Scrubs The Janitor Name Game

snoznoodle posted on Nov 13, 2007 at 06:49AM
I think it'll be a lot of fun to guess his name. We all know what JD THINKS it is, which is Jan Itor. Hmm... not JD's most creative moment I think.

Just some background information, the creators don't actually know what his name is and they've reasoned that since he was in the Fugitive it could be Neil Flynn, the actors actual name. But where's the fun in that?

So here's the deal:
- Make a guess of what you think it is.
- Explain why if you can be bothered (lol)

I might just give props for creative names.

Well here's mine:
John Heater.

Because it still sounds like 'Janitor' but it's a normal name and I think considering just how weird the Janitor is, it'd be a lot of fun for it to be something so simple and normal.

Scrubs 28 replies

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over a year ago Nav said…
Hey, good idea :)
I don't have an idea yet (it's morning), but I'll def think about it!
over a year ago Ross266 said…
Well in "My Conventional Wisdom" the Janitor tells a coffee clerk the sory on how he got his name, and the kid saysm "You don't look asian" so I'm thinking it may be something like James It-o
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago S7E18 said…
John Dorian!
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
lmao S7E18 that would mess with JD's head!
over a year ago findthe_saltine said…
Im very unoriginal, and would have NO idea! I think i'd have to go with the obvious option, Jan Itor
over a year ago Doctor_Jan_Itor said…
I thought the Jan Itor came from when he pretended to be a doctor and said he was "Dr. Jan Itor" in one of the episodes. I didn't think J.D. made it up. As far as his name, I don't know but I heard we are going to find out on the last episode.
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
We don't know. It could be Jan Itor but this is more for the fun of it. Don't worry about sticking to storylines. This game is about making up a name that's suits him just for the fun of it.
over a year ago ScrouseMD said…
in the episode when dr cox and the janitor become bar buddys drcox trys to say hi to the janitor but the janitor makes fun of his one of the men around the janitor calls him tom (can be seen here -> link )
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Charlie_Br0wn said…
his name aint tom.. in tht vid the guy is sayin Nice you tell him..


back to the game..

I think they might just call him John Smith haha the most common name ever lol

but i want him to be called Tap-Sum-Bong! lol
over a year ago Doctor_Jan_Itor said…
We were close to getting the name in tonight's episode I thought we were about to. I really can't think of anything clever but then again I'm not a writer haha.
over a year ago cara-girl said…
i have no idea!
over a year ago greekthegeek said…
billy bob joe bob

and in the video he is actualy saying "nice utah" that's his nickname
over a year ago Miss_Sigma said…
In one episode someone calls him Tom, a guy that didn't say anything else... maybe thats his name.
over a year ago drcoxrox said…
i really don't care because hes mean and bothers people for no reason all the time and i dont like him
over a year ago Miss_Sigma said…
His name is JD. which is probably why he hates the other JD. Everyone knows him, and so the poor Janitor is ignored!
over a year ago x-xmEx-x said…
tom dorian, in that clip up there the guy calls him tom and i think it would VERY funny if they turned out to be related
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
I think JD might very well die lmao! That would be awesome!
over a year ago blackadder said…
what if the janitor real name is ''janitor'' and his last name is jan itor :)
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Janitor Jan Itor? lol!
over a year ago HannaK said…
I think that his name is JD too, would be funny:)
over a year ago Molly-Rachel said…
Lolz Jd would be ace

Poor JD he'd die hehe

over a year ago sxc-eui1 said…
it's got to be gandalf
over a year ago tyleroffice4 said…
I think it is Christopher Dorian and his Wife's Name is Elliot Espinosa well her Madian Name
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Gandalf? lmao!

Little did we know that in one way or another the Janitor is related to everyone in the hospital! Lol.
over a year ago miiamya said…
i would love for his initials to be JD! that would be great!
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
it could be man, 2 go with his girlfriend, lady.
over a year ago tushtush said…
I reckon it's 'Juanita' because it sounds like 'janitor'. It is also the name JD pretended was Carla's middle name in S6E1 and we already know the janitor is foreign from when he is standing in the hospital's coffee shop and the guy who works there says, 'you don't look Asian (or was it foreign... can't remember.)/
over a year ago Awesomelyme said…
I reckon his names Man
Because in the most recent episodes he's seeing a lady ..who's called lady :D