Recess Club
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posted by sturmelle15
It had been a typical Monday at Third Street School and Principal Prickly arrived in the classroom to inform the kids Miss Finster was back, but she had Tourette's syndrome. If you hear her yell out vulgar phrases, just pay as little attention to it as you can. She can't help herself. said Principal Prickly, leaving afterwards. Miss Finster, can I use the bathroom? asked TJ Fuck you kid. You're a Dick. yelled Miss Finster, suddenly covering up her mouth. A while later, some stuff fell off her desk, she shouted vulgar phrases at the stuff that fell, causing the kids to laugh. Who the fuck said you could laugh? asked Miss Finster, startling the students. Miss Finster, can I use the bathroom? I never went earlier. asked TJ Go shit in your desk. said Miss Finster. Fine, you can go. But make it quick. said Miss Finster. At the end of the day, when TJ, Vince, Mikey, Gus, Gretchen, and Spinelli were walking home, Miss Finster stuck her head out the classroom window and yelled PISS really loudly, startling the young students. The next day went on the same way, with Miss Finster swearing in front of her students. When TJ opened the window to let some air in, a bird flew in, causing TJ to inform Miss Finster that a bird had gotten loose in the classroom. WHAT!? yelled Miss Finster. HOLY SHIT! she yelled, putting down her magazine and grabbing the nearest object she could find, being a ruler to swat at the bird, instead knocking stuff off shelves. Miss Finster, you're making a mess of the classroom. said TJ, trying to calm her down. I'M TOO PISSED TO GIVE A SHIT! she yelled. DAMNIT! FUCK! This went on until lunch. Miss Finster decided it was just as well if she gave up her pursuit of the bird. After lunch, when TJ and the rest of the students were returning, they came in to see Miss Finster was at it again. You're still after that bird? asked TJ Yes. said Miss Finster The weekend finally came and Miss Finster had much to do. She went to a really bad end of town and got to where she needed to go early and had a two hour wait, so she decided to pass the time by using the ladies room. An hour later, an angry man stormed into the room, wanting to fight Miss Finster. The fight ended up consisting of Miss Finster trashing the place and throwing chairs everywhere.