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It was another one of those cold rainy nights in Gotham City, and the Batman was currently perched atop a gargoyle on one of the buildings overlooking the city and watching to see if anything suspicious was happening, since this was one of his nightly patrols where he surveyed the city and kept watch for any crime.

Batman had mostly dealt with various crimes throughout these recent patrols and all of them were minor ones such as break-ins, muggings and gang assaults which he had managed to stop all of them from happening. The Caped Crusader had been feeling a little suspicious these nights however, and this was because he had not seen much activity from the various members of his Rogues Gallery.

All of the criminals here were bitter enemies of Batman who had caused so much chaos and misery over the years to break down Batman and eventually kill him, and some of these maniacs had come very close to accomplishing this goal. Some of the top members of this group consisted of Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Clayface, Bane and Harley Quinn since they were known enemies that had come close to slaying the Dark Knight.

It had been about a month or two now since the last time any of them caused terror, when Batman took down the Joker and Harley after a failed building siege and sent them packing back to Arkham Asylum, where most of the other villains were locked up after Batman defeated them too. Once that was all done, there was no other breakouts or destruction being caused, which Batman thought was a nice change but deep inside him, he knew this was odd behaviour and he suspected something was going to happen.

Batman continued looking around the city before his scanner detected something happening down in a dark alleyway, where it seemed to be some criminal activity involving a group of thugs vandalising property. It was enough to send the vigilante down there to check things out and detain them.

As the rain continued, Batman leapt off the gargoyle and spread his cape wide as he glided through the city and headed down to the alleyway to investigate what was happening. He soon landed and hid behind a large dumpster to get a closer look, and he saw a group of about five thugs, all of them wearing hoodies and spray painting something onto the wall, like a message or sorts.

It wasn’t long before Batman decided to confront these criminals head on, and so he slowly appeared from behind the dumpster and walked over towards the group of thugs until one of them noticed footsteps and turned out to see himself face to face with the Dark Knight himself.

“Guys! Batman’s here!” shouted the thug.

As soon as those words were spoke, all of the criminals turned around and were shown to be wearing killer clown masks, showing that they were associated with Joker’s gang. They all spent little time charging at the Batman with knives and machetes drawn but the Caped Crusader was smarter than them and he immediately jumped straight over them before using his combat skills to disarm the thugs and knock them out with some solid punches.

Once the fight had ended, Batman looked around and surveyed the area to see what had been vandalised, and soon enough he noticed a spray painting of Joker on the brick wall followed by a small note pinned to the bottom. He looked closely at the note and found out that it was some kind of message directed towards the vigilante.

“Dear Batman, I hereby invite you to our grand party taking place down at the Gotham docks in the warehouse. I hope you’ll enjoy it, because it’s full of jokes and giggles even a giant bad bat would enjoy! See you soon, my old chap!”

Batman felt a feeling of immense caution and dread as he read the contents of the note. It wasn’t the first time something like this had happened as he had taken on the Joker in various ways straight out of a children’s picture book and the dark knight went along with the clown’s sick games as a way to defeat him and stop his terror from happening further.

It was mostly going to be a repeat of that process except this time there was other villains suspected to be involved, since in the note the Joker had made it clear that he wasn’t alone as he implied others would be there as well. Batman wasn’t sure which of his enemies would be there with the Joker but he could not take any risks, so he had to prepare himself for any bad outcomes.

“Alright Joker, time to crash your party…”

As the rain continued to hail down in the night, Batman had driven over towards the Gotham docks and proceeded to grapple up towards a nearby rooftop where he surveyed the giant warehouse for any clues. It didn’t take long before he noticed another spray painting on the wall, close to the main entrance area and flew down to take a closer look.

Batman soon went down to the main entrance and scanned the spray painting on the wall with his detective vision, and it revealed a message along with a symbol which looked similar to a weapon. It read that something was waiting inside the building for the lucky guest, which was implied to be Batman himself as the dark knight soon figured out.

He then noticed that there was something off with the entrance, and a quick thermal scan revealed that the door was rigged with an explosive to incapacitate whoever opened the door. Batman wasn’t going to fall for this however and he soon grappled up to the rooftop and entered through the top hatch compartment, landing on the railings in the upper level of the warehouses main section.

