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Robert Pattinson Question

What do you think the world would be like without Twilight?

What do you think the world would be like without Twilight?
 Sierra100 posted over a year ago
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Robert Pattinson Answers

shieldmaiden said:
A whole lot better and much less fangirly. Worthy and well-written literature would be decorating the shelves of the young adult section at book stores, not this pilfered, plotless garbage.
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posted over a year ago 
ouch thats really hard. You have to se these boks and movies from a diffrent oint of view. You shouldnt dis this great book. And last on Stephanie Meyers behalf. These books are great literature.
GoldenEyesLover posted over a year ago
For your information, I have read Twilight twice. The first time I read it was before all the hype started up, when the book had just hit bookstore shelves. I found the cover to be intriguing, but the story within to be dull, lifeless, and plotless even. It took major effort on my part to get through the remainder of the novel. No, as you put it, great literature should not be that much of a struggle to get through. After that first read, I made the decision that I absolutely despised the novel, and thus it was placed in the back of my bookshelves to gather dust over the next two years. I did go and see the film with an open mind, which you can read my review of it at the following link: linkThat film overall was weak and not very well made. I decided however, to give the book another go. About three chapters in, I was strongly reminded of how plotless, boring, and ridiculous it was. It now is back in my bookcase gathering dust, and I plan to either sell it for a very cheap price at a garage sale, or just toss it in the garbage where it belongs all together. In conclusion, I gave this series a chance, not once, but twice, and I am still adamant that it is among the worst pieces of literature out there, next to Zoey Dean's A-List series. You are entitled to your own opinion, however please remember that I am entitled to mine as well.
shieldmaiden posted over a year ago
0524wes08 said:
Probally boring and the only decent books about Vampire out there are Anne Rice's vampire chronicles.But that is mostly for adult then for young readers.Not only that I would not have gone goo goo ga ga over Robert as much.
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Probally boring and the only decent books about Vampire out there are Anne Rice's vampire chronicles.But that is mostly for adult then for young readers.Not only that I would not have gone goo goo ga ga over Robert as much.
posted over a year ago 
Holy crap! Awesome picture!!
snoznoodle posted over a year ago
0524wes08 posted over a year ago
LanaBanana said:
The world would be horrible! what would teenage girls get to scream over? horrible high school musical remakes?? GAHHH. TWILIGHT IS OUR SAVIOUR!
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posted over a year ago 
If Twilight didn't exist, you could scream over Mr. Darcy, Michael Moscovitz, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, and Mr. Rochester. All are characters who are written much better than Edward's character, are complex, and undergo extraordinary character development. I definitely wouldn't mind screaming over them if I resorted to such fan-girl like ways.
shieldmaiden posted over a year ago
Oh thank you. Someone who sees reason! I like Twilight but it has big faults and there are better books out there. They just might not be as addictive.
snoznoodle posted over a year ago
Paperbrain said:
OMG!! it would be a world without twilight O.o
nothin more to it, i honestly dont think it would have made such a difference. of course. I love the books too, but if they never had existed in the first place, im sure i wouldnt have missed them. how can u miss somethin u dont know? By the way, even though im a huge fan (and i read potter too.. they are both more then equel for i have studied literature and know what im talkin about...) i still have my own life wich keeps me occupied enough. A world outside of Twilight, with a job, and Family, my love and friends.
Thats all i got to say :)
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posted over a year ago 
whooshaa said:
It would be more or less the same. I just wouldn't have Twilight posters in my room & I wouldn't have a Twilight site xD
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posted over a year ago 
You talk with sense. Im guessing twilight isnt your biggest thing. It is for some of us.
GoldenEyesLover posted over a year ago
I absolutely LOVE Twilight!! (went to a convention in another country and have my own fansite xD) But what I don't have I can't miss isn't it xD But I admit my answer would be different if the question would be about Harry Potter xDD
whooshaa posted over a year ago
ClaraViola said:
The world would be delightful cause I hate Twilight and it's fans are so childish and annoying.I LOVE Rob,but I hate Twilight.
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posted over a year ago 
shieldmaiden posted over a year ago
You two are obviously the smart people who can't forgive all the faults with the writing/characters. *respect* I know all the things that are wrong with Twilight... unfortunately for some reason I can ignore all of it and still melt over Edward. No matter how cliche and "boring" his character is. I'm not as strong lol!
snoznoodle posted over a year ago
Sadly there would still be Twilight, even without Robert. It would just be some other poor soul thrust into that position of becoming the object of unwanted affection from millions of ridiculous teen girls who only love him for the character he played. Remember, he got is start as the kind Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, just wish that had remained as his only franchise film...
shieldmaiden posted over a year ago
snoznoodle said:
It wasn't that long ago when Twilight came out. Let me think... there'd be less people who love vampires and would consider them to be future husbands... probably less people reading I suppose... oh and no "I kissed a vampire and I liked it" shirts. So pretty much how the world was five years ago before Twilight came out.
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posted over a year ago 
I just looked up the release date of the book because I couldn't remember either. It was released on September 6, 2006.
shieldmaiden posted over a year ago
GoldenEyesLover said:
The workd would be lame. Everyone would continue on the mean world of Buffy the vampire Slayer. tere wouldnt be any good vampires. And no team Edward//// Or Jacob.
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posted over a year ago 
wsblackshirts24 said:
borin and uneventfull
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posted over a year ago 
Blossom71 said:
The world would be the same as it was before twilight,because we wouldn't know the diffrents.But i'm glad as hell that twilights in it!!!
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posted over a year ago 
daddysdiva said:
probably erally boring!!!!!!!there would be nothing else to do!!!
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posted over a year ago 
hoty3 said:
i dont really what it will be like with out twilihght because i never had a placw without twilight
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posted over a year ago 
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