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next one of this story will be up tomorrow :-) ^_^ enjoy

Edward's pov

Emmett, Rosalie and Nessie were watching a baseball game somewhere in the 600 channels, Alice and Jasper were playing checkers even if he loosed all the time. Carlisle and Esme were in the kitchen. I walked toward the phone and dialled Charlie’s number, I needed to know where she was.
“Hello” I heard his voice on the other side of the line
“Charlie, hey, it’s Edward. Is Bella there with you?” I asked him
“No she isn’t, why would she be” he asked me curious.
“We had a fight” I could only say back to him
“Oh, euhm well she isn’t here but when she does, I’ll tell her to call you back” he said friendly and worried too.
“Thanks and will you tell her I’m sorry already” I asked him
“yeah sure” Charlie said friendly
“Well I’ll leave you then” I said calm
“okay, see you around, Edward’ he said
“bye Charlie” I said and hang up the phone.

Alice was looking at me with her THAT-SO-TYPICAL-eyes but I didn’t care. All of our attention went back to the Kitchen, we were all starring in that direction now. Carlisle and Esme were arguing, that was something we weren’t used to hearing around here.
“You should have let him go after Bella” I heard Esme say
“Bella will be fine, Mason and her are both the strongest vampires we all encountered. We need Edward here, if the volturi are planning to let us pay for breaking that pact, we could use that extra strength” I heard Carlisle’s strong voice say
“If Edward would have gone after Bella, then we were strong enough to deal with them if necessary” I heard Esme say back again in a strong voice.
None of us stopped starring and listening to what they both were saying in the kitchen.
“Why do you think Bella would come back so easy, we all kept it a secret from her. We are as much to blame as Edward but maybe it’s best Bella and Mason aren’t here, they could be in great risk” I heard Carlisle say again but not in a strong voice anymore, he sounded upset now too. This time there was no answer back from Esme.
But then a few seconds later Carlisle and Esme walked back into the living room hand in hand starring at all of us.
I think they forgot we could here them.

Suddenly I could hear Jane and Alice getting very close now.
“There almost here” I said calm. My thoughts were still at Bella.
I walked towards the phone, dialling Charlie’s number again but Alice took the phone over from me. She started talking to Charlie asking for Bella too but then she laid down the phone.
“She’s still not there” Alice said to me.
Carlisle walked towards the front door and opened it, everyone else followed him. We all stood there waiting for them to jump out of the forest any second now and then there they were.
“Hello Carlisle” Jane said calm
“Hello Jane, didn’t Aro come with you” Carlisle asked calm too
“No, he just gave us an assignment” Alec said strong
I couldn’t resist growling. I couldn’t read Alec but Jane I could read her clearly. They didn’t meant harm, she just wanted to see the child ‘Mason’ and then they would leave in peace.
“Come” Alice said to me and dragged me inside.
“We had such a perfect day, Alice” I said upset
“Hang on there, she wont stay mad that’s nothing for Bella” Alice said back calm trying to comfort me.
Suddenly I heard Jasper outside cooling down the volturi because I growled at them, but I didn’t care, I know what I’ve heard before.
“Bella and Edward had a little fight and he’s still upset about it” Jasper said in a soft voice. I could feel that he was using his gift to keep the volturi calm.

Suddenly I looked at Alice, she heard something other then the volturi too. We both ran outside again.
The volturi was growling at wolves while the rest of us stayed calm. I was just glad Nessie was still inside far away from the volturi.
Alec and Jane with the volturi guard
Alec and Jane with the volturi guard
Bella's pov

“Bella, NO! DON’T! STOP!” Alice screamed from behind us. “your going to die, Bella” she said in panic and with sadness.
“Alice, what are you saying” Edward asked her worried and all concerned and upset too.
“She’s still to weak to fight the poison, I saw it, it’s going to kill her” Alice said in panic now.
“Alice, I’m kind of death already how can poison kill me, I thought vampires only die ...” I started say before I was interrupted by Carlisle
“it’s not because your a vampire, that it means you can’t die. There’s still so much we don’t know. That...
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bella's pov