Once he was inside, Batman started looking around the warehouse and seeing if there was anything unusual around the area. It seemed like there wasn’t anything wrong as the warehouse seemed to have been untouched like the workers there had packed up and finished for the night. Batman was left confused but was still suspicious, and continued searching until he saw something stand out that caught his eye.

“What is that…?” said Batman to himself.

It was a medium rectangular object sitting in the middle of the main floor, which was too obstructed by darkness to be clearly seen from afar but it looked unusual and out of place in the large warehouse. Batman scanned the object but it was unable to be identified unless up close, so after double checking the surroundings the caped crusader headed over to take a closer look at the object.

As the Batman reached the object, he soon found out that it was actually some sort of a present, decorated with a black wrapping paper that had the symbol of Batman pasted across multiple times, with a blue ribbon on the top that kept the present together. It left the vigilante rather confused upon the discovery, as he was expecting this to be something rather dangerous and not a seemingly harmless wrapped present.

“Okay, now this isn’t right…”

Batman soon noticed that there was a small handwritten note pasted onto the side on the present which contained a sort of message. He then grabbed the note and started reading the message, which said this.

“Open your present Bats, and prepare to be amazed!”

The vigilante knew for sure now that this present was some kind of death trap so he decided to go ahead and open the present so that he could immediately sort out whatever was waiting for him inside. He used the spikes on his armoured gloves to cut open the ribbon, and shortly afterwards the entire box started collapsing down and it revealed a large pair of Joker Teeth which was armed with a machine gun.

It wasn’t long before the Joker Teeth spotted Batman and immediately begun opening fire, throwing bullets everywhere and shredding everything in its path. The caped crusader wasn’t going to be affected by this, and swiftly dodged out of the way before throwing a Batarang at the Joker Teeth, causing it to explode immediately upon impact.

Batman had now thought the trouble had ended for now, although unfortunately for him it had only just started because now he started feeling an incredible amount of fear and paranoia which only led to one conclusion, the Scarecrows fear toxin was stored in the Joker Teeth and when that exploded, it spread everywhere and infected him.

“Oh shit…this is not good…” moaned Batman.

As the toxin continued to spread, Batman felt himself getting weaker and weaker and collapsed to the ground, and he heard footsteps and a bunch of voices approaching him which sounded like demonic laughter before he soon fell unconscious.

Batman soon awoke after what seemed like a long time unconscious, and was already feeling groggy and in severe amounts of pain. His vision was blurry but from the close surroundings he could see that he was chained up on a stretcher which was upright and in front of him he could see several figures sitting around a large table.

It wasn’t long before his vision started to recover, and he could now see several of his most hated enemies sitting down before him, which consisted of the Joker, Harley Quinn, Riddler, Clayface, Bane, Two-Face and Penguin. All of them were sitting there and looking at the restrained Batman with amused looks on their faces.

“Well now, it seems the Batman has been contained!” laughed Penguin.

“I wasn’t expecting you to fall for something that stupid, Batman” said Riddler.

“Mistah J captured you like a foolish creature who walked into a trap!” laughed Harley.

“I wasn’t expecting a smart and intelligent person like you to fall victim to something like this, but I could really care less since the demon inside me wants you dead” said Two-Face.

Bane and Clayface didn’t say anything but merely watched and smirked in amusement, finding the Batman to be captured and defenceless a large victory for them as they could now do whatever damage they could to him. It was a tough situation for the caped crusader, as he was now completely at the mercy of his worst enemies.

As he watched the scene unfold right in front of him, the Joker slowly rose out of his chair and grabbed a nearby bowler hat, placing it neatly on his head before taking a magician wand out of his coat and ran over to Batman, laughing crazily as he saw his nemesis all vulnerable before using the wand as a microphone and speaking up.

“Hello there Batman! So nice of you to join our party tonight!” laughed Joker.

“Joker…what the hell are you even planning…” groaned Batman.

“It’s quite simply, my dear Bats! Myself and the other fellows have decided to throw ourselves a wonderful party full of villainous hijinks and comedic fun, and of course you are the lucky guest!”

