Sean Yeager Adventures Club
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They say you need to have a dream ‘cause if you don’t have a dream, how you gonna make a dream come true?’ This article is about the Sean Yeager Adventures dream and how you, the reader of this article, can help that dream to become a reality. Yes folks Sean Yeager’s future lies in your hands! I wrote this article for you and I wrote the books to entertain the people in your life: you, your sons, your daughters and your grandchildren.

As you can probably tell from my other articles, I’m on a mission to reach readers with quality entertainment that speaks up to them. I believe in inspiring, educating and entertaining to encourage reading. I also enjoy the process of writing and engaging with people. Now in this day and age one might think that engagement would be easy, but it is not. There are millions of people spamming each other every day and that just annoys. Social media is like a zillion radios all playing at the same time, but who is listening?

I would much prefer to invite your interest in Sean Yeager Adventures and your personal recommendation to the people in your life. If you are willing to help, my thanks and appreciation are yours. Your positive energy will be channelled into future books to provide more, quality entertainment. If it’s not for you, thanks for reading and have a great day.

Sean Yeager e-books are currently available from pretty much every online bookshop you can think of. I would gladly put the print books in a shop near you. The best I can do right now (see footnote) is to make print copies available to you via Amazon, if people want them. Above all, I would like to reach readers for: Sean Yeager and the DNA Thief and Sean Yeager Hunters Hunted to gauge whether it is a good idea to write the third instalment.

How you can help

·    Check out the free sample book chapters on Scribd
·    Tell everyone you know who might be interested in Sean Yeager Adventures
·    Consider buying an e-book, they are great value and a great gift
·    Check out the website at link which has extra pictures, links and content
·    Tell us if you would like to buy Sean Yeager in print (via our website)
·    Consider the print option for DNA Thief
·    Share your feedback about Sean Yeager on Amazon, Goodreads and similar sites, reviews matter.
·    Help to spread the word about Sean Yeager and share the links (Sean Yeager dotcom)
·    Tell us if you want there to be a third Sean Yeager book (Claws of Time)
·    Send us your constructive feedback, we’re always interested

The dream

I visited various bookstores and found nothing like Sean Yeager available at that time. In fact, you could almost see the marketing categories written over the covers of the stock that was available. (Heavy, zany, cartoon like, horror, magic and myth based.) I also noticed there was little to rival Harry Potter in quality apart from perhaps Percy Jackson. So I figured there was a niche that had yet to be filled - action, adventure, sci-fi with a sense of humour. The original dream I had for Sean Yeager Adventures went something like this:

·    Create an original story arc to rival the best
·    Write some entertaining books
·    Get published and reach readers
·    Break-even after a couple of years
·    Earn enough to write and publish more
·    Make contacts to turn the best of Sean Yeager into a film
·    Write six Sean Yeager books in all
·    Develop some cool stuff around Sean Yeager
·    Entertain and have fun doing it
·    Stick with the values: inspire, educate, entertain

The status quo

·    I’ve written books One and Two
·    By reader consensus DNA Thief and Hunters Hunted are ‘good reads’
·    I’ve self-published to reach readers directly
·    The alternative would be about 2 million to 1 against finding an Agent, Publisher, book deal (yes really). Life is too short…
·    Break-even? Ha ha ha ha, oh you’re killing me ;-)
·    Film? That’s a long play, numbers game. Odds of about 10 million to 1.
·    I’ve stuck with the values and it’s been fun and a lot of hard work

So far so good, I have no regrets. I’m looking forward to continuing to write part-time for at least the third book ‘Claws of Time’. I’m plotting away in between bouts of bread and butter work and everyday tasks. Claws of Time will take Sean Yeager and his companions into uncharted territory and a whole mess of danger. It promises to be fun. I’ve no idea how long it will take this time around, so check out the website for news.

Hopefully with your help, Sean Yeager can reach enough people to become ‘visible’ and if people like it enough, who knows? Perhaps dreams can come true…. one reader at a time.

Happy reading

D.M. Jarrett

Footnote: boring fact - big businesses lock out self-publishers from having books on shelves and in libraries. It’s a power thing.