I just laid there against his chest when I thought about something.
“Where were you when Franco got killed” I said calm still with my head against his chest.
“Well I was at LaPush with Jake and the kids when Alice called me. She said they were at Isle Esme because you had called her, but she couldn’t stay on the phone long. I was pretty angry so when I was almost at Isle Esme too I called her back to tell her that I was on my way.” He said still with that angry tone in his voice.
“That was you on the phone” I said. I let go of him and looked him in the eyes.
“yeah probably”...
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Bella's pov

I woke up in bed again, starting to think that it was all dream. That I was still Franco’s prisoner till I saw an IV cable with blood running into my veins. I jumped up on the bed.
“Bella, Bella. It’s okay, your safe now” I heard Alice sousing me down. I looked around the room and noticed that Jasper walked in looking at me. Alice came sitting next to me and just hold me tight.
“Is it over” I whispered soft
“he’s death, your safe now Bella” she said with a little joy in her voice.
I just looked at her still not believing what she just said.
“Alice can I have a minute”...
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Bella's pov

I woke up again and I was still on the bed. I started to look around and I didn’t see him anywhere.
I slowly got out of bed and walked around. Where is he? Is he gone. I couldn’t hear anything. I gently walked thru the living room and noticed I’ve past out for 2 days again. I looked around the room again when I heard the front door, I grabbed a vase and walked gently toward the door, it opened and I jumped.
“Alice” I whispered “I could have hit you with the vase”
“Lucky you stopped in time” she said amused. I looked over her shoulder and the rest of the Cullen’s...
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Bella's pov

I woke up. The sun was shining very bright into my eyes and my body was sparkling. I got up and noticed I was laying in a garden but I know this garden, I know this place. This is Isle Esme, this is my vacation home. The forest is gone and everyone else too, did Edward save me.
I started walking inside of the house.
“Edward” I yelled gently “Edward, are you here”
I jumped because it wasn’t Edward I saw, it was Franco. I started running back outside to the car that was still parked at the front door. But something made me fell on the ground with a clap, It felt like I ran into...
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Bella's pov

“Bella, my love.” I heard behind me and I felt my heart breaking just hearing Edward’s sweet voice. I closed my eyes for a second and then turned myself towards him, instead of looking at Franco. I starred into Edward’s black eyes.
“I ….” I started saying but my voice just stopped I couldn’t say anything anymore.
“it’s okay, I understand, Bella. I forgive you.” Edward said loveable
“FORGIVE ME ! Edward, how can you forgive me after everything I did that made me hurt you” I said now with so much pain that I felt my tears coming up again but I convinced myself...
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Bella's pov

I walked towards Franco with small steps till I was still a step away. Franco walked towards me with full confidence and he grabbed my waist closer to his body. I totally froze, I felt scared, I started thinking of Edward, he’s the only one who ever made me feel safe but I felt horrible for breaking his hart like that.
Franco’s face came closer to mine, making me breath even faster. He wanted to kiss me.

We were suddenly interrupted by more then one growl. I looked up and saw wolfs and vampires in the doorway. Even Tanya and Zafrina were standing with them.
I never felt joy before...
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Bella's pov

“I guess you know who we are Charlie” Carlisle started saying and Charlie turned himself to him.
“yeah, So what, you drink human blood? Is it that why these killings happened years ago” Charlie sounded a little upset and angry
“No Charlie, were vegetarians” Carlisle answered back normal. But the look on Charlie’s face was like he just got hit with a rock.
“vegetarians” he answered back slowly
“What Carlisle is trying to say is that we don’t drink human blood, just animal blood” Alice said firm with just a sparkle of joy in her voice
“Oh, then those killings …”...
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Bella's pov