“I don’t want to be any part of your sick games, Joker”

“I guess that’s too bad, because you are completely powerless to do anything and we can do whatever we want to you! Now come along, we have a load of fun and games in store for the big bad Batman! Hahaha!”

Joker proceeded to grab the stretcher that contained Batman and started wheeling it off into the next room, while the other villains followed them in short pursuit clearly entertained at the prospect of throwing a fun party and making things miserable for the dark knight. It was going to be a blast for all of them.

It wasn’t long before the group of villains arrived with Batman in the party room, which was filled to the brim with various food and drinks along with arcade games and party games as well. As the Batman looked at his surroundings he could tell all of them were stolen as there were reports of unsolved thefts taking place at the local arcade and party shops around Gotham, guess he now knew the answer to where they ended up.

Batman didn’t have long to react before his enemies then proceeded to roll the stretcher containing the caped crusader to the wall and placed it neatly before then walking back to the nearby table and grabbing a bunch of darts, aiming them right at Batman who knew what was going to happen but as he was powerless to resist, all he could do was deal with it and brace himself.

“I’m calling this game Darts the Bats, and all you have to do is throw the darts all across the Batman and strike the high scores, sounds pretty simple!” explained Riddler with smugness in his voice.

“It sounds like a fun idea Riddle Brain, let’s put this to the test!” said Joker.

It didn’t take long before the group of villains started throwing the darts at Batman like crazy, striking him all across his body as they tried to damage him heavily and claim the high scores. It seemed obvious to the dark knight that the main target was his torso, as he was getting many darts thrown there but luckily due to how well protected his armour was he was taking very little damage, but it still hurt him though.

After a minute or two, the dart throwing came to an end as the villains gathered together and observed their scores, which they counted from how many darts they had thrown along with where they had struck the Batman. It was then concluded that Two-Face had scored first place with 200 points, while Bane was the runner-up with 150 points. Joker, Riddler, Harley and Clayface had reached between 50 to 100 points so they were the lower scored but nevertheless all of them seemed positive with the outcome.

“I won this stupid game, so take that you shitty Bat!” shouted Two-Face.

“I’ve broken him before, so doing this seemed like child’s play compared to back then” said Bane.

“I had fun though, even though I kept absorbing the darts…” said Clayface.

Batman didn’t respond to his taunting enemies, instead he merely watched them and gritted his teeth because this wasn’t something he was enjoying at all and the fact there was going to be more of this garbage made him feel heavy amounts of dread, while Joker and company couldn’t care less as they were already having a good time.

“Alright boys, time for the next game!” shouted Joker in amusement.

It was then that the villains headed over towards the arcade machines, and each villain chose a different arcade game to play which suited their style more, except for Joker and Harley, who chose a co-op shooter machine. After a minute of getting ready, the fun and playing started and it was a rather entertaining sight to witness.

Bane was currently dominating the basketball machine as he was throwing all of the balls through the hoop successfully but unfortunately due to his sheer power he ended up smashing the machine completely, while Two-Face was showing off his unique combat skills in a casual game of Street Fighter. Riddler had won a racing game in short time due to his intelligence while Penguin managed to survive about 15 rounds in a survival shooter before eventually succumbing to the various monsters.

Clayface was having some tough times as he was trying to play the first level of Pac-Man but unfortunately due to his condition he was unable to control what was happening and eventually the arcade machine broke down as his skin liquified the electronics. Joker and Harley were having it better then everyone else, as the crazy duo were dominating at the co-op shooter by using their criminal knowledge and experience with weapons to completely slaughter everyone in their path and they eventually ended up winning the game.

“I guess this is my chance to free myself and take them all down…”

Batman thought it would now be the perfect time for him to escape from his shackles and take down his enemies as they were completely distracted playing the arcade games. He started using the spikes on his gloves to tear down the straps holding him down, although unfortunately for the vigilante, Joker had already electrified the stretcher to react if there was an escape attempt being made, and this soon came true for Batman as he was suddenly electrified, causing him to scream in intense pain.

It seemed like the villains knew this would eventually happen, as all of them turned around the instant after Batman got electrocuted to laugh maniacally and taunt the caped crusader at his stupidity to free himself. Joker in particular couldn’t stop laughing, eventually calming himself down and speaking up.

