Severus & Lucius: Beneath the Masks Club
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posted by BlackHound
Elsbet stirs, snug in her bed, unaware of the storms brewing in the wizard she loves, and the wizard who loves him. She has wondered about this Lucius and if Severus would ever bring his friend along to meet her; she's so glad he finally did. He is very much like she imagined him...charming, regal, attractive and quite polite. She likes him.

Her alarm, which sounds like a tree full of songbirds, wakes her before the sun rises. She could have slept another hour or two, but she has to be at the coffehouse early today. Sitting up in bed, she wishes Severus had stayed...she enjoys fixing his breakfast in the morning. Well, she giggles, really, she likes the way he wakes her up...But breakfast after is always nice. She rises slowly and stretches, breathing deeply as she sheds her nightgown, then runs her hands over her body. She thinks of him, and of how much she loves him, and of her hopes for the future.

She dresses quickly and simply; she doesn't want to draw too much attention to herself this morning. A plain, cream colored peasant blouse, blue jeans and brown suede ankle boots. She braids her hair in a single plait and ties it with a black satin ribbon, then puts in her silver feather ear rings. Her necklace is a simple cluster of clay and stone beads on a thin leather cord, as is her bracelet, and her rings for the day are simple silver bands. She washes her face quickly and brushes her teeth, then moves just as quickly into the kitchen.

She decides not to grab anything to eat, she can get something at the coffehouse. She grabs her keys, her wallet and a small packet of seeds from the junk drawer, and goes out the door. She feel the tingle of the protective spells Severus cast as she turns the lock, then whispers the enchantment he taught her to say. She says it carefully, exactly as he instructed, then whispers her greetings to the day. She opens the packet and makes her offering of seeds, scattering them in the grass, stuffs the packet in her pocket, then makes her run into the city.

She reaches the coffeehouse just as the sun rises, barely winded. She calms herself as she pushes the door open and smiles at the girl behind the counter. "Your usual this morning?" Elsbet nods and heads to her favorite booth. She's there only a moment or two when she feels a hand on her shoulder. The hand is hot and slides almost seductively across her back as its owner moves past her then slides into the seat facing her. Her eyes flick from the menu to his, and she smiles faintly. "Good morning, Brother Sa'Bat," she bows just slightly to him, and he returns it respectfully.

No one in the coffehouse sees him as she does, to them he looks no different than the rest of the clientel. But to her, and to any Magical that happened in, they would see him as he is. Well, as he appears to be, and he appears to be a very Dark wizard. His robes are an elegant royal purple with gold trim, his hair is a mane of chocolate brown curls, his goatee expertly trimmed, his brows shaped to devilish perfection, and his hazel eyes gaze at her with undisguised lust. She works very hard not to look back up at him, but she can feel his eyes roving over her.

The barista brings her coffee and a tall glass of ice water for him, then tells them just to holler when they're ready to order food. The ice water is topped with a single cherry, and when Elsbet looks up, he is plucking it out by its stem with his bifrucated tongue. He winks at her wickedly, and suddenly, she laughs joyously. "Gods, Roycroft, why do you do this to me?" He laughs as well, but with much more restraint, and all tention between them is gone. "Because I like to make you squirm, that's why." She sits back in the seat and finally relaxes. "You'd never do this if I brought him with me," she says, and he sits up straight. "Ah, true. I wouldn't dream of it. I'd like to live a while longer, thank you."

She shakes her head, still laughing. "I have something for you, by the way," he says, and pushes a folded paper across the table to her. "You really need to see this."
added by alanmalfoy
added by Danea
Source: Vulkanette, deviant art
added by BlackHound
added by Danea
Source: jessicacasciotta, deviant art
added by Danea
Source: my dark desires, deviant art
THIS VIDEO IS ABOUT LUCIUS ONLY! This is one of the many videos I made for the Harry Potter Characters. Lucius is such a Lucious man..... (Licks Lips) ENjoy and Please Comment!
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
jason isaacs
posted by BlackHound
As Remus has his experience, Tonks has hers...

Tonks smiles up at the figure at the top of her fountain. It's a dancer, slender, elegant, and graceful; Tonks laughs because the dancer's face and hair resemble hers, and she is none of those things. She watches a butterfly, ghostly white and fragile, alight on a dry patch on the rim of the fountain. "Wotcher, flutterby," she says softly, then laughs when the tiny thing flits up and lands on her shoulder. It's there for only a second or two, just long enough to uncoil its tongue, then coil it up again. She barely has time to smile at it and then...
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Ok, some of the feathered folk of the White City. The little symbol that appears with each bird's name is that bird's sigil; if for some reason their name needs to be put to paper, their sigil is drawn instead.

Alphion, clutch-brother of Cambion; he is not presently attatched to any Magical, but acts totally of his own accord. He is loud, very friendly, and very passionate about fighting the Dark Lord.

Anubis is a Hooded Crow, brought from Egypt but ultimately not purchased by the Magical who had requested him. The merchant, whose shop was in the Muggle village outside of the White...
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added by Danea
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
posted by BlackHound
With Loki tucked safely into a pocket made specially for the little raven just inside his travelling cloak, he slips out of this new happy home. He is content with the knowledge that he has them both together, and they're both safe; worrying about Elsbet was stressful enough, but Malfoy at the 'mercy' of the Dark Lord was just too much. It's a cool night here, and the air is filled with the soft chirruping of crickets. Nice night for a walk. He makes his way to the Park District, his thoughts racing. He makes no effort to slow them, to bring his heart and mind back into line and under his tight...
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Therion wipes his eyes as the images, thoughts and feelings flow to him. He's never experienced Legilimency in such a deep, profound way, and he doesn't know how to repay Snape for the kindness and trust he's showing him by sharing this.

