Severus & Lucius: Beneath the Masks Club
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posted by BlackHound
He steps into the White Room and sits down at the Art Deco-style table. Every single thing in the room is white; the walls, the curtains over the non-existant windows, the furnature, the nude and anatomically correct female mannequin in the corner. Even the painting, which took him by surprise the first time he saw it. It's not the colors one is supposed to appreciate, obviously; it's the shapes formed by the plaster beneath the paint.

He waits patiently, hoping for the best. The conditions outside the structure indicate how Elsbet is feeling; the streets were empty and the weather was calm, so he knows she is feeling very secure. But within the building, conditions are determined by other factors. He noted that the candle flames did not flicker; their steadiness and the brightness of the light inside the White Room indicate the news is from the source and can be is not second-hand nor questionable. The ethnicity of the Representative indictes which contact the information comes from, and the 'character' the Representative appears as tells him if the news is bad or good.

He does not have to wait long before he has his answer.

The other door opens and a very familiar figure enters, bows slightly to him, then takes the chair on the opposite side of the table. Snape is actually pleased to see him. They look at each other for a moment or two, then the Representative smiles and asks, "you were expecting maybe Johnny Cash?" Behind the sunglasses, Snape's brow rises and arches. "Well," he says, "I was...concerned. The last time we met-" "yes, I remember," the young man says, his long, curly hair falling forward into his painted face. "That was very bad news then. But today, not so bad." He chuckles softly, smiling, and Snape relaxes considerably. The young man is a perfect recreation of someone dear to Elsbet and for whom he has great respect.

The late Brandon Lee. He appears in his guise of The Crow, a character profound to both Snape and Elsbet, but for distinctly different reasons. "So," Snape says, "what news do you have for me today?" Brandon sighs and inclines his head, half-smiling. "The Sensei says that there is an increase in activity of Dark creatures in and around the Muggle village. So far there have been no direct attacks on anyone, though there are reports of people's pets going missing. That's not surprising, considering three werewolves were sighted in the Old Quarter on Friday night. Two of them are believed to be associates of Hróðvitnir." Brandon sits back and Snape folds his hands on the table. "Also, the Sensei says that two Knights of Walpurgis attempted to enter the village Saturday night, but they were met by friends of Mr. Everest and turned aside. The Sensei does not believe the Knights will attempt again any time soon. The good news there is that no one was killed."

Snape considers carefully everything he's told, and Brandon apologizes that there's not more to tell. Snape shakes his head slightly. "Every bit helps. And this information is of vital import." Brandon nods, clearly pleased. "Good, good, I'm glad. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to give you these. Incidental details the Sensei thought might be of use to you." Snape takes the tiny squares from the Representative, and they look like nothing more than ivory game pieces. He rolls them over in his hand a few times, until they melt from the heat of his skin. He nods and tells Brandon, "thank the Sensei for me, for everything. There is great value in what has been given." He sweeps his hand over the surface of the table in a tight arch, and an inkpot, quill and parchment appear before him. "I send this in return."

He draws the Chinese Traditional characters with a steady, artistic hand, carefully making certain everything is perfect. The ink dries in a second, and with a flourish of his right hand, he pulls a ribbon out of thin air. He rolls the parchment and ties it securely, then hands the scroll to Brandon, who takes it with a generous smile. He rises and tucks the scroll inside his leather jacket as Snape vanishes the inkpot and quill. Snape rises then and they appraise each other. "I hope to see you again, Mr. Lee," Snape says, and Brandon's eyes sparkle. "So do I, Agent Eon. I wish you Good Fortune." They bow respectfully to each other, then both depart the White Room.
Brandon Lee as Eric Draven ~ "The Crow"
Brandon Lee as Eric Draven ~ "The Crow"
When Snape catches up with his loved ones, he spies a very happy sight: Ted Tonks, seated beside his wife, at the table with them, safe and sound.

He's glad for that.

Several tables away from them are Blood and Sand, a male and female mated pair of Silhouettes who form a Union with Grifter, another of Snape's favorite people. They helped bring Andromeda to safety, so it makes sense that they would have been searching for Ted. But there's no sign of Grifter, and Malfoy is clearly disturbed. Blood and Sand are as well, and after conveying his relief to Ted and the others, he goes immediately to...
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Snape pulls himself together and his face takes on that cold, emotionless mask he wears so rarely here; that mask is for the Outside world, not here, where he can show his heart, but he's stinging from the confessions he's given the Old Man. He's never told anyone what he's told Perdurabo, he's barely acknowledged them to himself, and he could have gone the rest of his life having never spoken them. But Remus was right, of course...keeping it all bottled up inside was only doing him harm, and it would have eventually affected the relationships most important to him. He's not about to lose them....
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Ah, dawn.

Loki yawns and stretches, then leans over and picks playfully at Cambion. Hungry, Cambion thinks as he wakes and picks back at his little friend. Where your Da? Loki hops out of the nook and creeps quietly to the alleged guest room to see if they're all still sleeping. He thinks it's silly, calling it a guest room, since they're all sleeping in it, and Cambion's Da isn't a guest.


Only Lusus n' Els in bed now, sleepin'. Where Da?

Loki looks in the other room, but no one is there, then creeps carefully into the bathroom. He hops back, then turns around and runs back into the front...
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It is 5:30 in the morning; Severus Snape and his lovers are safely nestled in a warm bed, wrapped in each others' arms, sound asleep. Deep within the Inner Sanctum of the Silver Temple, Thomas Aqualine, herein known as Brother Nodus, sits facing three other Brothers.