“I didn’t think you would be so stupid Bats, you must have known in that dark brain of yours that we were always prepared for your bag of tricks!” cackled Joker.

“I’m guessing he was already knocked down enough from the fear toxin, that it left his dumbass head in the clouds enough to try one of the boring old escape tactics that never work anymore!” shouted Penguin.

“It doesn’t matter though, we still got the Batman captive and that’s all that matters” replied Two-Face.

“I’m so happy you used one of my ideas for once, Puddin!” said Harley.

Batman groaned in severe agony and opened his eyes, looking to see the group of villains laugh heavily at his failure and then gather around in a circle again, counting up the points they had earned during their time at the arcade machines based on who had performed the best. It was then determined that Joker and Harley were the winners with 250 points while Penguin and Two-Face were the runner-ups with 200 and 150 points, respectively.

As the results were shown, there was a mixture of celebration and anger among the villains before they immediately went to work on what was to happen next, as Joker and Harley armed themselves with a crowbar and a barbed wire baseball bat respectively, while Penguins drew his umbrella and Two-Face armed himself with his twin pistols. Riddler, Bane and Clayface merely sat from the sidelines and watched what was to unfold next.

“It’s now time for the grand prize, breaking the Batman!” shouted Joker happily.

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t try to do something I already accomplished” growled Bane in anger.

“Oh relax Bane, this is all entertainment at the end of the day” muttered Riddler in response.

Batman tried to brace himself for what was going to happen next but despite his best attempts that was unable to happen, as Joker suddenly struck him in the stomach with the crowbar without warning at full force, shattering his armour and giving him excruciating pain, while Harley then swung the barbed wire bat right at his face, causing a direct hit on the cowl and caused him to start bleeding from the inside, cut open from the sharp blades of barbed wire.

As if things couldn’t get worse, the Penguin then struck by stabbing him right in the the gut with the sharpened blade of his umbrella, giving the vigilante heavy amounts of unbearable pain and causing him to cough up blood profusely. Two-Face then delivered the final blow by firing two shots from his pistols directly at his legs, striking the kneecaps and wounding Batman severely, who was now in serious pain from this brutal torture.

“I think we did enough damage on Batman, so what do the judges think?”

Joker, Harley, Penguin and Two-Face then put down their weapons and looked over towards the trio of Bane, Clayface and Riddler, who then started writing down their thoughts on a whiteboard but had some difficulty choosing who inflicted the most damage, and Joker beating his hands on his chest to intimidate a drum roll certainly didn’t help matters as it annoyed them greatly.

Eventually, the three villains made their decisions and displayed their signs to the other four villains, and it showed a rather surprising show of thoughts. Bane chose Penguin as he liked the crime bosses ruthlessness, while Riddler thought Two-Face crippling Batman with his guns was especially deadly and to his liking. Clayface lastly picked Joker as he loved how sudden and unexpected he was in striking first with the crowbar.

It seemed all of the villains were now left satisfied at the brutal torture they had inflicted on Batman as it was payback and revenge for all the trouble and misery that had been caused by the caped crusader, who was now groaning heavily in pain and nearly unconscious as a result of the torture.

“Ugh, fuck…this hurts too bad…” moaned Batman.

“I guess there’s the sign that shows Batman here enjoyed this” said Penguin smugly.

“It sure seems like that, because he is hurting too bad” replied Bane.

“Batman deserves all of this because of what he did to us, he got it coming!” shouted Two-Face in severe anger.

As the taunting continued to rain down on him, Batman wasn’t sure how more could possibly handle, as what started as a stupid party ended up turning into a nightmare for him as he was struck with sharp darts all across and was then brutally tortured to near death by the worst of his enemies. He could only hope for a miracle or opening to happen as he drifted in and out of consciousness as a result of the bleeding.

It was then that the taunting suddenly came to a sudden end as the Joker clapped his hands together, signalling the rest of the villains to stop talking and face the clown prince of crime as he had something to say. Joker then stopped clapping and spoke up.

“It seems that are nearing the end of our fun party, my friends!” spoke Joker.

