadow. XD Because you should never waste free...
Answer: A [b][i]hobo[/i][/b] is a migratory worker or homel...
Answer: I don't know... I personaly find him cool, but as ...
Answer: I don't like when people post this kind of picture ...
Answer: *SIGH* THIS is the kind of question that pisses peo...
Answer: Noo... :3 How about this? ^^' nya!