Trelane, Secundus, and Locutus are more than mildly displeased although it is difficult to tell that they feel anything at all. "Brother Nodus," Secundus begins, "it seems of late you have begun to assume you have more power in this Order than you actually do. Are you perhaps unhappy with your position within this Order, Brother?"...
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They're both absolutely stunned by what the two wizards have already accomplished. They've increased the size of the master bedroom and moved it over, and what had been the bathroom has been recycled, essentially, and remade into the 'guest room'. The rooms are about the same size, and there is a nice, albeit short, hallway that separates them. At the end of the hallway is an arched door that opens into what will be the bathroom. "Well," Snape says, "what do you think?" Therion grins widely and nods. "I like it very much, it's amazing, truly," he says and Elsbet marvels at the bed. It looks...
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posted by BlackHound
By the time they reach home, Elsbet already has Loki is his own little nook, right outside the kitchen so that he can watch her. She's already set out the food and the plates; as they walk in, Elsbet is making fresh juice for their dinner. "You see," Snape says to Therion, "she'll spoil you if you let her." She blushes and tells them to wash up, and Malfoy gives her a grin and a teasing, "yes, dear," as he goes passed the breakfast bar. She giggles as she comes out of the kitchen and tells Therion he can leave the book in the living room. He takes it in and lays it carefully in the center of...
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Elsbet hugs Snape tightly, and Malfoy embraces them both. Therion takes up his companion and slips silently out of the little room, leaving them to have some privacy. But they don't stay. Snape leads them out and glances at Malfoy as they pass by Therion, who's attempting to pull the great Encyclopedia from behind his counter where he'd stashed it in a rush. He tries to open the cabinet to put it back in its place, but he can't; he can't manage to rub the lock and speak the spell. He wants to ask them to stay, but the shop is barely comfortable for him to sleep in. He doesn't want to be left...
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posted by BlackHound
Sunlight casts a warm glow on Elsbet through the small windows in the arched ceiling.

She wakes alone.

She knows Severus went back to Hogwarts, she didn't expect him to be here. But Lucius...Ah, she reminds herself, he's probably gone to see Therion. As she lays in that marvelous bed she thinks about how strange and ironic this all is, and how wonderful it is as well. Three years ago, she couldn't have imagined she would be where she is now, or be as happy as she is. She knows she's incredibly fortunate; things could have turned out so much differently so very easily.

If she had succumbed to her...
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posted by BlackHound
As Snape and his Familiar raven-run through the passage, he senses something amiss: there is someone in the Headmaster's office. Loki nudges him and thinks, Da, I go, dey no see! He pushes Loki back and tells him no, but the little raven persists. Yea, I small, I do it...Snape clacks his bill softly at Loki and tells him, do not argue with me. If it is one of the Carrows, they will harm you, and I will have to...punish them severely. He extends a wing and pulls Loki close to him, and together they inch slowly toward the tiny passage door. He waits a second or two, then tells his little one...
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by melankoliqua
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
alan rickman
jason isaacs
added by lilith84
by dreamingallday
virgin state of mind
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
alan rickman
jason isaacs
added by lilith84
by LilithStramonium
dark ages
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
alan rickman
jason isaacs
by MonsterSnape
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
jason isaacs
alan rickman
added by nene72
disny07 wrote: I heard the song. I was amused by the song. And slightly traumatized. My first thought after the song was over: Teehee Malfoy. He owns peacocks for realz!!! From disny07 Youtube channel
They don't sleep long.

Well, Snape and Malfoy don't. Snape rises first and dresses quietly, and Malfoy carefully climbs out of bed, dresses, then follows Snape down the hall. Snape has altered the lighting in the living room, and Malfoy finds him sitting on the settee. As Malfoy sits down on the couch, Snape pours them both drinks. Malfoy takes a sip of his and says to Snape, "you're upset about something, I can see it in your eyes." Snape nods and sips his drink. "We have problems." He takes another sip of his drink, sits it down, then runs his hands through his ebon hair. "I'm not sure where...
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posted by BlackHound
He sits for a moment and thinks about everything she's told him, and how terribly hard it must have been for her carrying it all these years. He ponders his questions, questions he knows he will probably never ask, and wonders how Snape has never discovered her pain. He is, after all, the second most powerful Legilimens in the Wizarding World; has he not 'plumbed her depths', as it were? Ah, perhaps not...he has his own great pain, doesn't he? If he skirted the edge of hers, he might have respectfully pulled away, deciding to wait until she was ready to tell him.

But at this rate, she never...
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added by lilith84
by BlacckHermione
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
jason isaacs
alan rickman
added by lilith84
by MissJGrey
summer wine
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
jason isaacs
alan rickman
added by lilith84
by dreamingallday
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
jason isaacs
alan rickman
posted by BlackHound
Elsbet stirs, snug in her bed, unaware of the storms brewing in the wizard she loves, and the wizard who loves him. She has wondered about this Lucius and if Severus would ever bring his friend along to meet her; she's so glad he finally did. He is very much like she imagined him...charming, regal, attractive and quite polite. She likes him.

Her alarm, which sounds like a tree full of songbirds, wakes her before the sun rises. She could have slept another hour or two, but she has to be at the coffehouse early today. Sitting up in bed, she wishes Severus had stayed...she enjoys fixing his breakfast...
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