All of the other villains weren’t happy hearing this, and moaned loudly in a mixture of anger and disappointment before the Joker hushed loudly causing them to shut up again.

“I wasn’t finished here, so that means it’s time for the final act of entertainment and amusement which is the feast room! Let’s go now, my fellow chaps!”

Batman was then rolled from the stretcher into the next room by the fellow villains, who were now cheering loudly in celebration and amusement seeing as all of them were hungry, although the Dark Knight was feeling immense pain from being beaten and tortured, and he now expected the final event to be even worse due to having been in similar situations like this before. It was going to be horrible for him in the end.

It didn’t take long for everyone to enter the feast room, which was filled to the brim with various amounts of delicious food and beverages, ranging from roast chickens and pizzas to whiskeys and juices while a large chocolate cake was in the middle. All the villains mouths watered at the tasty sight, lured in by the unique smell emitted by the food along with their appearance as well.

“It’s time to dig in boys, fuck yeah!” shouted Penguin.

“I’m all in on this lovely grub, for sure” replied Two-Face.

Almost immediately like the rush of wind, the villains were seated at the table and indulging in the wonderful grub and lovely treats that were presented to them, which resulted in a range of funniness occurring. Bane and Clayface were busy devouring the chicken and chips on their plates while Penguin consumed some fish and potato wedges along with a large bowl of ice cream, which only succeeded in giving the crime boss a massive brain freeze which didn’t help him whatsoever.

Two-Face was calmly eating his plate of fish and chips with a serving of chocolate cake like normal while Riddler was enjoying himself eating mashed potatoes and chicken with broccoli and carrots as a side dish, preferring to keep himself healthy. Joker and Harley were having the most food out of the other villains, consuming a buffet of pizza and chicken wings with chips and a dessert combination of ice cream and chocolate cake. Batman however wasn’t so lucky, as the wounded vigilante was being pelted with leftover food and even got pie-faced with a plate of curry, leaving him even more bitter and wishing for this madness to end straight away.

It seemed like the caped crusader got his wish when his enemies finished off the heavy amounts of food and relaxed in comfort, satisfied with the grub they had just consumed. They looked over at Batman and started laughing heavily finding the sight of him wounded and covered with leftover food and desserts to be hilarious for their eyes.

“I’m loving this too much, seeing the mighty Batman a wreck before our eyes!” laughed Riddler.

“Bats got humiliated like a stupid fish, courtesy of the brilliant Mistah J!” replied Harley.

“I must admit, this party has been rather fun beyond my expectations” said Bane.

Joker proceeded to get off his chair and walked over to the nearby cabinet, where he retrieved a remote and walked back over towards Batman, kicking the stretcher over towards the wall and laughed for a minute before calming down and speaking up.

“Well ladies and gentlemen, it seems like our wonderful party has finally come to a dramatic end” responded Joker. “However, I still have one more trick to show you guys, which is a special cake for the lucky guest himself, Batman!”

As he announced this, Joker pressed the button on the remote and a section of the floor opened up to show a giant white wedding cake underneath, decorated very well with unique icing and lovely sweets. It seemed harmless until the top section revealed a gallon drum filled with poisonous toxic water, which showed how this entire cake was actually a death trap meant to execute Batman once and for all.

Bane and Clayface then moved behind Batman and started rolling the stretcher containing the vigilante over towards the trap door, while Penguin and Harley followed closely, laughing and taunting him all the while. Two-Face and Riddler watched from the sidelines cackling to themselves and at the end of the line stood Joker, who seemed pleased with himself and delighted to see Batman all broken.

“Goodbye Batman, and see you down in hell!”

Batman was then thrown down the trap door by the combined efforts of Bane and Clayface, and splashed heavily into the toxic gallon drum. It wasn’t long before the stretcher began to immediately sink towards the bottom, and the dark knight was now presented with a serious life and death situation. He had to free himself from the prison that contained him otherwise he would be a goner.

As the Batman’s survival instincts kicked in, he felt the ropes and straps holding him down begin to come loose and dissolve due to the acid poison in the waters, which eventually completely broke apart and allowed the caped crusader to free himself and swim to the surface, climbing out out of the gallon drum and resting for a while on the surface, while tending to his various wounds through the emergency first-aid section on his gadget belt.