'Dey mind you of love...' Loki looks back down at the pretty objects, then gently nips Snape's chin. 'Love is good,' he thinks, and Snape enfolds the little raven in his embrace, his body trembling. "Yes," he whispers, "love is good."

Once he has calmed himself, which takes some time, he places Loki back on his bed and then places the beads and the ring back...
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posted by BlackHound
I've been doing some re-reading and I've realized a couple of adjustments are in line. When I first mentioned the White City, I had no idea it was going to become what it has, and now that is know... :p There's a deatil or two that don't make any sense now, so I've fixed them.

They be:


Where it read:

"The Sensei says that there is an increase in activity of Dark creatures in and around the city. So far there have been no direct attacks on anyone, though there are reports of people's pets going missing. That's not surprising, considering three werewolves were sighted...
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posted by BlackHound
As Snape passes through the little window into the guestroom, he begins his shiftback, and when he lands, he realizes that Therion is gone. Malfoy and Elsbet are still wrapped up together, but now they're covered securely with the blanket. It's a very touching sight, but...he's disappointed. Was it too much for Therion? Was it not what he expected? Did he feel he was somehow being disloyal to his lost lover? Group sex and open relationships aren't for everyone, Snape is well aware of that; he never imagined it would be for himself, but now that it's happened for him, he wouldn't have it any...
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By the time Snape makes it to the White City, Loki is healed totally and with Malfoy, back in Therion's shop. Snape finds the back reading room full of people, some of whom he's not seen in quite some time, and some he's never met. All he cares about is his Familiar and his lovers, a hot meal and a good long fuck, but there is protocol to be observed. As a path is cleared for him, he is struck by a wave of relief; Andromeda Tonks is safe, and seated between Remus and her daughter. As soon as she sees Snape, she rises and thanks him, and tells him that she can't believe everything that's happened...
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Snape's morning began with him getting Neville and Luna out to Hagrid's first thing, before the Carrows even awoke. "Make certain this takes all day. I do not wish to see these two back in the castle until the end of classes today," he told Hagrid, then looked down at the two students he's come to respect, though he'll probably never admit it to anyone. "Mr. Longbottom," Snape had said quietly, "do attempt to return in one piece." With a raised brow and slight smirk he'd left them then, and turned back toward the castle. He'd not taken but a few steps before he heard Luna say happily, "Oh,...
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Just for us...

Malfoy pulls Snape to him and slides his free hand down to the Dark wizard's pants. He plays with the top button and Snape smiles wickedly, saying, "so eager, Lucius...shall I make you work for it? Or, shall I be merciful and give it to you?" Malfoy's eyes flick downwards, then back up to Snape's, and an impish grin speads across his lips. "Well, it seems to me my King, that you're just as eager as I," he says, and Snape turns his head slightly away from his lover. He tells him, "that may be, my gentle healer, but you know I can restrain myself," and Malfoy lets his fingers graze...
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"Severus," Malfoy whispers, "what is going to happen to me tonight?" Snape takes his arm and leads him out of the room, where Therion is waiting for them, half-way to the door at the end of the hallway. "You're going to face once of the greatest challenges of your life." Malfoy sighs. "You can't be any more specific than that, can you?" There is a humorous tone in his voice, but the other wizards know what trepidation he's feeling. As they reach the door, Malfoy asks, "what happens if I fail?" For a moment, no one answers. "Don't think of failure, Lucius," Remus says without looking at him,...
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Snape becomes a blur of motion; before Therion draws his next breath he sees the ebony-clad wizard become a raven once more and dart off in the direction of the Lake District. Not a moment later, Malfoy emerges from Irena's shop wearing a surprisingly humble grey suit, with a matching grey robe. "Where is Severus?" He sounds quite dejected, but relaxes when Therion tells him, "he's just checking on Ellie, he'll be back shortly. In fact, why don't we head over to the Temple?" He's not about to tell Malfoy about Greyback or what he's done...he can't bear to tell it again as it is.

As Therion...
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Elsbet seems almost embarrassed, and Irena studies her face in the mirror for several minutes before asking, "you've never really looked at yourself, have you, Ellie?" She shakes her head. "Not really, no...I can't remember ever really caring," she says. "May I ask you something? You don't have to tell me, of course, but I am curious," Irena says, and Elsbet nods as they walk back over to the sitting room. "You can ask me anything," Elsbet tells her and Irena smiles. "Ellie," she begins as they sit down, "when Severus looks at you, how do you feel?" A light blush touches Elsbet's cheeks and...
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Dawn breaks and Elsbet wakes alone.

She wonders when this will end, when will she finally be waking with Severus beside her. Ah, but what about Lucius?

How does this work?

Her life has always been complicated in one way or another, but this complication is something totally new. But does it have to be a 'complication'?

She's not sure.

She's not sure of much right now, except that she hurts. Lucius must love Severus very much, and she knows Severus loves him. They've known each other forever, and she could see their love for each other that very first night, and Severus had always spoken so well...
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