I saw everyone looking at me and some stood up.
“Bella, Bella, are you okay” I heard Charlie ask me while he started running towards me
“I’m fine dad” I said back and then he just hugged me. I still didn’t let go of Edward’s hand, it made me feel safer knowing that he’s by my side.
Charlie finally stopped hugging me and starred at me.
“We need to talk, Bella” he said very concerned and frightened
“I know dad, I just don’t know how much they said already” I said back and looked at everyone. But it was Alice who answered back at me.
“Not much, we told him that...
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added by sasie_katje88
added by sasie_katje88
added by sasie_katje88
added by sasie_katje88
Bella's pov

It felt so long. I was just laying here, hearing different things. Till I heard something familiar, it was Edward’s voice.
“Bella, my love, I know you can hear me, please don’t leave me, please keep fighting for me, for Mason, for Renesmee and for everyone else. Please, you need to wake up.” I could hear his pain, his sobs.
I kind of panicked but still Edward’s voice worked soothing. I wanted to open my eyes but I still couldn’t, was I afraid to open my eyes, what was holding me back.
I started to hear Carlisle again
“Is she still not awake” he said concerned
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Bella's pov

After we ate a couple of deer’s we watched the sunrise on our way home.
“we don’t watch the sunrise anymore” I said with a sad voice
“We will watch the sunrise soon again, I promise” he said calm and grabbed my hand tight in his hand. “Are you still sure you wanna go to Isle Esme today”
“Yes I’m sure, but after I drop Mason of at kindergarten I’m going to visit Charlie” I said with a tiny insecure voice.
“Bella, we are going to visit him later, before we leave. Why do you wanna go now” Edward asked me curious.
I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes
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Bella's pov

I saw Alice coming towards me in a hurry
“I’m so sorry, Bella. I shouldn’t have said it. I’m so sorry ...” She started saying but I interrupted her
“It’s okay Alice, I’m sorry too I overreact.....” I wasn’t even finished apologizing and she gave me a hug
“I know, we are both sorry” she said back and she stopped hugging me and then looked at me with a big smile.
“You still have to receive your present” she said
“What present” I said curious
“it’s your birthday Bella, silly” she said back amused
“Oh, I forgot, by the way I don’t celebrate birthdays...
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Bella's pov


4 years have past since I found out that I was a half witch, half vampire. That year was so busy and hectic. Me giving birth to Mason, the volturi showing up to kill him, seeing Daniel and Leann again, than those strong witches who came after me and then the worsted thing of that year were the vampire hunters.
I still having a hard time remembering what happened to those hunters, I know I killed some hunters but still my memory is blank on some points.
The best thing that happened that year was Edward and me going to Isle Esme on vacation in our own vacation home. Now...
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Bella's pov

After we were done hunting, Edward grabbed my hand and dragged me to our home. I saw the suitcases unpacked and remember why they were packed in the first place.
Suddenly Edward grabbed them and start pulling everything of Mason out of the suitcases.
“What are you doing” I said totally surprised.
“I’m making our suitcases so we can leave” he said not looking at me but still busy making the suitcases ready.
“What, where are we going then” I said in a hurry.
“We are going on vacation, remember, I promised that when all of this mess was over, we would go on vacation” he...
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Bella's pov

It was still black in front of me but I heard voices, how could I hear voices, wasn’t I death. I start listening to the voices, trying to make sense to what they are saying.
“Why isn’t she waking up, it’s been a week” I heard Edward say. How could I heard Edward’s voice, am I not death. I think I’m not death, I wasn’t even sure yet.
“She will wake up, when she’s ready, she’s been thru a hard time” I Heard Carlisle voice answering Edward’s question.
I guess I need to wake up someday so I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Edward’s eyes, they were...
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Bella's pov

I heard a noise coming from the forest and I start focusing to found out who it was, then I saw Daniel coming out of the forest standing next to Leann.
I turned myself towards Daniel and Leann
“help them, carry them inside, I’ll clean up the mess” I said strong.
“Bella, what are you going to do” Daniel asked me with worried voice
“Don’t worry Daniel, I’m just a little hungry,” I said to him and turned myself towards the 3 hunters.
“It’s time to finish this” I said and raise my hands towards them and said

Clear moon, Dark night
Don’t move, hold them tight
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