After a few minutes of recovering, Batman regained himself and looked up towards the ceiling to see that the trap door was soon open, giving him an advantage to get back up there and take down his enemies. Batman knew he had to take down all of the villains, after torturing him and nearly killing him they were all now going to be stopped.

“It’s time to get my revenge, and take you all down…” thought Batman.

He then took out his trusty grapple gun and aimed it towards the trap door, before then firing it and zipping up towards the upper floor where he landed successfully. Batman scoured the room for the villains but they were nowhere to be seen, until the vigilante activated his detective vision and detected them in the party room, occupied with playing the arcade machines as a means of celebration.

As Batman wondered how to take them down, he noticed a large power box on the wall next to the door and it contained all of the power cords and lights to the party room. He decided to best option was to cut off the power and ambush them all in the dark in order to take them down, so he got straight to work on that.

All of the villains meanwhile were currently having a blast in the party room, playing all of the arcade machines and party games along with having the remaining food and drinks there too, celebrating over their satisfaction of having supposedly killed the Batman for good, however they were all going to find out that was not the case.

Suddenly, the power in the party room went down without warning, plunging the entire room into complete darkness and leaving the villains very confused and angry, wondering what the hell was going on.

“Oi, who turned the bloody lights off?!” shouted Penguin.

Batman then made his entrance and ambushed all of them by surprise, starting off with Clayface who he took down by deploying a freeze grenade which froze him completely in place. Bane was the next one to fall as he went behind and grabbed onto his Venom Tank before riding Bane like a bull and throwing him into a nearby arcade machine, electrocuting the large brute and knocking him unconscious.

Two-Face had suspected what was happening as he armed himself with his twin pistols and begun recklessly shooting everywhere, hoping the bullets would take down Batman but he was much smarter, managing to dodge them perfectly before a cold punch to the face knocked down the criminal. Riddler then came running up to Batman but he move out the way and knocked him to the ground, before he then dodged a slash of the Penguin’s umbrella and then picked up the small crime boss, throwing him onto Riddler and taking both of them out the fight.

It seemed now like all was in the clear until the Batman remembered he still had to deal with Joker and Harley Quinn, and before he could make his next move he detected Harley Quinn walking over with her hammer in hand, ready to deliver a fatal blow although the Dark Knight wasn’t going down that easily, and Batman delivered a fierce elbow to the face of Harley, sending the jester down to the floor and then found Joker, staring at him with knives in hand.

“I thought you died down there, how is this happening?!” yelled Joker.

“It’s simple, the party’s over” replied Batman.

Joker then ran over towards Batman and swung his knives maniacally, in which the caped crusader dodged all of them with his perfect combat skills before landing a solid punch to the Joker’s face, knocking him backwards and causing him to nearly lose his balance before the Batman struck again, kicking him in the neck and then delivering a final knockout punch to the Joker, taking down the clown prince of crime completely.

Batman took a moment to regain his stamina before he then dragged the villains together and made sure they wouldn’t escape by tying them all with a metal chain. He called the GCPD soon afterwards and explained what happened before finally telling them the address, and decided it was time for him to call it a night, as he was still hurting from the injuries he had sustained from all his enemies.

It wasn’t long before the Batman left the warehouse through the same hatch where he entered, and made sure to disarm the explosive at the main door before summoning the Batmobile, where he drove back to Wayne Manor for a good nights rest and midnight snack, which he deserved after this heavy ordeal.

Batman had soon made it back to the manor and mostly stayed in the Batcave until he went to bed, where as Bruce Wayne he enjoyed himself by eating a plate of fish and chips with a handful of wedding cake as dessert, and had his wounds tended to by Alfred which made him feel better. He also got some satisfaction of watching the GCPD arrest all of the villains and send them back to Arkham once more too.

He was soon feeling tired and sleepy, so he switched off the Batcave and went into his bedroom where he soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep, which the vigilante deserved after having gone through this horrible event which would have scarred some for life, but not the Batman because he never gave up in the faces of evil and always managed to take down his worst enemies at the end of the day, which left him feeling happy about himself and now he was having a much better sleep as a result.

Batman had prevailed once more, and Gotham was safe…